Watching the pushy woman leave, swaying her hips and her pair of silvery wings, Alex shook her head helplessly. She finally turned to Liam to ask, "What is with this guild registration? Isn't the cost a bit too much? Do we absolutely need it?"
Alex could feel a headache coming just thinking about the number of beasts she had to kill to obtain such an insane amount of mana cores. First of all, where would they even find so many beasts? Also, mana cores were precious items as is.
There was a reason why they were being used as a currency. They had several uses, including fast mana recovery and production of various items, not to mention there was a chance one could gain additional stats by absorbing mana cores.
Taking all of this into consideration, wouldn't it be simply better to use the mana cores or exchange them for some skills instead of simply wasting them on registration?
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