"The new quests require items exclusively from the portal bosses," Liam announced.
"So the quality of quests really did change…" Alex gasped a little. Rey and Shin Soo also looked at Liam with determination filling their eyes.
For Liam, this wasn't all that difficult of a quest, but for normal beginners like them, this quest was indeed a challenge. They could hone their fighting skills and combat abilities a lot by continuously fighting with these elites.
It could push their current skills and help them achieve a breakthrough. All three of them were immediately itching to get started.
Seeing the three almost staring at him with puppy dog eyes, Liam helplessly chuckled. "Do you guys also want to come with me for this grind or what?"
Sorry about the single-chapter releases. My eyes are very itchy and red, so I was trying my best not to strain for a couple of days, but I am feeling now. There should be more chapters in the next two days! Thanks for your patience.
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