The 24th day in the 3rd month of the 1379th year of the Imperial Calendar.
Today is the celebration of my 15th birthday, or so what they believe.
I've made it all up, to begin with, I didn't know when's my birthday. The real Xercus' birthday, his memories did not mention anything about birthdays. It left a bad taste in my mouth when I tried to use my birthday when I was in my homeworld as Gunther. So I just decided to pick a date that would in return, favors me.
So I decided on a date about two weeks before the class begins.
The number of months and days in a year are identical to what I know so I'll just make use of them so it'll be easier for me to understand.
So in April, the 14th month is the start of classes. Two weeks from now, I'll need to take an entrance examination to enter the Academy.
"Happy Birthday, Xerc! You've grown really fast. It was like yesterday when you were still a baby." said Mairade while tightly clasping her arms around me.
'Please don't call me that, it's bothering me a lot.' I only let the words travel in my thoughts.
"Yeah, you've become manlier and more sturdy. It's all thanks to this big brother! Hahaha!" said Gulliver, I don't know whether he's praising me or just wants to brag.
Right now, we were in my room. I don't want to be with more people so I convinced them to celebrate in my room. Mrs. Mailon didn't join us because she's preparing for the opening ceremony in the Knight Academy.
"To think that it's already been 5 years since we met," Mairade said, reminiscing the past.
I've turned 10 years old about two months after arriving in the orphanage. Since I didn't tell them about that years ago, we've skipped the celebration that year.
"Let's party now!" Gulliver shouted with energy, holding two mugs of beer in both of his hands.
"Keep your voice down? We shouldn't get too loud or else the Mistress will be mad." Mairade turned and scolded him.
"I do think it's fine though since we won't meet that much after I entered the academy," I said, crunching on the fried chickens served in front of me.
The Military Academy had a rather unique regulation than the other two academies. Once entering the Military Academy will instantly give the title to the students as Cadets. And from then, they'll live in the Dormitory provided. That is to ensure if emergency drafts are needed on the battlefield, Cadets would promptly provide support. And contact outside the campus is very restricted to avoid unnecessary distractions.
"See? Even Xerc gave his approval! So let's enjoy our last moments with him!" he chugged the mugs empty and ate lots of meat. I could say he has a freaking big appetite.
"Ha-a-ah~ Fine, but don't overdo it too much. We still need to keep things under control. It's getting late at night so make sure to not bother the others." Mairade admits her loss, making Gulliver unstoppable from guzzling countless mugs of beer.
I don't want to be too much attached to them but this kind of occasion slightly tickles my heart.
Then about two weeks later, April 9th, was the beginning of the Entrance Examinations and after 3 days of reviews, the results will be announced.
"Good luck, Xerc! I'm 100 percent sure that you'll pass! You've been preparing for this in years." said Gulliver patting my shoulder while giving a thumbs up.
"Yeah, if it's you, you'll surely get in," Mairade said while hugging me.
"Sure, I'll do my, best," I responded, removing her embrace and turning my back on them after.
"He became such a fine man don't you think?"
"Yeah, he sure did. He's our s— a— —l"
Their faraway voice soon faded as the humming of the spring breeze gradually cross through my ears.
Few examiners were already here ready to take the test. Endless chatters pass through me as my strides drove me into the academy's examination building.
The architecture and fashion in this era show how much influence otherworlders distributed through the years.
Charles Frederick Worth, a fashion designer from the Victorian Era. Carlo Maderno, one of the most famous Baroque architects. Germain Boffrand, one of the main creators of Rococo architecture.
These are only a few among countless artists which work I've recognized as I've spent some of my time strolling around the City and from some of the books I've read.
In this current world, different artworks across different periods have been mixed. Those otherworlders just messed up this world's art innovations.
Leaving those thoughts behind, I took my first step to the entrance of the examination building.
I've taken my steps slowly because of the abundance of time I have. Having to wake up early is those two's fault. They were too excited, to begin with. Well, I could say the same to some of the kids that were also very early.
The test was divided into two categories, written test, and physical ability test.
So I found my way to my room where the written test would begin. Two pairs of eyes suddenly turned towards me as I've slid the door open.
Only then a moment where they turned back their eyes to the books wide open on their desks. Darkened eyebags and trembling hands are signs that those two boys are stressing themselves too much. Cramming every single piece of information in your brain wouldn't be that much of a help if you are not in your best state.
As for me, I took a seat at the back corner of the room where I can see the view from the window. Shutting my eyes off while waiting for the others allowed me to appreciate the rustling of leaves better.
I heard several footsteps coming from the door and the screeching of the chairs as they moved. Yet, this slight peaceful atmosphere didn't last long. As the sound of creaking followed by loud strides went my way.
"Well, well, look what we have here! This guy is a peasant isn't he?" a voice pierced my ears.
Slowly opening my eyes reveals a boy my age with silky blonde hair fluttering by the breeze from the opened window. He possesses a golden-like lion eye paired with a beautiful aquiline nose and well-defined cheekbones. Yet contrary to this gentle and lovely-looking face bores a type of person that will stare at his own reflection for too long before getting in the shower. He even has chiseled features that clearly show he has trained his body for years.
His eyes staring down at me with his nose facing the ceiling, bearing a smile so wide.
"Excuse me?" I replied, pretending not to hear him.
"Don't you even know your place? I am far superior to you, how do I know? Look at your skin, your hair, your clothes, your shoes. You are trash. Why don't you just pack up your things and go back to whatever wastelands you live in?" the arrogant boy, with his smile getting wider.
I'm too old to fight back from this kid's rattlings. Well, what he said was true though, skin colors, hair colors, as well as clothes, define a person's status in the hierarchy. It was also similar to Gulliver, but he somehow overcomes them by proving his strength and brilliance, achieving the rank of a captain in just 3 years of service after graduating from the Academy.
Mairade and Gulliver prepared these casual clothes for me. I wore an unbuttoned peanut shade suit with an attached bowtie then a white vest underneath. Uniformly colored trousers that match the suit and black shoes. I wouldn't say that I'm wearing cheap clothes and those two bought this for an expensive price.
From what I observed, he was showing off his power and authority to the people in this room. He's likely a person who wants to garner all the attention to himself.
"Bryant, he's not even worthy to talk back. That piece of trash should just shut his mouth." another boy said
I could see that there are 3 boys behind Bryant, it seems that they are grouped under his lead. They are either son of well-known commoners or nobles. They differ in hair colors, two have auburn hair with common brown eyes while the one who just spoke has
"Don't worry, Lawrence. I'll allow him to talk," said Bryant, as he raises his right hand to halt him.
"Take your seats now! The Exam will begin in 10 minutes!" the newly arrived instructor announced.
"Tsk, you are lucky for now. I'll make sure that you'll become my servant. If you pass the examination that is. Hahaha!"
The giggling of the four boys faded away as they turned to their seats. It's a good thing that luck was on me, I didn't have to deal with them this time.
The test had started and I took a look at the test questionnaire. I didn't have a hard time answering them. Correctly answering the basic questions while purposely getting wrong answers to complex ones. In terms of written tests, I would belong in the middle section in scores.
Now, I would only need to handle the physical ability test then everything is done.
We were guided to the open field at the center of the building. It looks like an arena used military training. There, I found several more people taking the test. There are around 100 of them added by about 20 of our group.
Now, the arena is filled up with hundreds of students.
"Attention to all examiners!" an ear-piercing voice filled up the arena gathering the attention of all students, including me.
"We will now begin with the physical ability test! The test will be divided into 5 categories! To make things faster, you will be now divided into 5 groups! An instructor will then supervise each group for the test!"
After the instructor's commands, the 120 students were divided into 5 groups with 24 people each. As I was scanning the members of this group, I silently sighed for not being in the same group as them.
We are the 5th group, so we are now located at the right edge of the oval arena. I can see where this test will go to. From the corner, I saw several long bars and circular weights that will be used in the test.
"Good day, kids! I am Sergeant Lorcan Dunovin, your instructor. I am in charge of testing your strength. Of course, the standards for men and women are different."
The ratio of men and women that are currently taking the tests is almost 1 to 1 with the majority of men. That means almost half of the examiners right now are women. In terms of physical ability, yes, a woman arrives victorious against a man, but only if they're kids or if the man didn't learn any martial arts.
However, if we are talking about a man who has martial arts experience, then it's a whole different thing. The muscle mass between men and women is entirely different from each other. That is due to the high level of testosterone in men than women. One of the main factors affecting muscle bulk and strength is testosterone.
That is why physical ability tests need different standards between men and women. Because whatever the reason is, a well-trained man versus a well-trained woman. Man will certainly earn a stunning victory.
The first test started simple, all we need to do was to lift weights weighing 45 kilograms, of course for men. While women, need to lift weights weighing 35 kilograms. Those who will fall flat to the score will immediately fail the test.
"When the facilitators began to arrange the equipment, everyone can start warming up for the test!" Sgt. Dunovin said.
While the equipment was being arranged for us by the facilitators, I can already see the cold sweats swelling from the forehead of some students in our group. Of course, the set weight for this examination is not that hard for adults. But for fresh 15 years old like us, it's hell in comparison. In an age like ours, those weights can only be lifted successfully by those who have trained for years and gained or had enough muscle mass to load all the burden delivered to the body.
"Alright, since the preparations are all done, we can now begin the test. Once your name is called, come forward and begin deadlifting. To those who don't know what a deadlift is, all you need to do is to raise the barbell on the level of your knees or hips, like this!" said Sgt. Dunovin while demonstrating the correct way to deadlift.
"The first one, Derek Havron!" almost simultaneously after the call, a student among the crowd strode forward.
Deadlifting determines how strong your different muscle groups are like hamstrings, glutes, core, hips, and trapezius. In simple terms, muscles from the back of the thighs, the butt, the abdominals and back, and the flat muscle extending from the neck to the trunk of the spine.
During the ancient world, soldiers and warriors need to have superb both upper and lower body strength. Especially when using the shield to defend against the enemies onslaught.
"Xercus Azrael!" Come forward!"
By the way, I was adopted by Mairade and Gulliver. That happened right after those two got married then I had succeeded their last names right after. That is the only way for me to enter the Academy said Mrs. Mailon. Am I gonna call them my 'mom' and 'dad' now?
"Oh please, I can't do that," I whispered, easily deadlifting the 45 kilograms barbell.
"Good! You pass!" the instructor announced.
Starting now, I am Xercus Azrael.
It was then years later that the world came to know about a destroying angel rising from the east.
This chapter was delayed because a lot had happened yesterday, I'm so sorry for that. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, and just let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
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