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1.05% Dragon God Slayer / Chapter 2: The Slayer Magic

Chapitre 2: The Slayer Magic


I am back with the next installment of Not Yet. I have decided to keep the name for now and as the stories moves on, we will discuss a more suitable name in the future. But don't forget to comment a name you see fit.

"Normal speech" people talking.

'Normal thought' people thinking.

"Kyuubi/Dragons" Kyuubi or Dragons Speaking.

'Kyuubi/Dragon thought' Kyuubi or the other Dragons thinking.

"Jutsu/ Magic" being used.


Not Yet

Chapter 1

The Slayer Magic

Aldoron started Naruto's training by explaining to him how to mould his Slayer magic and the basic principles. As his clones practised with him, Aldoron was surprised to learn about the of learning with clones. It is a unique technique which his disciple only can perform.

"Let me make this clear, brat. Though I can use Earth and Water Dragon Slayer magics, I can not use them as a main attack magic as that results in dire consequences and imbalance between the other Gods and Dragons. So, I'm going to teach you how to mould the magic, but you are going use it at your own choice. I can teach you Dragon Roar though. Is that understood" he said in a stern tone and Naruto nodded. For Naruto this is nothing but another element to his repertoire. This gives him affinity to use water and earth and he is going to learn all the Jutsu in the scrolls relating to those elements. That way, he won't have to be a one trick pony.

He just don't want to rely too much on Rasengan or Shadow Clone Jutsu any anymore. His whole shinobi life is fileld with Rasengan and Shadow Clone Jutsu and nothing more. He didn't have lightning or fire style like Sasuke, he didn't have Akamaru like Kiba and bugs like Shino nor Shadows like Shikamaru. All he had was massive chakra reserves with pathetic control and those 2 techniques. He had enough. He is not going be like that anymore. Uzumaki Naruto is going to change. The change is going to imapct this world hard. 'Believe it' cheered Naruto at his new found determination and goal.

They started their training and Aldoron showed Naruto how to mould Water Dragon Slayer Magic. It allows him to use any water nearby to his will or create his own water. 'It is not in anyway like Water style Shinobi World as there must be a nearby water source to use it well or you must be skilled in water style as much as Nidaime Hokage, Senju Tobirama, I guess' thought Naruto.

After his training, he drank some water, which snuffed any lingering flames of his hunger. So he continued. This also gives him the ability to use water as magical source and food source. 'Ahh, wonders of Dragon Slayer Magic' thought Naruto. Even he won't learn much about Water and Earth Dragon Slayer Magics, he can always create attacks and he can use them as Water or Earth Styles to perform his Jutsu and he is satisfied with it.

Soon, Naruto's stomach caught up to the fact that he is awake and training, but not eating any meaty food but just elements and it made its displeasure known by grumbling loudly.


"Ah, I think I am hungry" said the Blonde sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Hahahah. Seems so. What to do" asked the Dragon, amused.

"Don't you get hungry" asked the blonde pointing a finger at him accusingly.

"No, not really. I will feed of the Nutrients that are available in all kinds of living things. That is how I healed you. That is one of my abilities" he said smugly, his chest puffing out. Naruto stomach didn't agree with him though.


"Fine, fine. You ungrateful human stomach. Go hunt or something. I'm sure there are some animals in the forest if you search properly" said Aldoron in an annoyed tone. He mumbled about something along the lines of stupid humans and their stupid stomachs, but Naruto didn't pay much attention to it as his stomach is taking his full attention.

Naruto along with his clones went into action. All of them has activated their Sharingan to get used to it. This made their search easier. Naruto soon found his catch. There is a group of over grown ducks wandering around a lake. As he moved closer, they went into the stream to escape. Naruto simply water walked till he reached them and with a kunai, caught some fish instead of ducks. After catching a few of the larger fish by going underwater, Naruto went to the small home that Aldoron made, which he lived and started to roast them with a small fire technique. He ate quarter of the catch, stored half of it in a storage space, and took the remaining quarter with him.

"Hey, you lizard. Do you want some fish" he said, wiggling the large fish in his hand. Aldoron peeked his eye to the boy who he is teaching his magic to.

"Hmmm. It's been a long time since I have ate any food. I you can afford it, then why not" he said and Naruto threw a large fish into a large cave like a place which, in actuality is the mouth of the mighty Dragon God. It went in without any chewing.

"It is good. Did you roast it" asked Aldoron, awe struck. Anyone didn't feed him like this, but this human child has chose to do something which is uncommon among Dragon's.

"Yep. I used a Jutsu or a technique to roast it. Is it nice?" asked the blonde as if talking to another person. Not a hint of fear or trepidation in his tone.

"I think if you roast it some more, it would be good for me"

"Got it" said Naruto and performed some hand signs and spewed a large fire ball on the roasted fish. After half minute of continuous roasting, Aldoron said to stop and he gave the Dragon another fish.

"Yes, it is good now. Thanks brat" said Aldoron. Naruto nodded and they continued their training.

2 weeks later

It is break from his training for Naruto and rest day for Aldoron. Naruto got curious and asked the first question in his mind.

"Hey lizard, tell me, are there any people around" asked Naruto out of curiosity.

"People, huh. I think there is a small village atleast 50 km in that direction" he said pointed to south.

"50 km, you say. We really are in the middle of nowhere, huh. Say, do you think there are any libraries or something there, if there, I could learn more about the civilization and magic in general" asked the blonde. 50 km is nothing for a Shinobi as they can travel hundreds of km in a day when going max speed.

"That means you want a large town to have a library, isn't it right. Hmm let me see" said Aldoron and closed his eyes. The first thing he felt was the Chakra and Magical reserves of Naruto.

'The brat did have large amounts of magic pools and this other energy is even more potent than Ethernano. Some of it is mixing, forming a new combination. I wonder, what would it result in' thought Aldoron and continued sensing. He sensed the small village he said about in the south at 50 km range. After passing that, he sensed a medium-sized village at 65 km in the southeast. Past that, he sensed a large village with a high population at around 87 km in the direction of the southwest. He opened his eyes.

"You have 3 villages within 100 km radius. Small one in south around 50 km, Medium one in south-east around 65 km and large one in south-west around 87 km. I think going to large village will save you effort and time" said the Dragon. Naruto nodded. He is going to use the new technique he learned from his Clan scrolls now. It is called Shunshin no Jutsu or Body Flicker in this language. He learnt it yesterday and practised it with his clones.

His daily routine in the past 2 weeks was to wake up, do morning exercises, go bath and other things. Learn how to use Dragon God Slayer Magic from Aldoron. The Dragon God is currently teaching him about the Dragon Slayer Magic. Learn Jutsu from his father's and mother's scrolls simultaneously as 100 clones will learn this and the another 100 that. Eat lunch. Practise Meditation, try to be one with Nature as it a part of the exercise said by Aldoron. Practise sealing or Runes as it is called in this world. Eat dinner if any or hunt down. Mastering Sharingan atleast the basic one and sleep.

If you ask him, it is good schedule for Naruto. Naruto had seen so much improvement because of his signature technique learning, with his clones. He would read or listen to the theory and then create shadow clones to practise them. Using Sharingan to see how the magic moulded only makes things easier. Another set of 100 clones will be working on his chakra control as well. Because of the lightweight of it, Magic can be controlled easily, but Naruto is trying to implement some way to control it better.

'Maybe if I learn another type of magic, it would give a clue or something' thought the blonde to himself. All in all, his training is going good and with the help of his clones, it is progressing fast. He made another 200 clones to train as there is no lesson today. He just started making small wooden pillars.

As he started tree hoping, Naruto went through his new life. 'I had started training with Aldoron, progressed a lot. Started my training in Ninjutsu and Fuuinjitsu. That is going good as well. Man, I progressed a lot in this 2 weeks more than the past 6 months in the Shinobi World' thought Naruto to himself. Which to his dismay, is true. He kept on tree hoping absentmindedly as it is second nature to him by now.

After 2 Hours

It has been 2 hours. He used Shunshin when there is large gap and he can cover at least a Half a Kilometre with it in one go. It is far better when compared to the 10 meters range when he did for the first successful attempt. The scroll said with experience, the user can increase ths speed and distance. And add their own variations to it. Like an elemental shunshin, leaf shunshin is the type he is doing now. He had finally reached the entrance of a village. What he saw stunned him. Fire, most of the village is covered in fire, burning. A large black cloud had formed upon the village because of the intensity of the fire. An old man was directing people who are trying desperately to snuff the flames by pouring bucket after bucket of water. Only for their efforts to go down the drain because of the wood used as the main instrument for construction. Naruto walked up to the old man to ask what is going on.

"Hey, old man what happened," asked Naruto in worry for the towns people's lives. The old man turned around to see a teenage boy with blonde hair and whisker marks on his cheek. Ignoring his ire at the movement because of the circumstances, he answered the question as calm as he could.

"The town has caught fire because of an accident and we are trying to stop it," he said in a sorrowful tone.

"Can I help you, sir?" asked Naruto. The man looked at him front of him quizzically. 'If this helps to minimise the damage and save efforts of my citizens, then why not'

"Yes," he said and before he could assign an area for Naruto, Naruto started performing handseals. Naruto inhaled a large gulp of air and shouted.

"Water Style: Exploding Water Wave,". And just like that a large stream of water wave came out of his mouth and flowed past the scrambling citizens and flushed out the fire with it. Due to his Jutsu sent in the direction of large buildings and crowd trying to douse the fire from outside, most of the citizens are unharmed.

He continued it in all the places of the fire. Wave after wave of water came from his mouth and stopped the still burning wood and buildings. Steam erupted from them as it completely cooled down from the heat caused by the fire. As the citizens stood to the side watching Naruto do everything with an awestruck expression on their faces, Naruto reached a building which had the board of a Library. Instead of using Water Wave as it would make all the books wet and useless. He went in not listening to the shouts of the Villagers and doused the flames one by one by using his clones and due to the flames obscuring their vision, the townspeople didn't see him using his clones. After all the village was doused, Naruto went to the Mayor, who is the old man he spoke to earlier.

"There, old man. Everything is back to normal now, at least for the most part" he said with a toothy grin. The Mayor smiled at the behaviour of their saviour and patted him on the shoulder.

"Yes, my boy. It is because of you. We managed to save so many lives and infrastructure and our knowledge" he said pushing a book into Naruto's hands.

"Here, take this. This is an ancient magic passed down from generations in our village. Because of none of our citizens are Mages, I'm giving this to you as an act of gratitude. This is rightfully yours now" he said with a smile as he placed the book in Naruto's hands. Naruto would generally reject something like this. But something stopped him. He thought about it for a moment. 'Maybe this is the thing I have missed in my life till now. Being appreciated by someone. Being able to help others'. Then he remembered what Aldoron said about Guilds.

'Guilds are group of Mages formed together to do Jobs or missions for their clients' he didn't think about it then. 'A Guild is more or less a Hidden Village' realised Naruto. 'If I am going to join a Guild, it would be a guild which treats it's members as it's family. If there are no such guilds, then I'm going to start one'. said Naruto with determination. He hoped that such a Guild exists.

Far from Naruto, in a town filled with life and destruction of most powerful Guild in Fiore, Magnolia

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

All the members are enjoying themselves. Natsu was shouting about Igneel, Gray was stripping, Cana was using her card magic to see something, Erza and Mira are fighting each other, electricity flying between their eyes. Makarov Dreyar, The Third Guild Master of the most choatic Guild of Fiore, was drinking booze while looking at his children go through their day, he is content with it. Suddenly an icy chill ran down his spine. A feeling of dread and de ja vu spread through him. 'Why do I get the feeling that something more big and important has not joined yet' thought Makarov. Soon, he realised the impact of such person. 'This is not fair. I have to already deal with the destruction caused by the younger member, now if this person joins, what will happen to the fate of the guild. This is not fair' cried Makarov comically. The rest of the Guild noticed their crying master, but shrugged it off as happy tears. Choas continued.

Back on the Town in Guiltina

"Thanks Old Man" he said and the old man nodded.

"You are welcome, my boy. Tell me, why are you here" asked the Mayor.

"Oh, I was looking for the Library to read" he replied.

"Ah, yes. We have a large one. But it doesn't have any books on magic. The only books it had are common once like Requip, Gun magic etc. The only valuable one is in your hand and I don't think they are in good condition irrespective of your best efforts" he said gesturing to the book and looking away sadly.

"No need to worry, I am grateful that you have given me this. Thanks old man. See you around" he said, Shunshining away from him. He went to a stall to eat and remembered the fact that he didn't have any money. But he was welcomed as he saved the village and fed to his hearts content. With his belly full, Naruto started his journey back home. He didn't even look the cover of the book he was given, as he is still excited about his first successful mission which saved so many lives. 'Yup, I'm going to be an awesome mage' thought Naruto. Occasionally doing some acrobatics in the air to show his happiness.

After 2 hours

Naruto came to his home in the middle of the forest in Guiltina. He saw Aldoron looking at him curiously. He went to the Dragon and shouted in joy.

"You see this, Lizard. This is the book given to me as gratitude. The Mayor said that this book consists of some kind of powerful magic" he yelled excitedly making the Dragons sensitive ears scream in pain.

"Tone down the volume, brat. I'm not a young Hatchling to scream with you. Now open the book and tell me what magic it has" he said gesturing to the book.

"It says The Slayer Magic on it" said Naruto in confusion. 'Slayer Magic? I know about Dragon, God and Devil Slayer Magics, what is this 'Slayer Magic'' thought Naruto.

'The Slayer Magic or the All Slayer Magic is an ancient and lost magic, that is used by mages of ancient times to slay all kinds beings before the introduction of Different creature Slayer Magics by such specific creatures. It lost its prominence because of Dragon, Devil and God Slayer Magics coming into existence. This magic is very potent and powerful, it grants the user to Slay any kind of being to the same degree as the others. It is not like Specific Slayer Magics which are taught by such creatures. This Magic doesn't discriminate based on species. It's effects are fatal to any species may it be Human, Demon, Dragon or a God' he stopped reading the points.

His eyes widened in shock and surprise. 'Is that even possible, a magic that can Slay anything. Wow. Awesome' danced Naruto like a headless chicken. Now he knew how powerful magic he has got his hands on. Aldoron was seeing him with wide eyes. 'If this brat masters this magic, he will be a greater monster than me. Power to slay any being is just unimaginable. I didn't know such magic exists' thought the Dragon. A fox like grin came to Naruto's face after looking at the Dragon.

"Yep. I'm going to learn this. This is so cool and awesome" he shouted to high Heavens. He read more about the magic.

'The Slaying Magic is like any other Slayer Magic as it allows the user to eat the element they learn as a source of energy and food. It grants the user a physiology that doesn't get affected by the other types of Slayer Magic to some extent. It is not a complete defence but not completely defenceless. The Slayer Magic consists of only 2 elements. The 2 primary elements. Light and Darkness. This book has the Light Element. From the residue magic in the other book, it appears to be destroyed in it's sacred place' read Naruto. He felt as if there is a magic in the book speaking to him from the book. He felt somber and grave as he read that line. 'Wow, this thing can keep track of the other part as well. Cool. Magic was so advanced, I can't help but realise how backwards we shinobi were back in the Elemental Nations' thought Naruto sadly.

'To learn the magic, the user has to put his hand in the centre of the page and wait for the ancient magic to accept them as it's next wielder. But before learning the magic, there is a basic knowledge that the user needs to know about the Slayer Magic. Unlike the other types of Slayer Magics, which effect as they come into contact with the specific creature it is taught to slay, The Slayer Magic depends on the Will of the Slayer. The intent behind the attack is what decides the outcome of the encounter. If the user has intent, then imagination is their only limit.' read the book and Naruto had a feeling that this time, it is going to be painful and a lot of it. First though, he should eat and take rest. Travelling 175 km in a day took its toll on Naruto's body as he didn't travel that far in quite a while.

Time skip, 1 Year

In his first year of Training, Naruto trained hard to learn his Dragon Slayer Magic along with the Slayer Magic. He made leaps and bounds progress in his Dragon Slayer Magic as he completely learnt the Water and Earth Dragon Slaying Magics. Aldoron first taught him the main elements, after that he taught him the basic techniques in Wood Dragon Slayer Magic in the second half of the year. But Naruto mastered them to a different level. He can command the vegetation around him with a mere thought and no requirement of shouting his lungs out and telling the enemy what he is going to do. Naruto observed a change in him. His manner, behaviour and his personality changed slowly to that of a True Shinobi. He is more of a Shinobi than he was in the Elemental Nations. His stealth, his intelligence, his tasts had mostly changed to suit his current world. 'Maybe this is what they mean by adapting to your surroundings' thought Naruto.

His use of the All Slayer Magic as he likes to call it, as calling it plain Slayer Magic is boring according to Naruto also developed alot. He can now bend any type of light to his will. He has come up with a way to overcome the weakness of the light element when it is dark. It is a simple but effective method. But now he is training to in the advanced spells. The spells are magic taxing. Even the smallest spells costs lots of Magic. If he had to put it in terms of his Shinobi language, every technique in the All Slayer magic are at least B-Rank and high, the basic spells being at the range of C-Rank. He didn't find any D or E-Rank in his one year training. Every spell he learnt is practised to perfection by his clones. He is currently learning A-rank spells. He still had so many more to go. 'I am gonna do it, Believe it' shouted Naruto to himself as he started his training in the various magics he had tasked himself to learn. His verbal tick didn't change though. A fond memory of his recent spar came to the front of his mind.

Flashback, 2 days ago

"Are you ready for a spar, Naruto?" asked Aldoron affectionately. Spending time with the Blonde boy wonder changed him a lot. They both treated each other like family now.

"Yes, father. I'm ready" he said and slipped into his battle stance. Which was nothing but standing cross armed and looking bored at the Dragon God in front of him.

"Cheeky brat" said Aldoron and prepared his attack.

"Wood Dragons Encasing Pillars" said the Dragon and a pillars of wood erupted from the ground on the spit where Naruto stood.

"Shatter" is the only word Naruto said. The wood coming towards him shattered into millions of wood pieces. It is because of the invisible light that splinted the wood into pieces as it travelled at high speeds towards the attacking wood.

"Water Dragons Trident" Naruto called out, his hand changing into the form of a trident and jumped to attack the Dragon. The attack hit, but due to the think hide, it couldn't past the skin of Aldoron. Naruto touched the stem like skin, and with a beam of light cut it into pieces, though not much, it left a scratch on the bark like body of Aldoron.

"Wood Dragons Bloom" called out the Dragon. Naruto was alarmed and jumped back and made 5 clones. Who simultaneously took deep breaths of air.

"Wind style: Great Breakthrough" they all said simultaneously. The pollin released by the Dragon was dispersed by the large gusts of wind produced by Naruto with his clones.

"Good, you have at least kept it up for a minute. Train with it more and I'm sure you can keep it for more time. It is just like any Dragon's Roar" he said and Naruto nodded. Due to the weakened condition of Aldoron, they didn't continue the spar. But Naruto showed all he had learned to the Dragon, who felt proud swell up in his chest. Naruto also showed him his progress in the All Slayer Magic. Though not on the level of mastery, it is coming good. After that Naruto showed him different Jutsu, he learned from the scrolls left behind by his parents. He didn't learn Hiraishin yet, as he is not a real seal master. The potency of his chakra with the Ethernano particles was enough to learn his mothers chains style. As for Kyuubi's gift, he found out that he is a sensor as well, when Aldoron threw a wood spike at him to wake up which case he sensed the attack and escaped it. He couldn't control Kyuubi's chakra yet. He is currently at level 15 in total 25 levels of seal mastery. He learned how to draw seals with his chakra alone. After the training session is over, Aldoron spoke the words which made Naruto tear up.

"In the beginning, when I took you in, I thought about the decision I made. As I don't have much time unless I use the humans as a way of life force, did I make right choice by taking you under my wing, and teaching you my Dragon Slayer magic. But now, seeing your progress, I can happily say that I made the right choice by choosing you, son. I'm extremely proud of you, Naruto" he said with affection towards the blonde.

"Thank you for taking me in, father," said Naruto. He went closer and flew to the Dragons snout to sit on it. They both shared a moment of father and son.

"From this day forth, you will be trained in the Advanced and Secret Arts of Wood Dragon Slaying Magic. To come for this far in just 1 year is remarkable, Naruto" said Aldoron, proudly.

"Thank you, father," said Naruto, fee tears falling from his eyes in joy. After a full day of training in Advanced Wood-Dragon Slayer spells, Naruto slept. The spells are more destructive and draining. With just one spell, he can fill an entire valley with trees if it used. They are like A-Rank to S-Rank jutsu. He is trying to create a more powerful version of his Rasengan. He created a basic elemental once like Wind style Rasengan etc. He stared at his necklace, a reminder of his home along with his Headband. From the moment he started learning the Wood Dragon Slayer Magic, he felt something from the necklace. It is a stage feeling. A feeling that said 'I am finally home'. He knew the necklace was not ordinary, afterall it belongs to Senju Hashirama, the Shodai Hokage. The man who is known as Shinobi no Kami. He was told by his granny Tsunade, that the necklace is worth 3 mountains of cash. And it survived his dimensional travel as well. 'Why do I feel a connection to the necklace as it is closer to me than ever' thought the blonde boy. Soon he will find out why.

Nighttime, Same Day

Naruto was fast asleep and is dreaming of Ramen and other things he wanted. But suddenly he felt his conscious being dragged to somewhere. He was in a place which is completely white with blue water filling the ground, instead of sewer turned forest of his Mindscape. A lone man is seen floating in the air in the middle of a hall. Naruto walked towards him seeing that he is the only person there other than him.

"Welcome, Uzumaki Naruto" said the old man in a grave tone.

"Who are you, old geezer" asked Naruto in confusion. He is sure that he didn't see this old fart.

"My name is Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo or the Sage of Six Paths as you know me as" he said in a calm tone. For the first time, Naruto saw the man as he turned towards him. He was a tall, pale-skinned man, who had deep wrinkles and a strong jawline, he can say that even though the old man is sitting, he had spiky, shoulder-length, pale brown hair, with a chin-length, braided lock hanging in front of his left ear. He also sported a goatee, which was tapered down to his waist. He had a pair of horn-like protrusions extending from either side of his forehead and also had a red ringed-like marking in the centre of his forehead which Naruto didn't know what. He wore a white, full-length kimono with a pattern of six black magatama around a high collar, beneath which, he wore a necklace which was also made up of six black magatama. On the back of his kimono was a larger, black Ringed marking with a pattern of nine magatama arranged in three rows of three beneath it. But what stood out of the old man, were his eyes. Purple, with circles in them looking at him with sorrow and regret.

"You may not know me, child. But I know you. You are the ex-transmigrant of my younger son, Ōtsutsuki Asura" he said. Naruto was confused. Not only the Sage of Six Paths, the man regarded as father of the Shinobi in front of him, but now Naruto is a transmigra-what of his son. His mind just came back in from it's holidays and processed everything. His mouth agape, Naruto stared at the old man.

"You heard me correct, Naruto" he confirmed again, to assure Naruto. Generally, in times like these, Naruto's mind would overload with information and he would get a massive head ache. However, because of the last year's conditioning, his mind had caught up to things quickly.

"So, why are you here, Super Gramps Sage" asked Naruto, giving the old sage a nickname, which were generally given to people who are close to him by Naruto, there is a twitch in the old man's eye brows, but he didn't do much.

"That is a long story, my child" said Hagoromo and explained how Indra and Asura are his sons and how they fought and continued about the creation of 9 tailed beasts and his death and then how they started transmigrating to settle their dispute.

"Uchiha Sasuke and you used to be the current generation of Transmigrantes, until your untimely departure from our world" he explained the course of events.

"So does this mean, the man who left me in a blue ethereal form was Asura," asked Naruto to which Hagoromo nodded his mind.

"Yes, he is my son"

"Why are you here, will you take me back to Elemental Nations," he asked, worried that he would lose his new father. Hagoromo gave a bitter smile to him.

"No, Naruto. Even if I want to, I couldn't. I don't have any power or control over this dimension. Even if I want to give you my power, I couldn't. I thought that you and Sasuke will be the one's to solve the dispute between the brothers. But it is no longer the case. I am straining my powers to a great degree to reach you. I can make it here because of the residue Chakra of Asura, which is in you. I am here to say sorry for everything that had happened. I had the power to stop the tear from taking you, but I was too late in making my decision. As I can't give you power, I'll give you knowledge. Knowledge of the Wood Style used by Hashirama Senju, the previous host of Asura and then some" he said tapping Naruto's head with his fingers. Naruto felt a rush of chakra and knowledge with it. There is just so much to process, so he just focused on the Sage in front of him instead of the rushing knowledge.

"Can I do anything that allows me to get your forgiveness for my mistakes" asked Hagoromo. Naruto thought about it. He thought of rejecting the offer. But if he did that, then what is the difference between his old Shinobi self and the current him. 'Think Naruto, what do you want most, family. Family, yes. But you can find it in this world or can start your own, next best thing, a friend. A friend is someone I wanted for a long time. But because of the Kyuubi, I didn't have any'

"A friend maybe" said Naruto nervously. He don't know if such thing is possible.

"A friend, you say. What kind of friend. Shall I give the fox which was sealed in you in any other type" asked Hagoromo.

"He should be cool, can talk and able to fly. Flying is cool and my father couldn't show it to me as he is ill (he is talking about Aldoron) and he should be strong as well. As I'm going to create a technique to fly. So, a fox, jaguar, lion, tiger, cat I don't know. I didn't have a good experience with that stupid fur ball. If you can make it good and friendly, I suppose it is fine" he said thinking of all types of things he want in his friend.

"Let me conclude. You want a friend, who can talk and fly, strong and a fox is acceptable, but he should be friendly. Is that what you ask, Naruto" asked Hagoromo.

"Yes, yes" he shouted in excitement.

"Ok then. Step back" he said and Naruto stepped back.

"Onmyōton: Banbutsu Sōzō (Yin-Yang Release: Creation of All Things)" he said as blue and red fire lit his hands and he combined both of his hands channelling his chakra into the technique. It is a great strain coming here, but as one last gift to Naruto, he is going to make this possible. He is going to create an animal he never created. Soon, the process stopped and a small orb, came into view. Naruto saw the ball, it is in the shape of a Magatama. It has a Goodish-orange cat in it. It is a small cat with it's eyes closed.

"Wow. Amazing, super gramps sage. What is this" asked Naruto in wonder?

"This is a Jaguar, Naruto. He is going to have all your required qualities. This is one of a kind as he doesn't have any spots like his kind" said Hagoromo, gesturing to the small cub in his hand.

"What is he called" asked Naruto in wonder.

"I didn't name him yet, Naruto. Name him yourself" said Hagoromo smiling at the wonder in the blonde boys tone.

"Sirius, I'm going to name him Sirius" exclaimed Naruto loudly.

"Sirius, why that name particularly," he asked curiously.

"I read about it in a book in the library here. It is a name of the brightest star in the night sky, just like him. Look at him, he had gold fur with tints of my favourite orange in it. I like him" said Naruto in excitement.

"So Sirius it is then" said Hagoromo, seriously.

"Yep. When he will wake up" asked Naruto.

"It will take time. You will know when he is ready. Only then you are to release him out. Is that clear" he said and Naruto nodded.

"Now, Naruto, I hope you will forgive me for my mistakes and move on with your life in this dimension. Can you do that, Naruto" asked Hagoromo seriously.

"Ya. I can. I have found a father and now a friend, I'll definitely do that" he said in a sad tone. Hagoromo didn't probe him further.

"I'll be going then, I hope you live a happy and long life, Naruto"

"Thanks, super grams sage, I wish Elemental Nations Peace as well" he said, making Hagoromo smile at him.

"I wish too, child. I wish too" he said and left Naruto in a flash of light. Naruto looked at his new companion and spent the rest of the night seeing him sleep peacefully.

And Cut

That's it for this chapter folks. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Read, Review and Comment your opinion on the story.

If you have any questions, ask me in reviews or PM me.

Any suggestions are welcome.


Thank you for reading.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.

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