"This looks about right. I should now quickly start the forging process before the metal starts to cool down."
One of the listed properties of Orichalcum was its fast cooling rate because of its ability to be infused with atmospheric mana. So Liam did not even have to quench the metal before he started the next step.
He closed his eyes and zeroed his focus on the task at hand as she started his churning his mana core and infusing the metal with his personal mana.
This was the most crucial step in the process, according to the recipe. The more Liam infused the orichalcum metal with his mana and not the atmospheric mana, the more powerful the resulting golem would be.
This was also why using Orichalchum for this purpose was a double-edged weapon.
Mass Release chapter 3~
Please thank PleaseDontLaugh for sponsoring this mass release!
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