"Level… level 150?"
All the elite team members looked shocked.
There were about a hundred members in this elite team and all of them were equipped with above average gear.
This was on an entirely different level than the ones that were distributed. Most of this gear was of magic grade and unique grade and even had a few special effects.
However, even these people could only stand dumbfounded at the sight of the terrifying creatures.
Not only were there about a hundred or more Level 50 to 60 isons, there were also two Level 150 isons leading this small swarm.
The isons had evolved way faster than anyone had ever imagined!
What were they supposed to do now? Everyone had prepared for this day, for this war, after making certain assumptions. Everything was carefully planned based on the scouts reports. Now everything was wrong?
Several of the Elite team members shivered and trembled.
Mass Release Chapter 1~
Please thank Dagorith for sponsoring this mass release!
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