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If you don’t like your destiny

The clicking sound of the clock, the singing of birds, and the slight rustling of the leaves outside on trees filled his room.

The morning rays of sun fall onto his face, slipping through the window, making his eyelid quiver slightly.

Annoyed, he pulled his blanket over his face in an attempt to stop the gentle and warm light of the sun from reaching his eyes.

The silence had only sunk for a brief second, and the sleep just took over his consciousness again before the "ZZZ" sound of vibration and the ringing sound of alarm hit his ears, making him groan in increasing annoyance.

His hand came out of his blanket, reaching for the phone placed on the bedside—his thumb sliding over the screen blindly, but it was enough to shut down the alarm.

The room again regained its silence, and no voice was heard until he finally pushed the blanket aside and sat on his bed with drowsy eyes.

Knowing that if he remained in the bed with the mindset of "just another five minutes", he would end up sleeping overtime, he decided to just push the cause of his laziness—blanket—aside and sat up.

At least he would not fall asleep again, despite him now hugging his pillow tightly and pulling all his weight over it, again almost falling asleep before he threw the pillow on the bed with force.

"Evil! Pure evil!" He muttered with hatred, looking towards his bed and pillow. "They didn't lie when they said that these pillows would send me to eternal sleep…"

He had gotten these pillows from the market just the other day, feeling quite intrigued by the advertisement that said that sleeping on the pillows would send him to eternal slumber.

For a second, he wondered if the advertiser was a weeb or what, yet he brought them—a beautiful sleep was always welcome.

"Maybe I should appeal to change the timing to 9 in the morning… or best… Should I spread some form of a pandemic? Let people eat dead bats? Devil soup?"

Imagining a black-haired fully endowed woman in a big pan, naked and firmly tied by a rope, waiting for him to "eat" her makes him quite excited.

His morning wood almost didn't remain a morning wood.

Looking at his little brother, excited to achieve something, he wondered if he should take a cold bath or release the source.

In the end, he decided to do the latter.

Picking up his phone and earpods, he left for his bath—time for the morning exercise.

After some time, the sound of water splashing on the floor soon filled the room, indicating that he had started to wash himself.

And the slight stream coming told a person that he was taking a warm shower. Only a sociopath would take a cold shower in the morning… unless it was too hot.

After finishing his shower, Noah came out in a bathrobe, soon changing into his uniform.

Since he stayed in a cheap apartment, the kitchen was attached to his room.

So after changing, he walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to see if there was anything edible.

Picking up bread, milk, and egg, the only thing right now in his fridge, he went to the stove and turned it on before starting to make himself some french toast.

It has been a week since he had returned back from the Jujutsu World, and much to his dismay, nothing has happened till now.

He had thought that he would at least receive another big mission that would allow him to advance to another level, but all he received were small missions like killing a stray or helping an old lady in a street.

Apparently, if someone requested something of him, there was a high chance for it to turn into a Quest on board.

Which made him quite happy, he realized that if the quest was too "small", like helping the old lady cross a road, he wouldn't receive much SP either—he only got 1 SP from it.

It was quite sad since he almost launched a charity company to help the world before his fire died down to disappointment.

But since he at least received something, he still did the quests anyway—something was better than nothing.

"If only I had some coffee left…" Looking at the empty bottle of ground coffee, he sighed before picking up the plate and making his way toward the table.

Opening UTube and finding a video to watch, he started to eat his breakfast. It didn't take him long to finish it before he picked up his bag and left the apartment while yawning.

Coming out, he walked before he stopped at the apartment door of his neighbor. He stared at the door for a second before taking out a pen and paper and wrote "GayLand" and glued it on the door before leaving with a satisfied expression.

'They are still following me? They really have nothing else to do in their lives don't they?'

Feeling the presence of Fallen Angels, Noah internally thought.

'I guess I should get rid of them now. I'm sure Azazel would give me the thing I want in return for them… But I need some false charges to make him comply with my request…'

If he just captured them and asked for something in return, there was a high chance that Azazel would ignore him.

So it was better to include Sona and Rias into the mess to make sure he would listen to him. After all, the involvement of the sisters of Maou is sure to put some pressure on him.

'I wonder when I will have as much weight as the existence of both Rias and Sona.'

Their existence can easily start another war while if he died, the worst could be Mikoto trying to avenge his death. It made him quite sad.

'Maybe Sona and Tsubaki too? But I guess it depends on the enemy…'

Shaking his head of useless thoughts, he soon reached the school.

As always, Sona and Tsubaki stood at the entrance, checking the students for any unauthorized products and greeting them.

Noah wondered if they have nothing better to do in life than acting like some police at work.

He was sure that the police who were ordered to stand on the same post every day definitely didn't like their job—it was boring and repetitive after all.

And if they were to do their job under the sun in summer… Noah could only lament their fate.

"Good Morning, Sona, Tsubaki." Reaching the gate, he greeted them, and seeing the slightly blushing cheeks of Tsubaki made him nod his head in silence.

Really… This girl was quite headstrong most of the time, but she would always blush when near him, it made his mood quite relaxed.

'And she looks cute as fuck…'

While thinking so, he raised his hand before pinching the cheeks of Tsubaki softly. Feeling the soft texture that made him want to keep pinching them, a soft smile formed on his face.

"Hmm. Did you miss me?"

"... We just met yesterday…" Sona stared at Noah and Tsubaki with a slight jealous expression before slapping his hand away from Tsubaki. "And mind the place and time! You are disturbing the order."

Glancing at the students who have stopped at the entrance, pointing and whispering, Noah smirked.

"Well, aren't you jealous one? Want me to pinch your cheeks too?" Doing the pinching motion with his hand, his smirk widened. "Or maybe you want me to kiss you instead? Softly holding your cheeks while tasting your lips—"

"Stop it!" She put her hand over his lips, she glanced towards the students, her violet eyes glaring to kill everyone who heard Noah.

Her glare was enough to scatter the gathered students like headless chickens, afraid to anger the Student President.

"And you!"

"Me?" Noah tilted his head with the same smile and pointed at his face, making Sona's brow twitch with annoyance.

"Stop saying such things so… openly! You are embarrassing me."

"So "such things" are allowed to be said privately?" He leaned forward, matching her eye level and his face only some inches away from her. "Should I come to the Student Council Room when no one is there? Or maybe at your home? We can bake cakes together while I'll make sure to eat your cake."

"... I just realized…" Sona said with her cheeks so red that one might imagine that she had painted them. "But you definitely become more annoying since the time you vanished for a day."

"I met a comrade in arm." Noah's answer was swift before his face blurred as he placed a small peck on both Sona and Tsubaki's cheeks. "My class is about to start, so I'll take my leave."

"..." A silence descended at the school gate with wide-eyed students who stared at Sona and Tsubaki with disbelief.

"Should I personally take you to your classes?" Coming out of the entranced state and the fact that Noah just kissed her, Sona glared at the student as they hurriedly left.

She would only realize later how the students here loved to gossip.

Calming her heartbeat down, Sona looked towards Tsubaki before her cheeks puffed a little, staring at her Queen who had her cheeks held in her hands with a dreamy expression, softly muttering "His lips felt so soft…"

'She is a lost cause.' Thinking internally, she pinched the side of Tsubaki, making her yelp before covering her mouth to stop herself from creating such an embarrassing voice.

"Stop daydreaming and let's go. We have work to do."

"Y-yes!" With a flushed expression, she followed after Sona with a soft smile.

She felt today was going to be a great day.


Classes have always been the most boring part of Noah's life. In fact, whenever he was in the class, his mind would always end up either looking at his teacher's ass or getting scolded by his teacher for staring at her ass so much that even she felt self-conscious about it.

Even though he never understood why she would get self-conscious about it. She had a beautiful ass.

'She must be doing some training to remain in shape for her husband… lucky bastard.'

The only salvage thing other than the teacher's ass was the presence of Rias and Akeno in the class, which definitely made the boring class a little more colorful to him.

But every time he stared at his teacher's ass, he would get a glare not only from the teacher but also from them—they sure are sensitive about it.

That's why he could say with confidence.

"Don't worry. Your ass is also very beautiful."

"W-what are you talking about?!" Rias stared at his face with red cheeks, her hands unconsciously moving towards her ass and covering it as if trying to protect it.

"Ara~, if Noah-san wants, you can always touch my ass." While Rias was flustered, Akeno doesn't seem to be flinched by his sexual comment, accepting it as if natural.

"Why are you encouraging him Akeno!? That is sexual harassment!" She stared at her Queen in disbelief, wondering what goes on in that mind of her.

"I'll take you for that offer." Noah ignored Rias before his hand moved towards Akeno's ass.

Soft and cushiony, he felt his fingers sinking into it making him narrow his eyes.

"Indeed. Definitely a perfect ass."

Akeno, who didn't believe Noah would really do it in public, had her eyes widened by a slight margin, her cheeks soon turning red in color as she tried her best not to break her character.

"I-Is that so? I'm g-glad you liked it."

But she wondered what this sudden emergence of excitement was. She felt extremely aroused at the idea of Noah doing whatever he wanted with her in public… She might have some weird fetishes.

Leaving her ass reluctantly, he looked towards Rias in silence, making her take a fearful step back.


"Don't worry. It will only hurt at the start. Once you get used to it, you'll feel nothing but pleasure…"

She took another step back, feeling her legs weak as Noah walked in her direction.

"Are we really talking about the same thing?"

"Who knows…" Noah smirked before he vanished and appeared behind her, his chin placed on her shoulder and his left hand over her soft navel, his hand moved towards her right buttcheeks and firmly gripped it, arousing a moan from her mouth.

Her legs went soft as she leaned her body onto him, her breathing becoming fast, same with her heartbeat.

His fingers sunk before he loosened his grip and tightened it again, giving her buttocks different shapes. Surely, it was a beautiful ass.

"S-S-Stop it—SLAP!"

|—ORC Room—|


Currently, Noah was sitting in the ORC with Rias and Akeno with a red cheek—a distinct print of a hand visible on it.

With his right hand, he softly scratched the cheek before looking towards the sulking Rias sitting on her chair, reading through the documents with puffed-up red cheeks, almost matching the color of her hair.

On her left side, some distance away, Akeno was making tea for him and her.

"Well… I did say I'm sorry." After a small silence, Noah spoke much to Rias, ignoring him. "I shouldn't have done that…"

Rias's hand stopped for a second, feeling slight remorse in Noah's voice.

"I'll do it in private next time."


Her gaze seemed to want to kill him, as she glared at him, making Noah give her a thumbs up.

"I know you liked it."

"Sigh… Till when are you planning to stay here?" After some time of staring at the smiling Noah who was giving her the "I know you liked it" look, she inquired. "Since you are not a part of any club, you are not exempt from any classes. I'm sure Sona would love to hear you bunking the classes again."

"Oh come on!" He rolled his eyes in exasperation seeing her useless attempt to get him to leave. "How many times do you think I've bunked classes before? Having some more won't change anything."

"That is not how it works…" She almost sounded tired.

Akeno, who had finished making tea, came to her side before placing it beside her with a smile.

"Thanks… I needed this." Rias said before picking up the cup and taking a sip from it, releasing a satisfied sigh as the feeling of warm liquid passed through her throat, spreading the warmness all over her chest and stomach.

"No problem." Akeno gave an understanding nod before placing a cup before Noah, who laid his eyes on her jigging chest as she bowed to do so.

"You like it?" She asked, obviously not about the tea.

While taking a sip from it, his eyes still on her chest, he gave her a nod of agreement.

"Very much. I never get tired of it—the best out there."

Akeno chuckled, causing her chest to follow the vibration, further enhancing her beauty.

"Buchou won't like you flirting with me in front of her. She easily gets jealous." With a teasing smirk, Akeno gestured towards Rias who, with papers hiding most of her face, was intensely staring at them.

But the moment she heard what Akeno said, her face seemed to take a further shade of red as she hurriedly said in denial.

"Who is jealous!?" She barked out with a slightly raised voice before sitting back on her chair, turning her face back to the papers. "Humph! You can flirt with whoever you want, it has nothing to do with me."

"Sure it doesn't…" Akeno said with a knowing smirk, her hand on her lips as she laughed in a creepy "Fufufu" manner.

Her laugh did nothing but make the crimson-head further embarrassed as she particularly buried her face within the papers.

Looking at their interaction from the side, Noah calmly drinks his tea, enjoying the mild taste of sweetness spreading into his mouth.

He was from England which is known for the most tea drinkers there, so one could guess his love for tea.

He has drank tea from many different brands and such, yet the tea made by Akeno always gives this distinct feeling of harmony and calmness. He really liked it.

'Although the tea made by Tsubaki is quite good too, just slightly inferior to Akeno's.' He internally thought while silently siping through the tea. 'I wonder if it is some form of tradition for the Queen to make tea or is it just Tsubaki and Akeno?'

"By the way…" The silence was broken as he turned to look towards Rias and inquired. "What action are you girls going to take about the Fallen in the town?"

Rias's action of scrutinizing through the papers stopped before she looked up at him with a serious gaze.

"Did they make contact with you?"

"Not really." Noah denied it, knowing why she asked such a question. "Just that I've been feeling this weird gaze on me for a week so I did some investigation and found some Fallen Angels following me. So it got me curious what action are both you and Sona going to take."

Rias frowned hearing him.

"Are they targeting Noah?" Akeno questioned, her voice slightly cold and filled with disgust. She seemed to have some form of hatred towards Fallen Angels.

"I won't show them mercy if they do so." Surprisingly, it was Rias who said it, making both Akeno and Noah stare at her with a smirk.

"Well… My internal fanboy almost screamed with embarrassment Rias." Noah said with a teasing smirk. "You looked very cool there."

"Such strong feelings… Buchou, you're so bold." Akeno stared at Rias with narrowed eyes, her smirk hidden by her hand.

"T-that's not how I meant it!" Rias hurriedly denied it, slapping the table in front of her and making the items over it vibrate violently. "I… I meant it as a friend! Yes, friend! I would never let some crows hurt my friend in my territory!"

"We believe you… Fufufu… don't worry."

"Akeno!" Rias called the name of her best friend with frustration, feeling quite flustered seeing the smirking face of both her and Noah.

"Though I appreciate your feelings for me, I don't think you need to do anything in case they attack me." Seeing as she won't be able to take much teasing, Noah changed back to the original topic. "I'm more than enough to wipe floors with them. After all, I will be the strongest. Some random mobs are not even worthy enough to get into my eyes."

"Is it me or you've become more arrogant than before?" Rias asked, staring at Noah, making him laugh.

"I've always been the arrogant, narcissist, and self-centered person Rias. You just don't know me that well."

"Whatever." Rias scorned, feeling quite dissatisfied with how Noah said she didn't know much about him.

"I and Sona are going to make contact with them soon to know of their reason to come to this town."

Noah raised a brow before asking.

"Surely you already know their reason, right? The abrupt disappearance of people is an obvious sign."

"... We don't have any proof." Rias said with a grumpy tone, obviously quite dissatisfied with the things. "And whenever we are about to get a lead, it always ends up with being some stray exorcist. Like stray devils, we can't use them as leverage to get onto the Fallen Angels."

We have passed their execution order already. They are not part of our organization, so whatever they do is also not ordered by us — that was pretty much what Rias was trying to say.

Unless they find some concrete proof of the involvement of the Fallen Angels, they can't attack them.

"It is annoying… but with a non-aggression pact, we can't do much."

"Politics huh… quite an annoying thing."

"You don't say."

Rias scoffed. She understood that taking an action directly might end up in another war, but she also hated the fact that the Fallen Angels can be so wild and fearless in her territory.

It was like they didn't put her or Sona in their eyes, doing whatever they desired.

"Actually… I have a plan, wanna hear?"

As he stared into Rias's eyes, a strange silence filled the room for some seconds.

"... What is it?" Her tone almost sounded distant, full of wariness and caution.

"... Am I that untrustworthy?"

"No… But whenever it is something you've planned, it never involves just simple people. I don't know… maybe we might end up with another war after all."

"Rude!" Noah pouted before it changed into a smirk. "This time the plan only involves the leader of Grigori, Azazel!"

"I knew it…"

[Dismal in Distress]

[Help Rias Gremory in canceling her engagement]

[Rewards: 200 SP, Skill: Fire Bending (From Avatar)]

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