In an inn inside Itaka city… a group of demons was sitting around, eating and drinking to their fill.
"It's almost an entire day now since we arrived here. Hiriyu, where is the leader?"
Hiriyu shook his head. "The order is to wait. So we wait. Our leader is maybe very busy at the moment. We just follow orders."
The demon chugged the beer and smashed the wooden mug on the table, almost breaking it. "Rawwr. Our leader is too hardworking for his own good."
And meanwhile… the leader in question… was indeed working very hard.
Liam wiped the sweat off of his forehead as he tried to keep his face away from the cleavage of the demoness sitting atop him.
Just a few more hours… he reminded himself as he looked at the shelves that he had mostly covered and the clothes scattered on the ground.
Daily chapter~~
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