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13.6% The Cursed Gamer / Chapter 68: USJ Incident (3)

Chapitre 68: USJ Incident (3)

Chapter 68: USJ Incident (3)

2000 DMG!

Neji honestly didn't know what to make out of this. 2000 damage sounds a lot, but what is the HP of the Nomus? His Observe couldn't see that, so the damage shown is just for decorations at this point.

'...Unless the system changes some things upon reaching level 100.'

The System did say its power is somewhat dependent on Neji's own. Either way, Neji stopped thinking about this.

The Nomu his Spear Ki had penetrated was thrown away from Aizawa's back, his brain splattered on the floor.

The good thing was the Spear Ki was enough to damage the Nomu, who is supposed to have multiple absorption quirks. But it doesn't seem to have any cut or penetration absorption quirks. 

The bad thing? The creature's brain had started healing the next second it was damaged, and by now, after 3 seconds have passed, its brain was back in shape. So even if the damage Neji did was a lot, it was reversed in seconds.

Neji slowly descended to the ground, in front of Aizawa's broken body, lying a few meters far from Shigaraki and Nomu. 


Aizawa stared at Neji with half-closed eyes.

"Get... away from here… it's dangerous."

His voice was shaky and cracked, but he sounded concerned which caused Neji to smile a bit. It's not every day people care for you without any reason, more so on their deathbed.

"I would be fine, worry about yourself."

"Listen to me-"

Neji grabbed Aizawa using his Telekinesis and dropped him in a corner of the huge hall, where villains weren't present. 

Ignoring Aizawa's grunts, he gave Shigaraki a glance. While the beak-mouthed Nomu was on the floor, the flat-jawed Nomu was standing beside Shigaraki. It wasn't moving. Neji knew why. Shigaraki found the idea of using two Nomus on a student inadequate; he was, after all, still immature currently. 

Neji then turned to the Nomu with a beak-like mouth. If Shigaraki was underestimating him, he would gladly take the treat and finish one of the Nomus first. 

Neji tightened his grip around his spear, his knuckles widened, and he dashed towards the Nomu.

[Spear Proficiency: 43.5%]

Like the [FPS Games Proficiency] from before, Neji gets a Proficiency Percentage as long as it's a weapon or a game. He achieved 43.5% Mastery on this weapon after a mere 3 months of training. This was one of the times when his system actually worked like The Gamer System. 

The head of the spear shone brightly in golden light, the colour matching his shockwaves, and he thrust his spear forward at the Nomu. 

The spear moved towards Nomu's chest in a rapid motion, the Nomu raised its arms to grab the weapon, it couldn't see the attack because of the ring, but it could sense it. However from beside Neji golden light gleamed and exactly 7 spears of golden energy formed and hurried at the Nomu as well.

Nomu successfully grabbed the actual spear with its large hands, however, the spears that were forged from Ki penetrated his body as if tofu causing the creature to cry in a strange voice. The forged spears vanished in thin air, leaving holes in the creature's body that started to heal visibly. 

Neji tried to jump back but because Nomu was grabbing his spears, he failed to move.

"Nomu-2! Get that kid!"

Before Neji could move away, Shigaraki's voice caused the flat-jawed Nomu, Nomu-2 in other words, to scramble towards Neji at a devastating speed, leaving dust behind its tracks.

It seems Neji judged Shigaraki a bit wrong. The man-child might be arrogant enough to not use two weapons made for All Might on a student, but the fact is he is still a man-child, he can easily be irritated.

Nomu-2's light grey palm curled into a fist and flew towards Neji. Neji was forced to let go of his spear because he couldn't overpower the other Nomu in strength and instead ducked down, dodging the punch easily. 

He still had his Eyes of the Lord, after all. Tier 5 attacks weren't that hard to see through. 

Though this confirmed his other suspicion. While the Nomus couldn't 'see' him, Nomu-2 didn't even have eyes to begin with, so it didn't matter at all. Both Nomus were heavily dependent on their other senses, it seems.

Neji heard the sound of metal falling and rolling on the ground, the dark-skinned Nomu, or in other words, Nomu-1 had thrown his Spear far from him. He clicked his tongue, he would get it back anytime using telekinesis.

He realised how wrong he was as from either direction, two punches flew at his face. His eyes of the Lord did show him how to dodge both of the attacks, however his body wasn't fast enough to keep up. 

One punch hit his face and one hit him in the guts, Neji's eyes widened and he panted blood in his mask, flying and crashing into a building in the far. 

[-200 HP!]

He moved immediately as the situation sank in him. He almost got anxious before Gamer's Mind kicked in. 

...Minutes passed, but Neji never got the chance to bring the Spear towards him. Two Peak Tier 5 enemies weren't something to take lightly, even with <EL>.

The Nomus had <Shock Absorption> quirk, and without the spear, Neji's main power is creating that exact shock that the Nomus can absorb. Neji had known this would be hard, but he never thought… he would be pushed so far.


Momo shifted her head to the right and avoided the villain's attack. 

She learned a few martial arts after Neji suggested it a few years back.  That much was enough for these thugs at least. 

With a stun-gun that she had created, she jabbed at the man in front of her, causing the man to freeze and wiggle in his spot before slopping on the ground.

"Good work, ribbit."

She heard the frog-like voice coming from behind her, turning back, she found Tsuyu who had her large tongue wrapped around 3 villains. They were unconscious already, so she was slowly pulling back her tongue. 

"They weren't as strong as I thought."

Kendo, the girl with large hands, dusted her off palms while looking around her, Momo followed her gaze.

A bit more than dozens of villains were laid around them, some groaning in pain and some just unconscious. 

Just like Kendo said, Momo had to agree. Seeing Kurogiri, she was assuming the other villains would be strong too, but she was wrong thankfully. Now she just had to find her boyfriend, he was one problematic bastard after all. He liked to show off, so he was probably fighting as many villains as possible after being teleported by Kurogiri. Momo wasn't that worried about him, but the fact remained that the top dogs were plenty strong, she wasn't sure if Neji would be fine against them, especially those two disfigured men who seemed dangerous even to her. 

Momo created a pair of binoculars from her chest and brought them to her eyes. 

"Ah, Momo~ I forgot how useful you can be!"

Kendo hugged her side, causing Momo to smile softly while her eyes tried to find the main part of the building. She soon found it and directed the other two girls there.

...When they reached the place, the place where Neji was getting trashed by the two Nomus, Momo Yaoyorozu couldn't help but lose her mind in shock.

If not for Kendo restraining her with her large hands, Momo would have jumped in and become a human paste. 


"Ahh, look at your pitiful face, you hero-wannabe." Shigaraki clicked his tongue. "I don't think I have met anyone as unlucky as you."

At Shigaraki's words, Neji could only laugh at the word, 'Unlucky'. Was he really unlucky? With a trait like Lady Luck's Boytoy? He couldn't tell at this point, things were strange.

"Both Nomus possess strong shock absorption quirks, and you have a quirk that generates shock. What an unlucky match you are~"

Neji knew this, he knew it from before, but he was expecting his shockwaves to overpower them. All Might overpowered the canon Nomu's shock absorption ability and finally defeated it, so he was expecting his shockwaves to do the same, though that's clearly not the case here. Well, that's a given since he can't use his full powered shockwaves in this enclosed place, or the whole building would crumble to dust and kill even Momo. 

He hoped he had a way to compress his shockwaves for close quarter battles.

A punch flew towards his face. This time he couldn't dodge, his vision was red with blood, blood that was flowing out of his eyes by the overuse of Eyes Of The Lord. It worked for the first few minutes before starting to bleed, apparently seeing through High Tier 5 attacks of two opponents was greatly exhausting.

A punch came crashing to his ribs, causing him to flinch in pain and smash into a wall. He didn't get the chance to get his composure back before something jumped at him and landed on his chest, causing him to spit out saliva.


They were only Tier 5, and he couldn't take 2 of them. Back when he fought Muscular? The Eyes of the Lord lasted less than now, meaning Muscular was a lot stronger than these two Nomus together. It was his lucky day when he fought Muscular, it seems. If not, he wouldn't even have been here today.

Reality sunk in his skin while he clenched his jaws, grinning. [Gamer's Mind] was a dangerous ability, he realised it long ago, whenever he is at the death door, he is more brave than scared. 

The good thing was, in these 5 minutes of beating, he only got 800 Damage, 300 coming from his bleeding eyes. His Moonknight Armour was working great. He was getting hit, true, but he was quite fine.

[HP: 1140/1940]

But the truth was he needed to replenish his HP if he wanted to keep using Eyes of the Lord, his best way to defeat them at this point. He had some more ways he could win against these two, that being some great items from his inventory, but if he used them, this whole place would be destroyed, killing everyone, even Momo and maybe him too. He gotta hold on and wait for when he is truly dying for him to use those things.

Now, he just needed a second to grab a Health potion from his inventory and regain his eyes then he'd be good to go now. But not like he hasn't tried that before. He already wasted 2 health potions, he got them out of the inventory, but the Nomus attacked him before he could consume any. In the end, the bottles crashed to the ground and splattered the potion. 

As he was thinking so, one of the Nomu's, Nomu-2, walked towards him from beside Shigaraki where Nomu-1 was standing by, and grabbed Neji's skull, raising him in the air. 

Seeing Neji's limp body, which was but him acting to find an opportunity, Shigaraki crackled up.

"Hehe, look at you, you pitiful brat. You must have a family, a mother, father, sister. Maybe even a girlfriend? Did you not think about them when jumping in, trying to act cool?"

He actually did think about them, that's actually why he jumped, to begin with. But that's not the point. 

If this was a shounen anime this would have been when the badass music would have played and Neji would have started turning the table. But no music played in the background, he was only left staring down at Shigaraki from under his torn apart mask.

"You… know what?" 

His dried voice asked, this wasn't him acting, Nomu-2 had stepped on his throat, to which Shigaraki tilted his head.

Neji grinned, well, he has to take a risk for now.

At level 9 <Surge>, Neji could release shockwaves from anywhere in his body, using which he had made some… interesting techniques.

His grin caused Shigaraki to frown in annoyance, but before he could order the Nomu to crush Neji's skull, Neji's grin widened.

"Fuck you."

Dancing Shockwaves appeared around his entire body before surrounding him in a circle of fire-less explosive golden energy. As if releasing a sharp breath, Neji released them in a burst of the wave, casting waves of shock to leap out of him all around the USJ compound. The glass roof shattered into pieces, raining down, and the pillars shook as if an earthquake had hit them. Shigaraki was flown back and hit the wall, sloping down numb, with the pieces of glasses starting to fall down on him.

<November Fifth>


Even Nomu-2 was forced to let go of Neji, sliding backwards on the ground, causing Neji to drop on the ground, he could see Nomu-1 who was beside Shigaraki all this time to fall on the ground too. Neji didn't smile though.

The bad thing was, bystanders such as Aizawa and Momo were about to die under the rain of glass. That's why he didn't use this technique from the get-go, and now that he has done it, he was instantly regretting it. 

Taking a sharp breath in, Neji released another burst, putting all his SP into the attack. This time he made the waves a bit lighter which won't cause much damage to big objects, but it caused the shard of glass that was raining down to fly away far from the source of the wave, far enough for it to not affect Momo or Aizawa. Some did go past their cheeks and arms, leaving a wound, but they didn't die at least. 

As he heard the screams of people from far, probably getting injured by the glasses, he took out another health potion from inventory, opened the fucking bottle-cap with his telekinesis, and poured it in his mouth.

His body started to heal visibly, he would think of an explanation later for Momo, Aizawa, Kendo and Tsuyu, oh- and Midoriya, but for now, he got two Nomus to finish.


[You have killed Kaneshiro Izanagi!]

[You have killed Kurata Tetsuo!]

[You have killed Shiro Haru!]

[You have killed Tobe Aoi!]

[You have killed Tano...]

The messages kept coming as Neji sighed. He could easily guess that the shards of glasses have killed many of the villains, causing him to get the exps.  

He took a deep breath in, letting the reality sink into his mind. Right this moment, he had just killed people… real people. He has gotten used to killing in dungeons, but he forced himself to imagine that it was all but inside a game, which was enough to ensure a good night's sleep since the 'enemies' he killed couldn't even talk. However… now? Now that he had killed real people, how did he feel?

...Well, he felt nothing. He blamed it on the [Gamer's Mind] since he didn't believe he was a psychopath and moved on.

Though another thought crossed his mind. Maybe, even some students have died…? In that case, he would feel a little bad. Hah, he might need to prepare himself against the police soon too

He again focused on the messages.

[500k EXP received!]

[Due to (even if indirectly) defeating enemies with your quirk, <Surge>,  it receives a portion (40%) of your exp!]

[Your quirk has levelled up!]

[Surge has reached level 10!]

[Surge has reached its Maximum level!]

[Your quirk has been 'Awakened'!]

[You can now manipulate not only shockwaves, but vibrations too, to a masterful degree!]

As the series of blinding messages ended, he thinned his lips, hiding a grin because he knew people were watching him right now. Would the police catch him? He would think about it later, for now, he needed to finish the two Nomus.

Neji stood up slowly and splattered water on his face from a bottle that he took out of his inventory, acting as if it was on the floor and picking it up. 

Washing the blood from his eyes, he clenched and unclenched his fist before throwing the bottle away. 

Encircling his clenched fist, visible shockwave flowed as if an independent aura before it formed into a half-transparent circular shape. He could feel the vibrations around his fist, the tremendous powers of both vibrations and shockwaves passing through his every cell as Neji smiled a small smile.

"This is what I have been waiting for!"

It was time for a bit of destruction, a sweet load of destruction. He was annoyed more than angry at the Nomus for playing with his body like a fucking football, so Neji had debts to settle.

Neji kicked the ground and appeared above Nomu-2 who had stood up by now, Nomu-1 was also standing beside it. Seeing him, they moved too, Shkigaraki might be unconscious but his order still lingered around. 

The Nomus were faster than him, but so what? He had his EL activated, his Level 2 <Eyes of the Lord> that was now showing him the best striking point on the Nomus' body.


His vibration and shockwave coated fist landed a devastating blow, causing a white web of cracks to spread on the Nomu's black body.




Author's Note: Start of another week. Vote stones for Neji to clap Nomu cheeks ✌️


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