Under the watchful eyes of the several players gathered around the dungeon, a group of black-cloaked figures suddenly entered the vicinity.
The Twilight dungeon was a complete disaster for the players who entered, always resulting in party wipes and multiple deaths.
So, the average level players, the below-average players, and the ordinary everyday players had already entirely given up on the dungeon.
Only some dreamers and players from established guilds occasionally visited this hellish place to see if they finally had what it takes to clear the impossible dungeon.
So the players who were currently lingering around the spot were all from the top guilds of the Gresh Kingdom.
They watched the group of black-cloaked figures cross them and walk into the dungeon and sneered in contempt and disdain.
"Hiding their identities! Ha Ha Ha! Must think that they are all some sort of big shots!" One person laughed out loudly.
Daily chapter~~
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