“Oh, God only knows. We just quit hearing from her. Do you want to go over the contract now? We don’t have anyone scheduled all day. You could even stay up here later than nine today if you like.”
“Great, because actually, I just realized that I need to pick up a few more supplies for cleaning this place. I should be back and ready to go in about an hour,” Howard said, wondering what time the store across town that sold all those crystals opened.
* * * *
When Jason greeted Howard at the door that night, he leaned in for a kiss.
“The jumper I wore today had some blood on it,” Howard said, after smiling at the kiss. “Does the laundry company charge extra for that?”
“Oh, my God!” Jason said. “Is that garlic on your breath? What did you eat for lunch, a whole damned field of garlic?”
“Pretty much,” Howard confessed. “It was an interesting day.”
“I guess so,” Jason said. “And you smell like pot too.”
“That’s actually sage,” Howard explained. “I had to clean with it today.”