Liam quickly retreated back and used that few seconds head start he got to cast [Lava Rain].
A huge ball of lava crackled upwards and disintegrated into several big beads of lava that dropped from the sky.
The five wasps, who had already recovered from the last attack, once again shot after Liam with ferocity, only to be caught up in this lava rain.
Liam as well was under the same area but since he was not moving very much right now, he was able to avoid the lava rain drops easily.
The same could not be said for the wasps. They came at him with so much speed that they ended up getting hit several times before a good chunk of their health disappeared.
More importantly, their wings were finally ruined. All five wasps dropped down, struggling and both Liam and Luna quickly took care of the rest and finished the elites in no time.
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