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66.66% Lord Potter-Black and his Wives / Chapter 14: Interviewing for an Assistant

Chapitre 14: Interviewing for an Assistant

Harry keeps all the worry off his face as he smiles and plays with his children, using his magic to make toys zoom through the air overhead, delighting and amazing them. No matter how busy he gets, he's decided that he's ALWAYS going to make time for his tots. He won't be an absent father, no sir, no how. And to be absolutely fair, Harry has been VERY busy in the last few weeks.

Parvati's article had been published five weeks ago, and it had left the magical world in a fucking uproar the likes of which Harry hadn't seen for quite some time. The evidence was irrefutable, and when the aurors finally came knocking, Harry gladly handed it over, so they could begin the investigations they HAD to make now, with the public breathing down their necks as it was.

The problem came from the corrupt idiots who the evidence implicated. Because of course they weren't just going to roll over and take it. Still, Harry had expected them to be smart enough to try to flee. He hadn't thought the bumbling buffoons truly thought they could get away with it all. What he'd forgotten was the simple fact that humans, in general, are irrational creatures. Wizards? Even more so.

In retaliation, some of the members of the Wizengamot had actively tried to help a foreign wizard kill Parvati and Lavender over the article. Said foreign wizard was one of the Ministers of Magic in some small country in Eastern Europe. Except it was increasingly apparent once the article's information spread that he wasn't so much the Minister of Magic, but the Dictator of Magic in his country.

That country, from what Harry had heard, received immediate censure and isolation from the international community when it became clear that he would not be removed from his position or even charged with a crime within his own borders. In response, the foreign fuckwads had grown angry at having his authority challenged or some-such bullshit, and he'd sent a rather large group of assassins to kill Parvati for the humiliation.

They'd attacked her in her very office, but because of the security that Lavender had hired after the death threats the magazine began to receive immediately after publishing the article, neither she nor Parvati was injured. The security had been able to hold the hit squad off long enough for Harry to arrive and destroy them, but then, that was just another problem, wasn't it?

Why had Harry been the one to handle things? Simple, the Aurors had been held up by a false call made by one of the corrupt members of the Wizengamot. Even now, those fools were trying to hold onto their power, even with the public braying for their blood. If they could, Harry had no doubt that they would gladly turn Magical Britain into the same sort of dictatorship as their friend in central Europe.

Regardless, what the whole incident had told Harry was obvious. Even though he didn't like it, he was going to have to take more of an active role in politics. This required his personal touch. And with the amount of gold at his fingertips… well, he could do a hell of a lot. Harry had started by secretly funding several different fledgling rebel groups to overthrow the foreign fuckwad who thought he could threaten Harry's family members. If nothing else, they would give that particular dictator something else to worry about for a while.

Still, taking this on his plate just made life all the more hectic for Harry. Much of it was in a good way though. But regardless, with his ownership of Puddlemere, his time with Family, his research and the new inventions he's been working on, and now politics? Harry was barely organized and actively stressed out and stretched to the limits at all times.

To their credit, his wives had taken notice. But unfortunately, they couldn't help all the time. Padma had taken some of the burden by helping him manage the Quidditch side of things as his assistant manager. Lavender and Parvati were still hard at work on the media side of things, not in the least bit cowed by the threats on their lives. Tracey, meanwhile, was working harder than ever before at her apprenticeship, which would soon be over. She was so close to becoming a certified Potions Mistress, and Harry was proud of her. Still, it left her away from home quite a lot.

Fleur was also away from home, given she'd recently been promoted and was now traveling across Europe on Gringotts' behalf. And Hannah had her restaurant to manage and wasn't willing to take much of a break from that yet, since it was her baby. Meanwhile Susan was… well, Susan was one of the few voices in the Wizengamot Harry could trust. But she needed to stay out of the things he was doing. Plausible deniability and all that.

Meanwhile, the three Greengrass women that now lived with Harry were all pregnant. Back when Lady Greengrass had become his Mistress, Harry had gotten a bit enthusiastic. None of them had come out of that unscathed, and both mother and daughters were all beginning to show now. Harry was happy with that, and eager to have three more children to dote upon and care for… but that did mean they couldn't help as much, especially since they were still working on their own paths as well.

Astoria was apprenticed to a Rune Mistress, Daphne was studying to become a magical solicitor, and Lady Greengrass was now managing the Greengrass' finances after the numerous failures of her husband, leaving her hands full too. She still dropped around as much as possible to help him relax in her role as his mistress, something Harry enjoyed quite a bit, but she was still quite busy.

In truth, the only witch that was able to help him out right now was Gabrielle. The young veela had taken to being his assistant with gusto, and at first Harry had been downright relieved. But while Gabrielle was in no way a slouch, it had become apparent in the last two weeks that she'd been working under him that they needed more help. They needed to hire someone that could be trusted, and that was good with children. They needed to bring someone in from the outside to be another assistant and take some of the load off of Gabrielle's shoulders.

A tall order, to be sure, but Harry was sure there had to be SOMEONE in all of Magical Britain who fit the bill. They just had to find them…

"… Harry."

Blinking, pulled from his thoughts, Harry looks over to see Gabrielle peeking into the nursery and smiling slightly. As he's gotten distracted by his own mind, he's continued to spin the toys about the room with an almost unconscious control over his magic. Meanwhile, all of his children, still quite young, have fallen to sleep in their cribs. Gabrielle's tone is quiet and she's clearly trying not to wake them, so Harry moves slowly and just as quietly as he sets the toys down and makes his way out of the room.

Once the door is closed, Gabrielle gives him a smile that says she'd like nothing more than for him to press her up against the closest wall and impregnate her right then and there. He knows that look well by this point, he's gotten it a hundred times since he became a father and his wives started watching him interact with the babies. Apparently being a good dad was like catnip for witches. Who knew?

Still, while her smile and her eyes might have been communicating one thing, her lips communicated another as she spoke softly, leading him away from the nursery.

"The interviewees have all arrived, Harry. They're waiting on the other end of the manor, and the security charms are in place to make sure they don't wander. All of them passed their preliminary checks, so they're cleared to be on the premises for this day and this day only. A more comprehensive check will need to be done if any of them move on to stage two of the clearing."

Harry nods slowly, before snapping his fingers off to the side. One of his House Elves immediately answers the unspoken call, and Harry directs them back towards the nursery to watch over the sleeping babes within. There wasn't much more powerful than a House Elf as a security measure as it turned out, and while Harry trusted his wards and his charms, he also trusted the elves who served under him implicitly. Especially since he'd given them permission to break wizarding law and detain or even kill any wizard who sought to harm his children or his wives.

"Are we going forward with the plan we discussed beforehand?"

Gabrielle's smile widens a bit, becoming almost shark-like as she bobs her head up and down, her silver-blonde curls bobbing with her.

"As long as you're still okay with it."

Harry smirks back at her and reaches out to touch her shoulder, rubbing his thumb into the back of her neck.

"I should be asking you that. It'll be you that those who cannot control themselves will focus on, if we have you use your allure on them all to see if any are worth our time. I won't let anything happen to you of course, but still."

Gabrielle just shrugs, a somewhat demure smile on her face now.

"I am used to it, Harry. Eyes follow me where ever I go. It is just the way of things. But I appreciate your concern. Still it is for the best. This way, we will be able to weed out the chaff from the wheat, no?"

Chuckling, Harry nods as they make it to his office, off of which is a small temporary waiting room where all of the interviewees for the day have been told to stay. Harry moves to his desk as Gabrielle moves to the door to said waiting room, though the veela waits until he's seated and has given her permission. When he's finally situated, Harry looks over at his beautiful assistant and smiles, giving her a nod and answering her question in the same moment.

"Yes. Yes, we will."

Gabrielle just giggles and then opens the door and calls the first of many names. Harry settles back and lets out a sigh, lacing his fingers together as he watches a wizard walk in and take a seat on the other side of his desk. Gabrielle sits down in the chair next to the interviewee, ostensibly to make him feel more comfortable… but within moments, not even past the second question, the wizard's eyes are straying almost constantly, and Harry is already beginning to both regret and feel grateful for their little test.

Still, one way or another, this was going to be a long day…


As Harry rubs his forehead, he reflects on that thought having been somewhat prophetic. Hours later, and he could indeed confirm, today HAD been a long day. After several interviews, the powerful young wizard was fairly happy to have brought Gabrielle along… but also surprised to learn that he himself acted as a similar sort of lightning rod for the female applicants.

The wizards couldn't spend half a minute without glancing over at the part veela, while the witches spent more time flirting with and trying to seduce Harry rather than answering questions. There was some overlap as well of course, some witches who were more interested in Gabby, and some wizards who were more interested in him. Harry didn't much care what their sexual preferences were, what he cared about was their work ethic.

Not a single interviewee so far had proven to be the sort of material he was looking for in an assistant. Oh sure, Harry was no stranger to sex, and given his relationship with Gabrielle, perhaps it was even likely that he'd end up fucking whoever they hired as well, so long as they were a witch. But if they couldn't even answer basic questions about what they would be doing on HIS time for him, then Harry had no time for them, whatsoever.

Now, here they were hours later, and not a single person had managed to make it into the maybe pile, let alone the no pile. Harry was beginning to seriously despair, so when Gabrielle glanced out and then looked back at him, mouthing 'one person left', he was actually a little relieved. Even if this first day of interviewing had been a complete bust, at least it was almost over.

Waving a hand to Gabrielle to let them in, Harry settles back and awaits this newest interviewee. Only, to his surprise, he recognizes the witch as she walks into the room and makes her way over to the chair, sitting down on the edge of the seat quite primly while Gabrielle takes her position next to her. He recognizes her quite well.

This is Romilda Vane, the girl who once tried to love potion him. She was one of two witches who he not-so-lovingly thought of as his biggest stalkers back at Hogwarts. The other was red of hair and the only female Weasley in the generation. Needless to say, Harry wasn't well-pleased that Romilda had managed to make it past the preliminary round. He could only imagine what the witch was like these days after how she'd been at Hogwarts.

His jaw clenched, the young wizard is ready to end the interview right then and there, and he can see that Romilda knows it too, the nervousness in her eyes plain as day. But before he can say a word, Gabrielle, who also notices his irritation and annoyance, but incorrectly misinterprets it as more of a general distaste with how the whole day has gone, jumps in.

"This'll be our last interview of the day, Harry. Let's give her a chance, yeah? She did wait all this time."

Harry very nearly scoffs at that. Of course she did, thirsty wench was probably sopping wet, fantasizing these past several hours about being his assistant, about seducing him away from his wives. The fact that she'd tried to douse him with a love potion should have disqualified her right off the bat, but that wasn't exactly something that Harry had gone around telling people about. Gabrielle had no way of knowing, but they'd have a nice, long talk later.

First, he had to get through this interview.

"… Fine. Let's begin, Ms. Vane."

Romilda straightens up, while Gabrielle lifts an eyebrow. After all, his veela assistant hadn't introduced the interviewee quite yet. Harry doesn't really have time for Gabrielle at the moment though. He just wants to get this over with. So, without further ado, he starts the interview, expecting Romilda to be just like all the other witches, if not worse. Hopefully Gabrielle's very presence would stymy her worse impulses, but Harry wasn't exactly expecting a miracle here.

He ends up very surprised indeed. Despite Gabrielle's allure, which was indeed affecting Romilda, and despite her clear and obvious infatuation with him, the young witch managed to remain perfectly professional. She still wanted him, obviously, and Harry was fully prepared to set all sorts of conditions on the magical contract he was going to have her sign so that he didn't find himself drinking a love potion with his breakfast any time soon, but as sad as it was… Romilda was hands down, the best candidate they'd had all day.

She answered their questions perfectly in most cases, and Harry could tell that she managed to impress Gabrielle. She certainly impressed him. When the interview was over, the wizard exchanged a glance with his assistant and then made an executive decision.

"Romilda… why don't you go wait in the waiting room for a moment, so we can discuss amongst ourselves."

The witch blinks at that, and then nods and stands up, leaving the study and returning to the temporary waiting room where she'd been for the past several hours. As soon as she's gone, Gabrielle lets out an actual squee and gives Harry the widest grin.

"She's perfect, Harry! I always thought saving the best for last was just a saying, but damn if we didn't manage to get through all the chaff before we finally found our girl! And I think she likes you just a little too, if you're into that sort of thing~"

Harry considers Gabrielle for a long moment, before letting out a sigh and rubbing the bridge of his nose. Now was probably when he SHOULD be explaining his history with Romilda Vane, but he still didn't really want to bring it up. It was water under the bridge or something, and if they did hire her, he was already planning on taking precautions.

That's the moment he realizes it. He's going to hire her. He's already planning the precautions after all, and in his head, it's practically a done deal. Romilda had managed to sell herself quite well in the interview, and as Harry sat there behind his desk, contemplating this… he knew he wasn't going to let the witch walk away. Despite her past, she was imminently qualified for the position. And so long as she'd actually reformed, he could see her being an asset to the household and to him.

"… Very well. We'll try a trial period, alright?"

Gabrielle grins and immediately hops up, grabbing Romilda from the other room and sitting her back down in her chair. The veela doesn't retake her own chair though, instead standing behind the other witch as she massages Romilda's shoulders. It's clear that the young witch is a little distracted by this, but she focuses on Harry when he begins to speak, explaining what's going on.

Once he's told her that they're hiring her for a bit of a trial period, Romilda's eyes light up and she leans forward a bit, only to be pulled back by Gabrielle.

"T-Thank you, Lord Potter! Thank you for this chance! I promise I won't disappoint!"

Harry grunts and keeps a firm frown on his face as he nods at her.

"You better not. Now, let's discuss what's expected of you and what to expect working for me in our home."

Only belatedly does Harry have reason to regret not giving Gabrielle all the details, because the horny part veela jumps on that and immediately interjects, grinning wickedly as she leans in close, still standing right behind Romilda.

"First things first! Sometimes, you might be called to relieve some of Harry's stress from time to time!"

Her hands slide off of the suddenly-frozen witch's shoulders, and Gabrielle begins to grope Romilda's breasts right then and there, right in front of Harry. Harry tries to warn the veela off, giving her a stern look… but it's not enough, and its obvious that Gabrielle has gotten far bolder since she lost her virginity to him.

"Do you think you could do that? Do you think you're prepared to be Harry's assistant in ALL the ways that matter?"

While she's talking, Gabrielle is also working at Romilda's robes, and the blouse beneath them. She soon has the witch's breasts out and exposed, and Romilda's blush is all the way down to her chest as she bites her lower lip but nods in response to Gabrielle's questions all the same. Smirking, the veela tweaks Romilda's nipples a bit, and then suddenly moves away from her. She walks around Harry's desk to where Harry is sat in his chair and looks at him with that impish grin still on her face, even as she reaches down and begins to unbutton and unzip his pants, pulling his length out.

Romilda is practically leaning over the desk at this point and Harry watches the witch's eyes widen at the sight of his cock, her tongue immediately darting out to lick at her lips as she begins to salivate right there on the spot. Gabrielle also sees this, even as she slowly, sensually strokes Harry's cock up and down his length. Smirking, the veela lifts an eyebrow at the other woman in the room.

"Well? Get over here, girl!"

Leaping to her feet, her tits bouncing all over the place as a result, Romilda hurries around to the side of the desk that Harry and Gabrielle currently occupy. As soon as she's in reach, the veela snatches Romilda by the wrist and slaps Harry's cock into her hand, before ultimately forcing her to her knees.

"Go on. Show us what you're made of."

As Romilda strokes his shaft with not just that one hand but both hands, Gabrielle continues to undress Harry, smiling all the while. Harry, at this point, has just decided to go with the flow. He's going to see how everything plays out… but he's NOT going to let Ms. Vane get away from here without some serious magic making sure that she doesn't do anything to hurt him or his after this.

Romilda, meanwhile, is clearly ecstatic, a bright smile on her face as she looks up at him while giving him the enthusiastic handjob.

"You can count on me, my lord. I am yours to command, and yours to use whenever and however you want me."

Harry lifts an eyebrow at that, not quite willing to admit that he likes the idea, but Gabrielle is there to jump in again, dragging Harry out of his chair and to his feet as she helps pull the rest of his clothes off before grabbing a fistful of Romilda's hair.

"Good! Because now we're going to see if you're any good at sucking cock! Open wide, love!"

Doing as she's told, Romilda's jaw stretches open around Harry's cock as Gabrielle, with her hand on the back of the other witch's head and firmly holding her steady, guides the pace of the ensuing blowjob throughout the entire encounter. Harry watches on, his hands at his sides for the moment as he just enjoys watching Romilda Vane suck his dick under Gabrielle's direction.

Of course, the instant that Gabrielle tries to go further than a few inches down his shaft, Romilda begins to gag, and eventually the witch's hands instinctively come up to Harry's legs, trying to push away due to her involuntary reaction. Gabrielle doesn't like this, not one by. Dragging Romilda back off his cock, the part veela pulls the witch's head back and frowns down at her.

"Really? That's all you can do? You should know now, Ms. Vane… Harry is SURROUNDED by women who can take his magnificent member all the way to the hilt in their tight little throats! If you want to be of use to our lord, you'll have to improve!"

With that, the veela drops down to her knees right alongside Romilda, and as she regulates the witch to ball-licking duty, she herself spends a few minutes deep-throating Harry's cock, showing Romilda how it's done and swallowing him to the base as she gulps him down again and again and again. Harry can't help but be a little amused. It's obvious that Gabrielle is having the time of her life, both in bullying Romilda Vane and getting to spend some time fellating him herself.

When she eventually pulls back off of his member after several minutes have gone by, she's got a self-satisfied look on her place and a smile that's quite wide. Pulling Romilda back from his well-licked balls as well, she brings her face to face with Harry's erection once more.

"Ready for Round Two? Show me how it's done!"

Romilda tries. She really does. She even gets halfway down Harry's dick this time before the gagging and choking gets to be too much, and she has to pull back, sputtering helplessly. Gabrielle growls as she yanks the witch back by her hair and begins to berate her.

"Merlin, what sort of useless assistant are you trying to be? Harry's taking a chance on you, wench, so you better prove that you're worth it right fucking now!"

Romilda looks to almost be in tears, so Harry finally intervenes, letting out a sigh as he reaches out and places a pointed hand on Gabrielle's head. The part veela freezes up and both women listen as he speaks.

"As I recall, Gabrielle… you had some problems the first few times as well. You shouldn't expect more from our new employee than you yourself could manage, should you?"

Gabrielle's face immediately goes bright red, while Romilda's eyes shine at Harry standing up for her. Eventually, the embarrassed veela coughs and avoids the question, instead reaching out to tweak Romilda's nipple again, drawing a yelp from her.

"W-Well, you'll have to practice often, a-alright?"

Smiling, Harry pulls back his hand and Gabrielle hurries to re-assert her control over the other witch, getting them both to their feet and beginning to strip Romilda the rest of the way down right then and there. Harry steps back and strokes his saliva-coated cock for a bit, watching with hooded eyes as his new hire is laid bare before him even more than she already was before. Of course, as soon as Romilda realizes she's being undressed for sex with him, she eagerly helps Gabrielle strip her down.

Once Romilda is nude, Gabrielle is quick to strip HERSELF down as well, and Harry can see from the light of the study that both women are quite wet down betwixt their thighs, equally so and glistening with pussy juices as Gabrielle pushes Romilda back towards his desk, ultimately forcing the other witch on top of the large piece of wood furniture and onto her back.

As soon as she's done so, Gabrielle eagerly circles around the desk to where Romilda's head is propped up, looking at Harry. Leaning over her from behind, Gabrielle spreads the witch's legs apart and shows that she's completely drenched, smirking wickedly at Harry and very clearly offering Romilda up to be fucked right then and there. Not that Romilda herself is opposed to the idea from the looks of things. Not one bit.

Harry though, can't help but be a little amused as he steps forward, cock getting closer and closer to Romilda's dripping, drooling quim.

"Someone's certainly enjoying themselves. Are you having fun, bullying my new assistant? Are you so sure that I'll make you her superior, Gabrielle?"

Blushing deeply, Gabrielle averts her gaze in the face of Harry's comments… but, they don't stop her from using her fingers to spread Romilda's pussy lips nice and wide. Getting the hint, Harry lines up and then slams into Romilda's cunt, filling the needy witch to the brim with his massive rod of man meat. Immediately, Romilda Vane is screaming with pleasure, moaning loudly and lewdly as she orgasms right upon insertion, his very first impalement bringing her to climax.

"Yes! Fuck me, my lord! Oh, how I've dreamed of this moment for so long! Oh, how I've longed to be of use to you! Please, use me as you will, break me with your magnificent c-cock!"

Harry lifts a brow as Gabrielle just stares at him, slightly confused. Of course, the veela didn't know how Romilda truly was. She only had the interview to really go off of, as well as Romilda's eagerness when things started getting sexual. Now though, Romilda isn't just eager, she's fanatical as Harry continues to fuck her. Honestly, he should probably be surprised, but he's not. This is exactly what he expected from Romilda Vane, the moment she walked in the door.

"I-I want to stay at your side forever! Even if its on my knees, o-or on my back! Pump me full of your baby batter my lord, knock me up with your children! I'll have as many kids as you want, as many as you're willing to give me, your worthless, ever-loyal servant! I love you! I love you, I love you, I love you!"

The impressive thing is, she manages all of that while continuously cumming on his cock. By this point, Harry is just grinning. Mostly because Gabrielle's reaction to Romilda showing her true colors is more irritation and aggravation than anything else. With a growl, the veela reaches down and grabs Romilda by the throat, forcing her head back off the edge of the table and grinding her cunt right into Romilda's face.

"If you have time to talk, you have time to put that tongue of yours to better use, slut! Get me off, or I swear I won't let you EVER bare one of our lord's children!"

That's not exactly up to Gabrielle, of course, but Harry isn't about to waylay her in the midst of their pleasure. Instead, as Romilda hurriedly gets to work eating the part veela out, and Gabrielle in turn moans and leans over the witch again, towards him, Harry reaches out and laces his fingers through her silver-blonde hair, pulling her moaning mouth into a deep, passionate, tongue-filled kiss as he continues to fuck Romilda Vane with all his might.

Gabrielle likes this, she likes it quite a lot. Using the other witch's tits for leverage, gripping and squeezing them tightly, Gabrielle pushes off of the ground a little, standing on her tip-toes and inadvertently putting even more weight on poor Romilda's face as she intertwines her tongue with Harry's and kisses him to her heart's content.

Of course, when Harry finally cums inside of Romilda, the overworked witch passes out. She was already cumming her brains out every damn time he so much as thrust into her, so it wasn't any surprise that upon feeling him painting her womb white with his sticky ejaculate, she immediately stiffened and then went limp.

Just because Harry wasn't surprised didn't mean that Gabrielle was happy about it though. Growling, the veela hops off for a moment to look down to see Romilda's wet ahegaoing face, her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth limply.

"… Damn wench fell asleep on the job! I didn't even cum yet!"

Harry laughs, but as Gabrielle prepares to wake Romilda back up and make her finish what she started, he stops her, coming around the desk and grabbing up the veela in a hug as he kisses her deeply and grinds his still-hard cock against her skinny tummy.

"Don't worry, my love… I'll take care of you."

Gabrielle's spirits are immediately lifted as her eyes light up. Then she's moaning, as the next thing the veela knows, Harry has her up against the nearest wall and is thrusting into her as he pins her there. Her limbs immediately wrap around him as he does this, and they go back to kissing passionately and lovingly while Harry takes Gabrielle to pound town. It doesn't take her long to cum, and then she cums over and over again as Harry plows her nice and hard.

Its funny, because its exactly what they both wished they could have done hours before, right outside the nursery. Now that work was done, and they could play, it was exactly what they were doing now. Harry fucks Gabrielle up against the wall for several minutes, before eventually he lets her down and then spins her around, only to push her face-first into the hard surface again, this time ramming into her from behind.

The veela squeals like a stuck pig, moaning all the while and begging Harry to give it to her harder, to knock HER up with child as soon as possible. This continues on, but eventually there comes a point where Gabrielle simply can't feel her legs, and as she all but collapses, Harry drags her away from the wall and back to the desk, bending her over it right next to the passed-out form of the witch that she'd convinced him to give a chance to.

Romilda comes back to consciousness to the sounds of Gabrielle getting absolutely railed from behind, bent over Harry's desk, her feet no longer having to support her weight and her spasming legs twitching constantly. She looks to the side and finds Gabrielle climaxing right next to her, moaning constantly as orgasm after orgasm wracks her body.

As soon as she sees that Romilda is awake, Gabrielle reaches out and grabs the other witch, moaning into her face and holding her tight as she shakes and spasms beneath Harry's relentless assault. Of course, Harry isn't one to be idle either. Leaning over his bent-over veela, the powerful wizard reaches out and grabs a fistful of Romilda's hair, pulling the naked witch in close and giving her a deep, tongue-filled kiss of her own. Romilda melts into the makeout session, her eyes practically rolling back in her head again right then and there.

After a few minutes of this, Harry finally cums inside of Gabrielle, causing one last explosive, earth-shattering climatic scream to leave the veela's throat as her eyes roll up in her head. But Harry isn't done yet, and he's got ideas for how to continue the fun. Dragging Romilda off the desk, Harry places Gabrielle in the other witch's old spot.

Then, he bends Romilda Vane over right on the spot, holding her by her arms as he forces her into a ninety-degree angle that leaves her face inches from Gabrielle's creampied cunt. Seeing this, Gabrielle eagerly grabs onto Romilda's hair and drags her back in again, while Harry latches onto the witch's wide hips and starts to fuck her once more, slamming into her from behind nice and hard.

Romilda's screams and moans are muffled as he fucks her through climax after climax, but Gabrielle pouts a little, whining as she humps Romilda's face.

"Ugh, she's really struggling, Harry, and it's all your fault. Mm, but we'll help her. I'm going to have to train Ms. Vane up, aren't I? She needs to be the perfect assistant for you, and that means she needs to be the perfect little fuck toy as well~"

Harry groans at the very idea of it, while Gabrielle grins wickedly. Romilda's reaction to the words as they reach her fevered mind is to climax around Harry's cock some more. This in turn milks his pistoning prick and in a few minutes, Harry is cumming yet again, filling Romilda's womb with ANOTHER creampie as the poor dear once more passes out from the strain.

Gabrielle's eyes widen as Harry pulls out of Romilda and lets the witch collapse onto her knees. Her hair slips out of the twitching veela's fingers as she falls to the floor entirely, sleeping it off.

"Damn it! The bitch didn't finish me off AGAIN! I'll definitely be training her up, Harry. ASAP!"

Harry just chuckles, right up until Gabrielle hops off the desk, bends over Romilda, and reaches back to spread her ass cheeks open.

"Fuck my big bodacious booty Harry! Fuck it deep! I'll squirt all over this inexperienced little tart!"

Well, with an offer like that, how can he resist? Snorting with some amusement, Harry crouches down and slides his messy cock home into Gabrielle's waiting asshole, pushing deep and then quickly picking up pace as he holds her by her hips, so she doesn't fall over from the force of the butt-fucking. Gabrielle moans and squeals and screams in equal measure as he pounds orgasm after orgasm out of her via railing her bowels. She does indeed squirt all over Romilda's passed out form, right up until Gabrielle herself can't take it anymore.

When Harry finally cums inside of the veela's asshole, its Gabrielle who passes out this time, falling forward onto Romilda and creating quite the messy heap as Harry looks down at them both fondly. Hm, he never thought he'd see the day when he looked upon Romilda Vane of all people with any sort of fondness… but yeah, he could see the value in having the sycophantic witch around.

First though… using his magic, Harry easily cleans up both Gabrielle and Romilda, before conjuring up a bed in the middle of the large study that he can put them both in. They immediately embrace one another unconsciously, leaving Harry to smirk and take some pictures for blackmail later. Once he's done with them though, Harry moves back to his desk, cleans that up as well, and then summons forth a piece of fresh parchment along with some magical contracts from the Potter Mansion's archives for references.

Then, he begins the process of drafting up a magical contract for one Romilda Vane… one that will make sure there are no more love potion incidents, and one that will make sure her desire to serve him remains as it is, and she never grows envious or jealous enough of his wives and their children to do any harm to any of them.

Romilda would be allowed to stay, so long as she knew her place. Harry would make sure of that.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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Thanks for reading!

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