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12.62% Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures / Chapter 92: CH30 (91), Evolution(s) And Breakthrough(s) (3)

Chapitre 92: CH30 (91), Evolution(s) And Breakthrough(s) (3)

That Grouday mother went to Pewter City to increase her trainer class, just as my father had done before her. She borrowed Sky from my father and returned nearly 3 hours later as a fresh Senior-Class trainer.

We held a mini-celebration for her, and she informed us that she was planning to use some of the money we had earned to buy a good evolution source for Star, her Staryu. Naturally, neither my father nor I disagreed with her.

I was actually happy with this because it meant that Star's potential would most likely increase, thanks to that evolution source. The potential of some of my parent's Pokemon were less than stellar. If my parents wanted to keep rising up the ranks at a relatively fast speed, they would have to increase the potential of their Pokemon somehow.

In case that was not possible, they would most likely have to replace them one by one with Pokemon that have better potential. This obviously did not mean that they would abandon their Pokemon, but that they would retire from the main team of his parents. They would become either 2nd string members or retirees.

Surprisingly, if Star managed to increase its potential, then his mother was only left with Sunny, her Gloom with light yellow potential, as only Pokemon with worse than light green potential. She would have to keep strengthening the potential of Star and Emerald since light green was not that great, but it would be enough for now.

As for his father's Pokemon, after Cyan, his Butterfree with yellow potential, the worst one had green potential. So, I was not too worried about him. What was actually surprising was the amount of light blue and blue potential Pokemon my parents had. My mother currently had 3, and my father had 3 as well, with 3 more that were likely to upgrade to light blue in the future.

That was really impressive and showed that my parents had the potential to become extremely strong trainers in the future. Yet, that was the thing with potential, it gave one the chance to achieve something, and it also made it easier, but ultimately, one had to work to reach that point. This took time, and there was the possibility that one would never reach their full potential, because of a multitude of reasons, so slow and steady wins the race. This was true for my parents but also for myself.

Anyway, the next day was the beginning of a new week, so I returned to my training spot at the start of Route 3. I decided to focus on my Nidoran, as well as my dragon Magikarp and grass Magikarp. My two Nidoran, Seb and Gaia, had already reached the (high) bronze rank thanks to all the battles and training they did since I started my trip to the coast.

'Name: Seb

Species: Nidoran

Gender: Male

Age: +2 years

Type: Poison

Potential: Blue (49.2%) -> (61.5%)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Poison Point, Rivalry

Talents: Keen Hearing

Affinities: Poison

Bond: Mikail (weak)

Quirks: Patient



Stage: Bronze Stage (mid) -> (high)

Vitality: C -> B

Strength: C -> B

Endurance: C -> B

Agility: D -> C

Energy Capacity: D -> C

Energy Density: D -> C


Name: Gaia

Species: Nidoran

Gender: Female

Age: +2 years

Type: Poison

Potential: Blue (49.6%) -> (61.8%)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Poison Point, Rivalry

Talents: Keen Hearing

Affinities: Poison

Bond: Mikail (weak)

Quirks: Curious



Stage: Bronze Stage (mid) -> (high)

Vitality: C -> B

Strength: D -> C

Endurance: C -> B

Agility: C -> B

Energy Capacity: D -> C

Energy Density: D -> C'

Yet, I wanted them to be firmly settled at their new rank before I gave them the go for their evolution, and they were so close to achieving it. The aim was to raise the majority of their parameters to B, and I was positive that they would succeed in the next few days. Both only needed to increase only one more to succeed. After that, they could evolve to Nidorino and Nidorina respectively.

My Magikarp on the other hand still need quite some training, a few weeks or even months, until they managed to reach the (high) bronze stage, which was my requirement for them to evolve.

'Name: None

Species: Magikarp

Gender: Male

Age: 1+ Years

Type: Water, Dragon

Potential: Blue (89.4%) -> (93.6%)

Genetic variation: Dragon Variant

Abilities: Swift Swim, Shed Skin

Talents: None

Affinities: Water, Dragon

Bond: Mikail (weak)

Quirks: Slightly Combative



Stage: Bronze Stage (mid)

Vitality: E -> D

Strength: F -> D

Endurance: E -> D

Agility: D -> C

Energy Capacity: F -> E

Energy Density: F -> E


Name: None

Species: Magikarp

Gender: Female

Age: 1+ Years

Type: Water, Grass

Potential: Blue (87.1%) -> (91.8%)

Genetic variation: Grass Variant

Abilities: Swift Swim, Sap Sipper

Talents: None

Affinities: Water, Grass

Bond: Mikail (weak)

Quirks: Peaceful



Stage: Bronze Stage (mid)

Vitality: F -> E

Strength: G -> E

Endurance: E -> D

Agility: D -> C

Energy Capacity: F -> E

Energy Density: F -> E'

Once they achieved an average of C, they would be considered to have stepped into the (high) bronze stage, but as could be seen by their status, that was still a bit off. On another note, their potential had come along pretty well, and I was sure I could boost it to deep blue with the help of some materials during their evolution.

We trained until it was time for lunch, which I decided to eat in Viridian City. I went to "Aldini's" again and ordered some spaghetti. My Pokemon got to choose one of the Pokemon specials, at least those that were not inside the space.

After lunch, I decided to call Rose and Aaron, which was why I decided to come to Viridian for lunch in the first place. During my call with Rose I asked her how she was doing and dutifully listened to her talk, for about 20 minutes, about her school life as well as the things she did with Princess, her Vulpix, Ivy, her Eevee, and Boom, her Whismur.

I told her about Mothra's evolution and a bit about our training. Naturally, nothing important, but enough to talk for a while. After that bit of low-key bragging, we said our farewells, and I hung up. I changed phone booths and called Aaron next.

I asked if he made any progress in his endeavor to catch some fighting-type, or future fighting-type, Pokemon. Surprisingly, he said that he had already captured 2 out of his 3 targets. Apparently, he managed to find a Poliwag that appealed to him 4 days ago at one of his water trips, and after challenging Poliwag to a battle and beating him with Lucario, Aaron caught him.

Additionally, just this morning he came across a group of 5 Shroomish led by a Breloom, that had one that felt right. So, Aaron asked the leader for permission to invite her, most likely using his aura to avoid any unnecessary conflict, which he naturally did not mention to me.

Still, I was pretty sure that was what he did because I don't think the Breloom would have listened to him otherwise, at least not without a fight. Anyway, he got her permission to invite her, the Shroomish decided she wanted to battle to test him. After Aaron won using his Chimchar, he caught her as well.

I congratulated him for his captures and asked if he had checked them yet, but he said he was not planning to leave the forest until he had caught a Heracross as well. I was impressed with his determination and perseverance and wished him good luck. After talking for a bit more about this and that, and after I told him of Mothra's evolution we ended the call.

As for why I asked about his new additions potential, despite us not being that close yet. I did it to test the waters and to show my interest in his future. Some would say I was too hasty, and that it could be seen as being too nosy, but I went with the flow. It felt okay, so I did it, and he showed no adverse reactions, at least I heard none.

After ending my call, I left Viridian City and returned to my training spot on Route 3. There I focused on the training of my Nidoran. Seb had to do exercises that focused on improving his agility, like running exercises, leg training, swimming, and stretching. Gaia had to do strength exercises instead, like weight training and swimming.

They kept at it until it was nearly time for dinner. There naturally were breaks between exercises, and I even massaged them to help relax their muscles as well as to help them relax. Unfortunately, they did not achieve their goal, but I still praised them for their hard work, because they had truly worked hard.

I recalled everyone and called out Xatu to return home. We resumed our training the next day, and shortly before lunch, Seb managed to increase his Agility value to B, which meant he was ready to evolve. He got all excited after I relocated him and the others to my space for his evolution. I surrounded him with a few portions of all D-class poison-type materials that I had, after which I gave him the go-ahead.

He started shining like all Pokemon did during evolution, and after the light settled down, I took a good look at his new form. He had grown considerably. I estimated his length to be between 100 to 110 cm, and his height to be somewhere between 50 to 60cm. His horn had grown to around 15 cm as well. In conclusion, he looked impressive.

Before I could go up to him to congratulate him, a blue missile flew past me. I saw Gaia excitedly checking out her brother, and the two were talking enthusiastically. I shrugged at her understandable excitement and went up to the two, and congratulated Seb as well. I gave him a hug and a few pats on the head, while carefully avoiding his horn.

The others followed my example, and soon we were surrounded by the others and there was loud chattering happening all around. While everyone was talking I checked Seb's new status.

'Name: Seb

Species: Nidorino

Gender: Male

Age: +2 years

Type: Poison

Potential: Blue (61.5%) -> (79.3%)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Poison Point, Rivalry

Talents: Keen Hearing

Affinities: Poison

Bond: Mikail (weak)

Quirks: Patient



Stage: Bronze Stage (high)

Vitality: B

Strength: B

Endurance: B

Agility: B

Energy Capacity: C

Energy Density: C


Resistance: Grass (Minor), Fighting (Minor), Poison (Minor), Bug (Minor), Fairy (Minor)

Weaknesses: Ground (Minor), Psychic (Minor)


Condition: Healthy, Happy, Excited


Masteries: Poison Energy Manipulation (Beginner) -> (Proficient)


Techniques: Leer (Beginner), Peck (Beginner), Dig (Beginner), Poison Sting (Proficient), Focus Energy (Proficient), Fury Attack (Proficient), Helping Hand (Proficient), Toxic Spikes (Proficient), Double Kick (Proficient), Horn Attack (Proficient), Endure (Proficient), Bite (Beginner), Poison Fang (Proficient), Poison Jab (Proficient), Toxic (Advanced)'

The only things that changed were his potential and his mastery over his poison energy. The materials that he absorbed during his evolution helped increase his potential by nearly 20%, which was good. It also looked like his evolution gave him the last push he needed to improve his mastery over his poison energy. Other than those two the rest remained the same.

After I was done with looking over Seb's status, I allowed the others to celebrate a bit more and even handed out a few berries to everybody. We had our lunch inside my space, and about 40 minutes later I told everyone that it was time to go back to training, and left my space with those I was training.

Gaia seemed to have been motivated by her brother's evolution and threw herself into her training. Unsurprisingly, a few hours later she managed to increase her strength value to B, thus qualifying for evolution as well. She excitedly hopped by my side, as I relocated everyone once more.

Just as with Seb, I also placed materials around Gaia, and after I was done she evolved as well. I checked her new look after her evolution, and her changes were bigger than those of Seb. She went from 4 legged to semi-bipedal. Well, more like bipedal with the option to walk on all fours as well.

Gaia was somewhere between 90 to 100 cm in height (on two legs), this did not include her ears. Her length, tail included, was at about 120 cm. I went up to her and hugged her. This time no one rushed ahead of me. I was patting her head and congratulating her for a few seconds before the others rushed up and joined in as well.

I naturally checked her status as well, and just like her brother, she had only two changes as well.

Name: Gaia

Species: Nidorina

Gender: Female

Age: +2 years

Type: Poison

Potential: Blue (61.8%) -> (79.6%)

Genetic variation: None

Abilities: Poison Point, Rivalry

Talents: Keen Hearing

Affinities: Poison

Bond: Mikail (weak)

Quirks: Curious



Stage: Bronze Stage (high)

Vitality: B

Strength: B

Endurance: B

Agility: B

Energy Capacity: C

Energy Density: C


Resistance: Grass (Minor), Fighting (Minor), Poison (Minor), Bug (Minor), Fairy (Minor)

Weaknesses: Ground (Minor), Psychic (Minor)


Condition: Healthy, Happy, Excited


Masteries: Poison Energy Manipulation (Beginner) -> (Proficient)


Techniques: Growl (Beginner), Scratch (Beginner), Tail Whip (Beginner), Crunch (Beginner), Poison Jab (Beginner), Poison Sting (Proficient), Fury Swipes (Proficient), Helping Hand (Proficient), Toxic Spikes (Proficient), Double Kick (Proficient), Bite (Proficient), Dig (Proficient), Endure (Proficient), Poison Fang (Advanced), Toxic (Advanced)'

Just like her brother, her potential increased by nearly 20% as well, carrying her ahead of her brother once more. She also raised her mastery over her poison energy to proficient, so I could only assume that the evolution gave them some insight/nudge that helped them. Other than these the rest remained the same.

We celebrated for about 30 minutes more before I told everyone that we were going home earlier today and that training was over. There was only a bit more than an hour until dinner, so I decided to stop now, and simply go home early. I had Xatu Teleport me home, where I told my parent over dinner about Seb and Gaia's evolution.

My parents were surprised once again and I couldn't stop myself from laughing. One would think they would have gotten used to things like this by now. I was not sure if I saw another strange look on my father's face, but it kinda looked like that. Just for a second or so, and honestly, I was not sure if his face simply cramped up for a moment, but I decided to look out for it the next time. They congratulated me and the rest of the evening went like always.


***A Big Thank You to Rahul Vijay for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to Avacus for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to Nate for becoming a Patron***


I want to thank all of you for your get well wishes.☺️

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Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 4/5 for this week.

***A Big Thank You to Rahul Vijay for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to Avacus for becoming a Patron***

***A Big Thank You to Nate for becoming a Patron***

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on. Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on.


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