Jeremy rolled over once more and onto his knees, and pulled the pillows to the centre of the bed. He positioned himself on them, raising his hips, then folded his arms and lowered his head to the mattress.
Now that the shock of the sight of the bruises he bore had passed, I took the opportunity to study him in greater detail.
His arse was a wonder to behold, round and firm, and I wanted to sink my teeth into it and test its resilience. I could just make out his arsehole in the shadow of the crevice that separated his buttocks. Below were his testicles, symmetrical globes covered with hair several shades darker than that on his head. I didn’t see his cock, cushioned as it was on the pillows. I thought of it lying there, where my cheek, my mouth would lie. I swallowed and licked my lips. My fingertips tingled with the urge to caress him, all of him.
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