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17.84% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 47: Chapter 39: Summer Camp ll

Chapitre 47: Chapter 39: Summer Camp ll

It's impossible not to overhear the guys talking about the babes of the camp. On any given trip to the bathroom by the lake, one can hear the guys chatting about which girl is wearing what bikini or how much some particular girl's tits have grown since last year. Even the adult guys gossip about who is fucking whom. It had been known for years: Every available girl looking for attention just had to lounge by the lake and the guys would come.

Adrienne was feeling particularly frustrated with me that day when she suggested we go to the lake for an afternoon. She was wearing a slightly less-revealing bikini to cover her tampon, but the golden blonde was just as stunning as ever. I half-heartedly went on a few waterslides and zipline runs with her before retreating to a lounge chair. Adrienne hung around a little longer to flirt with the guys.

I didn't mind. Flirting energized Adrienne, lifted her mood, and in general made things in my life much better. I knew she would never cheat on me and so I didn't worry. Actually, some part of me hoped Adrienne might cheat on me so we could break up and I could run back to Dawn, but I shut down that line of thinking as soon as it started. Losing Adrienne would crush me even further, and if that happened I seriously believed I would just kill myself to end my misery.

I had to take a crap and went to the bathroom. And while I was sitting in a stall I overheard a few guys walking in and heading for the urinals.

"Fuckin' A that girl is HOT. What I wouldn't give to get my lips onto those titties!"

"Titties! Those cannot be called titties, dude. They're too big. Those are freakin' gorgeous melons, man!"

"What do you think it would take to pry her away from that Ben kid and get her to let me go for a ride?"

"Never happen. That girl's all cock tease. She's knows she's fucking fine as shit but she ain't gonna put out. Just be glad Ben brought her; eye candy is better than nothing, and some of the other chicks are getting a little wilder just to compete. Did you SEE what Lucia Ramirez is wearing today? Shit, man. Taken or not, I don't mind being able to stare all day at Adrienne's fiiine body."

"Well now that Ben's hooked up with Adrienne, maybe we can do more than stare with Dawn now, huh? Have you seen the way that girl's grown up? I can't decide who's more fucking gorgeous: her or Adrienne."

"Dawn. Adrienne's built like a porn star, but Dawn just looks so sweet and lovely and I just wanna bend her over and UNGH, double-up UNGH-UNGH, you know?"

"Fuckin' A, man. I think I gotta go with Adrienne. I'd love to tap that ass. Mmm- mm-mmmm ... But you might be right. Dawn's fuckin' hot and this may be our chance. I don't think I've ever seen Dawn away from Ben like this. I fuckin' thought those two were married at sixteen, y'know?"

"I know. But she doesn't hang out down here anymore. We gotta go find her. She's clearly upset with Ben bringing Adrienne and all. Maybe we can give her a shoulder to cry on."

"Dude. Totally!"

The guys finished up and left the bathroom. I steamed inside and only then opened the stall to wash my hands and exit. Briefly, I thought of warning Dawn but then decided against it. Dawn could take care of herself and she did seem pretty loyal to Ryan.

And if she did fuck one or both of the guys, it wasn't my place to judge. Not anymore...

... but it would still hurt inside. After all, she was MY Dawn.

So it was decided: If either of those two gorillas laid a finger on her, I snap their fucking necks.

It was in this state of agony, jealousy, and rage that Felicia Clarkson found me. I was steaming behind my sunglasses and staring at nothing when I felt a warm body sliding my legs over and sitting on the edge of the lounge chair with me. "You look like you could use one of my famous backrubs."

I blinked and pushed my sunglasses up onto my head. "Felicia?"

"Hi, Ben," the gorgeous young woman smiled dazzlingly at me. She pushed her own silver-framed sunglasses up onto her head and fixed me with an intense, steely grey gaze. I'd seen her smoldering look before. Felicia had been doing modeling for a San Francisco-based boutique company, and I'd come across some of her photos on the internet. The 22-year-old brunette's picture-perfect face was dominated by her large, expressive pale blue eyes that glinted grey in the right light. Her high cheekbones led down to pouty lips that promised to be oh-so-perfect wrapped around my cock. And as she leaned forward over me, her nice breasts strained the sheer fabric of her white bikini into forming jaw-dropping globes of cleavage.

"Hey, uh, what's up? When did you arrive?"

"Just this morning," she nodded, smiling. "I was just walking by and I couldn't help but notice how upset you looked. Trouble in paradise?"

Why did everyone use that phrase? I sighed and shrugged. "Something like that."

She nodded. "I ran into Dawn this morning. She looks terrible. What happened? Did you two break up?"

I bit my lip and glanced away. "Something like that," I repeated in a more dejected voice.

"I see," the gorgeous older woman smiled predatorily. "Well keep your chin up, Ben." She reached forward and put her hand on my bicep, squeezing experimentally and smiling at what she found. "A handsome young stud like you can't stay single for long."

The dancing in her eyes made it clear she had some ideas as to who could take Dawn's place, ideas she wanted to share with me. But just then my girlfriend arrived.

"Hey, Ben," Adrienne greeted with a thin smile. "Who's your friend?"

Felicia turned and her eyes bugged out for a second when she saw Adrienne's beauty. But the older girl recovered quickly and extended a hand. "Felicia Clarkson."

My girlfriend narrowed her eyes in caution as she took Felicia's hand. "Adrienne Dennis, Ben's girlfriend. So ... how do you and Ben know each other?"

"Ben and I are ... old friends..." The husk in the way Felicia said it made things sound like we'd been lovers for years and years.

"We're just acquaintances," I said sharply to Adrienne. "Actually, Felicia pretty much ignored my existence for years and years until just last summer."

"Men are like fruit. You need to wait for them to ripen just right," Felicia purred. "But what about you, Adrienne? You are far too beautiful to just be a teenager. An older woman like you must surely know the right time to scoop up a young stud like Ben, here."

"I'm eighteen," Adrienne smiled thinly. "But if that's a compliment, thank you."

"It was, it was," Felicia nodded, her smile thin. "I will try to think of you as an equal, Adrienne, not just another kid."

I arched my eyebrow, wondering if Adrienne got the condescension in Felicia's backhanded compliment. And when I glanced at my girlfriend, I realized that she had.

"Well," Felicia shrugged and stood up, dusting her nearly naked asscheeks for any sand. "I'll be going. It was good to see you again, Ben. A pleasure to meet you, Adrienne."

We nodded and Felicia left. Adrienne watched her depart with intense eyes before eventually looking down at me. "She's fucking gorgeous," my girlfriend breathed.

I nodded. "I know."

"And she's a shark."

I sighed. And much more seriously I said, "I know."

Adrienne fixed me with a cool, inquisitive gaze. "She bag you?"

My eyebrows both went up. "No."

Adrienne blinked and bored her gaze into the back of my skull. "But it was close, wasn't it? She DID try."

I sighed and nodded. "I chose Dawn."

Adrienne looked off at Felicia again. "You chose right."

I arched an eyebrow. "Really? I wasn't under the impression you had a very good opinion of Dawn."

Adrienne sighed and sat down in the spot Felicia had just vacated next to my hip. "There's nothing wrong with Dawn. Everything I've seen is that she's a passionate, intelligent young woman. And her family speaks volumes for her personality. The Evanses are wonderful, almost as wonderful as your family, Ben."

"OUR family," I corrected, squeezing Adrienne's thigh.

"Right." That brought a little smile to Adrienne's face. But then she exhaled and looked off in the distance. "I know you want us to be friends, Ben. But I'm scared. I can't lose you."

I reached up and took her hand, tugging it until she looked down at me again, letting our eyes peer into each other's soul. "You won't," I reassured. "I chose you."

Adrienne smiled sweetly, then bent over and kissed me firmly. I think I heard three guys groaning in disappointment off in the distance. Then my gorgeous girlfriend picked her head back up and grinned wolfishly at me. "Thank you, Ben. And now I think I should reward my boyfriend for his choice. What do you say we find a quiet spot so I can suck your dick and then feel you spunking into my ass?"

As always, sex gave me a temporary feeling of happiness; but only temporary. That's because just before dinner, I ran into Dawn while hustling back to the cabins to grab something for my parents.

"Dawn!" I burped in surprise when she came out of her cabin right in front of me. "Hey..."

"Hey..." Dawn frowned and looked at the ground, brushing her sunny blonde bangs back behind an ear. She looked decidedly uncomfortable in my presence.

"Haven't seen much of you for the past week."

Her eyes flashed up to mine for a brief second but she didn't turn her focus to me. Distractedly, she said, "I've been occupied. Hanging out with friends, whatever ... you know." She started continuing on her way.

I sighed. "Dawn!" I turned and barked a little harshly. She stopped, but didn't turn back to face me. And with a calmer tone, I asked, "Dawn, please. Can't we talk?"

"Aren't you worried about your new girlfriend seeing us? I don't want you to get in trouble for being alone with me, Ben." The sarcasm was clear in Dawn's voice, not something I was used to hearing from her.

"Dawn, I miss you." The pain of a week of living with this hole in my heart came out in my voice, a pain that echoed in the way my best friend hung her head and seemed to shrink at the sound of it.

She was quiet for a long few moments, just breathing heavily. The silence hung between us, thickening with each passing second until finally Dawn spoke. "I miss you, too, Ben," she replied with the same haunted tone I felt inside. "But you chose her."

"As a lover. As a girlfriend," I hedged. "No different than you choosing Ryan."

"It's completely different!" Dawn said sharply, now turning around to face me with a world of pain in her eyes. And her voice started escalating as she ranted at me. "We were still WE when I was with Mark and you were with Megan! They were just dates. They were just boyfriends and girlfriends and people whose company we enjoyed when we were apart from each other, Ben! None of those guys ever took your place in my HEART! Not even Ryan! But you went and fucking fell in LOVE! With her!"

"That doesn't mean that WE can't be friends!"

"I tried to be your friend, Ben. I really just wanted to talk to you and catch up that first day. I wasn't going to try and seduce you or anything. I tried. Why couldn't we just go off alone and be US, Ben?"

I bit my lip. "You know why we couldn't. We can't be friends like that until Adrienne knows you're not a threat to her. And that'll never happen until you two sit down and talk."

"Why should I talk to that bitch?"

"She's not a bitch!" I barked angrily. I wouldn't let anyone call Adrienne a bitch, not even Dawn. "Put yourself in her shoes!"

"I would let you go be with your friend!" Dawn huffed.

"Would you?" I asked softly.

Dawn looked away, her eyeballs clicking left and right as her brain processed everything. Eventually, she sighed. "It doesn't matter what I would or wouldn't do. This is the situation we're in, Ben. You've got to pick, me or her."

"Dawn, don't be like this. I just want us to be the way we were before."

Dawn's lower lip quivered. "What we were before were lovers and intimate friends, Ben. We can't go backwards."

"Then we'll change things a bit. You've been my best friend since we were born, Dawn. Surely we can figure this out."

She hung her head, shaking it in the negative. "This is the only way I know how to be your friend, Ben. And if that's not acceptable to your girlfriend, then I guess I just don't have a place in your life anymore."

"Don't say that," I barked sternly. "You're my Dawn. You always have a place in my life."

"You chose Adrienne to take my place. And there can only be one in your heart."

I felt like I was arguing with a brick wall. And this wasn't just about me choosing Adrienne... "What about you? Why the hell did YOU call and tell me you wanted to be with Ryan at Berkeley!"

She winced painfully. Turning around and throwing her hands in the air. "I don't know!"

I bit my lip and waited for Dawn to complete her 360-degree turn. Her eyes were canted to the sides and she whimpered. "I just thought it was going to be for a little while! Ryan's just a GUY. I was lonely. But I don't LOVE him. We were gonna date and I felt sorry for him and he's worked so hard to get into Cal and be with me and I ... I just didn't know how to break it off with him and I just wanted to let things play out. Ryan can be my boyfriend and YOU can still be my Ben, don't you get it? I never chose him over you."

I frowned, feeling the old pain of hearing Dawn's voicemail constricting my heart. "That's not what it sounded like on the phone, Dawn."

She sighed, her shoulders sagging. "Ryan and I don't have a future, Ben. I never thought he'd get between US because WE were ALWAYS going to be together in the end! We have a bond, Ben!"

I paled at the expression on Dawn's face.

Dawn frowned bitterly as she sighed in resignation. "We HAD a bond."

"Don't say that," I whimpered. "We still have our bond. We've known each other too long to lose it, Dawn."

She shook her head. "I thought you'd wait for me, Ben. You didn't. Some bond."

I exhaled slowly, pain etched into my face. Now it was my turn to pace and spin around helplessly. I tossed my arms before letting them drop heavily against my own sides. And with tears in my eyes, I asked sorrowfully, "What happened to us, Dawn? Was it really so long ago that we were madly in love? We were each other's destiny ... Soulmates ... Where did we go wrong?"

Dawn looked at me with hatred as she spat, "You went and fell in love with her."

"Dawn, please."

"Talk to your girlfriend, Ben, before you lose her, too." She waved dismissively, turning away from me.

"If I did lose her, wouldn't that make you happy?"

My gorgeous best friend stopped with her back to me, exhaling slowly. For a moment, I sensed the wall she'd risen between us falling away. And when she spoke, her voice carried all the enduring love and affection I remembered in my Dawn. "I want YOU to be happy, Ben," she said sincerely. "That's all I ever wanted."

I whimpered. "How can I be happy without you?"

I could feel the wall rising up between us again. "Guess you shoulda thought of that before you chose her," she replied bitterly.


"Leave me alone, Ben." And this time, she walked away.

I was back to feeling a bit in the doldrums. Dawn and I wouldn't even look at each other throughout dinner. And things only got worse when I went to the restroom afterwards. On the way back to the table and to Adrienne, I saw a couple of guys chatting up Dawn in the lounge just after dinner.

Even without each other, Dawn and I had some friends our age who we could hang out with. Dawn had been spending a lot of time with Gary Wong, who was a year younger and idolized her. But we both knew he was harmless and he'd never tripped my alarms.

These guys, however, tripped my alarms. They were older, maybe early 20s, and they were both ruggedly handsome. As I passed I recognized the same crude voices from the bathroom and in concern, I shot Dawn a warning look. We might not be the best of friends right now, but I still wanted to look out for her.

She caught my glance and turned her head. I gave her a stern shake of the head 'no', intending to warn her of their less than platonic intentions. Perhaps I shouldn't have bothered. I mean, of COURSE the guys had less than platonic intentions. But in any case, Dawn took my prohibition as a challenge, glaring right back at me and then quite obviously going into flirt mode.

To my abject horror, Dawn giggled, played with her hair, and even slapped one of the guys on the shoulder. She was flirting just to piss me off. And I felt a knife being slid into my heart, right through that hole where Dawn belonged.

I felt like doubling over in nausea. I'd never felt quite like this before. There she was, MY Dawn, flirting with another guy to actually spite me. I felt like my soul was being ripped in two, and I just couldn't stand to be here anymore. I wanted to leave. I wanted to leave this camp behind, go home and crawl underneath my bed. I wanted to sob at the loss of my best friend, my soulmate, the counterpoint to my existence. I wanted to die if I couldn't have Dawn near me in some way.

I felt a cold shudder run down my spine to meet the flame of anger shooting up it, and unable to stand there and watch it happen, I turned and stomped out the door. Three feet down the hall, Felicia Clarkson stepped around the corner and I was in such a hurry, I couldn't stop my forward momentum and I crashed into her, toppling the both of us to the hardwood floor.

"Aah! Son of a bitch!" Felicia cursed when she hit the wood and I was quickly propping myself up.

"Oh, shit! I'm sorry, Felicia. I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!"

She softened instantly when she saw me. "Oh, Ben! Oh, it's okay. I'm okay." She sat up and checked herself for any scrapes or bruises. There were several other people gathering around to see what the commotion was, and when I checked Felicia over as well, I noticed something and coughed conspicuously.

Felicia caught the cough and looked at me. I gestured to my chest and she looked down. One of her breasts had come loose from her bra and was riding up and out of her top. The nipple wasn't exposed or anything, but there was certainly more creamy flesh on display than perhaps she'd intended. Blushing, Felicia tucked herself away and grinned. "Trying to get a peek, are you? All you had to do was ask," she said in a husky voice.

"Uh, right," I stammered and got to my feet, then reached a hand down to Felicia. Just then, Dawn came through the door right behind me, just in time to see me pull Felicia up to her feet and then watch as the older, beautiful model stumbled (perhaps not accidentally) against my chest, forcing me to catch her and wrap my arms around her.

"Mmm ... you've been growing up, Ben," Felicia purred from an inch in front of my face, her hands on my chest.

Right then, Dawn huffed past us, clearly peeved at what she'd just seen as steam started coming out her ears. And then she turned the next corner and was gone.

"Uh, right," I stammered and stepped back, my arms on Felicia's shoulders to make sure she was stable this time. "Sorry again for knocking you down."

"You can take me down anytime, Ben," Felicia said sensuously, those pouty lips right up beneath mine as she extended her 5'11" height forward.

"Felicia..." I said in a warning tone, looking around at the people still staring at us.

She just smiled and giggled, spinning away. "See you around, Ben."

Only then could I exhale.

The next few days were more of the same. Felicia was flirting with me at every turn. Dawn avoided me. And Adrienne was doing her best to keep me happy.

On top of that, Adrienne herself was starting to fray at the edges. There was only so much she could take being strong for me and being the best girlfriend imaginable while I just grumped and groaned my way throughout the day. And the more she saw how miserable both Dawn and I were, the worse she started to feel about the whole situation.

I knew we'd turned a corner when Adrienne started blaming herself, and I had to become the cheerleader.

"I shouldn't have come. I'm ruining everything," she pouted one day while we were out for a walk.

"You're not ruining everything. What are you talking about?"

"Your family and the Evanses had this perfect little harmony for years and years. Now everyone's tiptoeing around everyone else at the dinner table. Conversations are hushed. The parents are choosing their words very carefully. Even the twins are freaking out. There's a lot of awkward tension and it's all my fault."

Oh, I did NOT have the energy to deal with my own demons AND Adrienne's at the same time. "It's not your fault, Adrienne."

"Maybe you should just break up with me and that'll fix everything. You and Dawn can get back together and everyone will be happy again."

"That's not the point, Adrienne," I rubbed her back. "We can't just undo how we feel about each other."

"But it's my fault Dawn won't talk to you. And if Dawn won't talk to you, the whole Evans family gets all weird around us."

I rolled my eyes. "Then maybe you should let me and Dawn go for a hike to hash things out."

"No!" Adrienne stopped abruptly. "She's gonna seduce you and then I'll lose you!" And then the routine of facial expressions started crossing Adrienne's face as I recognized a full-blown panic attack of abandonment setting in.

"She's not gonna seduce me! No, no, please, Adrienne," I hugged her. "I love you, okay? You're never going to lose me. But one of you is going to have to bridge the gap to the other. Someone's got to be the better woman."

"What? You think I should go crawling up to her?" Adrienne looked at me sharply, anger clearly glinting in her eyes. "No! This is all her fucking fault. If she can't handle you being with me then that's her problem! And if she wants to be your friend then she can come talk to me. I'm your girlfriend now, Ben. Not her! It's HER job to figure out how to fit in with US. Jeez! Who's side are you on?"

"Yours, yours," I hugged her firmly while feeling even more emotionally drained than before. I think I'd rather have a root canal than have this conversation.

"But still ... I feel bad ... I've stolen you from her and ruined everything," Adrienne sighed, flipping like a bipolar switch. "Maybe I shouldn't have come."

Ah, hell. Here we go again.

Adrienne and I were sitting well back from the bonfire, perched on a boulder up the hill. Twenty feet before me and to the left, I could see DJ and Brooke laughing with Eden and Emma as they roasted their marshmallows and put together their s'mores. The twins, at twelve, had finally admitted they knew how to roast a perfectly good s'more themselves and were helping out to dish the sweet treats to the younger kids.

Also taking the opportunity to join in was Dawn. I watched her beautiful face flickering in the firelight as she quietly roasted at times and put together the graham cracker and chocolate parts at others. She also took a turn handing them out, during which several older teenage boys decided that they just HAD to come ask for a s'more.

Several of the guys flirted. Some even managed to get a smile on Dawn's face. But those smiles didn't last long and soon she was drawn back into her melancholy, the lines of sadness etched into the shadows on her face.

And each of those lines was etched across my heart. I couldn't describe the ache. I'd never felt it before. Half of my soul was missing. My lifelong partner in exploration and love was cut off from me. And her pain was my pain. Dawn and I were completely miserable without each other. It wasn't a matter of love. I could accept her being with Ryan if he made her happy. It was a matter of connection. Right now, we didn't have it. And without it, neither of us felt whole.

I wasn't the only one to notice how completely depressed Dawn was. "I feel so bad for her," Adrienne said softly to me. "I've stolen you away."

"You didn't steal anything. I chose you," I repeated tiredly. I felt like I'd been saying the same thing over and over and over again...

... and over again. It was exhausting trying to keep Adrienne happy and reassured that I loved her and that she wouldn't lose me. Yeah, I missed Dawn terribly; but as a friend, my best friend. I was IN love with Adrienne. If only Adrienne would believe me on that point.

Adrienne turned her face to mine. "You forget, Ben. I was there when you got her phone calls. I know how hard I had to work to get you to pay attention to me. And I saw the looks on your face both when you got her voicemail about Ryan and when she threw that bracelet down at your feet." Adrienne took a deep breath. "If you two didn't live 500-miles apart, you never would have broken up. And you'd be with her instead of me."

"If-if-if. None of it matters, Adrienne. I'm here with you and I love you. I chose you before any of the Ryan stuff happened." I sighed, weary from the repeated endearments. They were starting to sound hollow in my own ears after more than a week of repetition.

"I know, I know," she nodded. "But I still feel bad."

"You could talk to her," I suggested, and not for the first time. I wanted this resolved as much as anyone.

"Or she could talk to me," my girlfriend spat back.

'Or you could let me talk to her, ' I thought to myself. But I bit my lip and looked down. We both knew I wanted to reach out to Dawn, and only my fear of Adrienne's retribution had so far held me back. The one time I'd suggested it Adrienne had bitten my head off. But this was going nowhere if one of the two girls didn't cave.

"But she wants you back, Ben. I know it," Adrienne sighed. "She talks about how she's got her boyfriend back home; but the fact is, the moment you declare yourself available in front of her and she'll drop him in a split-second."

"You don't know that," I sighed wearily.

"I do. A girl knows. I know. It's why I can let you sleep with Helene or Stephanie or Cassidy. I know how they feel about you and how they don't feel about you. Cassidy was the closest to wanting you back, but even she knew in her heart it was already over." Adrienne exhaled. "But Dawn ... Dawn would steal you from under my feet if she got the chance."

I moaned, near complete and utter exhaustion. "Ah, hell. This is going to be sooo complicated at school next year."

Adrienne bit her lip, bent her head, and started crying. I was too emotionally wiped to feel quite sympathetic and perhaps a little harshly, I turned and groaned. "Oh, what is it NOW?"

It was DEFINITELY the wrong thing to say. Adrienne's eyes turned sharp as she pulled back and glared at me, shaking her head. "Fuck you, Ben."

I was instantly apologetic, "Oh, come on, Adrienne. I didn't mean it that way." I was just too tired and depressed from a week's worth of drama that I couldn't handle this anymore.

Shaking her head, Adrienne dropped off the boulder and turned to face me, tears already coming down her eyes. "I'm going to lose you, aren't I? Even if I somehow manage to hold onto you here, I'm going to lose you next year at school. Someway, somehow, you and Dawn are going to be together. She'll take you from me. She'll take you!"

Good lord, where was Adrienne's therapist when I needed her? "Adrienne, please. Listen to me."

But she was already stomping off. We'd been back and forth like this an average of twice a day for a week now. And I buried my forehead in my palm. Just this once, I sat up straight and called out, "Won't be much of a loss! Clearly I'm not worth being around!"

"I wouldn't mind spending some more time with you," Felicia's voice floated up behind me, that sultry purr tickling the back of my neck.

I sighed. "Hey, Felicia."

"What's wrong? You sound exhausted."

"I am," I sighed.

"You look like someone who could use a good backrub." Felicia's smoky, seductive voice simultaneously set my blood on fire and reignited that naughty, amoral part inside of me. I was pissed. I was annoyed. And a backrub from a freakin' hot, sexy babe sounded really, really good.

And it wasn't like I was doing anything new. Several times over the past few days I'd found myself hanging out with Felicia, just chatting and flirting lightly. With all the drama going on with Dawn and Adrienne, it felt quite pleasant and relaxing to just ignore all of it and concentrate on dropping sexual innuendos with a gorgeous babe. Each encounter was a welcome break, a time when I could just smile and flirt and enjoy being a guy, hanging around a beautiful girl without any extra emotional baggage.

And a welcome break right now was just what I needed. I rolled my eyes off the boulder and down to where Felicia was now standing just in front of me. She wore a zip-up UCLA hoodie, but unzipped far enough to let me see straight down and into her cleavage. What the hell. "Sure," I nodded. "Let's go."

I'd made an impulsive decision, one my conscience knew I probably shouldn't have made. I loved Adrienne and the foundation of our trust was that I didn't do anything behind her back. I knew with certainty I'd never let Felicia actually seduce me, so I wasn't totally worried. But given what I knew to be Adrienne's opinion of the older girl, I still shouldn't have gone with her.

But I WAS annoyed. And it felt like just a bit of a guilty pleasure to walk away from Adrienne's and Dawn's melodramas to hang out with Felicia. If they didn't like it, they should STOP having their little cold war.

And so here I was, walking up to Felicia's cabin while she wrapped herself around my arm, chattering non-stop. She talked about being so excited to have finally graduated from school and how she was still mulling over several lucrative modeling contracts. She was only at camp to satisfy her mom and dad who barely spent any time with her anyways, but felt like they were being dutiful and attentive parents by bringing her along. She started complaining how most of her camp friends had turned into bitches, jealous of her success over the years, and I rolled my eyes while snarking to myself how Felicia must have turned them away from her one-by-one. The girl was drop-dead gorgeous, no doubt about that, and she would never have a problem attracting new friends. But she had the personality of a snake.

I let her ramble on, dutifully chiming in with little questions along the way to keep her entertained and happy with my listening abilities. When we got to the cabin, however, now that I'd calmed down from my annoyance with the whole Adrienne/Dawn drama, I let my conscience come back and make a decision for me. "You know, Felicia, maybe this isn't a good idea. It's been nice talking but I should get back and find my girlfriend."

"Aww, you can't leave me NOW, Ben," Felicia pouted prettily. "I've walked away from the campfire to spend some time with you and work those kinks out of your back. You can't just abandon me."

I felt guilty for leading her on, but I still hedged, "Really, I'm fine. You don't have to give me a backrub. Maybe we can just go for a walk."

"Nonsense!" Felicia put her hands on my back and steered me into her cabin. "You're all tense and I intend to do something about it." Her voice dropped to that sultry purr on the second half of that sentence.

"Felicia..." I intoned and turned around to capture her hands with my own, our faces just a foot apart. Flirting by the lake or the lodge or whatever was one thing. Being alone in Felicia's cabin on the other hand... "We're not sleeping together."

"Ha!" the beautiful girl giggled. "Who said anything about sleeping together? Oh, Ben. You're so easy to tease."

She seemed appropriately playful, like her flirtations were just that, flirting. So with a few alarms going off in the back of my head, I let Felicia lead me inside.

I did, however, make sure the front window shades were open. And I headed for a couch in the common room.

"C'mon, Ben. You'll be much more comfortable lying face-down while I do this." The beautiful girl gestured towards an open doorway further into the house.

"Felicia," I looked at her seriously. "I'm not going into your bedroom."

"Why not?" She pouted cutely.

"Because I remember what happened the last time I went into your bedroom," I replied quietly.

"Oh, that!" Felicia laughed. "I completely forgot!"

I doubted it. The last time I was face-down on her bed getting a wonderful backrub, we'd both gotten naked with my cock a couple of inches from plunging inside the gorgeous model's cunt. I'd changed my mind at the last moment and it wasn't the type of thing easily forgotten. "Maybe this was a bad idea," I began.

"No, no. Relax. I'm not going to make a move on you, Ben," Felicia rolled her eyes and came over. "It's fine. Just sit down and let me massage away the kinks."

I sighed and acquiesced, sitting down on the couch and removing my sweater.

Felicia went into her room and then came back with a bottle of massage oil. "The shirt, too, Ben."

I arched an eyebrow at her.

"How do you expect me to do this with the shirt in the way?" She held up the bottle of oil.

Feeling slightly naughty while I was doing it, I removed my shirt and set it on top of my sweater beside me. Yeah, this was a DUMB idea, one that would probably get me into a lot of trouble with Adrienne. But I didn't care anymore. Screw the girls and their migraine-inducing problems.

Hell, maybe I should fuck Felicia, just to spite the girls. THAT would show them, hurt them back for all this agony they were putting me through. And it would feel sooo good.

I heard Felicia heating up her hands, rubbing them together with the slickness of oil between them. And then she touched me, a soothing warmth as her magic fingers began to dance on my bare skin.

I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was by how good Felicia was at this. She was deceptively powerful for her slight frame, finding strength without obvious musculature. Her hands glided professionally along my shoulders and down my spine, around and around. I felt the slick pressure of each digit as it skimmed across my bare skin, teasingly ticklish as well as relaxing. She soothed. She rubbed. And everywhere her fingers touched, my nerves rejoiced in utter satisfaction.

"Ohhh..." I groaned as my muscles relaxed beneath Felicia's commands. They say you can tell a lot about a lover's body control by the way they massage you. If it were true, Felicia had to be DYNAMITE in the sack.

I didn't flinch when I felt the soft touch of her lips between my shoulder blades. In fact, I hummed happily at the tender intimacy.

"Feel good?" she whispered sensuously right into my ear.

"Mmm..." I moaned in response. It felt really good. And she was making me feel even better. As her hands glided across my shoulders, I felt my posture sagging as muscles relaxed. And all the while my mind started to lift free of its earthly housing, my consciousness drifting away into pleasurable bliss.

"Ben..." she said softly while continuing to rub.

"Mmm?" I hummed, feeling rapturous with relaxation.

"You remember when I said that we weren't going to sleep together?" Her hands danced around my neck muscles, making my head loll forward.

"Mm-hm..." I mumbled an affirmative. Gawd this felt good.

"I was lying," she husked, and her hand circled around to my shorts.

Somewhere along the way, while my back, neck, and shoulder muscles had been relaxing, my cock had been getting harder and harder. It was rock solid by the time Felicia wrapped her bare hand around my shaft. It felt sooo good, the same warm pressure tightening around my most sensitive skin as she began stroking me in an expert grip. But that's when my conscious mind woke up and I jerked off the couch, almost tripping with her hand shoved into my shorts. "Whoa! Whoa!" My brain was racing.

"C'mon, Ben! You KNOW you want to."

"I said I DIDN'T want to! I've got a girlfriend!" I tried to protest, even as my eyes ran up and down Felicia's body, my mind imagining all the fucking we could be doing.

"You KNEW what you were getting into when you came into this cabin, Ben. Face it. You're horny for me and I KNOW I want that dick in me sometime before I leave."

"Felicia, it's not gonna happen," I whimpered, half-not believing myself.

"It's already happening, Ben. You've had what, three, four chances to turn me away already?" Felicia stood and posed, running her hands up and down her own fabulous body to make sure I could see how magnificent her beauty. "I've made my intentions clear for DAYS. But you keep flirting back. You keep talking to me, Ben. Why? Why, when it's so obvious what I want from you?"

"I'm just trying to be polite!"

Felicia laughed. "Is that what you're telling yourself? Just wait, Ben. One of these days you're going to get fed-up with your little girlfriend drama and I'll be right here. Just sex. Just you shoving your thick cock anywhere you want in my body, Ben. Isn't this a fuckable body? Don't you want to shove that weapon inside me? I know I've been thinking about it since last year. I want to feel your cum spurting against my insides, Ben. Anywhere you want, Ben. Any hole you want. No strings attached. And at the end of camp, I'll leave without any drama. Just sex, Ben. Just fan-fucking-tastic fucking, so good you'll be fantasizing about it for years to come, Ben."

"Ohhh..." I groaned, ridiculously naughty images racing through my brain. My eyes flared with undisguised lust.

"Come on, Ben," Felicia husked as she stepped forward, putting her left hand against my bare chest while reaching for my cock again with her right, sliding her fingers once again around my shaft. Her pale blue eyes clicked left and right staring into mine. "I need it, Ben. I need you."

My lower jaw quivered. The animal inside me, the one that rejoiced in having a few dozen sexual partners in the past couple of years, roared its approval. It was my nature, and it would be sooo easy to give in.

I grabbed Felicia's head in my hands, growling deep in my throat as I jerked her face towards me, pulling her lips towards mine. Her hand clenched around my dick and she puckered in anticipation...

... but I loved Adrienne. And I loved Dawn. And both my heart and my soul would never be the same if I did this. I wasn't just a kid anymore, being led around by my dick. It was like my mom had said: I had to prove I'd matured.

My lips stopped just a fraction of an inch away from Felicia's. I clenched my teeth, preventing myself from closing the gap, and I growled. "Goodbye, Felicia." Then I quickly jerked away and grabbed my shirt and sweater, moving quickly before my dick took over control of my brain.

Felicia just grinned. "You'll be back."

I ignored her and headed for the door. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I HAD known what I was getting into. Why the hell had I gone inside the cabin?

Shaking my head angrily to myself, I blew out the door and down the patio steps onto the dirt path, jerking my shirt over my head. I had to find Adrienne. I had to make this work.

After nearly an hour of scouring the campfire, cabin, main lodge, and other common areas for my girlfriend, I gave up and headed straight back to the cabin to wait her out.

I was sitting out on the bench when my parents returned with Eden and Emma in tow. I stood and asked, "Hey, have you seen Adrienne?"

They all shook their heads. My parents understood. Emma was the one to ask, "Are you and Adrienne having a fight?"

"Something like that."

"It's okay, Ben," Eden reassured me. "We know she loves you."


Everybody went inside.

And I waited...

And I waited...

Just before 9pm, Brooke's curfew at camp, she arrived with DJ. I stood up and asked, "Hey, have you seen Adrienne?"

The girls looked at each other. DJ answered, "No. Have you seen Dawn?"

I shook my head.

The girls shrugged and the girls then turned to each other, hugging goodbye. Impulsively, DJ then scurried over to me and hugged me as well, rubbing herself into my chest with a giggle before turning and going into her own cabin. Then Brooke came back to me. "You okay, Ben?"

"Yeah," I answered half-heartedly.

Brooke wrapped her arm around my waist. "What's wrong?"

I sighed. "I screwed up."

Brooke was quiet for a few moments before asking softly, "Felicia?"

I sighed and nodded. Was I that transparent?

"You have sex with her?"

"No, nothing like that."

"Didn't think so. You don't have that ... look ... The one you normally get after cumming. You're still all tense inside."

I shrugged.

"You want to talk about it?"

I shook my head.

My little sister circled around in front of me, hugging me firmly. And then she got up on her tiptoes and tugged on the back of my head to kiss my cheek tenderly. Then she went inside the cabin.

I sat back down and waited.

And waited...

And waited...

"Ben, wake up."

"Wh-huh?" I blinked my eyes open, my left eye wincing against the porch light to that side but my right eye was just fine. The moon hung high in the sky above me, a beacon in the darkness. "Adrienne?"

"C'mon, Ben. Let's get inside." Hr expression was unreadable, odd shadows from the lights giving her face a dark edge.

"Where were you?" I asked blearily. My girlfriend didn't answer, but she stood me up and hooked her shoulder underneath my arm, supporting me as we headed for the front door.

"What time is it?"

"It's late. We need to sleep."

"Where were you?"

"Shh..." Adrienne stopped me just as she got the door open, putting a finger to my lips. Then she leaned in a kissed me softly, firmly, it was our slow-burn kiss. And when she pulled away, she whispered, "I love you, Ben."


"Shh ... later. We'll talk in the morning."

Adrienne and I woke up relatively late. But apparently it wasn't an issue because we weren't going to breakfast.

"We're not?" I questioned.

Adrienne just shook her head no. I knew better than to ask any more questions. When Adrienne got like this, just making plans and not telling me what they were, good things usually happened to me ... Usually. So hoping for the best, I shut up and did as I was told.

We got dressed, I put on my hiking gear, and a few minutes later, Mom returned with coffee and paper bags with bagels, yogurt, and slightly cold waffles. The two of us ate and I shot questioning glances at my girlfriend. Where were you last night? Who were you with? Where are we GOING?

Adrienne ignored my looks, concentrating on her food. Then Mom returned. She looked at Adrienne and said, "Dawn's waiting for you guys outside."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I asked, "What?"

Mom looked at me and shrugged before leaving.

Confused, I quickly got up from the table and went outside, turning left to look towards the Evans cabin just a few dozen yards away. No sign of Dawn.

And then I felt a pair of arms sliding around my waist from behind, startling me. It was HER. The warmth of her body and the instinctive knowledge that my Dawn was hugging me quickly calmed me down, and I sagged back against her embrace. I sighed with unbelievable relief and then felt a shiver run down my spine as Dawn's lips softly touched the back of my neck. It was a very intimate touch, and yet ... platonic. Dawn's kiss back there made me feel that she loved me, and yet wasn't interfering in my relationship with Adrienne.

It felt perfect.

Adrienne then appeared in the front door, a warm smile on her face.

Dawn released me and stepped back, finally allowing me to turn around and see the beautiful sunny blonde, dressed in her typical day hiking gear. And my eyebrows shot up when I realized she once again had the silver 'Ben Forever' bracelet around her wrist. How the hell did she get that back?

But Dawn wasn't looking at me. She grinned at Adrienne and chirped, "Ready to go?"

To my utter amazement, Adrienne stepped forward and the two girls hugged. "Ready," Adrienne nodded.

Dawn glanced mirthfully at me, a twinkle in her crystal blue eyes. "Does he have a clue what's going on?"

Adrienne turned, and side-by-side the gorgeous blondes (one sunny, the other golden) scrutinized the baffled expression on my face. "Nope. Not a clue," Adrienne confirmed.

"Good. Let's roll."

I bit my lip nervously. Either something wonderful was about to happen, or my absolute worst nightmare.

It took me about ten seconds on the trail to realize where we were going. "We're going to the clearing?"

Dawn, in the lead, turned and nodded. "The perfect spot for the three of us to talk."

I glanced at Adrienne, who's expression was unreadable as she walked just behind me along the trail. I arched an eyebrow in confusion.

"When we get there, Ben," Adrienne said, nodding forward. I looked up to Dawn, who similarly turned her head and nodded.

I had a million questions running through my head, not the least of which was: What the hell is going on? But I knew both girls. They were so vastly different in so many ways and yet very similar in others. Perhaps that was why I was attracted to both. And right now, I knew both girls weren't going to tell me a thing until they were good and ready.

So I sighed, put down my head, and hiked forward quickly to pass Dawn and take the lead. "If you won't tell me until we get there, then I'm going to get us there are little faster," I grunted.

Dawn came to an abrupt halt and held her hand up for Adrienne to stop as well. I took two more steps and then turned, a pleading look on my face.

"We'll get there ... when we get there," Dawn said coldly.

I whimpered and tried to cradle my balls between my thighs, feeling like I'd just been castrated. But Dawn had made her point. I was NOT in charge of this. It was a mild blow to my ego, but with everything going on, and facing two absofreakingly gorgeous young women, I could wait.

I would hate it, but I could wait. So I nodded, and Dawn strode past me, once again taking the lead.

It took about forty minutes to get to the clearing. Dawn was taking her time and Adrienne didn't know the trail at all. For example, she had to pause and more carefully navigate her way across a couple of rocks in the creek that Dawn and I could do in our sleep.

We'd turned off the trail and headed for bushes without any exterior sign or marking. No one else would know where to turn unless they had prior knowledge, and it was a miracle Dawn and I had found it when we were eleven. We pushed through the bushes, and I heard Adrienne take a deep breath as she looked at the pristine beauty of Dawn's and my 'special spot'. I decided to look at it freshly from her eyes.

The now fifteen by ten foot flat clearing was shaded and blocked on two sides by trees, with the bushes behind and the creek before us. We had a view of the canyon beyond and a constant but gentle breeze. It was quaint, and calm, and beautiful. It was our private paradise.

Dawn was in first and she and I automatically started laying down the ground mat and blankets, enough to cover the entire clearing. We'd needed the space before, especially when bringing down our sisters for some less than platonic family bonding. Memories of those times stirred my loins, but I tamped down on those urges. For all I knew, Dawn and Adrienne wanted to slit my throat and dump me in the creek.

Fortunately for me, things didn't turn out that way. We'd no sooner gotten settled than Dawn nodded to Adrienne, and my girlfriend leaned over to me, held my chin in her hand, and planted a firm, nuclear kiss on my lips.

The explosion lit up in my brain as Adrienne poured more passion into that kiss than she had in days of moping about how she'd ruined everything. And I let out a keening moan of relief into her mouth as I felt the wave of pleasure and joy shooting up and down my spine. My body turned to jello and I nearly fell backwards, but my giggling girlfriend pulled away before I collapsed.

Then Adrienne nodded to Dawn, and to my utter shock and amazement, my lifelong best friend leaned over and gave me HER volcanic kiss.

This time, I did collapse.

This time, my brain just shut down, and I let the bliss carry me away.

Sometime later, I blinked my eyes while I slowly focused on the trees above me. I know I didn't pass out, but my mind had gone elsewhere for a little while. The girls were talking above me.

"I'm not sure if I should be jealous," Adrienne was saying. "He didn't react like that when I kissed him."

"It wasn't so much of a shock," Dawn replied. "He does that every now and again when stuff happens he's completely unprepared for. It's just been such a long time since I kissed him that it takes his brain a minute to get unscrambled. See, he's coming around."

I sat up and Adrienne smiled at me. "You suitably stunned yet?"

"What's going on?" I croaked.

My girlfriend grinned and arched her eyebrow at me. "What, are you complaining with the direction things are turning?"

"No, no. Not at all."

Dawn looked at me with an oddly mischievous look in her eye. Then she turned to face Adrienne and smiled wickedly. "I don't think he's quite where we need him to be yet." Then she crooked a finger at my girlfriend and curled it in a 'come- hither' gesture.

Adrienne giggled and leaned forward, then the two stunningly gorgeous blonde teenagers came together face-to-face, mashing their lips against one another and starting to french kiss madly with plenty of tongue.

This wasn't happening. This was such a 180-degree twist from everything that had come before that this wasn't possible. It couldn't be real. I was dreaming. I was fantasizing. This wasn't happening.

And this time, my eyes rolled up in my head and I DID pass out.

When I came to, the girls were sitting side-by-side, chatting unintelligibly. My brain was not yet fully active and while I could hear their giggling voices, I couldn't quite process what they were saying.

My eyes flickered open and I inhaled sharply, filling my lungs. And the girls stopped talking before moving over me until I saw both their faces looking at me sideways from above.

"Morning, sunshine," Dawn grinned.

"How ya feeling, Tiger?" Adrienne added.

"What is going on?" I whimpered pitifully from flat on my back.

The girls both grabbed my shoulders and hoisted me up to a sitting position. Dawn then planted her face before me, searching into my eyes. Then she sat back and nodded. "He's ready now."

If Dawn wanted my mind to be a complete blank, where anything was possible, then she was right. I was so confused and dazed she could probably convince me the sky was purple with orange polka dots.

Adrienne leaned in to check my eyes and then nodded as well. "Okay. It's your show. Go ahead," she told Dawn.

My best friend smiled and reached out, grabbing one of my hands with both of hers. She took a deep breath and then began. "I followed you last night, Ben. To Felicia's cabin."

I inhaled sharply and flung my gaze to Adrienne, who regarded me coolly. You could now add panicked to the list of states my mind was cycling through, and if it weren't for her nuclear kiss just minutes ago, I might have broken down crying and apologizing profusely. But she HAD kissed me, and buoyed by that knowledge I waited patiently to see where this went.

"I heard everything, Ben. And while in the end you didn't do anything and you turned her down, Felicia was right about one thing."

My lower lip quivered before I asked, "What?"

"You HAVE had plenty of chances to shut her down. You don't have to flirt with her. You don't have to lead her on. I've seen other girls at camp flirting with you without things every getting even close to that point, which indicates a couple of things."

Adrienne jumped in. "One, you DO want to nail her, which isn't so surprising. I'm still glad you didn't though, Tiger."

Dawn sighed. "But two, we're losing you." Her voice was one of infinite sadness, echoing that hole in our hearts that I knew both Dawn and I felt inside. It resonated within me and as if we were cosmically linked, I felt the same sadness I saw on Dawn's face.

"If you'd slept with her, Ben, I'd have lost you," Adrienne said quietly, adding her own anguish. "We made a deal, not fidelity, but honesty, remember? I didn't even realize how close it was. I was only worried about Dawn and her seducing you away from me that I never stopped and realized just how frayed our relationship was getting. Even though I didn't want you to be depressed, I didn't realize that your depression from being apart from Dawn could make me lose you just as much as you ending up with her. And while I knew Felicia wanted you, I didn't realize how much you were holding onto her as just... something happier than what the two of us were giving you. She's not the problem. She's just an indicator of how fucked up things have gotten that you'd even think of banging her behind my back."

"I never would have slept with her," I said firmly, looking Adrienne in the eyes.

"I know that's what you told her, Ben," Dawn said softly. "That's what you told her verbally like three times. But things were closer than you think. You were very vulnerable, Ben. If she'd pushed just a little harder ... hell, if she'd just gotten her mouth on your dick, you would have gone through with it."

"Dawn, I-"

"It's okay, it's okay," Dawn shook her head. "In the end, nothing happened. But it made me realize how stupid I've been shutting you out. I was so consumed with jealousy over Adrienne and my own personal torture that I didn't realize how I was making the situation so much worse. My hatred of your relationship kept me from talking to either of you. My stubborn unwillingness to find a way to be your friend in some different way kept us apart. It's my own fault things are the way they are and the reason all three of us are unhappy."

"Dawn, we talked about this," Adrienne put in. "It's not all your fault. I'm the stubborn one. I wouldn't give you an inch of opening into Ben. I could have trusted him and let you go on that hike in the beginning. I could have encouraged him to interact with you, or at least not have scared him into thinking I'd get pissed if he so much as looked at you."

"It's my fault," I sighed. "I'm the one in the middle and it's my job to show you both how important you are to me and that you're not threats to each other."

"We know that, Ben," Adrienne nodded. "We know that now."

"You do?" I was surprised.

"After Felicia's," Dawn took over. "I went to find Adrienne and we talked. We talked a lot. And we put all our cards on the table. I want my best friend back. I want the man I can share every single secret of my life with. I want the man I trust above all others in the world." Then her voice turned husky. "And I want to make love to you, Ben. I want to feel you throbbing inside me while you crush my tits with your chest. I want to look into your eyes as you cum deep inside me, reminding me with every spurt how much you love me."

My jaw dropped and I looked at Adrienne, who just smiled. Then Adrienne stated, "And I want my lover, my master, my friend. I want to put myself in your hands and know that you'll always be there for me, ready to catch me if I fall. I want the support of you and your family, holding me and enveloping me in the love I never had. And I want the man I've come to depend on, for strength and protection and love." Then it was her turn to husk, "And I want you to hold me down and fuck me until I see stars. I want you to tie me up and use me as you will, spunking in my ass and then making me lick you clean. Because in the end, you'll have reminded me that even when I was completely at your mercy, it was only mercy and love that you really gave me."

I gulped and stared at my girlfriend. Adrienne giggled at the expression on my face and she smiled. "Our problem was very simple, Dawn wanted the intimacy of her best friend and I was too scared to let her, afraid I'd lose you to her. That's not an issue anymore."

"It's not?"

The girls shook their heads. Adrienne continued. "We have an understanding. I'm going to let you and Dawn be together as you've always been, but she's going to let me tag along. The three of us are here now the way we should have been on that very first morning. You and her: able to talk, catch up, and make love."

My eyebrows rose at that last part.

Dawn smiled. "But I understand that you're Adrienne's now. Things are different from when you were with some distant girlfriend of whom you were fond but not in love. So I can't shut her out for it to just be you and me. Only through openness and honesty can she trust me, so she'll be here by our sides."

Still with raised eyebrows, I glanced at Adrienne, who just nodded.

Then Dawn finished with a sigh, "And at the end of the summer, you'll still be her boyfriend. We go our separate ways for a month and a half and when we come back together, at Cal, everything will still be the same."

"I don't lose you," Adrienne said softly. "She can still have you. And you get the both of us. Everybody wins."

My eyebrows were still raised. I looked at both girls. "You're serious?"

Dawn giggled. "Maybe we didn't blow his mind enough. He's not quite as passively receptive as I'd thought."

"Still a little in shock, but I think he's getting it," Adrienne replied with a smile.

I blinked a few times, furrowing my eyebrows. "Okay, I think I got that part." I nodded slowly. But then I pointed at the two of them, bringing my fingers together with an arched eyebrow. "But that still doesn't explain the two of you, uh..."

"Making out?" Dawn giggled. "That's easy. I thought Adrienne was so freakin' gorgeous the first time I laid eyes on her. We think alike, Ben. Wasn't that how you felt when you looked at her?"

I gulped.

Adrienne chuckled and nodded. "And Dawn looked so beautiful and sexy. I haven't been so instantly attracted to a girl like that since Candy."

Dawn grinned. "So once we figured out that we didn't need to be rivals, we gave in to our desires and had sex last night. Oh, Ben, you shoulda been there. It was SPECTACULAR."

Okay. NOW my mind was blown.

When I finally came to, I nearly passed out again. The vision before me could only have sprung from my imagination, and yet there it was, live and real. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

Adrienne and Dawn were fully naked on the blankets beside me.

And they were sixty-nining.

My jaw hit the ground and my eyes went wide, drinking in the view. Dawn was currently on top, her head to my relative right as she gripped Adrienne's thighs and lovingly licked between them like a fastidious housecat. Her fine, sunny blonde hair blocked my actual view as it hung down past her cheeks, but she held her body off Adrienne's with her knees and elbows, allowing those firm D- cup tits to sway gently, occasionally scraping her nipples along my girlfriend's abdomen. And I had to admit I felt jealous. Adrienne's period had just ended the previous morning and even I hadn't gotten a fresh taste of the stunningly gorgeous blonde's muff.

At the other end, said stunningly gorgeous blonde had her head wriggling between my best friend's thighs. Adrienne's massive tits were big and firm enough to sit mostly upright, mashing the nipples against Dawn's belly. Adrienne's golden blonde hair was flung back and out of the way, letting me see her nose disappearing into the firm butt-cleavage of Dawn's tight ass. And presently, my girlfriend decided to take charge as she rolled the two of them over and furiously ate out her new lover until Dawn tensed up and moaned her orgasm.

Only then did Adrienne pick her head up and look at me. Smiling, she licked Dawn's honey off her lips and then spread my best friend's legs to the sides. "You know what she wants, Tiger."

I met my girlfriend's eyes first, losing myself in their golden irises as she smiled again in acknowledgement. "Go ahead," Adrienne nodded. "Just save some for me."

I smiled and pulled my shirt off, then got to my knees and stripped myself the rest of the way naked. Adrienne dismounted Dawn, who'd stopped munching in anticipation of what was to come. And then I moved myself into position.

With her lip quivering in excitement and nerves, my gorgeous, beautiful Dawn smiled up at me, an expression of such happiness that truly reflected her name. She raised her legs up and grasped them behind her own knees, pulling herself open to me as I knelt over her, lining up my rod.

"I missed you, Ben," Dawn sighed as moisture filled her crystal blue eyes.

"I missed you, too," I replied sincerely and bent to kiss her. Perhaps it was fitting that I could taste Adrienne's orgasmic nectar on Dawn's lips. The mingled flavors just excited me even further as I deepened our liplock, and then I pressed my hips forward as my cock began sinking into perhaps the greatest love of my life.

Dawn couldn't wait. She hooked her legs around the middle of my back and reached around them, grabbing my ass and tugging me into her with all four limbs. And in a single thrust, I was fully buried inside her. "Ahhh!" Dawn gasped at the penetration, her entire body tensing, and then she relaxed and laid her head back.

Adrienne was quickly beside us, stroking Dawn's forehead affectionately. "Missed that part a lot, didn't you?"

"Oh, hell, yeah," Dawn sighed, squeezing her pussy muscles around me.

"I would, too. I'm sorry I made you wait this long." Adrienne bent and pecked Dawn's forehead.

"It's okay. I'm just happy I get to feel this now." And then Dawn pulled on me with her legs again. "Fuck me, Ben..." Dawn crooned. "Fuck me..."

"Oh, Dawn," I sighed as I put my forehead to the blanket beside her head, reaching my hands down to her hips to tug her against me with every thrust. It felt unbelievably good to be inside her again after such a long time, and I wanted to concentrate every ounce of my being into the sensations of stroking in and out of her. "Oh, Dawn..."

"Make love to me, Ben," she whispered, pulling her hands back to hold my shoulders, squeezing her fingers around the joint and then down my bicep. "Make me feel how much you love me."

"I love you, Dawn. Now and forever," I husked. "No matter how far apart we are, we will find each other again. No matter who else we may end up with, we will always be together. No matter the journeys life takes us through, we will always be in each other's heart."

"Oh, Bennn..." Dawn whimpered and tugged me deeper, making me feel as if her entire body was folding in around me like a cocoon.

I knew what she wanted. Her own words were on my tongue. "Feel me throbbing inside you, Dawn. Feel my chest crushing your tits down."

"Oh, I feel it ... I feel it..." she moaned, squeezing her inner muscles around my invading shaft while I continued to pump unrelentingly in and out of her.

"Look into my eyes, Dawn," I said with just a slightest hitch in my voice. I could feel the pressure building inside me to the point where I wouldn't be able to hold it in any longer. "Look into my eyes when I cum deep inside you. Remember with every spurt how much I love you."

"I will. I do. I love you, Ben," Dawn's hands were now on my face.

My breath was coming heavier and heaver with every thrust. Here, in our special place, Dawn and I were once again together. And I was about to cum.

"I'm gonna cum, Dawn. I'm gonna cum! Look into my eyes!"

"I'm looking. I'm cumming, Ben! I'm cumming with you!"

"Oh, Dawn! Oh, Dawn! Ohh-UGHHH!!" My hips slammed forward and held there as my lover's heels dug into my back, pulling me even deeper. I felt the end of my cock splitting open as the river of semen poured forth, bathing her insides with my liquid expression of love.

"Aaaaggghhhh!" Dawn was yelling in my face as her pussy muscles rhythmically clenched and unclenched with each orgasmic spasm of her own. I saw her eyes flinching as she felt each and every burst of cum splashing against her inner walls. And the whole time, we held our gaze together.

It was an incredible orgasm: pleasure, love, and utter relief all rolled into one. All the drama and pain of the last week and a half was washed away in a single burst, flowing out of me and into Dawn's body. And as the flow subsided, I lay my forehead down on top of hers, breathing shallowly with my eyes closed as I basked in the feeling of being so intimately joined to someone I loved.

The holes in our hearts were gone now, as if the orgasmic fluids had filled them back up. Our souls were reconnected, in love and understanding. Perhaps not romantic love, not this time, but love nonetheless.

Eventually, I lifted my heavy weight off Dawn's chest as I got my elbows beneath me. I raised my head and blinked before looking into her crystal blue eyes, feeling a warmth spreading throughout my body as she gave me the simplest of smiles.

"That was so beautiful," Adrienne intoned softly from beside us.

Dawn, her gaze still locked onto mine, nodded slowly. "But we're not done yet."

"No?" Adrienne asked.

Dawn smiled and turned her head to my girlfriend. "He gave me what I want. Now it's your turn."

It wasn't quite to the letter of Adrienne's request, like Dawn's had been, what with the "crushing of tits" and "reminding with every spurt". But it turned out even better.

I didn't tie Adrienne up. Instead, Dawn joined in with us for the first time and restraint of Adrienne was accomplished by Dawn sitting on her face and leaning forward to clap my girlfriend's wrists together, immobilizing her on her back while also making the bustier blonde suck my cum out of her sopping wet pussy. I think Adrienne was happier that way than if we'd actually tied her up.

I then used Adrienne as I would. I spread her legs and roughly fucked her cunt, slamming my re-hardened cock into her body and bludgeoning her with it, knowing that my recent orgasm would give me the staying power to hammer my girlfriend without fear of prematurely going off. I even reached down and spanked her buttcheeks a few times.

Then after retrieving the Astroglide that Dawn had conveniently packed, I lubed myself up and forced myself through Adrienne's dry asshole, making her tense up just a bit in pain as I violated her nether hole. My girlfriend whimpered, "Mmph-mmph-ummph!" into Dawn's pussy with every thrust, and Dawn chimed in with her own barking orders. "Take it! Take it up your ass and eat me!"

Adrienne's eyes just quivered in bliss.

In the end, I spunked my load into Adrienne's ass when she had an orgasm of her own. The tight clenching of her sphincter while I forced myself through it over and again proved to be just the right stimulation, as if her asshole were a third hand masturbating me with expert skill. And while I growled and bellowed and blasted my girlfriend's anal cavity with thick wads of cock cream, Dawn was also moaning her climax to join in with Adrienne moaning against my best friend's still- wet snatch. The three of us were now vibrating on the same wavelength.

Dawn then dismounted Adrienne's face and moved around to continue restraining my girlfriend's wrists. After I pulled my spent cock from my girlfriend's stretched anus, I made Adrienne lick me clean.

And then to seal the deal, I bent over and kissed Adrienne, reminding her that even at my mercy, I would always love her. Then I rose up and kissed Dawn, reminding her that even though I was with Adrienne, I would always love her as well. And then to my delight, Dawn bent and gave Adrienne a kiss, not of love but of understanding that they both had a place in my life.

I was amazed at the two girls. Just yesterday, they'd resented the other. But Dawn had taken the big risk to approach Adrienne and make an effort to work things out between them. Adrienne had taken the big risk of letting Dawn back into our lives, even knowing how strong Dawn's feelings were for me. I was now reaping the benefits of both young ladies' bravery.

And all I could say was, "I love you both."

The three of us stayed naked and kept chatting for a while before mutual attractions and lust gave way to another torrid threesome. This one was less ritualized and much more haphazard, just three hot teenagers enjoying each other's bodies.

But eventually, we got dressed and packed things up. I cinched my backpack around my shoulders and took one last look around before we left the clearing. "So everything's worked out now?" I asked happily.

Adrienne nodded, but Dawn paused. We both looked at her, wondering what was wrong before my best friend exhaled. "Not everything. We still have to deal with Felicia."

I blushed and felt guilty. But Adrienne looked thoughtful. Dawn arched an eyebrow until my girlfriend nodded with a smile on her face.

"Don't worry," Adrienne grinned, twin rows of pearly white teeth flashing as her eyes narrowed. I'd seen the look before on Adrienne's face and whenever it was directed at me, it scared me shitless.

With a predatory growl, Adrienne declared, "I've got an idea."

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Stone -- Power stone

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