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22.22% From Jinchuriki to Speedster / Chapter 11: Pied Piper & Visitor

Chapitre 11: Pied Piper & Visitor

Week Later

Naruto sighed as he walked into Joe's house after capturing the Royal Flush Gang, closing the door he saw Iris walk down the stairs "Hey."

"Hey." Iris returned headed toward the couch

"You do realize the whole point of moving out is not being at home anymore, right?"

"So says the one who moved out first."

"Well someone has to look out for the old man, wouldn't want him to fall and break a hip." Naruto shrugged

"I heard that." said Joe as he walked in with a dish, before he looked to Iris "Babe spaghetti a la me. You sure you don't want to stay for dinner?"

"Thanks, but Eddie is painting all day and I swore that I would help." Iris said as she and Naruto walked over to the table "Although, I'm really just going to do that thing where I get a little paint on my hair and on my nose."

Joe smiled as he placed down the dish, and grabbed a bottle of wine before he remembered something "Oh, hey, someone from Central City Picture News called you the other day, I left the number on the fridge."

"What? Why didn't you tell me?" Iris asked

"Chill! Just did." Joe said causing Iris to sigh and run into the kitchen which allowed Joe to lean over to Naruto and whisper "Hey, I heard that some members of the Royal Flush Gang are headed to prison."

Naruto smirked and made to speak, but a scream from Iris caused them to look toward the kitchen "Is that a good scream or a bad scream?"

Iris returned with a large smile "Good! So good! I just got offered a job as a reporter at Central City Picture News."

"That's awesome!" Naruto said happy for his friend

"The editor's a fan of my blog!" Iris said excited

"That is amazing." Naruto nodded

"Oh, my God!" Iris said excited as she hugged Naruto while Joe sighed and sipped his wine


Well's House

Harrison rolled into his luxurious home, and immediately got out of his chair, and walked to his bar, and poured himself a glass of scotch and sighed as he listened to the smooth jazz that played before he heard his phone buzz

"Harrison Wells." Wells said answering his phone, only for no response to be given "Hello?"

"We both know what you did." a familiar voice said on the phone before it hung up

Wells immediately walked to his safe, and removed his handgun

"It's time to pay the piper!" he heard causing him to look up before his eyes widened when the glass suddenly shattered and he sped out of the way so that the shards didn't fall on him, before he ducked when the windows leading to the backyard shattered

Next Morning

Naruto was standing in his living room, in his workout clothes a black compressed tank top, and some basketball shorts, fastened around his wrists, and ankles were his gravity weights, he's been up since 5 am, it was now 8, so this would be his last exercise of the day. As he placed in his earbuds he looked to his phone and smirked at the first 4 songs on the Playlist

Linkin Park - In the End

Linkin Park - Numb

Linkin Park - Faint

Drowning Pool- Bodies

As the first song began to play, Naruto got into position facing the open balcony, as soon as the first lyric started Naruto took off

For the next 15 minutes, Naruto ran bobbing his head to his music, sometime singing along during the third and forth song he had gotten so hype that he accidentally overturned cars while running through Dubai, it happened a few times during the course of his 200 laps, he would run to fast and actually enjoying himself a little to much according to his speedometer watch courtesy of Cisco he had reached just under Mach 5

As he was vibing Naruto sighed in annoyance when his phone began to ring, effectively cutting off the song, Still running he answered the phone "Hello? Caitlin yeah, what's up? Where am I, um running somewhere in the Pacific." he said ducking when a great white tried to swallow him "Wells was attacked, by who? Hartley Rathaway, alright I'm on my wa-...he's attacking Rathaway Industries? Got it covered."

Naruto hung up and punched another great white sending it flying back into the ocean before he sped up and made it back to the main land and immediately headed home to shower and change into his suit before he headed to Rathaway Industries.

Rathaway Industries

Hartley Rathaway armed with gauntlets was shooting sound waves at his families business, before he heard sirens and looked to see 3 squad cars pull up "Get down on the ground!" a cop screamed only for Hartley to fire his gauntlets at him knocking him out, turning to focus on the building he was surprised whrn he wasnpushed to the ground by the Flash

"It's over, Rathaway." Naruto said looking down at the nerd who smirked

"You know my name. I know some names too. Caitlin Snow. Cisco Ramon. Harrison Wells." Hartley said standing up before Naruto grunted when his coms started to kick feed back causing him to look around before Hartley continued "I can hear the radio waves emanating from your suit. About 1900 megahertz. Is that them on the other end, listening? Are they gonna hear you die?"

"No. They're going to hear you get your ass kicked." Naruto said

"Okay." Hartley immediately fired sound waves at Naruto who grunted as he was sent through a reinforced glass plaque

Naruto was about to get up when he was suddenly picked up and carried a few blocks away with someone holding him to the wall

Naruto looked confused as he found himself looking at another Flash, only this one wasn't him, and he was holding his coms "Wha-"

"I don't have time to explain this to you right now." the other Flash said before he pulled out a dart

Naruto narrowed his eyes and caught the other Flash's wrist causing him to grunt "Make time." Naruto glared before he headbutted the other Flash and rushed him back into a dumpster while a quick 3 piece knocked the man out, tossing the imposter into the dumpster Naruto immediately rushed back

Hartley was looking for the Flash when he suddenly was without his gauntlets and was being held by his jacket "It's over." Naruto said as he reached a hand up to his ear to reactivate his coms "Nate are you there?" Cisco asked

"Yeah, I'm bringing in Hartley, and a guest." Naruto said before he and Hartley were gone

S.T.A.R. Labs

Cisco, and Caitlin looked at each other when Naruto said he was bringing a guest as well, they expected many things but a when he arrived with another Flash on his shoulder they were bewildered

"Who is this?" Cisco asked

"Don't know, but he knew about my coms, and he's a speedster." Naruto said before Cisco, and Caitlin looked at Hartley

"Well, the gang's all here. You've lasted a lot longer than I would've thought, Cisco." Hartley said

"And you didn't last ten seconds against The Flash." Cisco retorted

"I was thinking of calling myself Pied Piper."

"Hey! I assign the nicknames around here." Cisco said before after a moment followed up with "Although that one's not bad."

Hartley looked over to Caitlin and said "Caitlin. Never did get that wedding invite." he suddenly screamed when Naruto placed an electrified hand on his shoulder

"You want to repeat that?" Naruto asked as Hartley breathed heavily before Cisco grabbed him and pushed him forward

"Stay in front of me." Cisco ordered before Caitlin followed after them as they escorted Hartley down to the Pipeline, Naruto in a flash of speed had the mystery man tied to a chair in the cortex


Hartley remained silent glaring at his old colleagues as they forced him forward but Cisco stopped him "Scanners picking up foreign metallic objects in your ears. Take 'em out."

"I can't. I suffered head trauma when S.T.A. exploded. My hearing was severely damaged. Without these, I am in pain you can only imagine." Hartley said before he glanced to Caitlin and smiled "We all lost something that night. Ha. Very clever re-purposing the anti-proton cavities into confinement cells. Wells' idea, I'm sure."

"It was mine, actually." Cisco corrected

"Little Cisco. Still begging for his masters approval."Hartley said in Spanish

"If you're so smart, why are you in a cage?" Cisco replied back in Spanish

"Hartley, don't make this more difficult than it has to be." Caitlin said

"I forgot, you don't like emotions. They're messy." Hartley taunted

"Enough, Hartley." Wells said causing Hartley to look away when the man stopped between Caitlin, and Cisco "Give us a minute."

"See you soon, Cisco." Hartley called as Cisco and Caitlin walked away

"Doubt it!" Cisco retorted


Naruto took a blood sample and fingerprints from the mystery Flash, and was waiting for the results to come back in the database, when Caitlin, and Cisco walked back

"How's the douche?" Naruto asked

"Still a dick. How's mystery Flash?" Cisco asked walking over

"Still unconscious. I took a blood sample and his fingerprints waiting for the results." Naruto said getting a nod from Cisco before Caitlin picked up the dart the Flash tried to stick him with

"What's this?" Caitlin asked looking to him

"He tried to stab me with it."

"I'll run some test on it." Caitlin said getting a nod and smile from Naruto who gently shoulder bumped her causing her to smile

"You are brilliant." Naruto and Caitlin looked over to see Cisco had turned up the volume on Harrison and Hartley's conversation "And any anguish you have been through because of me was never my intent."

"Not bad as far as heartfelt apologies go. Except that wasn't for my benefit." Hartley said before he looked up toward a camera "That was for you, Flash."

Cisco and Caitlin glanced to Naruto who looked uninterested "Feels good to have the great Harrison Wells behind you, doesn't it? But one day, this man will turn on you In a flash And even you won't see it coming. I only hope that he leaves you in better shape than he left me. If you're lucky, you'll only be dead. Because every day I have to live with the agonizing, piercing screaming in my ears."

Naruto sighed "That's why you don't all your faith in people you look up to." he said sitting down as the his friends turned back to the computer to see Wells leaving

"I almost forgot I told your pet I know your deep, dark secret, Harrison. Have fun letting him in on that one." Hartley said

It only took a few moments for Wells to return "I assume you were all listening." he said causing everyone to only look at him although Wells kept glancing at the other Flash "Well, Hartley was telling the truth. I have not been honest with you. With any of you. The accelerator...Hartley warned me that there was indeed a chance that the accelerator could explode. His data did not show 100% certainty, just that there was a risk, but it was a real risk. And yet I made the decision that the reward that everything we could learn and everything we could achieve, that all of that simply outweighed that risk. I'm sorry."

Caitlin, and Cisco looked at Wells in shock, while Naruto felt he wasn't telling the entire story, before Caitlin walked over to Wells upset "The next time you choose to put our lives, and the lives of the people that we love, at risk, I expect a heads up."

Caitlin made to leave, but a groan caused her to stop as everyone turned to the Flash, who looked around "Caitlin, Cisco? What's going on?" he asked before he noticed he attached to the chair, while everyone looked at each other wondering how he knew Caitlin, and Cisco

"You attacked me, and I knocked you unconsious." Naruto said leaning forward causing the Flash to look at him

"Who are you?" Flash asked

"Well you attacked me, dressed up like me. So I guess the appropriate question would be who are you. You knew about my coms, your suit is just like mine down to the last detail, and you know Caitlin, and Cisco. How?"

"I'm the Flash, it's me Barry. Barry Allen."

Naruto narrowed his eyes while Wells looked shocked, while Cisco and Caitlin looked to Naruto worried "What did you say?" Naruto growled standing up before Cisco grabbed him by the shoulder causing him to stop "My brother has been dead for 14 years."

"Brother? Wait dead?" Barry asked as Caitlin walked to the computer that beeped and looked at the results in shock

"Nate." Caitlin called causing Naruto to look at her before she brought the results up on the monitors of all the computers causing everyone to see that there was a 99% match to the records of Bartholomew Allen causing everyone to look to Barry who saw a death certificate dated the day his mother was killed

"How is this possible?" Wells asked

"That's what I'd like to know." Naruto asked looking at Barry who looked at him "How are you alive?"

"I never died, my mom was killed by E...the man in yellow, and my dad went to jail for her murder, I was raised by Joe West, and I became the Flash a year ago, after"

"The particle accelerator exploded." Naruto interrupted causing Barry to look at him "How'd you get here?"

"I was in the Speed Force, and this thing that looked like it came straight out of Harry Potter appeared in front of me, and I tripped and fell, next thing I knew I was in that alley way, and I thought I could take over for my past self till I figured out my problem." Barry explained while Wells tensed

"You were trying to time travel?" Naruto asked getting a nod from Barry "Well in this world you, and our mother died 14 years ago, and I became the Flash. But judging by your story, your an only child on your earth."

Barry nodded, although he did glance at Wells "There going to run some test on you, while I go get some clothes for you, we're going to take a trip there's someone that needs to see you." Naruto said before he nodded to Caitlin and walked away , while Caitlin and Cisco looked to Barry

"Give us a minute would you." Caitlin said before she and Cisco both left while Wells stayed back with Barry

Neither of the two spoke, before Barry did "Let me out of this chair Thawne."

Eobard smirked "So you know. I'm guessing my counterpart got stuck in your world as well." he said as he stood up "I killed you once, now I can do it again."

"You can't kill me. Before I confronted my..brother. I hid a thumb drive in Joe's house telling him who you are and what your plan is. Only I know exactly where it is. How long do you think it'll be before he finds it."

Eobard glared at Barry trying to see if he was bluffing but all he saw in Barry's eyes were his hatred of him, before with a scoff he turned around and sat back to his seat,

With Naruto

Naruto was leaning on the wall rubbing a hand through his hair, "This can't be happening." he said before he looked up when Caitlin, and Cisco came over

"Hey, are you ok?" Caitlin asked, causing Naruto to shake his head

"I've been mourning my brother for as long as I can remember. Now an elder version of him, with exactly the same powers as me, is here. How do I handle that?" Naruto asked

"I have no idea." Cisco said as Naruto began to pace "So where are you going to take him?"

"To see my dad." Naruto nodded, before he took a deep breath "I'll deal with this, after the test you guys can worry about Hartley. I'm sorry you had to find out that Wells actually willingly put you and your loved ones at risk, like this."

Caitlin and Cisco frowned at the reminder, they still couldn't believe Wells would do that, it made them think on how much they really knew about the man considering they didn't know anything about him personally just work related things and stuff everyone knew about him thanks to his book


Cisco, Caitlin, and Wells were watching as Barry ran on the treadmill reaching only Mach 2.5, when he stopped while Cisco, and the others recorded the data

"Top speed is Mach 2.5." Cisco said causing Barry to nod having already known that information

"Hey how fast is Nate?" Barry asked curious

"Um, last time we checked he was just under Mach 4." Caitlin said causing Barry to look surprised

"How? I mean around this time, I was barely above Mach 1." Barry asked

"Well Nate, works out alot he's been advancing even faster since he quit the CCPD." Cisco said

"Wait quit? Why would he quit?"

"Well I was under the effects of Roy G. Bivalo,"

"You guys have Prism here too?" Barry asked

"Prism? I like that." Cisco said

"We had, unfortunately I killed him, when he screwed with my head." Naruto said handing Barry a bag of clothes "I have to ask, why were you trying to travel back in time anyway?"

"I don't think it's a good idea, to know to much about his world Nate." Wells said causing Naruto to sigh in annoyance

"I was traveling back in time to know how I can get faster, in a short amount of time, without taking V9?'

"V9?" Caitlin asked

"Yeah, on my Earth, a Speedster came and he was using the drug to go faster."

"V9, huh? Well you don't want to take drugs Barry, if it speeds you up, chances are it has very bad drawbacks." Naruto said

"Tell me about it. I'm going to get dressed." Barry said walking out

"Do you think he was talking about the Reverse Flash?" Cisco asked Naruto

"No, someone else, we know that the Reverse Flash uses Tachyon Particles, whoever this guy is probably won't even show up on our Earth." Naruto shrugged before he looked at Barry's top speed "He's had his powers foe a year?"

"That's what he said." Cisco nodded causing Naruto to purse his lips

"Guess I can help him out."


"A friend of mine worked out the equation to Tachyons, and a speed equation, I can give it to Barry."

"Give what to Barry?" Barry asked walking into the room

"Tell you later, for now let's go."


Naruto and Barry just left the Big Belly Burger talking about each others life "So let me get this straight. You kissed Iris but went back in time and erased it from existence."

"Yeah." Barry said nodding as he sip his soda

"Wow. Well Iris, and I dated since we were kids, and broke up when I went to M.I.T because she didn't want to tell Joe." Naruto said causing Barry to choke and cough "You alright?"

"You and Iris, dated?" Barry asked getting a nod "So she's not with Eddie?"

"Yeah, I decided to let her go, she deserves to be happy." Naruto shrugged causing Barry to nod "After that I met Felicity Smoak and would've been married to her by now, but dad is still in jail, and I can't move on till he is out."

"Wow, the most Felicity and I ever did was kiss." Barry said

"Really, wow." Naruto said as he sipped his shake, "So your single on your Earth?" he asked getting a nod "How could he possibly be single, when he has all these beautiful women around him?" he thought "Well at least you didn't put your full trust into Harrison Wells or any other person who just dropped into your life, and wanted to be helpful right away."

"Hey how are you so fast?" Barry asked after a moment of silence not wanting to reveal that it's happened twice now

"Well, I train, and up my workout everytime. That, and I wear ankle weights and don't let my own fears and insecurities weaken me."

"So you don't use anything to get faster?"

"Only my hard work, and my determination to protect those precious to me. I want to be so fast that even after I'm through with...the man in yellow, I'm still fast and strong enough to save my loved ones. There's always going to be a faster person put there, I just want to be that person."

Barry nodded, on his Earth, after Thawne was taken cared of, he didn't try to get faster, he just moped around, now that he thinks about it, he's only tried to get faster when another speedster like Reverse Flash, and Zoom had beaten him down in their first bout, and had to try to catch up, maybe he should continue working on his speed after Zoom is stopped

"We'e hear." Naruto said stopping in his run, followed by Barry who looked around the corner of some trees to see Iron Heights Penitentiary "Dad was convicted of murdering my mom and Barry. He needs to speak with you, for closure."

"He knows your the Flash?" Barry asked

"Told him after I took on Clyde Martin." Naruto nodded before he lead Barry up to the jail and they were let in.

6 Hours Later

After explaining the multiverse to Henry, and introducing Barry, Naruto sat back and watched on as Henry spoke to Barry the man had even shed tears, currently the two Speedster were leaving the jail, when Naruto got a call

"What?" Naruto asked

"Listen to me, Hartley escaped. He's loose in the facility."

"On my way." Naruto said before he and Barry raced off

S.T.A.R Labs

Naruto having left Barry in the dust arrived into the Cortex to see Caitlin on the ground "Hey! Are you okay?" he asked helping her up

"Yeah, uh, Cisco and Dr. Wells." Caitlin said only for Barry and Wells to come in with an unconscious Cisco

"He's gone." Wells said as Barry placed Cisco in the medical room


Cisco groaned as he came back to the world of consciousness "Hey. Welcome back, Mr. Ramon." Naruto said

"Oh, man...Caitlin?" Cisco asked sitting up

"Hey. She's fine." Naruto said nodding over to the side of the room while Barry and Caitlin walked over

"You need to rest. You have a concussion. You're lucky." Caitlin said as Naruto with a grin glanced up and his eyes widened his shock

"Please tell me you got-" Cisco was interrupted when he saw the freaked out look on Naruto's face "What? What's the...holly!" Cisco turned to see what Naruto was looking at and fell off the stretcher as floating in the air was a corpse ghostlike thing

"What in the hell is that?!" Caitlin asked backing up behind Naruto while Barry looked shocked

"Is that the thing you saw in the speed force? Ok, well he followed you here, so he's after you." Naruto asked Barry who nodded as the thing began to get closer "Run." he said before Barry sped off and the wraith immediately followed

"We got to send Barry home?"

"How?" Cisco asked as Naruto began to rake his brain for am idea

"We take a page from Hartley's book, and use sound." Naruto said before in a flash of speed he went to Cisco's workshop and immediately began to assemble a song devise, and took while Barry was running around in the pipeline, quickly setting the frequency to match his own, Naruto as an experiment snapped his fingers and a sonic wave burst from forward seeing it worked Naruto sped off, while also stopping at a computer and saving the Tachyon enhancement formula to a thumb drive before he sped off to help Barry


Barry was running as fast as he could but unfortunately the wraith was keeping up with him, and somehow slowing him down, and just as the wraith was about to grab him suddenly Naruto came and kicked it, before he grabbed Barry and sped up, while vibrating to match Barry's frequency and the two ran into a portal immediately followed by the wraith


Central City, USA

S.T.A.R. Labs

Caitlin, and Cisco of Arrow Earth, we're in the cortex when they jumped suddenly when Naruto an Barry arrived in a portal "Barry?" Caitlin asked looking between the two Flash's when suddenly a screech caused her to jump and she and Cisco turned to see the Wraith

"What in the...?" Cisco started before the wraith rushed forward and tackled Barry but Naruto snapped his fingers aimed the wrait but nothing happened

"Dammit." Naruto said before he hurried to adjust the gauntlet to the current Frequency and tried it again and this time the gauntlet caused the wraith to shatter after it gave a pained screech

Naruto sighed before he helped Barry up to his feet "Thanks."

"What are brothers for?" Naruto asked causing Barry to smile before Naruto handed him the flash drive "The formula for Tachyon enhancement, I wished we could've hung out more, but I know your frequency so I'll be back. Count on it."

Barry nodded his head taking the thumb drive "I might have been an only child, but it feels good knowing I have a brother out in the multiverse."

Naruto smiled as he nodded before he looked to Caitlin, and Cisco who crawled out from under the desk the hid under and with a nod he ran off vanishing in another portal and going back to his Earth.

Earth 1.5

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto returned to the cortex on his Earth to see Cisco and Caitlin at the computers having been looking for him "Did you just go to another Earth?" Cisco asked

"Yeah, talk about that later. We need to find Hartley." Naruto said as he sat down before Caitlin walked over while Cisco began to look for what Hartley was after since he let himself get captured before they turned to the TV when Wells appeared in a News interview at the CCPD

The three watched as Wells confessed to having been notified that the accelerator could've exploded, and was asked by Iris if he would reactivate the accelerator some day to which he hesitated before declining saying he wouldn't

"Cisco don't you think you should be resting?" Naruto asked after turning off the TV

"Not till we catch that son of a bitch." Cisco said causing Naruto to chuckle as Cisco walked away before he looked to Caitlin "You ok?"

"Yeah." Caitlin nodded

"Something has been bothering you for a while now. What is it?"

"Ok, but you have to promise you won't say anything to anyone." Caitlin said getting a nod from Naruto

"I swear on my life." Naruto said before Caitlin raised both of her hands and Naruto felt the temperature of the room drop while cold smoke began to emit from Caitlin's hands "Y-your a,"

"I'm a metahuman." Caitlin said putting her hands down

"When did this happen?"

"I was in the shower, and it just froze. It happened after I first saw Ronnie again." Caitlin said causing Naruto to sigh

"I wish you would've told me so you didn't have to deal with this alone."

"I don't want these powers Nate." Caitlin said

"Is that why you didn't use them when Snart, and Rory took you?" Naruto asked causing Caitlin to look down before Naruto brought her into a hug "No matter what, Caitlin, no powers or with powers. I got your back."

Caitlin nodded into Naruto's chest wrapping her arms around his tightly before Naruto pulled away "I'll come up with something you can wear that'll supress your abilities."

"Thank you." Caitlin said looking over to Cisco "You can't tell anyone."

"I know, This is not my call secret to tell it's yours." Naruto said kissing her cheek, before he stepped back and began to do some research on the computers as they waited for Cisco to find something when Wells returned

"Has Hartley made contact yet?"

"Why are you certain he will?" Caitlin asked

"Because he's Hartley, and he'll want the last word." Wells said just as sparks in the sound system caught everyone's attention

"What's that?" Caitlin asked as Naruto stood up

"Nice gambit, Harrison. But this isn't over." Hartley said over the speakers

"What do you want, Hartley? I already gave my mea culpa today." Wells said

cThe city already hated you. You don't think I noticed that press conference was a pathetic bishop sacrifice? No, no, no. I've played with you too many times to let you get away with that. This is between you, me, and The Flash." Hartley said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow

"The hell is wrong with this guy?" Naruto thought he was no one's pet least of all Dr. Wells

"You don't want to play for those kind of stakes with me, Hartley." Wells said

"Actually, I really do. What do you say? One last game of chess?" Hartley asked

"You and I both know that the winner of the game is the one who makes the next-to-last mistake, and you clearly have a move in mind." Wells said

"You're right. And I'm already at the board. So why don't you move your precious scarlet knight While I take out a few pawns." Hartley said

"I don't like the sound of that." Naruto said getting into his suit

"I can't trace the signal. He could be sending his messages from anywhere."

"Scan for seismic activity." Naruto said moving to stand behind Cisco "If Hartley's using sonic blast, the vibrations could cause tremors. Call me when you get a signal."

Cisco got to work as Naruto ran off, "Look. Over here. Quake activity but no fault line. The Keystone Cleveland Dam." Caitlin said

"Nate, got to the Keystone Cleveland Dam!" Cisco said

"Got you." Naruto said over the coms

"Nate! Don't underestimate him. He's brilliant." Wells said

"Roger." Naruto said

Keystone Dam

Naruto arrived to see people running away, with a car heading over the bridge, before he quickly ran along the rail, and jumped into the car, and pulled the woman out and got her to safety at the edge of the bridge

"Go." Naruto said causing her to nod before he looked to Hartley who was glaring at him before he sent four cars into the air, that Naruto easily ran to and pulled the civilians to safety

"Nate, you need to disarm Hartley immediately. Immediately! Do you hear me? He is a master of distraction. He is a master of hiding his true endgame."

Naruto rushed Hartley who fired sonic blast after sonic blast, that Naruto weaved through while Hartley smirked thinking as Naruto noticed Hartley hold his hands out slightly causing Naruto to blink, before instead of disarming Hartley he decided to get a little bit of payback for Cisco's concussion and that quip about Caitlin's wedding

Hartley gave a shout of pain when Naruto gave a vicious uppercut that sent him flying back into the windshield of a car knocking him unconscious

"Nate, are you ok?"

"Yeah, Hartley is taking a nap." Naruto smirked before he looked up when he heard cheering, turning around he saw the civilians at the edge of the bridge clapping for him before they began to chant his name, Naruto smiled and waved before he grabbed Hartley and ran off


Naruto sighed as he sat down on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn in between Linda, and Caitlin as they began to watch the Vampire Diaries apparently Caitlin was a huge fan as well

"So how was your day?" Linda asked looking to Naruto while Caitlin handed her a beer "Thank you."

"Boring." Naruto shrugged

"Same." Caitlin shrugged having met Linda a few weeks ago, and befriending her pretty easily

The three would stay up till 2 am, watching TV, and talking before they would fall asleep with the two girls snuggling up to Naruto who wrapped an arm around both of them.

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