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43.05% Lords of Ooal Gown / Chapter 31: - The Mad King. (18+)

Chapitre 31: - The Mad King. (18+)

AN: This chapter contains smut scenes and I mark the beginning and end of them for people who wish to avoid that kind of content.

How could this have happened? He was set up again. The assassins he once owned now used to drag his name through the mud even more and to attack the one person people universally loved, his youngest sister, Renner.

Barbo tosses his dinner plate against the tent's wall and screams. How did he not see it? All his efforts, all his attempts to become a better ruler, are used against him. But who was behind it? The most likely candidates would be Zanac and Raeven. But Nazarick's involvement couldn't be ruled out either.

Maybe it was time to just denounce the right to the throne? Every day the realization that he was just not fit for ruling hit harder and harder. But if he did so, what would happen to him and Ellga? What would happen to the western part of the country? The young and foolish nobles would not stand down. And that could lead to another war, even more bloodshed and misery.

Barbo drags his hand over his face and sits down by the table again, taking out paper, ink, and pen. Maybe he could still negotiate and explain his side. The first letter was addressed to Renner. An explanation that he didn't give the order to attack her but still regrets not dismantling the assassins that once worked for him.

She was a kind soul, and maybe would at least listen. The fact that she had to be turned into a demon for her life to be saved was unnerving, but from the reports Barbo heard, she was still the same golden princess.

The next letter was for his brother Zanac, urging him to cooperate and find a way to unite the country under one ruler. He even professed a wish to give Zanac a more permanent acting ruler role and resign himself to a more representative role.

The last letter was addressed to ambassador Nigredo. His people needed food and supplies. Barbo offered what little gold reserves he had in exchange for supplies. His own feelings towards the monstrous empire didn't matter in face of famine plaguing his people.

Once he sent off a delivery man, all he could wait and see if any of them would agree to meet him outside the city gates and talk.

Hours went by slowly. Every twenty minutes or so, Barbo went outside his tent to look if the scout was coming back. In response to recent events, the city wall was crawling with soldiers as if expecting his attack. His own soldiers seemed just as tense with uncertainty. Even the most loyal troops questioned the attack on the Golden Princess.

Despite his best effort to assure that he didn't give the order, soldiers seemed on edge. Most would not want to fight their own, no matter the situation. It was easy to see soldiers of a foreign nation as a faceless enemy but that could not be said about ones in their own home. It was hard to not see them as just people like themselves.

Finally, after a few hours of waiting delivery man returned with news. Princess Renner and King Regent Zanac had agreed to meet with him, hoping to resolve the situation peacefully. If anything, it was a small sigh of relief. There was a chance of salvaging the situation.

During the short time, he had a maid brush off his uniform and comb his hair to make him more presentable. There was no time for a bath and knowing that his men didn't have such luxury made him abandon most of his royal luxuries as well during the long trip. Even his meals were only a little better than one's soldiers ate.

Ten minutes later, he was sitting on his horse surrounded by a few guards as he awaited his brother and sister to arrive. The wait itself wasn't long, as the city gate opened right away. Predictably, the first ones to come out were chief warrior Gazef and the Blue Roses. If they suddenly decided to capture or execute him, no one from his own forces could react in time to stop it.

Of course, neither Gazef nor Blue Roses could defeat his army on their own, but in the current situation, he took a risk by being near them with only his private guard.

Zanac is next to appear dressed in plate armor and then finally Renner. Even from a distance, Barbo could see her large leathery wings. The symbol of beauty and grace turned into a monster.

Cold sweat breaks out as Barbo observes the incoming procession. While both and Renner and Zanac keep their expressions neutral, the Blue Roses glare at him with murderous intent.

Barbo swallows saliva and starts talking.

"Greetings, my dear brother and sister. I want to assure you both once again that I didn't give an order to assassinate Renner and ambassador Nigredo."

"King Barbo, brother, you want us to just believe you don't control your own assassin order anymore?" Zanac asks.

"Yes, that is the case. Believe me, I wish to resolve this peacefully. Western parts of our nation are running out of food. If nothing else, I want to prevent starvation of our people."

"A noble goal. I support you brother. We must help the poor. I believe you^ didn't want^ this to^ happen and didn't give^ the^ order^ to^ attack^ me. I know you^ and^ your^ men^ want^ peace and do not want to^ hate^ us^ and^ slaughter^ the^ people^."

Renner says, getting louder towards the end as if addressing the army standing outside the city.

Why did he want to slit her throat all of the sudden? This was wrong. Renner spoke of peace like she always did. This pestering hatred towards his own family bubbles deep beneath.

"As our sister said, we will support your goal and I will speak to ambassador Nigredo on your behalf, but I have no more funds of my own to spare and I must ask you to gather the required sum from the provinces. I will try to negotiate the emergency supplies so people don't starve while you gather the funds. Are those terms acceptable my king?"

How he wanted to punch that fat stupid face. Wait, why he was so angry? Zanac addressed him properly and even offered to get help. What was going on? Was this his old self coming back? That couldn't happen. He was better than this.

"Yes, I will await Nazarick's answer. Thank you, my brother."

That anger towards his brother and sister doesn't go down, no matter how much he tries to stop it. His men looked more restless themselves, twitchy, ready to attack. Why does such a short and positive conversation rile everyone up so much?

Nothing worked. Barbo paces back and forth as the maid standing in the tent's corner stands with gritted teeth, ready to take a butter knife and charge the city herself. Finally, not able to take it anymore, he walks outside and sees the troops fully prepared to charge. His second to command walks up and salutes,

"My king, troops are fully ready. What are your orders?"

Barbo glances at the man and sees nothing but a pure bloodlust in his eyes. His orders?

"I… we are retaking the city. Prepare the army for a frontal assault!"


The sturdy port ground beneath Neia's feet finally gave the much-needed stability. Weeks spent on a ship stuck in the sea with no wind was one of the worst experiences of her life. Not to mention eating only dried meat and brick-hard bread downed with cold water mixed with some alcoholic syrup made of who knows what. The uncooperative sea prolonged the trip far longer than it should and in hindsight, a land trip would have been faster and more pleasant.

Even the idea of returning to her homeland on foot through the beastmen controlled lands felt like a better option than spending more time on a ship. The constant light swaying of the ship assured only short unpleasant attempts at sleeping.

The port of Re-Lobell was rather quiet for this time of year. Neia takes a long look around. Something was off. The end of the harvest season always was the busiest part of the year for the numerous merchants traveling by sea, but all she could see was incoming ships unloading bags of grain.

A thin man suddenly starts to run with a bag on his shoulder, but moments later falls with arrows in his back. Guards hurry over and pick up the bag, leaving the dying man on the cold harbor planks. To execute someone over theft of a single bag of grain felt overly harsh. Other deck workers just carry on unloading the ship without bothering about the ruckus.

As one aspiring to bring light and justice to the world, Neia felt the need to rush and help the man. But she was in a foreign nation on a secret and important mission. By helping, she would just draw unnecessary attention and possibly jeopardize her mission.

She quickly walks on towards the main street. A warm meal and stable bed were a must before continuing the journey. After that, it would be preferable to buy a horse or get a spot in a merchant caravan. With a bow on her shoulder, she could pose as a mercenary guard. But that will come after rest.

The more she walked, the more clear it became that something was seriously wrong. No smiling faces, no street merchants selling food. Taverns with locked doors. And then there was a sight she refused to believe at first. A merchant stall selling what looked like chopped-up goblins. The idea of consuming goblin meat made Neia gag.

Just how dire the situation was to eat the foul monsters. The dirt on the ground surely was a better option for a meal. Neia shudders and hurries on. At the city square, finally, there is an open inn.

Neia rushes inside and is greeted by the innkeeper, a thin, balding man with greying hair.

"Greetings, miss. If you look for a room, the single rooms are three silver a night and the shared one is silver per bed. We do not provide meals."

"I will take a bed for a single night. Could you recommend where I could get a warm meal in this city?"

"I'm sorry, miss, but you are out of luck unless you want to get one made out of monster meat. I can offer tea with rum if it's something warming you seek."

"Yes, I would like a tea, please. Is there a place in this city where I can buy a horse and supplies for the road to the capital?"

Innkeeper scratches his chin and says,

"The stables by the western city entrance may have horses left, but I wouldn't count on it. As for supplies, you are out of luck, miss. Maybe the arriving merchants will sell you something. This year most of the harvest rotted on fields, with the war and all, so no one is selling food."

The man seemed apologetic, and she still had about three weeks' worth of dried food in her bag, so it wasn't a dire need to buy food for now. A big mug of warm tea was more than enough to make her feel better. Inn was rather empty, only a few tables filled with merchants from her homeland and their guards.

Three tee mugs later, Neia retired to her bed with a light buzz. Many sleepless nights spent on the ship had taken their toll and her body screamed for a soft bed. The room with ten beds was empty at first. Neia takes off her traveling boots and kicks them under the bed. The inn was on the expensive side, and there was little worry about common thugs being present.

She slowly sets her traveling bag as a pillow, setting the one on need aside. With no options of buying supplies, she sure as hell was not leaving her only source of nourishment unprotected.

Two men in mercenary soldier clothing come in.

"Hello there, lassie, staying…" the moment Neia looks up at them, both men hurry to their beds at the other end of the room.

It was always her glaring eyes that pushed people away. Despite her tired state, Neia would not have minded a friendly chat. Both men murmured something among themselves. Neia only caught 'scary' as she lied down, and sleep overtook her instantly.

The room was empty when she woke up. Her bag is still safe under her head. With a yawn, the young squire gathers her things and heads out to Inn's main area. Another warm drink was a must before the long journey to the capital.

Today tea was with no rum and she took bigger sips to not waste too much time. Getting a horse and leaving the city was the main priority and then she could eat. Unpacking her supplies in front of other people seemed dangerous.

The streets were just as gloomy as they were yesterday. The only ones without faces of desperation seemed the merchants and their guards moving the carts towards the city gates.

To draw even less attention, Neia takes a side street. At first, it sure felt like a safer option, as there were much fewer people.

"You there, stop!"

Two city guards, or at least they looked like ones, approach her.

"Is something wrong?"

The larger one invades her personal space and says with a laugh,

"Looks like a little mercenary has lost. We will have to show what we do with pretty little things like you."

"Hey let me go I have done nothing wrong."

Neia shouts and tries to get out of the guard's grip.

"Stop struggling, you little girl. No one is going to stop us here."

The situation was bad, very bad. Rape, robbery, maybe murder. There was no other option. She had to fight back. Neia raises her hand and shouts.

"Blinding light!"

The first-tier spell flashes a bright light, temporarily blinding her attackers. The guard holding her does not let go of her shoulder.

She rams her knee in the man's poorly protected groin and goes for her sword. Man lets her go in shock and falls down. Before the second guard can react, she stabs the man in his unprotected side.

There was no hesitation now. She had to finish it before others show up. Quick sword jabs in their necks and both attackers choke on their own blood.

Neia looks at carnage panting. Even if they were scum, she had killed humans for the first time. There was no time to worry about it now. She looks up to see if there were any witnesses and sees a dirty, hunched-over man with a large butcher's ax.

"Just run away girly, nothing happened here, we will take care of it." The man says as other dirty-looking men, women, and children start walking out of buildings with sharp objects in their hands.

The implications were disturbing. Neia just nods, does a quick bow, and runs. Nothing happened there. This country just was messed up beyond belief.

The main street clearly was the better option as Neia returned to it. There was blood on her clothing now, but no one paid any attention to it.

Neia didn't bother to appear calm anymore. She had to reach the stables by the city gate, get a horse, and leave.

To find out there was not a single horse left surely was disheartening. Walking towards the Re-Estize Capital will take so much more time. With obvious reason not to trust anymore and avoiding sleeping when others are near, the trip promised to test her endurance and willpower.

Village after village, the same misery was everywhere. The constant camping outside and alone took its toll. The slow, grueling trip made her realize the paladin boot camp was nothing compared to what she was going through now.

Even if she wasn't liked by others, at least other squires and paladins engaged in a friendly chat once in a while. The people she met in these small Re-Estize villages looked at her with either mistrust or a cold calculation.

The two weeks went by. Her rations were gone, and the second day without food made her legs heavy as lead. The capital was still at least a few days' walks away and the idea of starving invaded her mind more and more.

There was another village on the horizon, but Neia didn't believe they would have anything to sell. All the gold she carried meant nothing if no one was willing to part of whatever scraps of food they had.

At the entrance of the village, a man working on a small fence smiled and waved at her. After a moment of frozen confusion, Neia waves back and walks on. An unexpected interaction, but a pleasant one.

The momentary happiness quickly fades as she sees two skeletons unloading a cart with bags. The bow was next to useless against them, so the only option was to use a sheeted sword for extra weight.

Neia unties her sword when an older woman gets out of the nearest house and says,

"Don't worry, them undead folk just bring grain and not harm anyone."


"Oh, you must be new around these parts. Our king Zanac got help from those monster folk in Tob. Come in, you look in need to rest your legs after a long trip."

The offer was suspicious, but the woman's smile was earnest and Neia's instincts told her to trust the simple farmer. With a returning smile, she follows the woman inside and sits at the table.

A woman quickly disappears into a kitchen area and comes back with a bowl of wheat porridge and a cup of herbal tea.

"Here you must be hungry."

"Thank you. But will you have enough for yourselves?"

"Yes, yes, we do not need to starve. You look like you came right from the parts ruled by King Barbo. A selfish brute, that one. Traveling folk say only bad things about western lands."

Neia returns a smile and digs in. A simple meal, but at least warm and nourishing. The older farmer woman was chatty and told many things that had happened in Re-Estize. In return, Neia told about her own journey in great detail.

This is how the simple peasants got the news. By interacting with various people passing through the small villages. Even though the woman insisted that the tales she told were enough of a payment for a meal, Neia gave her a few copper coins, anyway.

The sight of the undead outside still gave her pause, but at least she knew not to provoke them, as they were the servants of the Empire of Nazarick.

The two parts of the same country were like night and day. Western parts ruled by King Barbo were the pits of desperation and hopelessness while the eastern parts, controlled by King Regent Zanac and supported by Nazarick, were in good spirits and even trusting the monsters, helping them during the hard autumn and winter.

The remaining trip was much easier. The few villages she visited provided meals and even a warm, straw-filled stable to sleep in.

A completely different thing was the heavy hit on her beliefs that monsters desired nothing but to spread suffering and destruction. That is what her religion taught her, that is what everyone around her believed. Especially the paladin order she aspired to join one day. From the beginning of her trip, it was the humans who had done all the atrocities while the undead she encountered in villages helped the simple peasants.

The solitude of her journey gave her ample time to think. Her home was in constant danger from the beastmen attacks and even the sea spewed out a monstrosity or two from time to time. The four gods worshiped had shown no sign for centuries, at least. As priests told in sermons, the six great gods ascended to the heavens centuries ago and it was the duty of the faithful to await their return. But what if they are not coming back?

There were rumors circulating that the monster empire of Nazarick was ruled by five new gods. Ones that helped even those who, for better or worse, hated their kind. Was humanity just assuming their superiority? Was justice even a thing in face of all the circumstances? Humans perform monstrous acts themselves out of desperation or simply because they could.

Her order preached justice of the righteous. A paladin's duty is to protect humanity, but if humans were the evil ones, what then? Was justice nothing more than enforcement of your own beliefs?

The more she thought about these things, the more her own beliefs twisted and muddled. Even the prayers for guidance didn't work anymore. When the distant walls of capital final came into view, she could push the heretical thoughts away and concentrate on her destination.

At the capital, there was a large army camping outside the city flying the colors of King Barbo. Was it a civil war? Could the timing of her mission be any worse?

With no other option, Neia just walks around it and reaches the city gate without an issue. A small bribe to guards and she was inside the capital of Re-Estize.

A quick talk with some of the city guards revealed that Nazarick's ambassador was staying in the royal castle, making her task clear. She had to find a way to reach the ambassador and present her Queen's letter.


Sazrasas' warning about the untrustworthy nature of frost dragons only increased Tsar's worries each day. The mixing of dragon and human sleep cycles also didn't help one bit. Rigrit was out spending their impressive allowance while he was lazing on the couch, half-asleep.

With two dragon lords visited and mix success, this was a time to slow down and rethink his approach with other rogue dragon lords. Bright in the Elven kingdom made him worry the most. Regarded to be just as wise and smart as the Deep Darkness Dragon Lord, but with more unsavory interests and any lack of loyalty towards his own kind.

The old dragon lord had fathered numerous children with all kinds of species. With most perishing in time, unprotected by their careless father. Very few lived mostly because of their own merit.

Probably the best idea was to leave Bright for last and see what to do with him.

In other news, at least Sazrasas was happy with his new alliance. The shared interest in alchemical research had sparked the dark dragon's friendship with one of the lords, Tabula. If nothing else, he and the frost dragons were safe for now. What will happen when his power-hungry and borderline insane aunt finds out was hard to tell.

A sudden notification that one of his wards was triggered makes him jolt up. Luckily, it was just triggered and not broken. Maybe some small animal founds his way to the floating city again.

Then another trigger. Someone was carefully walking around his vault. The remote observation showed nothing, but he could sense clear wild magic influence. Something was off. Was another dragon raiding his vault while he was away?

His first instinct was to get back to his natural form and rush home, but it would take almost a day even with maximal speed, and a faster option was to wait for Rigrit to get back and cast gate.

Minutes tick by as he paces back and forth, threatening to walk a hole into a soft rug under his feet. Few more warnings and then first broken ward. The ward that guarded one of the more valuable artifacts had been deliberately broken.

{ Rigrit, where are you? }

{ I'm in the city square. Did you need anything? }

{ Someone is attacking my vault. I need to go deal with it! }

The moment later, Rigrit teleports next to him and puts down a bag.

"So who is attacking it?"

"I don't know. Nothing was out of the order, but I sense wild magic veil over the entire territory."

"That sure sounds like a trap. Don't you think contacting Nazarick would be a safer option before you rush to your vault?"

"I can take care of myself. Soon you will suggest I ask their permission just to take a piss!"

"Calm down. I am not saying we need to ask their permission, just it sounds like a trap and you shouldn't go alone."

"It is likely one of the dragon lords using my absence and there isn't a single one of them who can kill me easily."

"What about that aunt of yours? What if she found out already?"

"Hmm… it is a possibility. But if she is one laying trap, she will not wait for long. Patience is not one of her virtues."

"I know you are a dragon and your treasures mean a lot to you, but you can't rush into an obvious trap to save them."

Should he just wait for his vault to be destroyed? What the suspicions were unfounded, and it was a sole dragon lord just seeking to rob his treasures? Asking for Nazarick's help felt like an admission of weakness and until now, he had kept his independence despite working for them. If he asks for help, or may all change and they may increase their own demands and tighten the leash around his neck.

"If it's Graladansa, I will just run and abandon everything I have. She is powerful but not unstoppable."

"I have a bad feeling about this, but you are a grown man or dragon, so I can just nag how stupid you are for responding to that trap."

Tsar hesitated for a moment. His instincts screamed not to go. The battle between his survival instinct and his draconic greed was harder than he could imagine. A perfect trap. One that almost no dragon could resist.

"Drop me a half-hour flight away. I will prepare as much as I can and notify to pull me out if it is a trap set up by my aunt."

"If you manage to get yourself killed, you will be in huge trouble."

"Noted. I don't plan to die."

The spot where Tsar steps through the gate is too far away to even see the flying city. He quickly transforms into his natural form and takes to the sky. The short flight home was more than enough to put up his defenses.

The shimmering veil of wild magic over the flying city was already a half affirmation that it was Graladansa's handy-work. But he had to be sure. If she knew, Nazarick should be warned about it.

Maybe he came off as a typical greedy dragon to Rigrit, but he knew it was his mistake to go so openly about converting dragons to his side and may have compromised his allies already. If that was the case, he needed to confirm it and then run, letting his home be destroyed.

Maybe it was just an attempt to deflect the deep desire to keep his treasures, but it also was sound reasoning he couldn't ignore.

Tsar slows down just before the veil. No matter how powerful it was, it would not block his retreat, as he was a wild magic user himself.

No reason to hesitate. Tsar crosses the veil and is met with Graladansa standing on the main street and a few dozen dragons flying. Many breath attacks hit him instantly, partly burning his wings. The trap was so much worse than he could have predicted.

Tsar lands hard, shattering his front paw on impact.

"You treacherous worm. Blood of my own line betraying us to Yggdrasil filth!" Graladansa roars with fury.

Tsar limps up and turns around. If he can jump over the city border, he could request a gate and leave half alive.

He could feel the ground shake as the much larger dragon leaps and lands on top of him.

"You are not leaving whelp!"

"Hrr…" Tsar lets out a pained grunt as his shattered paw sends an agonizing jolt. "You can not stop them. They are stronger than all who came before. You will lose."

"Ignorant whelp. The children of the Great One will awaken and, with them, our glorious master. No trash will stand in his way. We will retake his world for him!"

There was no point in arguing. Tsar knew this was the end. He underestimated just how much she wanted to kill him. Maybe it went back to his father's mistake that brought the Yggdrasil to their world. Maybe it was his unwillingness to bend his knee. But it didn't matter he will not go without a fight.

Black spikes of sick slithering darkness shoot up, piercings Graladansa's mighty paws. She roars in pain but doesn't let go. He could feel one of her aunt's paws grabbing his neck and pressing hard. The world was going dark.

In desperation, he casts another set of spikes and hears a deafening roar, but Graladansa is not letting go. So much she hated him that no amount of pain would deter of choking him in pure fury. He then felt his air supply cut off and just intense pain in his neck and no feeling of rest of his body anymore.

'Tsar, please don't die' a cloudy figure resembling Rigrit shouts in front of him.

An illusion of a dying brain, nothing more.

"You deserved far worse fate, whelp, but the message must be sent clearly. Your head will do just fine."

These were the last words he hears before darkness overtakes everything.


The inn she choose to spend the night in was frequented by silver and gold plate adventurers giving her a plentiful source of news. Even if she didn't talk with everyone and just sit looking down in her drink, the chatting around her was constant.

The so-called golden princess was turned into a demon to save her life. An attempt was made by her own brother, the mad king Barbo. Many of the adventurers, especially those barely of age, talked about joining the army to protect the capital from the Barbo's wrath.

Her own course of action became more unclear with each passing moment. To be stuck in a foreign city in the middle of a civil war will just cause her to fail her mission.

The sudden ringing of bells made the inn clear up in an instant as everyone ran outside. Attack on the city had started. The inn Neia stayed was close enough to the city gate for her to see the invading army take the city wall and crush the gate.

The first instinct was to run, but something inside her prevented her from taking a coward's path. The attacking soldiers already tried to get inside the houses for rather obvious reasons. These were not liberators but brutes bent on destruction.

The two guards who assaulted her flash in her mind as Neia takes her bow off the shoulder and aims at what looks like an officer. Just one moment of hesitation and her decision is made. The arrow struck the man's head moments later. Neia takes out another arrow, takes aim, and shoots again.

It was time to retreat as archers of opposing force took notice of her. Together, with adventurers, they employ hit-and-run tactics to slow down the advance of invaders. The outer district was overrun before the local army could mount a defense and stop the advance.

Once they were past the current front line and armies engaged each other, one of the adventurers with gold plate gathered others close and called at Neia,

"You there, excellent job. Will you come with us to volunteer? King Zanac is rumored to arrive soon."

Neia nods and follows the small crowd of adventurers. This was her chance to not only perform her duty as an aspiring paladin, but also get one step closer to accomplishing her own mission.

The entire city was in a hectic rush to get the situation under the control. What clearly looked like representatives of various organizations had gathered around the mansion from where the king addressed his people.

"Citizens of Re-Estize I must inform you with a heavy heart that my brother king Barbo has launched an all-out attack on the city for no other reason than to get it under his control. Regretfully, our own force is not enough. With that, I have made a decision to request Nazarick's help once again. I know many of you lost the close ones during the war, but I must ask you to trust our allies and neighbors and let them help us in stopping the mad king's conquest."

A man near her shouts.

"Long live true King Zanac, long live Nazarick."

Similar shouts can be heard throughout the crowd, and soon enough the crowd was chanting Zanac's name. When chant quieted down, a beautiful dark-haired woman steps forth on the balcony addressing the crowd.

"Emperor Ainz Ooal Gown wishes to help the new allies of Nazarick. He sends a small force to turn the tide of battle in the favor of the righteous king Zanac."

A dark void opens beneath the balcony. Neia had never seen magic like that before, but the crowd's cheers showed they were not afraid of it. Six figures step through. Women, beautiful women in maid outfits. Was that some kind of sick joke? But the dark-haired woman continues speaking.

"I present to you the Pleiades battle maids. Personal servants of the five great lords and the last defense of Nazarick. They will aid you into crushing the mad king's resolve and liberating the city."

All six do a quick bow and arm themselves. Neia didn't understand how weapons just appear in their hands, but it ultimately didn't matter. It was an easy guess that they were some kind of elite team disguised as maids. Only when she looked closer did Neia realize their uniforms were made of metal.

She and a few other solo archers were assigned to a maid called Shizu who had a strange metallic long-range weapon. Shizu clearly wasn't the talkative type, as she only gave short answers when other archers tried to chat her up. Their interest in the short golden-red-haired girl was rather obvious, even though she supposedly was not a human.

Unsurprisingly, Neia has pushed aside as men swarmed around Shizu on the way to the front line. Ultimately, it wasn't her business. If this battle maid was as powerful as it was implied, she will have no problem taking care of herself if some men get the wrong idea, but Neia still was prepared to help just in case.

The group reached the front line without an incident and spread out behind the soldier lines for ranged support. Two quivers full of arrows gave her an ample amount of ammunition. It was surprising that Shizu didn't have any arrows or bolts, but at the same time, her strange weapon must use something for ammunition.

With a few quick movements, Neia gets on the roof of the nearest house and takes a position to be hidden from opposing archers. Shizu jumps on the same roof with her and signals for her an archer on nearby roofs to start the assault.

With the used practice, Neia draws an arrow and aims at a less protected soldier, striking him in the neck. She may be below average sword fighter, but thanks to her father, she surely was an exceptional archer.

In hopes of getting the attention of Shizu for long enough, to request an official visit to Nazarick, Neia prepares, do her very best. With a few targets down, she draws another arrow, but then a strange 'pew, pew' sound and the absolute carnage Shizu brings to enemy lines almost makes Neia fall off the roof in surprise.

Just what kind of weapons does Nazarick possess? With a shaking hand, she returns to her duty and shoots at the next target. Arrow after arrow finds its target and within five minutes they move forward to the next roof as the front line is shattered and Zanac's forces advance.

Shizu looks at Neia, gives a thumb up, and jumps to the next roof while reloading her weapon mid-jump.

The battle clearly was in their favor as the retreat of the enemy got more and more frantic with them just running at the end. A commander from down below shouted a command to not pursue enemy beyond the city gate.

The battle for capital ended with a clear Barbo's defeat as remnants of his forces ran beyond archer range outside the city and regrouped to retreat.

Neia knew her time was short, and she needed to talk with Shizu before others got close. Luckily, Shizu was just a few steps away.

"Miss Shizu I am…"

Shizu turns and presses something against Neia's forehead and says in a monotone voice,

"Good Job!" and then turns to leave.

"WAIT!… I bring a message from the Roble Holy Kingdom to Emperor Ainz Ooal Gown. Can you put a word for me?"

Shizu turns looks at her silently, puts one hand to her ear and after a moment of silence says.

"You will be contacted soon."

"Thank you."

Shizu gives another thumb up and jumps down from the wall, moving towards the royal castle with unbelievable speed.

Bonus Story - New Home.

Renner and Climb followed one of Nazarick's maids through a corridor on the ninth floor. Hers and Climb's new home. Her anticipation was palpable. Climb walks beside her, looking around, unsure. Last few days his existential crisis had worsened. Her puppy was growing some fangs, but soon she will make him happy again. Happier than he ever was.

But first came the tour around the Ninth floor. It was hard to believe how many entertainment places were there. A full city made for gods and their servants to enjoy. Restaurants, bars, beauty salons and so much more.

Climb just eyed everything with a mix of wonder and suspicion. A price far too many paid for her mistress's reward weight heavily on his heart. He loved Renner but to know she wasn't this pure and innocent princess, but a monster capable of atrocities conflicted with his morals. Morals quickly faded each time she kissed him. His teenage body could not resist his beautiful mistress's advances, even if he tried to.

She was smiling widely, walking beside him. Her once lovely smile made his day. Her natural one was something else. But at least it was real. Now he knew when she truly was happy and she smiled a lot these last few days.

His new home was more luxurious than the royal palace of Re-Estize. The recent interactions with various of Nazarick's monstrous denizens made the tour much easier. At this point, he was one of them. His new demonic body was much stronger and, if anything, it reflected his deepest desire to protect his mistress much more.

Before they would see their quarters, Renner wanted to dine in one of the places that someone of her stature was allowed in Nazarick. A small cozy restaurant that was considered below the notice of supreme ones but more of mid-tiered servants frequented.

It felt strange to be treated like a noble and served food. But he just went along with it to make Renner happy. Her anger scared him now much more than before. Her shouting with her whole needle-like teeth filed mouth opened to an unnatural width could make a hardened war veteran break.

It surely was the tastiest food he ever had and wine gave him a light buzz. There was clear, nervous anticipation in Renner's expression. Was she so excited about her new quarters? Climb hoped that there at least was a bed in his corner.

After the dinner, they finally arrived at Renner's new quarters. They weren't as spacious as he expected, and there was no small room for him. Renner gives a knowing smirk at his confused expression and takes the bag Climb was carrying all this time.

She takes out a large dog collar with a leash and hands it to Climb, saying,

"Take off your clothes and put this on."


"Take off your clothes and put on this collar^. I will be back in a moment."


AN: Smut after this point! If you want to avoid it, go to bonus story 2

Climb takes the collar, feeling an irresistible urge to obey. As weird as the command was, he does as ordered and awaits her mistress.

After waiting for a few minutes, his jaw drops at the sight of Renner. She is dressed only in almost see-through panties with long transparent socks on her slender legs. Her small perky breasts are on full display.

Renner smirks and slowly sensually walks up to him and grabs the leash.

"Now, drop on your knees and take off my panties," Renner says in an authoritative tone. To make him obey without using her powers was much more satisfying.

Climb drops to his knees and takes the sides of her silk panties with shaking hands. It was very clear he finally figured out what will happen and the performance fright he felt was palpable.

"Go on, don't make your mistress wait!" Renne says in a louder tone.

Climb obliges, pulls them off, and is met with Renner's glistened shaven slit. There is a small trimmed patch of blonde hair just above it.

"Now be a good boy and lick it."

This time Climb doesn't need to be told twice and starts eagerly licking her waiting clit and wet lips. Renner lets out a moan and grabs at Climb's hair to remain standing. No matter how much Zalarta told about the experience, no words could describe how good her puppy's eager tongue felt.


All Renner could do was to hold for her dear life, clutching Climb's hair as her legs shake more and more. Climb finally takes the first initiative and grabs her butt to keep her stable as he licks her dripping juices with increasing vigor.

When she couldn't hold her incoming back orgasm anymore, Renner lets out a loud scream and pushes Climb off, falling backward onto the bed.

Renner pants loudly, only a few minutes in, and her imagined scenario was falling apart. In the future, she will have to work on her own ability to control the situation, but for now, it was time to continue. She was sure as hell not about to waste her puppy's enthusiasm.

Renner flips over getting on all fours, and yanks leash saying,

"Come, it is time to make yourself my first and only!"

Climb was nervous again, standing behind, uncertain even with a yank of the leash.

"Do it, take my virginity!" Her voice had lost all its authority, and she sounded more desperate than authoritative.

She yanks the leash hard, making Climb fall forward on her and pushing her against the bed. Finally getting the command, Climb starts slowly inserting his throbbing member inside her, hitting her untouched hymen.

"Do it!"

Climb grabs Renner's hips and starts slowly and very gently, not wanting to hurt her mistress.

"Ram your cock inside me NOW^!"

Obeying her mistress's command, he does a hard thrust, finally breaking her hymen.

Renner pushes her face into a pillow and screams, not wanting to show the pain. Climb stops for a moment and asks,

"Mistress, Renner, are you alright?"

"Y-Yes, keep moving. Take me."

His thrusts felt good soon enough, as Renner lets out a moan again.

Her moans as catalyst awaken something in Climb as his pace and strength of thrusts increases. Renners lets out another screaming moan as Clim pushes her fully in bed and starts fucking her hard in a piledriver position. All sense of control was lost as she moans uncontrollably. Her puppy showed his fangs again, and she loved it.

His suppressed emotions come out in the best way possible. Her mind went blank with pleasure. Renner bites into a pillow to not scream as another orgasm comes. Climb is not slowing down. It was his way of getting back at her for lying, for manipulating. It was just this one small moment of control and something deep and demonic inside him was taking this opportunity.

His own orgasm was incoming. Climb does a few deep and hard thrusts and cums inside Renner. His mistress lifts her head and screams,


Climb does a few more thrusts and collapses on top of her and lies like that for a while. She will get the control back soon enough, but this surely was the best possible way to let him release his frustrations.

Climb roll off and pants hard next to her. Renner rolls on her back and puts her head on Climb's chest, slowly falling asleep.


AN: So there is a small another bonus story as a Christmas present, enjoy!

Bonus story 2 - Union.

Zalarta was squeezing his hand very hard. Her breath is still uneven. Details were unclear, but from a few brief explanations, the reason she was about to be harshly punished was that she accidentally revealed knowledge to Renner that she shouldn't have.

It was unclear if the power balance between her and him had shifted, but in the words of Lord Ulbert Zalarta belonged to him now and it was within his power to get rid of her at a moment's notice.

He didn't take a dark God's offer to get one specially tailored to him, but in some sense, Zalarta was already perfect. Despite the constant suspicion of her being just an agent tasked to control him, he couldn't stop getting closer to her.

The castle staff was still sleeping, so both could take a slow walk towards Zanac's quarters. Before returning to his duties, he wanted to escort his succubus to get some rest and calm down.

Zalarta was slowing down more and more when they approached the door leading to their private space, as if wanting to spend even a moment more with him.

They stop before the door with Zanac saying,

"Zalarta, please rest. You don't have to worry. I don't want to replace you."

"Thank you, my love."

Zanac was about to leave, but Zalarta still was clutching his hand.

"Please stay! Please stay just for a moment."

She sounded far too distressed to be left alone. She was in his care now. Zanac nods and heads inside his quarters to keep her company. Today, she wasn't his handler anymore.

He silently closes the door and is pushed against them with force as Zalarta kisses him with a passion he had not felt from her before.

She releases her grip for a moment and whispers,

"You stood up to a God for me!"


AN : Another smut warning - skip to the last two paragraphs

And locks lips with him against tearing her's and Zanac's clothes off. Her aura engulfs both of them, making their movements more frantic, desperate.

Zanac couldn't remember wanting his succubus so badly before. Zalarta was his and his only. There was no need to worry about bloodlines, political marriages. There was only him and her.

Zalarta pushes him to the soft rug under their feet and mounts herself on his waiting member.

"I am yours! Just yours," she moans, moving up and down with frenzied thrusts, her large breasts mimicking her movements.

Zanac lets out a moan, his mind going blank. No women before Zalarta wanted him like that, just him, not for his power, not his influence, just him. His orgasm came so fast.

With muscles contracting he feels intense pleasure but once it ends Zanac can see his lover continue riding with a pleasure twisted face. He felt his dick still rock hard, even though he orgasmed hard he didn't cum.

"Enjoy my love. I will show what pleasures succubus in love can bring."

Both share orgasm after orgasm in a union of pure bliss. Nothing else existed at this moment, just them. One endless eternity of togetherness.

AN: End of smut part.

At some point, Zanac passed out, immersed in a vivid dream. Only small parts remained of the dream. His lover brought him to a great dark goddess who smiled upon their union. With a vow of protecting each other, the dream faded.

Zanac wakes up, still feeling the aftereffects of the lovemaking with Zalarta curled up at his side. Her sleeping smile made his heart skip a beat. At this moment, he knew he would stand against all gods for her.

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