In the silent moonlit night, amidst the hazy darkness, the loud crackling noises, and the sound of metal clashing with metal, a pair of dove-shaped adorable eyes flashed open.
Unaware of this…
Liam locked and parried with the assassin, only taking damage when the other party attacked him from within stealth.
This was his biggest issue. He could not predict the dark elf's bizarre movements.
He was using some sort of exceptional footwork to reduce his presence.
Liam used everything he had and was trying to deal with the dark elf as best as possible. The other person was also fighting with a vindictive rage.
"Huff. Huff. Huff." Liam panted. His entire body was drenched from top to bottom in trying to deal with this opponent in front of him.
Everything the assassin did was unpredictable.
He was not able to block and parry efficiently. His reaction speed couldn't match the veteran assassin.
Daily chapter~~
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