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12.26% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 32: Chapter 27: Ryan

Chapitre 32: Chapter 27: Ryan



The impact of her body against mine was enough to stagger me. I just barely stayed upright, my knees threatening to buckle but holding firm while Dawn wrapped her legs around my waist and planted a volcanic kiss on my lips. And only now did I feel like I could relax.

At first, I'd been rather disappointed not to find my girlfriend waiting for me at the end of the jet bridge. My heart sunk like a stone into the pit of my stomach at the thought that she'd already forgotten about me and was off getting her lights fucked out by Ryan or some other guy. But then I saw every other passenger heading in a beeline for the exits and remembered that the new security measures after 9/11 weren't letting people wait at the gates any longer. So I hustled off to baggage claim and the waiting area and was thrilled to find my Dawn launching herself into my arms.

The yo-yo from abject sorrow to thrilled happiness at seeing Dawn just made this reunion that much sweeter, and a groan of relief started somewhere deep in my gut as an aching tension I didn't realize I had evaporated out of my body.

"Mmmph! I love you!" I moaned desperately.

"I love you, too!" Dawn clung to my neck, kissing me with an intense ferocity that rivaled anything she'd ever shown me before. I wasn't entirely sure what was spurring her passion, but as I matched her intensity I knew what was spurring mine: I'd started to develop feelings for Adrienne.

I'd already learned it's nearly impossible to have sex with someone and NOT develop intimate feelings. Even pure, unemotional booty calls, say with Stacey Whitehouse, had led to some fond feelings. If I ever saw her in the street again, I wouldn't be able to help but want to hug her and know how she'd been doing.

Now true, I hadn't actually had sexual intercourse with Adrienne and I could truthfully state as such, but we'd been naked and given each other oral orgasms, which were really just symptoms of my underlying affection for her, not the causes. My gorgeous ex-girlfriend owned a part of my heart, period.

But Dawn owned the vast majority of it and I felt like I had to PROVE it to her. And just one way of doing so was to kiss her with as much passion and feeling as I ever had in my life. Hell, if we weren't in a public airport I'd throw her to the floor and make love to her with every fiber of my being if I thought it would help prove it. And Dawn seemed of like mind, desperately trying to prove her adoration with her kiss.

Of course, that made me wonder what she'd been up to in the past three weeks.

Still, confession could come later. Right now I just wanted to bask in our love's glow.


Dawn turned from the driver's seat and smirked at me. "Yeah? Why?"

My eyebrows furrowed and I shook my head, pointing at the radio. "I never knew you liked country."

Dawn giggled. "Really? I played this when you were here three weeks ago."

"We were barely ever in a car, and in my car when we were." I shrugged. "Besides, we were both a little distracted by everything that was going on."

Dawn frowned and started laughing. "You can read my moods like the back of your hand but you never knew I liked country music?"

I couldn't help but laugh as well. "Well, we don't listen to much music at camp. I mean, I guess they play a lot of country up there." I chuckled. "All this time together ... Hmm, I wonder what else I don't know about you."

"Well you don't know how horny I am for you right now," Dawn husked in a deep voice. "I haven't gotten laid in three weeks."

"Me, neither," I replied with just the tiniest hitch in my voice.

Dawn shook her head. "Some open relationship we've got. We can't even bring ourselves to go through with it."

I let the comment slide and then leaned across the seat, pecking Dawn's shoulder and upper arm. "Well you're wrong about one thing: I DO know how horny you are. I can read your moods like the back of my hand, remember?"

"Mmm ... yes you can..." Dawn moaned under her breath.

"Are your parents home?"

"Yeah, but that's okay." Abruptly, Dawn signaled and merged to take the next exit off the freeway. "I know a place we can go."

"Unnngh! Unnngh!" Dawn flailed out with her hands, scrambling for something to grab onto. In the end, she managed to snag the driver's headrest with her left hand, although her right just waved futilely towards the rear windshield.

Perspiration dripped off my brow and down onto Dawn's shoulder as I just lowered my head and concentrated all my energy into my hips. Our bodies heaved at each other, sweat staining both our shirts as we overheated from our energetic exertions within the closed confines of the car. Dawn's beater Chevy was much bigger than my Corolla, big enough for us to do this in the backseat.

"Fuck me, Ben! Ohhh ... I've been dreaming about this! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

Gritting my teeth, I moved my hands both down to grip Dawn's hips, even though this left my full weight bearing down on her chest. And with that leverage, I really began piledriving my dick into her with every thrust.

"Oh, yes! Yes! I love this! I love you! So fucking good, Ben!"

"Arrrghhh!" I grunted as I felt my orgasm approaching.

"Yes!" Dawn's legs hooked around my calves and pulled me even tighter. "Cum, baby! Fill me up! YES!"

Dawn threw her head back, banging it hard against the door. But the impact didn't dissuade her as her hips bucked off the car seat, momentarily lifting us both into the air. And when we crashed back down onto the cushion, I felt the sudden release of pressure in my pelvis as my ejaculation hurtled up my shaft and began spewing into the warm, wet confines of my girlfriend's pussy.

A minute later, I realized just how heavy I must be and rather awkwardly started pushing myself up and off of Dawn. She gasped in a deep breath as I stopped crushing her lungs, and for the next couple of minutes all she could do was suck oxygen and try to blink away the stars in her eyes.

I then glanced around, noting how we'd managed to fog up the windows even though it was broad daylight and it wasn't that cold outside. I even grinned when I saw the handprint on the rear windshield, my brain automatically recalling a similar scene from Titanic.

Panting, I looked down at Dawn's smiling face and managed to gasp out, "Y'know. If we were gonna get this sweaty and obvious about what we'd just done, we might as well have just gone home and done this in your bedroom."

"Good idea," Dawn mused with her eyes still closed. "So let's go to my bedroom and do it again."

"Now Dawn," Deanna Evans looked sternly at me and her daughter. We'd just recently emerged downstairs after going a second round of lovemaking in Dawn's bedroom. "I gave you guys a little leeway last time because of everything that happened with Mark. And while I am under no illusions about what you two are doing in that bedroom, I would appreciate it if you kept the volume down. Some of us have better things to do than listening to you two."

I blushed beet red and Dawn was even worse. "Yes, Mom."

"Okay," Mrs. Evans nodded. But then she leaned in conspiratorially. "Still, I may just change my mind for nighttime. The last time Ben was here your father practically dragged me into our bedroom."

"Eww, Mooom!' Dawn protested while her mom turned around and walked away, chuckling to herself.

I shook my head and my girlfriend looped her arm through mine. We headed to the kitchen to get some fluids after our most recent workout. "So what's the plan? You've got me here for three days and two nights and I'm at your disposal."

"Plans? What plans? You're expecting to leave this house?" Dawn grinned. "I just figured we'd stay locked up in my bedroom, fucking like bunnies and only coming out to find food and water."

"Ooh, can I come visit?" DJ smirked as she walked in and headed to the fridge. I whistled wolfishly while ogling her ass. The youngest Evans sister had seemingly grown up even more in the past three weeks, already developed to what I remembered of Dawn when I took my girlfriend's virginity on her sixteenth birthday.

"Maybe..." Dawn granted to her sister. "If you're good ... and if I need a break."

"If he keeps fucking you like I just heard half an hour ago, trust me, you'll need a break." DJ's eyes twinkled at me in obvious arousal.

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Don't you have a date tonight?'

"Yeah, yeah, relax. I'm taken care of." DJ then bounced out of the room.

Dawn then turned to me. "Seriously, though, we should talk." She took a deep breath and the smile vanished from her face. "I know we made some agreements the last time you were here but ... well ... now that it's real, things just seem so much more complicated than that."

I bit my lip. Was she going to take back our open relationship? I loved Dawn but I didn't know if I could last another seven-plus months. But she was right about one thing, an open relationship was much more complicated than I'd thought. I glanced outside. "You want to go for a walk?"

Dawn set down her now empty water glass and nodded, looping her arm through mine once again. "Let's go."

There was a park just down the street from Dawn's house. We used to play there as little kids and although our old jungle gym had long since been replaced, being there still brought back lots of old memories. After a bit of meandering, Dawn and I found ourselves sitting on side-by-side swings, holding onto the metal chain-links and twisting slightly in the wind.

We beat around the bush about what was on our minds for a bit, trying to work out what to say to each other before Dawn just blurted it out. "Ben, I have to know for sure: Are you really okay with me sleeping with Ryan?"

I winced automatically and Dawn pounced, pointing at my face. "See! That! That right there! That face you made! THAT'S why I can't go through with this."

"No, no, wait," I let go of the chain and waved Dawn off. "I am, I am. I don't know that I'll ever like the idea, but I AM okay with it. You deserve it, Dawn. I'm not here to give you what you need and if we are going to get married someday, I really don't want you wondering for the rest of your life what might have been. I know being with one man for your entire life sounds romantically great and all, but I know you. I KNOW you'll be eaten inside by curiosity. It's gonna happen eventually."

Dawn sighed and hung her head down, pushing with her legs to begin swaying just a few inches in the swing. "I'm caught in this paradox, Ben. I love you. I've always loved you. And when you're here with me, I can't even imagine being with anyone else, Ryan included. I mean, right here, right now, I have NO interest in sleeping with him. Why would I want to when I could have you?"

She sighed heavily. "But when you're not here ... I just get ... so lonely. He's sweet. He doesn't push me. And unlike a million other guys who would have given up months ago, he's still around. It's..." She exhaled slowly. "It's nice, Ben. And in times like that ... I really want to. I want to feel good. I want to feel pleasure. But I don't think I can do it. Every time we get close, I chicken out and pull away. We made this big 'open relationship' agreement that was supposed to change our lives, Ben. But when it comes right down to the event itself, I can't go through with it."

I exhaled, thinking of my own inability to just hop in the sack with anyone other than Dawn. 'Except Adrienne, ' my brain volunteered, but I shuttered that thought aside. And all I said was, "It's complicated."


"So what do we do?" I asked.

"Well..." Dawn began slowly. "I have an idea ... but I don't know if you're going to like it."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked over at my Dawn. I loved her. "If it can help make you happy, I'll do anything."

Dawn stopped swinging, dead in her tracks. "I want you to be there when Ryan has sex with me."

Am I really going to go through with this? Can I really watch another man have sex with my Dawn? Biting my lip and deep in contemplation, I barely even noticed the country music playing on the radio as Dawn and I headed off for the mall to meet up with her friends.

After some intense discussion which involved a lot of posturing on my part that I was 'okay' with everything and Dawn seeing right through my lies to realize I was trying to force myself to be okay with it for her sake, we both had tentatively agreed to give Dawn's plan a try. Even though we both felt some discomfort over the situation, we both knew that Dawn wanted to cross this bridge and that I wanted her to do it as well. I was simultaneously unhappy that I'd have to be there but also relieved. I was almost certain my imagination of how Dawn and Ryan would first have sex would be far worse than the actual event itself.

As the plan went, we would see a matinee to save some money, then grab some dinner, hang out somewhere, and potentially wind up at Ryan's parents' house to actually do the deed. The rest of his family had driven up to Sacramento for the holiday to visit their in-laws. We would have all night to figure out how to seduce him.

Things didn't exactly go according to plan.

The first thing that went wrong was Ryan immediately freaking out at the mere sight of me, an awkward look on the 6'2" golden blonde Adonis. Dawn had discussed the "open relationship" with him and mostly because he simply couldn't resist her, in the past three weeks the two had been progressing in their physical relationship to the point where he'd fingered her and she'd given him a handjob, although she'd been too skittish to go beyond that.

Now doing these intimately sexual things with Dawn while I, her boyfriend, was in Orange County was one thing. But even touching Dawn while I was physically present apparently was more than he could handle. Dawn went to hug him in greeting, but Ryan's eyes went wide as he looked at me and the poor guy backed away in shame. I sighed. If Ryan couldn't even hug Dawn in front of me, how the hell was he supposed to have sex with her?

I rolled my eyes. Maybe this was all for the best. Just me and Dawn, monogamous and faithful like most couples in this world, right?

In the end, Ryan came over and shook my hand earnestly while I tried to reassure him by saying, "Thanks for taking care of my girl while I'm away."

"Uhh, right." His eyes darted around nervously, as if waiting for the baseball bat to come flying at his head from a different direction. And while I still held his hand in my grip, Dawn managed to hug him from the side.

"ReLAX, Ryan. Ben doesn't bite." Dawn smiled and then added a little nervously, "Usually."

The last word, meant to be a joke, didn't help Ryan's tension levels. But I was soon swept past Ryan as Dawn re-introduced me to her other friends. "Tricia and Stephen, Gwen, Nancy and Travis, and Robin on the end."

I smiled and nodded to everyone. Most of them looked pointedly back and forth between me and my girlfriend, who was still wrapped around Ryan's arm. Clearly, they knew something was going on. After all, they'd witnessed first hand how Dawn and Ryan had become rather obviously close in the past few weeks. And they were quite curious as to my seeming non-reaction. Tricia and Stephen probably knew of my arrangement with Dawn, but I didn't know how much further it had spread.

So with that little bit of tension hanging in the middle of the group, we went over to the box office and picked up our tickets. I paid solo. Dawn had Ryan pay for her. It was symbolism we hoped would make our intentions clear. And when we went inside I made it a point to sit separately from Dawn. I desperately wanted to be next to her, holding her hand and squeezing it throughout the movie. I'd already missed three weeks with her and the idea of two-plus hours apart physically nauseated me. But the plan was to get Ryan used to the idea of my awareness and approval of their little flirtation and I decided he would never relax if I was seated beside my girlfriend. Hell, I wasn't sure if I would relax if I were seated beside them. The pair was further insulated from me as Tricia sat next to her best friend and then Stephen beside her as well.

Fortunately enough for me, Gwen and Robin, Dawn's single friends, decided to sit me between them. "So, Ben?" Gwen began brightly. "Mind if we keep you company tonight?"

I glanced over at the pretty, and slightly skanky, dirty-blonde. I remembered her as the extremely flirtatious party-hard-type girl from the last time I visited. She'd even asked Dawn if she could 'borrow' me back then. And then staring down the aisle to where Dawn had her fingers intertwined with Ryan's, I replied to Gwen in a firm voice, "I would love that."

Gwen giggled like a bimbo and leaned over, draping her tits onto the forearm I'd laid on the armrest. I forced myself to relax and let my natural charm shine through as I smiled back at her.

Robin, on the other side of me, was a little less flirty and a little more curious. The attractive brunette frowned and asked, "So Ben, you and Dawn are still together, right?"

I shrugged and nodded in the affirmative.

Robin glanced past me, Gwen, Stephen, and Tricia for a second with a confused look on her face before returning her gaze to me. "So ... why is she over there with Ryan?"

I blanked for a second. Dawn and I hadn't discussed how to deal with these questions, and I wasn't exactly sure how to proceed. "Uh, well..." I started a little warily, cognizant of Robin's piercing gaze on me. It was clear this was an intelligent girl who wasn't about to buy any bullshit. "Let's just say I'm fully aware of Dawn's ... interactions ... with Ryan while we've been apart."

Robin looked at me skeptically. "So you're okay with the two of them doing ... whatever?" She waved her hand in their general direction.

"Yeah, pretty much," I shrugged. "I know she loves me and we'll be together soon enough."

"So you don't mind if the two of them start fucking each other," Robin asked bluntly.

I fought down the bile that started rising up my throat. "Basically, yeah."

"You mean like an open relationship?" Gwen piped up from the other side of me.

I arched an eyebrow at the phrase and took a deep breath before admitting. "Yeah, something like that."

Then Gwen immediately leaned forward, putting a hand on my arm and moving her face into my personal space. And in a deeply sensual, seductive voice she practically purred, "So ... does it go both ways? Are you ... Ben ... open?"

Now both my eyebrows went up as I looked Gwen right back in her eyes while she grinned predatorily. I hadn't really thought of it that way and amidst the tension of watching my true love, my Dawn, cuddling up to another man, the idea of losing myself in the affections of a pretty girl sounded like a REALLY good idea. "Well, as a matter of fact ... yes I am."

Gwen giggled and smiled at me, squeezing her arms together to press her cleavage and push her tits forward. "Good to know."

Robin sighed from the other side of me and groaned, "Gawd, you're such a slut, Gwen."

The second thing that went wrong Friday night was that the movie we were watching was Black Knight. It was HORRIBLE. Fake sets. Worse acting. And a plot that made See Spot Run look like Shakespeare.

Why the hell did we go see this piece of crap? Were we really just a bunch of teenagers so desperate to hang out that we'd watch anything?


Weighed down by the pathetic excuse for a motion picture, everyone just sort of meandered out of the theater to hit the bathrooms. I was in and out pretty quickly, and the first person I saw upon exiting was Dawn.

Standing by a wall, her hand was bunched up against her lower lip as she zoned out, staring at nothing in front of her. Her eyes were a little tight and she was clearly nervous. My heart went out to her and I quickly crossed the lobby to embrace her.

As she saw me approaching, Dawn automatically turned and wrapped her arms around herself while letting me wrap my arms around her in a warm hug. She hummed happily and sagged her head against my shoulder. "Hi, Ben," she sighed.

"You alright?"

"Not really. Isn't this all just so awkward?" Dawn whimpered. "Why are we doing this again? The LAST thing on my mind right now is sex."

"Aww, I'm hurt," I feigned being upset. "I've got you wrapped up in my arms right now and you're not even slightly turned on?"

"Well, maybe a little," Dawn smiled and her voice became husky as she rolled those crystal blue eyes up to mine. "I missed you these past three weeks and doing it twice isn't nearly enough to make up for it."

"Agreed," I smiled and hugged her a little tighter. "Just promise me one thing, Dawn."

"Anything, Ben."

"No matter what happens tonight," I said seriously while staring into her eyes. "I get to fall asleep with you in my arms."

My true love smiled radiantly at me. "Of course." And then she tilted her head and invited me to plant a volcanic kiss on her lips.

We moaned happily into each other's mouths, reveling in the joyous pleasure of being together for what felt like an eternity. But then I got that tingle on the back of my neck, the one that tells you you're being watched, and I pulled away to turn my head and look.

Sure enough, there was Ryan, looking confused as hell. His mouth was a hard, horizontal line, and he turned to march away.

"Hell," Dawn muttered and broke away from me, quickly hustling after the handsome young man. "Ryan!"

I watched as Dawn caught up to him perhaps thirty feet away. The two quickly began talking animatedly with big, dramatic arm waves, Ryan clearly upset while Dawn did her best to calm him down.

Gwen was suddenly next to me, also watching. "You know, this is the closest I've ever seen the two of them to fighting."

"Really?" I turned and arched an eyebrow at the pretty girl beside me. A little further away, Robin was huddled together with Tricia and Nancy, also talking animatedly. I could only surmise she was talking about Dawn's and my arrangement.

"Yeah, they've made such a great couple these past few weeks," Gwen continued, her focus on the beautiful blonde pair. "He makes her really happy."

I felt the rise of jealousy building inside me. No man had the right to make MY girl happy, right? I felt the tension flowing into my arms as the anger rose, but I fought it back. What could I really do? Ask Dawn to be faithful for another seven months? I loved her. I loved her so much I could let her go because I knew we would be together again in the end. She didn't deserve to go through almost a year of loneliness just for me. The 'plan' may have not been going smoothly, but it was what Dawn wanted and I was willing to see it through.

"Yeah, well," I sighed, looking at the floor before turning away. "Good for them."

Dinner was Panda Express. And whether by design or subconscious arrangement, everyone sort of paired off around the big table for 8 we snagged: Dawn and Ryan, Tricia and Stephen, Nancy and Travis, and then Gwen and me. Robin pulled over a chair to the end of the table next to Gwen.

Gwen was the one that made me feel like we'd organized into couples. She practically ignored her friends, exclusively talking to me and dropping not-so- subtle innuendos into the conversation. I mean, when a girl points with her chopsticks at your 2-item combo and asks huskily, "Will you pork me, Ben?" her intentions are pretty clear.

To be honest, I didn't really mind the attention. A small part of me felt justified in getting the female attention since my girlfriend was three feet away doing her best to hook up with another man. I gave as good as I got in my conversation with Gwen and after ten minutes, we were feeding each other off our plates.

Robin confirmed that she'd spilled the beans on our open relationship, and it looked like the other two couples spent more time observing me and Dawn than on their food.

Nancy and Travis watched with a mixture of humor and amazement. It had to just blow their minds how Dawn and I were supposedly a couple and yet so obviously into other people.

Now Dawn had told me that Stephen had been ogling her and making lecherous comments about her for months now. At dinner, I think Stephen started getting ideas in his head that if Dawn was in an open relationship, then maybe he DID have a chance at getting into her pants. But with one inappropriate comment about doing a little swapping thing with their best friends, Tricia slapped her boyfriend and put an end to that particular line of thinking. At least one good thing came of it: Ryan got defensively protective of Dawn and for the first time all night, put his arm around her and glared at Stephen as if he was Dawn's boyfriend.

After dinner, we wound up just hanging around the parking lot for a few minutes. Stephen had a big pickup truck, so he and Tricia were sitting on the tailgate while the rest of us discussed what to do next.

"Why don't we go to your place, Ryan?" Dawn put her hand on the big guy's chest and looked sweetly up at him.

At first, Ryan started smiling but then he got a nervous look on his face and darted his gaze to me. I had been coolly evaluating him with what I thought was a neutral stare, but whatever my expression, Ryan didn't seem to like it. "Y'know, uh, Dawn. I'm not sure that's such a good idea."

"C'mon. Just hang out for a coupla hours. Maybe grab a few beers and get you loosened up a bit," Dawn encouraged warmly.

Ryan uncomfortably removed Dawn's hand, stood to his full height, and then gave me a firm look. "You know what, I think I'm just going to go home myself," he declared.

"Ryannn..." Dawn began.

But the guy held up his hand, turning to the beautiful young blonde. "Dawn, just stop it." And then steeling his spine, he strode directly across to me and then stood before me with a stern look on his face.

Gwen had practically been hanging onto my shoulder up until this point, but as Ryan marched his approach she backed away as if afraid to be anywhere near this showdown. I stiffened my own spine and drew myself to my full 6'0" height, still a couple of inches shorter than him. I felt the tension start flowing into my arms as I readied myself for anything.

But Ryan stopped himself at a respectable distance in front of me and spread his hands open, his open and honest expression quite disarming. "Look, Ben, this is all my fault. I knew Dawn had a boyfriend and I knew my own rules not to pursue her. But I couldn't help myself. She's gorgeous. She's smart. She's ... she's incredible. But she wasn't mine. I knew that and I kept going after her." Almost nervously, Ryan gestured with his hands to illustrate what he was saying.

"But that was wrong of me," he continued. "No matter what kind of relationship you two have got, open or not, I respect that you two have a relationship. I blinded myself into not seeing it while you were away because I wanted so desperately to be with her. But I can't blind myself any longer. She's yours. And she loves you. Everyone here can see that. Yeah, she's been trying to keep it under wraps tonight, but from the minute you arrived she was a different girl. She was your girl."

Ryan then took a deep breath and extended his hand to me. Automatically, I reached out for it and he shook my hand firmly. "I wish all the happiness in the world to you, Ben."

Slightly confused but feeling honored by his frank honesty, I nodded fractionally and pumped his hand.

Ryan then turned and glanced back at Dawn, who was looking at the guy with her jaw on the floor. And to my total surprise, I saw a tear roll down his cheek. "All the happiness. She deserves nothing less."

I just nodded slowly, not quite believing what was happening. Ryan dropped our hands and then started to back away. But before he left, he turned and gave me a significant look. "You take care of her, Ben. You ever screw this up, and you can bet I'll be looking to catch her."

I managed a smile at that as Ryan gathered all of his dignity and turned away. He didn't even stop to wipe up his tears. And with a final forlorn glance at Dawn, he headed for his car.

Before he got there, Stephen called out. "Hey man! We still watching the game at your house tomorrow?"

Ryan didn't answer except to just raise his arm. Then he got in his car, started the engine, and rolled away.

"The hell does 'eh' mean?" Stephen asked, miming the raised arm. Tricia just rolled her eyes.

I looked over to Dawn, who hugged herself with her own set of tears rolling down her eyes, and I quickly rushed to embrace her.

Dawn was silent for the entire drive home. We took separate showers and got ready for bed without saying anything more than was necessary, both of us clearly lost in thought. But when I sat up against the headboard and opened my left arm, my true love, my best friend, my Dawn came willingly to cuddle herself against me. No matter what else was going on, it just felt so natural.

"He's quite a guy," I muttered quietly.

Dawn just nodded her head up and down slowly, her blue stare locked at some point off to my right.

"I can see why you like him. He respects you. I like that."

Dawn just nodded again.

"Do you think you might love him?" I asked softly.

Dawn shivered and snuggled her cheek tighter into my shoulder. Her breathing immediately got heavier, and her whole body heaved for a few seconds before she very slowly tilted her face up to me while I looked right back at her. "Ben, I don't ever want to lose you."

"You won't. Ever. We're meant to be together, Dawn, someday. But we're still young. We're just seventeen."

She didn't answer except to try and melt a little deeper against my body. She felt good against me, but a knot was forming in my gut. Again, I asked softly, "Do you think you might love him?"

"I don't know," her eyes flicked away before I could read anything in them. "I like him. He's handsome. He's considerate. But I KNOW I love you. I feel it in my bones, Ben. It's just ... I never thought I might have room in my heart for anyone but you."

"So you do have feelings for him?"

A tear rolled down Dawn's cheek and she buried her face into my chest. "I shouldn't! I'm sorry! I know it's wrong," she whimpered.

Not wanting to see her in pain, I shushed her while stroking her back gently. "It's okay, Dawn. It's okay."

"No!" Dawn bit out through clenched teeth. She looked up at me, her eyes a little wild. "Nothing's gonna happen, Ben. Okay? I'll wait for you. It's only seven more months. I can handle it."

"But you'll be horny and miserable. You've BEEN horny and miserable."

"Doesn't matter. Ryan will never go through with it. Like you said, he respects me. Ben, we've done ... a lot ... together. He's had a dozen chances to fuck me without taking them. He hasn't even tried to make me give him a blowjob. And if he's lasted this long, he's never going to go through with it. What kind of 19-year- old man that good-looking goes four months pursuing a girl without even a blowjob?"

I looked away. "A man in love."

Dawn jerked and started whimpering again.

"He's in love with you, Dawn," I said softly. And for a moment, my mind flashed back to Adrienne. I wasn't really in such a different situation.

"Then I definitely should cut things off with him right now," she blubbered.

I sighed, patting her back. And then formulating a question and a test of my own, I gently took Dawn's face into my hands and tilted her up so I could look into her eyes. She blinked away tears, her eyebrows furrowing as she started to wonder what I was up to. And then I asked softly, "Do you want to stop seeing him?"

Her eyes tightened and Dawn quailed. She didn't verbalize anything, but her reaction was clear to me. No, she didn't want to stop seeing him.

I took a deep breath and bit my lip. "Then don't stop."

Her eyebrows furrowed even tighter. "But Ben..."

My mind was already racing. Was I seriously considering this? I had to be CRAZY. "Dawn, I love you with a fierce passion. And I know I love you for two reasons: One, I feel it in my heart. We have a connection that goes back to when we were babies. But two, because I know better. I've been in love with other people, or at least what I thought was love at the time. I've been around the block. I've had a lifetime of romantic experiences in the span of little more than a year. What about you?"

Dawn frowned and said a little defensively, "I've had other boyfriends."

"But no one you felt 'in love' with. How do you know I'm 'The One' if you've never experienced another?"

Dawn gave me a cold look. "Because I KNOW. I'm not a child. I know what I know and I'm sure what I know. I've been dreaming of being married to you since I was seven, Ben."

"Okay, okay," I held my right hand up and stroked her back with my left. "I'll never force you into doing anything. I'm just trying to say that there's a reason why you wanted an open relationship in the first place. If it was just because you were horny and Ryan turned you on, then that's fine with me. But..." I took a deep breath, knowing my next words might change my life forever. "But if it's more than that ... maybe ... maybe it's best if we take a little break from each other."

Dawn pulled herself away from me, staring at my navel with a shocked expression on her face. "How can you say that?"

"Dawn, I LOVE you," I said reassuringly. "I'll always love you. No matter how far or how long we're apart. For years we've split up for eleven months and we always come right back to each other at camp as if we'd been together the day before."

"This is different."

I sighed. "Maybe. But look at it this way. If it really is destiny, if we really are meant to be together, then we'll find each other in the end."

Dawn looked away, lost in her thoughts again, biting her lip nervously.

"You're curious, aren't you?" I asked gently. "You LIKE Ryan and you're curious what it would be like to be his girlfriend."

Dawn squeezed her eyes shut and trembled, apologizing in a wretched voice, "I'm sorry."

I went up and held her shoulders. "It's okay, it's okay." I sighed. "Dawn, I want you to be happy. I really don't want to see you miserable for the next seven months the way you've been the past four. You're lonely. You're horny. And I'm not there for you. It KILLS me inside knowing I can't be there for you. And even with this open relationship, you're torn in two directions. You can't be free if you still feel tied down to me."

Dawn shuddered almost violently and I quickly circled her in a fierce hug. "I love you, Dawn. I'll always love you. Nothing can change that."

Dawn never gave me a verbal answer that night. She just cried and shuddered and cried some more. Two or three times she started rolling away from me before hurriedly lunging herself back into my grasp. And in the end, she just exhausted herself and fell asleep in my arms.

Wondering if I'd made the biggest mistake of my life, I stroked her hair and surrendered myself to sleep as well.

All was dark and quiet when a tickling sensation lower on my body woke me up. The tickle then became more of a gentle hold as I felt warm fingers wrapping around my prick, stroking gently as it elongated and thickened. My breathing started to get heavier and I sighed as I felt the stirrings of pleasure in my loins.

I kept my eyes closed, just enjoying the pleasant touch as Dawn stroked me to hardness. I heard her panting softly beside me, her breath warm against my chest. I didn't know what time it was, nor did I care. I'd forgotten where I was or why, thinking of nothing but this moment and the little buzz that set my skin to tingling.

The pleasure in my prick built and built, not toward climax but toward a plateau of relief and satisfaction. And just as I reached that point, I moaned softly and stretched my head back, feeling liquid fire seeping into my veins as my body came alive.

That was when Dawn twisted and slid over me. My cock had merely been pulled through the flap of my boxers and I felt the friction of worn cotton against the glans. But then she settled her body over me, pulling the crotch of her panties to the side so that I now felt a moist warmth over my cockhead. And then with steady pressure, I was slowly buried inside my true love's body.

When we were fully enjoined, Dawn's mouth found my own and still with closed eyes, I kissed her back with dreamlike passion. I felt her torso shifting as the cotton T-shirt she wore to bed was pushed up to her neck. And then the hard points of her nipples rubbed into my chest while she began a light humping motion, her body more undulating than bouncing on top of me.

I have no idea how long we made love in the darkness. It could have been hours or it could have been five minutes. It didn't matter. My time with Dawn stretched out for an eternity. And after a while of feeling the snug fit of her vagina around me becoming wetter and wetter, and the whimpers of pleasure humming out of her mouth becoming louder and louder, I groaned and released, pouring out a lifetime of liquid love deep into my lover's body.

Dawn kept moaning into my mouth long after our orgasms subsided. Her lips remained on mine until she'd caught her breath, the steady sound of air passing in and out of her nostrils as soothing to me as the ocean's waves crashing onto the beach. And only once she'd come down from her high did she move her head to the side.

She kissed my cheek tenderly, whimpering a forlorn, "I love you". And then I felt the first of her tears landing on my cheek.

Still in my dreamworld and feeling light-headed after my intense ejaculation, I merely sighed and patted her back. Then still with my prick lodged inside her, Dawn buried her face into the crook of my neck, and we returned to the peacefulness of sleep.

We awoke on Saturday normally, with smiles and kisses and playful teasing. DJ flirted with me and we ate breakfast with Dawn's parents. For a time I forgot everything. Yesterday had never happened and it was just me, my girlfriend, and her loving family. Even last night's lovemaking was something of a half- remembered dream.

But after lunch, Dawn informed me that we were meeting up with her friends at Ryan's place to watch the Stanford football game. It had been planned ahead since Ryan was a die-hard Cardinal fan, having grown up on the Peninsula. And given their near-dating closeness and Dawn's Cal Berkeley fanaticism, the Bay Area rivalry had become one of the key points of their relationship.

The mention of Ryan reminded me all at once of everything that had happened last night, and as we got ready to leave in her bedroom, I touched Dawn's arm and asked, "Am I still your boyfriend?"

She didn't turn around immediately. She took a deep breath and then turned around to me with a lost look on her face. "Ben, of course."

I searched her eyes for a minute and then asked a slightly different question. "Will I still be your boyfriend come Monday?"

Her answer was similarly delayed. She wet her lips twice before speaking, looking at my chest before finally bringing her gaze up to my eyes and asking, "Do you want to be?"

I knew that if I answered 'yes' right then, that Dawn would consider that enough reason to affirm 'yes' on her own. With one little word from me, she would resign herself to the misery and pain of being alone. She was a beautiful young woman, getting all sorts of male attention and temptation. And I knew the kinds of guys that would be going after her. I worried about her. I worried that if I wasn't around and if she didn't have someone like Ryan around her, eventually she might cave to her desires and do something stupid. I found that I trusted Ryan, somehow. Better the guy I knew and could accept than the unknown.

So after a long, thought-out pause of my own, I answered, "I want you to be happy. I'd hate to see you miserable and pining after me."

"But what if this changes us?" Dawn looked frightened at me.

"I'll always love you. Do you believe we'll be together again?" I asked firmly, fighting to keep my voice steady.

"Yes!" Dawn turned and flung her arms around me.

I hugged her back and stroked her spine with both hands, leaning my head back and staring at the ceiling. What the hell was I doing? "Then be happy. Once I'm gone and out of sight, you won't be thinking about me so much. And then you'll be able to appreciate everything Ryan does for you."

Dawn sighed and clutched me a little tighter. But eventually, she let go and stepped back; and for a moment it was as if I could feel her love pulling out of my body, leaving small holes inside me where my Dawn used to be.

I bit my lip, not sure if I should even try to ask again, but I had to confirm the empty feeling I now had inside. "Will I still be your boyfriend come Monday?"

Dawn started to shake her head slowly, cinching the cold fist tighter around my gut. But she stopped her negative head-shake abruptly and then looked up at me, biting her lip. "I don't know. That's up to Ryan now."

"Heyyy! You made it!" Tricia walked up and hugged Dawn as we arrived. The pretty brunette rocked her best friend, holding on far longer than a normal greeting. But Dawn didn't seem to mind as she just enjoyed the extra touch.

Then Tricia finally released Dawn and smiled at me. "Hey, Ben," she greeted rather neutrally.

I said hello back and then head-nodded to Stephen before looking around. Given that I was considering to leave my Dawn in the hands of a guy I didn't know very well, I was taking the opportunity to really evaluate Ryan and his environment. For example, I might have worried just a little if he'd driven a shiny Mercedes S- class, dressed in expensive clothes, and had a mansion in the hills. Whether 'better' than me or sleazy or whatever, I could have been uncomfortable with the whole thing. By contrast, if he lived in a ghetto neighborhood with bullet holes in the walls, I might just pack Dawn up and take her with me to Orange County.

As it was, Ryan was pretty middle-of-the-road. I knew he drove a used, late model Subaru and was in his second-year at community college. His parents' house was a single-story tract home with three bedrooms in a decent, although not upscale neighborhood. And I was pleased to find the interior neat, if not overly clean or fancy.

Ryan himself looked a little nervous as he saw me and Dawn enter. "Nervous" didn't really fit the tall, well-built young man and made him seem much smaller, but I attributed that to respect, not fear. Dawn almost immediately went over and tried to engage him in casual conversation, but the guy clearly was tense at our very presence.

For myself, I looked around for something to do or somewhere to sit. I also clearly saw the team alliances of the people present. Ryan, Stephen, and Tricia were clad in Cardinal red, Stephen and Tricia even wearing Stanford football jerseys, with Tricia's tied off above her waist to reveal her belly-button. Dawn and Gwen were in navy blue, with Gwen proudly wearing her own Golden Bears jersey tied off above her waist as well. Robin wore green, clearly just there to hang out. And Nancy and Travis weren't present, having other plans of their own for the day.

Stephen was quick to point to Dawn's navy blue shirt. "What? Ashamed to wear your jersey anymore, Dawn? After Stanford crushed them at the big game last weekend?"

"They weren't crushed, Stephen," Dawn drawled. "It was 35-28."

"Whatever. What are they, like 0-10 now?"

"Hey, Cal WON yesterday," Gwen piped up. "Against Rutgers."

"Greaaat. Rutgers," Stephen scoffed. "And now they're 1-10. C'mon, Ryan, help me out."

Ryan was just quiet, glancing at Dawn for a moment before tightening his fists and standing up, walking back towards the kitchen.

"Hey Ry? Where you going?" Stephen called. "The game's about to start!"

Ryan ignored him and with his shoulders hunched over, he disappeared through the doorway. Dawn looked after him, biting her lip nervously.

I stared at my girlfriend for a long minute, watching the way Dawn's eyes looked after Ryan. Whether intentionally or not, she had certainly developed feelings for the guy. I couldn't blame her. He was there when I wasn't. From what I'd gathered, he was the warm male presence keeping her company at all the hangouts and parties. He listened to her bitch and moan about school when I didn't want to stay on the phone. And he'd shared her kisses and touches when her hormones kicked in and made her aroused. If I couldn't feel emotionally detached after sleeping with a girl just one time, how the hell could she have remained detached after four months of attentiveness and compassion?

She deserved this. She deserved to feel happy. And it was up to me to help make that happen. So I set my drink down and went to the kitchen.

I found Ryan hunched over the counter, an unopened beer in front of him as he hung his head and stared downwards. I could see the tight knotting of his muscles in his arms, as if he was trying to crush the white tile with his bare hands.

"Hey, man," I said casually, which made Ryan immediately spin around in surprise.

"Whoa, whoa," I held my hands up. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

"It's okay," he said, clenching his jaw and looking away from me.

I said nothing else until I walked up within a few feet of him, turning and leaning my butt back against the counter and putting my hands into my pockets. I looked down and furrowed my brow for a moment before looking up at him. "Are you in love with her?"

Ryan stared at me for a few seconds, as if in disbelief that I'd asked him that. But he took a deep breath and stared right back at me with those crystal blue eyes, not quite icy in his stare but certainly intense. "Yes. I am."

"Okay." I nodded, still reclining back. "Dawn and I are breaking up. When I go home tomorrow, she'll be a free woman."

I'd never seen a jaw hit the floor that fast. "Excuse me?" Ryan's eyes popped open.

"I can't be here for Dawn. She's lonely and miserable without me, but she tries to keep herself pure and loyal and whatever. We love each other. We always have. I'm assuming Dawn's told you a bit about our history, how we've known each other practically since birth."

Ryan just stood there, looking dumbfounded.

I continued. "It's because I love her so much that I'm letting her go. She likes you, Ryan. She really, really likes you. If it weren't for me, you two would have become a couple long ago." I sighed, thinking back to Halloween and the whole Mark incident. "If you had, maybe some things could have been avoided," I said bitterly. With a guy like Ryan by her side, Mark would never have gotten his hands on her.

I looked at Ryan intently and he started to recover his composure. "I'm counting on you to take care of her while I'm gone. Be there for her. Support her. Protect her." I took a deep breath. "Did she ever tell you what happened that Halloween night? After she was with you? Why I drove up so suddenly?"

Ryan blanched but shook his head negative.

"Ask her about it," I encouraged. "You deserve to know. She's still fragile. But I can't always be here."

Ryan nodded but then a fierce look came into her eyes. "Ben, you do this and I won't want to give her back."

I sighed, thinking of destiny. Were Dawn and I meant to be? Or was this a world where you make your own destiny? If so, I might be sabotaging my eternal happiness to avoid seven months of pain. But I inhaled and looked at him steadily. "I guess that'll be up to Dawn when the time comes."

Ryan took a deep breath and then stood up straight. For the first time since last night, I saw the steel in his spine once again. I wondered for the umpteenth time if I wasn't making the biggest mistake of my life. "Okay," he said firmly. "And thank you."

I nodded, and now it was my turn to deflate. I was giving up the greatest woman I'd ever met, and my limbs suddenly felt like jello. I sagged against the countertop suddenly enough for Ryan to jerk forward as if to try and catch me.

But I held myself up and hung my head, sighing forlornly. When I looked up again, Ryan was holding out a fresh Corona. "You look like you could use a beer."

I nodded and reached for it, before stopping myself and sighing. "You got any tequila?"

He smiled and turned back to a different cabinet.

The game was a thriller. Even though Gwen, Dawn, and I (to a lesser extent) were Bears fans, we still liked Stanford better than Notre Dame. The Cardinal scored 14 points in the fourth quarter to come back and win 17-13, taking their record to 8-2 and ensuring they'd rise again in the polls.

When Ryan and I had returned, Dawn gave me an intense, questioning look as if wondering what I'd been doing back in the kitchen with Ryan. I gave her a wry smile and a shrug, then nodded to Ryan. Dawn's gaze flicked over to him, and the tall, hunky guy smiled at the girl he was in love with.

During the game, Ryan and Dawn had sat together once again, but this time Ryan seemed much more animated and comfortable around her. I started to see the charm and attentiveness that Dawn had described in him coming through his personality and Dawn seemed delighted to have her old Ryan back.

I, on the other hand, was rather more subdued. At first, Gwen tried to flirt with me the same as when we were at the theater, but my lack of initial response practically stopped her in her tracks. Instead I spent more of my time trading sardonic comments about the game with Robin, who would rather snark on everything when things were going bad than enjoy it if things had gone well.

It wasn't until the fourth quarter started going and Stanford mounted their comeback that I started to come alive. The beers kept coming and as the excitement built, I lost myself in the rhythms of the game as I drank and cheered and high-fived everyone with glee. Who care if it was Stanford? They were still the local team that was charging against Notre Dame.

When the game ultimately ended in victory for the Cardinal, I suddenly found myself with a lapful of excited girl, as Gwen vaulted herself onto me with drunken, cheery enthusiasm. The dirty-blonde with heavy eyeshadow wrapped her arms around my neck, giggling exuberantly and swinging around with extended arms. Then she pulled herself upright, fixed her face on my own, and planted a juicy kiss on my lips.

Already drained by the emotions of the weekend, I lost myself in that kiss, moaning into Gwen's mouth as our tongues fenced between our lips and her arms closed in even tighter behind my head. But when we pulled away, my first thought was still of Dawn and I glanced over to my girlfriend. She had her forehead against Ryan's and the two of them were smiling at each other. And then ever so gently, Ryan leaned in and pecked her on the lips, which Dawn happily accepted.

It had begun.

I looked at Stephen and cheered for a moment, then glanced around the coffee table. Where was my beer?

Some three hours after the game had ended, I set down my empty Corona bottle and let fly with a loud, noxious belch. Then I started laughing like an idiot, quite pleased with myself for the incredible noise I'd managed to produce. I heaved myself back into the couch while Gwen laughed drunkenly and rubbed my shoulder.

The dirty-blonde girl with full lips and an easy smile giggled happily, and I let my eyes rove down her torso to ogle the view of cleavage she was currently providing me. Gwen had long ago ditched her Cal football jersey, leaving her in just a white, nearly transparent wife-beater and black bra.

Stephen then stood up, chugged the rest of his Budweiser can, and crushed it on his forehead. Dropping the empty disc of aluminum onto the floor, he then struck a bodybuilder's pose with both arms flexed and pointed downwards, taking a deep breath before letting out an even louder burp than mine.

When he was done, Stephen started laughing uproariously and reached over to high-five Ryan, who raised his hand and slapped his friend's palm agreeably. Dawn and Tricia cheered on the two drunken boys. Robin had left to go home hours earlier, complaining about being a "seventh wheel".

Ryan then turned back to Dawn, smiling mirthfully as the gorgeous young blonde played with his hair and stared into his crystal blue eyes. I glanced over, feeling simultaneously happy at the pleasant expression on Dawn's face and slightly perturbed that she was making the face for someone other than me. But oddly enough, I found that I wasn't really that jealous anymore. I'd thought about and re-thought about the situation long enough, beating the dead cow until I was too tired to keep beating it. I'd accepted the situation. And the beer helped.

Amidst my musings, Dawn turned and glanced back at me. Our eyes met and for a moment, my acceptance was communicated across to her. A smile tugged at the corners of her lips, and then she turned back to Ryan, taking his face in her hands before leaning in and planting one of her volcanic kisses on his lips.

For about three seconds I watched the burgeoning couple get more and more involved in their kissing. I watched my love slipping away from me. 'It'll be okay, ' I reassured myself. 'You'll be together again.'

But I was losing her now. And a great pang of emptiness sprung up inside me, like a sinkhole was forming beneath my feet, sucking me down into an abyss of despair. I didn't like the feeling. I wanted it to go away. And when I turned and saw Gwen smiling at me, I grabbed her in my arms and planted another wet kiss on her lips.

"Mmph!" Gwen murmured in some surprise at the ferocity with which I seized her. But she returned my kiss with equal passion and wrapped her arms around my neck while pulling me down to the couch cushions with her.

When I paused to breathe, I found my mind flitting back to wonder what Dawn and Ryan were doing in that moment. My eyebrows began to furrow and I sought to block those thoughts from my mind by losing myself in my lust, kissing Gwen again as we pivoted our bodies into a horizontal position, the sexy blonde beneath me wrapping her legs around my hips and rubbing her crotch against my erection while we played tonsil hockey and bunched up each other's clothes in our hands.

The next time we had to breathe, Gwen turned her head to the side and gasped, "Ryan, uh, I think we need to use one of your bedrooms."

I turned my head as well to see Ryan in a seated position on the other couch, Dawn straddling his lap. And before he could respond, my girlfriend craned her head around and barked, "No!"

Paling slightly, Gwen gulped and whimpered, feeling desperately horny in the face of Dawn's refusal to let her take me into a bedroom.

But Dawn's eyes glittered as she stared back at her friend. "Fuck him here, Gwen. I want to watch you fuck him here." And then she turned back to face Ryan. "And I want Ben here when I do this."

Both Gwen's and my eyes opened wide in surprise at what Dawn had just said. But then Dawn crossed her arms down to the hem of her shirt and pulled up violently, yanking it off and sending it fluttering into a corner of the living room. She then reached back, unclasping her bra and shrugging out of it to bare her big tits. And then yanking on the back of Ryan's head, she pulled his face into her cleavage.

Still stunned, I then glanced over to Tricia and Stephen who were observing with their own shock and awe. Stephen especially was ogling all of Dawn that he could, and I felt a twinge of righteous anger in the back of my head. But Tricia soon grabbed her boyfriend's head, rotating it forcefully and planting a kiss on his lips while her hands reached down to start fumbling with his zipper.

Gwen was the next to get over her surprise, reaching down to my shirt and tugging upwards until I got the hint and let her take it off me. She then shoved her own wife-beater tank-top and bra up around her neck and pulled my face down to her breasts, moaning erotically when I sucked a nipple into my mouth.

While not quite as big as Dawn's, Gwen still had healthy, good-sized mounds that stood up firm and round with just a bit of heavy sag. I cupped her right breast from the side with my hand while I nursed on her left. And she ran her fingers through my hair while gasping and moaning in response to my urgent suckling.

But tit-sucking wasn't enough and soon I felt her tugging me further upwards, shoving on my chest and then hips, I eventually got the hint and turned around to sit on the couch while Gwen knelt on the floor in front of me, deftly working my clasp and zipper before tugging my jeans and boxers down to my ankles. With a quick removal of my socks and shoes, I was soon bare-ass naked on a couch with four people I barely knew. But I couldn't care less because my dick was buried four inches into Gwen's mouth while she sucked me like a vacuum cleaner.

"Ohhh, FUCK," I grunted and ran my fingers into Gwen's hair, pulling her head further down onto me. She responded my licking my shaft a few times and doing her best to take deep breaths. And then I felt a telltale relaxation in her neck, and with my hands tugging she slowly imbedded my dick into her throat.

Meanwhile, Tricia had already gotten naked and mounted her boyfriend. Stephen was kind of hairy, but he certainly was muscular and handsome nude. And his big hands with long fingers palmed Tricia's snow-white ass as he guided her up and down his pole.

At the other end of the long couch, Dawn was the one sitting back, her legs spread with one foot hanging off the end of the armrest. Ryan was topless but still had his shorts on as his head wriggled in my girlfriend's crotch. And he must have been doing a pretty good job because she moaned sensuously and rubbed his head in approval, the same way she'd done to me many, many times.

Sensing my gaze, Dawn looked over at me so that our eyes met while we both quivered in the oral pleasures others were giving us. At first, she bit her lip nervously while searching my gaze for any signs of disappointment or anger. She wouldn't find any. I really and truly just wanted to see her happy, something I believed was reflected in my smile.

It was, and Dawn got the message. With a look of absolute relief and happiness, she began to smile even more eagerly and after getting an affirmative nod from me, Dawn then looked down to Ryan, lifting his face up from her crotch and saying something softly to him.

Time slowed down then. Abstractly, I was still aware of Gwen sucking my dick, her right hand pumping my shaft while her left tickled my balls. But my focus was on Dawn and Ryan. I watched as he got to his feet and then bent at the waist to drop his shorts and white Hanes. He kicked them off his feet and then knelt on the floor again while pulling Dawn's hips to the edge of the couch and lifting her legs over his shoulders. At 6'2", his cock was at just the right height, and after pausing to kiss my girlfriend tenderly, he tugged on her hips and leaned in to sink his dick inside her.

That was all I needed to see. Returning my attention back to Gwen, I reached down and grabbed her around the waist, jerking her up off the floor. And with a power I forgot I had, I dropped her back onto the couch lengthwise, lifted one leg up over the backrest, and then swiftly buried my cock into her wet cunt.

Gwen's head jerked back and she gasped at the penetration. I didn't let up until our pubic bones banged into each other and only then did I pause to stroke her face and hair.

"Holy shit!" Gwen moaned, lolling her head around for a few seconds before turning her face to me and crushing her lips against mine. Fully enjoined, we kissed for a full minute before I planted my hands onto the couch to give myself better leverage, retracted myself several inches out of her, and then rammed myself home once again with a ton of force.

"Unnngh!" Gwen grunted when I slammed into her. Her leg came up and scissored behind my ass to get a better grip. And on my next lunge she dug in with her heels and pulled me with even more power, gasping, "Fuck me, Ben! Harder! Harder!"

I never turned down a request like that. So gritting my teeth in determination, I reached up to grab the armrest behind Gwen's head, using it to yank myself forward and really start laying the pipe to her.

Probably because they'd started well before us, Tricia and Stephen were the first to orgasm. With his arms wrapped around his girlfriend, Stephen yanked the curvy brunette down around his crotch and busting his nut insider her before getting a little dizzy and collapsing sideways across the couch. This put his head right next to where Dawn and Ryan were fucking, and his eyes seemed to glaze over as he looked up at Dawn's heaving tits above him.

Still lost in the delirium of his climax, Stephen started to reach out to paw at Dawn's nearest breast. But my girlfriend reached out and slapped his hand reproachfully just seconds before Tricia slapped his cheek and yanked him upright. Tricia got her just revenge by sliding into a seated position and parking her boyfriend on his knees in front of her, slamming his face into her crotch to lick up their mingled fluids.

I went off soon after, as I was concentrating on fucking full-force and not necessarily on lasting very long. I'd brought Gwen to one shrieking orgasm already and I managed to hold out just long enough to get Gwen one more. And while she writhed and twisted beneath me like an epileptic snake, I gripped the armrest to ram me forward a final time before unloading a gallon of cum inside her.

That just left Dawn and Ryan. Dawn had both hands on her forehead, gripping and rubbing while she whimpered constantly with her eyes closed. Ryan thrusted and pumped, his back and arm muscles rippling as he pounded the blonde teenager with a savage grace.

"Oh, Ryan ... oh, Ryan..." Dawn moaned.

"D- Dawn," he gasped. "I'm gonna cum."

"Mmm ... In my mouth!" Dawn suddenly groaned. "Cum in my mouth! I've always wanted to taste it!"

Grunting at the limits of pain, Ryan humped himself twice more into Dawn's pliant body before yanking himself out. He took one great step forward onto the couch while guiding Dawn's head forward in front of his throbbing meat cannon.

And then with the lunge of a striking cobra, Dawn swallowed up his cock and I watched her cheeks bulge as he began emptying his wad into my girlfriend's mouth.

I felt a shudder in my chest as I watched this. Even though Dawn and I had agreed to this and I truly believed in my heart that this was best for the both of us, I felt a pain deep inside just as fierce as when I'd been dumped by any of my girlfriends. I wished things could be different. I wished Dawn and I could still be together. I wished a lot of things.

It was harsh to learn that life didn't always work out the way you'd like. Not for the first time, I wondered if my life hadn't been better when I was just a child ignorant of the cruel realities of this world. My mind was numb, but searching for even more numbness I reached out and grabbed my half-empty beer, quickly downing the rest.

But this weekend wasn't over yet. I watched Dawn swallow everything Ryan had to give her and then keep sucking on his dick. I felt a small measure of pride seeing that despite him being bigger and more muscular than me, his cock wasn't any bigger. And then Dawn pulled off and looked straight at me, drunkenly happy and smiling. "Ryan, Ben, I want you two to fulfill a fantasy of mine."

Dawn didn't immediately explain what her fantasy was. All she did was ask Gwen to get me hard again, making sure I was nice and wet. The dirty blonde chick grinned and crawled back into my lap, kissing me enthusiastically before sliding next to me on the couch, pulling her hair to the other side of her neck and bending over to take my dick into her mouth again.

I sighed and let Gwen go to work. I barely knew the girl, knowing almost nothing about her besides her name. Her fellatio was enthusiastic but unspectacular, and her personality, while a bit slutty, hadn't made a huge impression on me. Depending on how things went, I might never see her again, but it didn't seem to matter. Gwen was just looking for a good time and I needed a willing body. We'd both get what we wanted out of this and then move on.

As was typical for me, I got hard faster than any guy in the room. Seeing that Dawn was still occupied with Ryan, Gwen then decided that the most efficient way of getting me hard and wet was to straddle my legs and impale her cum- filled pussy on me. Besides, if Dawn was going to steal me for a fantasy, Gwen might as well use me for as long as she could. And knowing I had to save myself for Dawn, I did my best to keep my orgasm at bay and instead focused all my considerable skill at getting Gwen off.

Next to us, Tricia was sitting on one of Stephen's legs. His hand came around to massage her pussy while she dropped a hand down to jack him off. The pair was spending their time voyeuristically watching the other four of us. I guess they decided that while they could fuck any time they wanted, only rarely did they have a chance to observe their friends doing the same.

Their positioning gave me an idea and after lifting a moaning and complaining Gwen off my dick, I spun her around and set her back down on me, this time with her back to my chest. This way, while I used the couch cushion springiness to thrust up into Gwen's tight pussy, I could also reach around with both hands to manipulate her clit and tweak her nipples.

About a minute after our renewed fucking, Dawn got Ryan hard and turned him around, sitting him down on the couch. Straddling the hunky blonde man, she kissed him passionately while jacking his cock between her legs. And after guiding his prickhead into her folds, the gorgeous blonde teenager sank his dick back inside her wet pussy.

"Ohhh..." Dawn groaned as she felt Ryan fill her up. And then she turned her head to me and said softly, "Okay, Ben."

"Mmm, gimme a minute!" Gwen gasped immediately, humping herself up and down my rod while I skillfully worked her over. I had both hands under Gwen's breasts, using them as handholds to guide her vertical thrusting as well as my own rotating hip movements.

Dawn just nodded and bent forward, pressing her tits into Ryan's face while he licked and sucked eagerly, his own hands on Dawn's hips while she rode him powerfully. She could wait a minute.

But I didn't want to wait a minute. The instant Dawn had expressed her readiness for me, every fiber of my being urged me to drop whatever I was doing and go to her, Gwen be damned. Only my training, reminding me to make the girl satisfied first held me in place. And eager to make that happen as quickly as possible, I pulled out all the stops in making Gwen cum. And not only did I want the slutty blonde to cum, I wanted her to cum so hard she wouldn't bother me for a while.

Now I'd been studying Gwen's cues and signals. After all my practice and with Keira McNeil's voice in my head, it was second nature to me to figure out Gwen's hotspots, and I figured I had a pretty good idea of what would set her off. Lifting Gwen up, I kept my cock lodged deep in her pussy and set her face first on the couch, her knees holding her up with her ass thrust back at me. Quickly, I ran my fingertips up her sides, tickling her gently and causing her to spasm momentarily to tighten up her muscles. With her in this tense state, I then reached my hand around and pinched HARD onto her left nipple, the more sensitive one, causing her to squeak in pain and surprise. And when she'd rapidly exhaled all her oxygen, I clamped my left hand over her mouth and nostrils, suffocating her briefly while I rammed my cock in and out of her cunt at a rapid pace while thrusting the thumb of my right hand into her clenched asshole.

"MMPH!" she grunted in surprise. Deprived of oxygen and overstimulated by the pain and my thumb up her butt, Gwen exploded. Her whole body jerked violently to the left, collapsing that arm as her body began tumbling downward. With my hand still covering her nose and mouth, I yanked her back and slammed my hips to press her entire torso flush against the backrest, from tits to crotch. And I held her there, unable to move or breathe while the orgasm literally sent her into a seizure.

After about fifteen seconds of constantly vibrating, Gwen's head went limp and I pulled back from her, yanking my cock out as I took two steps back. Like a marionette with it's strings cut, Gwen fell straight back and to the side, collapsing unconscious onto the couch cushions, copious amounts of honey squirting erratically out of her pussy to be mirrored by the drool dribbling out of her mouth.

"Fuckin' A!" Tricia shrieked, dismounting Stephen and rushing to her friend's side. At first, she seemed frightened and concerned for her friend. But Tricia relaxed when she saw the beatific smile on Gwen's face. "The fuck did you do to her?"

"Made her cum," I shrugged and then turned back to Dawn and Ryan.

The whole episode had scarcely taken more than the promised minute and Dawn was just starting to work her way into her new fuck. I was quickly beside them as I touched Dawn's shoulder and said softly, "I'm here."

Through heavy-lidded eyes, Dawn sighed happily before turning and planting a volcanic kiss on my lips. I felt an explosion behind my eyes, something far greater than even the orgasm I'd just given Gwen as I reveled in the exquisite agony and ecstasy of Dawn's kiss.

But almost as soon as she began, Dawn pulled away and then kissed Ryan as well, putting just as much passion into it as she had me. The kisses put both of us boys in a daze, and then Dawn smiled at her new lover. "I love Ben, Ryan. I always will. We go beyond friendship. Beyond family."

Ryan felt some of his ardor cooling at these words, but Dawn reached out and touched his face. "But I adore you. So sweet, so patient, so caring. I want you, Ryan." Dawn then turned to me. "I want you both."

Ryan and I looked at each other for a second before Dawn made her final statement. "For one night at least, I get to have you both." She turned and stroked my cheek. "Fuck my ass, Ben. Fill me up, baby."

Without waiting for an answer, the gorgeous, sweat-soaked blonde teen bent forward and planted another kiss on Ryan. Then she slid just a bit higher, crushing her breasts in his face once again and pinning him back while reaching behind herself with both hands and spreading her buttcheeks wide.

I was in a trance as I circled behind Dawn. My cock was at full readiness, throbbingly hard and soaking wet after the swampy wetness of Gwen's last orgasm. I felt a trifecta of excitements running through me: pure arousal to cum, the thrill of buggering a hot teenager's asshole, and sheer bliss at connecting so intimately with my Dawn. So with one hand braced on her lower back for leverage and my other hand guiding me to the crinkled star, I aimed, I pushed, and then I thrust myself deep into my girlfriend's bowels.

"UGH!" Dawn grunted and pressed forward, crushing Ryan's face with her tits so hard I was sure he would suffocate. What a way to go. But Dawn recovered quickly, pushing her hands at the backrest to pull back and let Ryan gasp for oxygen.

Now I'd had sex with other men in the room before. I'd even double-teamed a girl with another guy before, screwing Mizuho while she blew Jae and getting blown by Candy while Trevor occupied her other end. But this was the first time I'd ever double-penetrated a girl and the feeling was rather intense. It felt raw. It felt naughty. It half-scared me to death.

I'd buttfucked a girl while she had a dildo in the other hole, so I was expecting the sensation of another rod pressing up through a very thin internal membrane. But knowing it was Ryan's dick just separated by millimeters of wet skin was a whole 'nother story and the idea that his balls were freely swinging just below mine was a little off-putting. But I didn't care. I wouldn't give up this feeling for the world.

I held my Dawn's hips in my hand while I pumped my throbbing dick in and out of her ass. I smelled her arousal and could taste the sweat off her back when I leaned in to kiss her shoulder. And I felt the clenching of her sphincter and anal muscles, more powerful than anything in her pussy.

It was wonderful.

It was Dawn.

"Oh, gawd ... oh, fuck ... So full!" Dawn whimpered. "Fuck me, Ryan! Fuck me and fill me with your hot cum! Fuck me, Ben! Cream that jizz deep inside my ass! Fuck me! Fuck me both of you! FUCK ME!"

Grunting with exertion, Ryan and I did our best to comply and find a steady rhythm. Sandwiched between us, we worked over Dawn's poor body, overloading her with sensation.

"Like it? Is it tight? Is my ass tight for you, Ben?" the gorgeous blonde groaned. "Is my pussy wet for you, Ryan?"

Ryan grunted, "Fuck, yeah!" And he started pounding her harder, taking over the grip of her hips while I reached up to hold onto Dawn's shoulders, yanking her back against my cock with every thrust.

Two times, Dawn let her head loll back as she moaned in climax, her entire body clenching as one, squeezing around both the thick, hard cocks penetrating her body. And the third time she let her head rock, I felt Ryan speeding up as well. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," Ryan grunted while Dawn whimpered, "Ungh, ungh, ungh."

I matched their pace, synchronizing my thrusts a half-beat off Ryan's so that we literally started passing Dawn's hips back and forth like a ping pong ball. Each beat, he'd slam his dick upwards, rocking her hips back. And on the half-beat, I'd cram my cock up her rectum, slamming her back down. One-and-two-and-three- and-four, Ryan and I sped up together, driving Dawn up the proverbial wall.

And as Dawn threw her head back, I reached around, palming her tits and yanking her upright to put her ear right beside my face. "I love you, Dawn!" I husked. "I'll always love you!"

My love was all she needed to climax again. I felt the clench around my cock as she peaked, feeling the familiar vibrations as her body trembled in orgasm. Shortly after, I felt the seriously WEIRD sensation of Ryan blowing his load inside Dawn's pussy, his cum splattering against the opposite side like a fire hose spraying down a tarp. And then I relaxed my own muscles and let fly, firing away with both barrels to send my cum shooting into the depths of Dawn's ass.

There was no sound. I heard nothing but the roar of my own heartbeat. In slow motion, I watched Dawn's mouth gape open and her eyes roll up into her head. I watched the muscles twitching in her neck. And I watched the twist of her shoulders as she howled noiselessly to the heavens.

She was beautiful. She was power and grace and energy and form. If I could freeze that sight in front of my eyes and be otherwise blind for the rest of my life, it would not be a waste, for I would have a vision of perfection for all time.

But time rolled on, as it tends to do. The vision of perfection changed as Dawn collapsed forward, her body descending away from me until my dick popped free of her ass, lest I fall over with her. And when I blinked again, what I saw before me was Dawn cuddled up to Ryan's chest, his arms stroking her back while she rested her head on his shoulder, his dick still embedded inside her.

Life goes on.

Eventually, we got ourselves cleaned up and re-dressed. I knew Dawn and I had reached a massive turning point in our relationship, a detour from which we might never return. But that's life. We're just teenagers.

Gwen woke up, trying to figure out what semi-truck had hit her. When her memory started to come back to her, she flung her arms around me and gave me a wet, sloppy kiss. She wrote down her number and shoved it into my jeans pocket, making me swear I'd call her if I ever came back up to the Bay Area.

Dawn and Ryan shared a tender kiss, Dawn promising to give him a call the next evening ... after I'd gone home.

We then bid our goodbyes and carefully made the drive back to the Evans house. I steered Dawn's Chevy with my left hand and my right hand never left Dawn's thigh. Her hand never left the top of mine.

Upon arrival, we showered together, lovingly massaging each other's sore muscles under the warm spray. Even once we were clean, we hugged each other, pressing our wet, naked bodies together and swaying gently until our fingers wrinkled to resemble shriveled prunes. And we tumbled into bed naked, face-to-face with our legs intertwined and our arms around each other.

We kissed and kissed and promised each other that our love would endure for all eternity. We stroked each other's face and whispered "I love you" over and over again, neither of us tiring of either hearing or saying the phrase. Then, the alcoholic fog took over. And with our noses pressed together, we fell asleep.

We awoke on Sunday awkwardly, with worried looks and tight eyes. Both of us were fully aware that this was our last day together, and as such, our last day as boyfriend/girlfriend.

DJ sensed our unease and intelligently stayed back. We ate breakfast with Dawn's parents, both of them realizing something weird was going on and giving us our space. There was no way to forget what had happened yesterday, and the knowledge of our impending separation hung over us like storm clouds.

In a desperate attempt to forestall the inevitable, Dawn and I spent the entire day in her bedroom. We did absolutely EVERYTHING. Anything we'd ever done together, we tried. Anything we could think of, we tried. In terms of sheer number, we had more sex and more orgasms in a single day than we ever had during our entire relationship. I came four times before lunch, and three more times after. I lost track of how many Dawn had. I came in her pussy, her ass, and her mouth. I came in her hair, on her face, and on her tits. At one point, I pulled out of her pussy, jizzed all over her asshole, and then used my cum as a lube to shove my still-hard prick into her ass and ream it out until I came again.

But it was all so ... anticlimactic. We couldn't really enjoy it because we both knew we were just desperately clinging to our relationship. And after my seventh orgasm as the hour for my departure approached, I lay back and whimpered to the ceiling, "What are we doing? Why are we doing this?"

Dawn crawled over to me, tears coming down her eyes to match mine as she sobbed, "I don't know. Are we doing the right thing?"

"Come back with me, Dawn. My family would love to have you living with us. My school is one of the best rated in the country. You can finish your credits with no problem!" I pleaded.

"Ben, this is my home," Dawn sighed.

"Then I'll come up here! I'll finish my school up here! Our early-decision applications are already DONE."

"That's YOUR home. Your friends." She furrowed her eyebrows. "It's only a few more months."

"Then let's not break up," I pleaded. "I'll come back for Christmas. And then Spring Break. I can drive up for random weekends in the middle. I'll come up every weekend!"

"Ben, don't be ridiculous." She sighed. "You said it yourself: I need to explore this with Ryan or I'll wonder about it for the rest of my life. Besides, neither of us is ready to leave home just yet."

I exhaled. I knew she was right. I loved her, but I wasn't ready to leave home yet. Yeah, I could probably manage and a big part of me promised I could deal with anything. But I loved my family. I loved my sisters. I couldn't abandon Brooke and the twins. Not yet. And being still in High School, I just didn't feel quite ready to leave home.

Dawn then brushed my tears away, biting her lip before managing a smile. "Ben, I know you love me, but do you trust me?"

"Absolutely," I sighed.

"We'll be together again. I promise. Trust in that."



Fireces Fireces



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