"I can search here for some time and then head back to the train station to get the next train in a couple of hours."
Liam arrived at the place and saw that the size of the land was like a football ground or perhaps double that. It wouldn't be physically possible for him to comb through it to find if anything was hidden.
He took one look at the place and decided to go with the alternative. "No one is here. It should be fine." He summoned his soul minions and sat on the side, watching them do the job busily.
However, even this did not yield any results. After about an hour and a half, Liam had nothing to show for the effort. "What a waste of time." There was still only half an hour more left.
"Was there really nothing important here? Hmmm…" Liam looked at the place silently and then realized there was one other person he could add to the search party.
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