"There is nothing we can do…" Shen Yue dazedly repeated Liam's words.
The two girls blankly stared at Liam holding their breath and waiting for him to say something that made sense and but it looked like that was not going to happen.
Liam also wanted to give them some space and time to process things but the two seemed as if their brain was going to shortcircuit.
So he quickly moved on to the next half of his speech.
"So that was the bad news…" He sat between the two women on the couch. He pulled over Mei Mei patted her and gently kissed her on the forehead again.
"There is also some good news."
The duo sharply turned and looked at Liam, their eyes widened like a deer in front of the headlights. Their whole world was collapsing, so there was also good news here?
How was it even possible?
"What are you saying, brother?" Mei Mei squeaked like a mouse. She was almost afraid of this good news.
Daily chapter~~
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