Kaaaaa! Kaaaaa!
Liam's attacks made the twin-tailed wind ripper's speed slow down and he managed to get in a couple of decent attacks.
He continued attacking the elite, switching between using his sword attacks and lightning bolts.
Compared to the bear king, this one did not last long as the bird was trapped within the cave unable to exhibit its full agility which was its strong point. It was also guarding the eggs which made it restless and unfocused.
"This has to be the easiest elite!" Liam grinned.
It was perhaps designed as a reward for the player who managed to climb atop the mountain first.
But this was not his final target, so without wasting a lot of time, he quickly brought down the wind ripper to its final bits of health.
As a last ditch attempt, the bird tried to use everything it had and sent out blasts of sharp winds by flapping both of its wings.
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