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37.5% Blood Wolf in Twilight / Chapter 3: 003- Meeting Bella, First day of School (For Her)

Chapitre 3: 003- Meeting Bella, First day of School (For Her)

"HURRY UP LIAM WE GOT A GAME TO CATCH!!!" His dad yelled for him from downstairs.

Today they were going over to the Swan house, Bella was moving in and Billy and his dad were going to watch the game with Charlie. He thought it was a good idea that Liam met up with his old friend, said they had a lot to talk about and stuff like that.

Liam knew it was a lie though and that he really just wanted him there so that he could make a new friend, well old new friend, he made it look like he had some but he really didn't. Since last night he has been working on his control over blood and body fluids, he used some of the chickens out back to work on it too.

"Yeah yeah here I come." He said pulling on his shirt and walking down the stairs, he made sure to grab his pack of cigarettes as he walked down the stairs. He spent good money getting them tested before use and was glad at the results, there was no chance of cancer in his future.

The two left him leaving his mother some cooked chicken since they wouldn't be there when she got home, they both got into the family car before taking off to the Swan's. Although they had tons of money thanks to Liam the family still only had three cars at the house, his dads squad car, moms mini-van, and then the family Audi A6.

The drive over the two both smoked a cigarettes, they were odorless so it was enjoyable, though his dad would never tell his mother about it she didn't like it even if they were healthy. Soon they pulled up to their house, Billy and Jacob were pulling up at the same time driving Bella's new truck, the thing was old but even Liam loved it.

Standing on the doorstep was Charlie Swan he was just like the star of the movie, the guy was as awkward as they came but he was a good guy, Liam thought Bella should have treated him way better.

Looking to the girl next to him Liam sucked in to hard on the last of the cigarette, his dad had to pat him on the back to get him to calm down. Staring at Liam wide eyed, Liam brushed him off was getting his breathing back, his eyes were wide looking at the girl on the stoop.

It was like nothing else mattered in the world at the moment, her alabaster colored skin and pale brown eyes shined to him, to him it was like he was drowning and finally saved. She had an awkward smile on her face but to him it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, his heart was beating wildly it wouldn't stay in his chest.

When she looked over to him he was finally out of the trance, his heart felt full seeing that she was looking at him, his dad was already out of the car saying something about him. Like moving in slow motion he got out of the car, the two kept staring at each other as he moved towards them, he didn't even register Jacob talking to him.

She seemed stunned too looking at him fidgeting with her fingers, he knew that she couldn't feel what he felt but he could see the shyness and small blush that took over her face.

"..And you remember my son Liam. You two use to play house when you were kids, always making Jacob the son of you two since he was the youngest." His father said with a smile standing next to Bella as Charlie and Billy play fight a little away from them.

That brought Liam out of his staring though as he looked to Bella, though his heart and mind were telling him to lover her madly, there was a small part of him that was trying to stay right in the head. This girl while the most beautiful girl he had ever seen in his lif---- Bella was surrounded by problems, he thought shaking his head trying to get out those thoughts.

His wolf side was fighting him though telling him to go straight to her and claim her as a mate, he could only hold himself back so much though. He gave a stiff smile, "Good to see you again Bells." he said using the nickname he called her when they were young.

Surprisingly she blushed and nodded, "Good to see you too."

"Sorry about these old men, we both know that you haven't seen Jacob and I in years. It would be weird that a five year old could remember all that unless you are some type of super genius." Liam said leaning back on her truck, their parents were all already inside.

Jacob was trying to comment but didn't know where too, Bella spoke up with a small smile, "Yeah, honestly I don't remember much of our childhood. Though we are going to the same school right?" At his nod she smiled more, "Well then I guess we can try and be friends again."

"Lucky you guys, I go to school on the reservation so it won't be the three amigos again." Jacob said with a smile breaking into the conversation, Liam could see hopeless love in the kids eyes but she wasn't even looking at him.

"Yeah. So need help with anything Bells, we are going to be here for the next couple of hours and I honestly don't like baseball." Liam said bringing out another cigarette and lighting up, he let it hang off his lips while looking over to her with a raised brow. He might have seemed calm but in his head he was shouting, 'DOES SHE THINK THIS IS COOL? DO I LOOK GOOD IN HER EYES???'

Damn imprint was effecting him hard as hell, there was nothing he could do about it though.

Bella smiled and pointed towards the house, "Well I might need a little help with my room, it hasn't changed since I left and there are some things I want changed around."

"Well you got to strapping young men here to help, put us to work." Liam moved and put an arm around her, smiling in his head seeing her blush grow some, he was glad to see she was more confident then her movie self. He also liked that she looked like the later Kristen Stewart, she was beyond beautiful.

"Yeah we got your back." Jacob said trying to get into the conversation.

Liam rolled his eyes and walked along with Bella into the house, surprisingly she was okay with it and stayed under his arm, his heart was singing since she was letting him. When they made it into the house their fathers were already watching the game, ignoring them they all made it up to her room.

Inside they saw that it was the same as when she was a kid the only difference was the bed in the middle of the room, sighing she looked embarrassed seeing the set-up. "So what are we moving first?" Liam asked leaning against the wall, he was trying to get some space between him and her.

Although it physically and emotionally hurt to be away from her he was trying to get his head right, everything happened to fast for him catch up to his feelings. Taking a drag of the cigarette in his mouth he watched the pair of Jacob and Bella, inside he was screaming to go to her and hold her in his arms but he was holding himself back.

This was really going to take some getting use to, sighing he walked back over to them as Bella finished speaking, "Also take the baby changing station right there, I am sure that I won't be needing that anymore."

Jacob nodded along and got to work, by himself he was already moving the changing the station out the room, Liam raised his brow and moved to her bed. "Come on Bella tell me more about the twelve years since we were apart." he said patting the spot next to him.

"What about Jacob?" she said looking at him as he moved down the stairs.

"Ahh let him get it, we can catch up. Plus I am sure that he is just eager to show you what he can do by himself." Liam said which is true if him coming back into the room and grabbing more without comment was any indication.

She shrugged and took off her shoes, they both sat against the headboard and stretched out fully, "Well there isn't a lot to tell really...." she started then went on to tell him about living with her mother, he nodded and commented in the right spots before answering some things she asked him.

When Jacob came back the two were sitting there listening to music sharing headphones, he could only smile awkwardly before sitting down at her desk. For the next two hours, where the game went into extra innings, they all just sat in the room talking lightly and listening to music.

After the game they all got ready to leave, Liam saw Bella looking at him with a sad gaze and he himself was feeling the same way. "Don't worry Bells, I will wait for you in the parking lot tomorrow, consider me your campus tour guide tomorrow." he said while pulling her into a hug, she went in willingly and actually hugged him tight.

Liam thought it creepy but took a whiff of her hair before letting go, though it was hurting him to do so, following his dad he couldn't help but to look back as they got to the car. "Ha, don't worry son you will see her tomorrow at school. Geez after all these years of not showing any sign of liking anyone you can't even tear your gaze away from her. Leave her wanting more son." His dad laughed as they pulled away and he caught him looking.

Liam scratched his head and didn't know what to say to that. That night as a wolf he stood at the tree line near her house and watched the window until she turned off her light to sleep, he was glad to see on his map no other supernatural's around.

The Next Day...

Liam ate a quick breakfast while grabbing his lunch for the day, he had two boxes with him since the other was for Bella, he wasn't going to let her suffer through the meals at school. Grabbing the keys to the Audi he took off, thankfully he already had his snow tires on the weather was getting bad recently so he wanted to be ready for it.

When he made it to school like most days his car was stared at, there were only a handful of good looking people in the school and he happened to be in that handful along with the Cullen's. Sighing he stepped out his car and lit a Cigarette, he felt like smoking some weed but he didn't want to dull his senses at school, the Cullen's currently weren't there.

Suddenly he heard the backfire from a truck, looking over he saw Bella driving in, even from where he stood he could see that she was nervous looking around. She seemed to have seen him as a smile was gracing her face and she pulled into the spot right next to him, letting out a breath she got out the truck.

Going around it she stood in front of him, at the moment everyone was looking at the to, The Silent Prince, as they like to call him was talking to the new girl who was smiling at him. "Morning Bells, ready for your first day of school?" He asked taking another drag before offering it to her, surprisingly she took it and smoked some making him smile.

"As ready as one could ever be, it sucks being the new kid. To many people stare." she said as she looked around seeing that everyone was staring at them.

He laughed a little and slung and arm around her neck, "Well who knows it could be that they are just entranced with how great we look together. I mean you are a beautiful girl and I am devilishly handsome, so that could also be a reason."

She laughed at that nodding, "True I am beautiful but you.... well I guess you will do."

"Gasp! Bells are you saying I'm not handsome?! That calls for... my payback." Before she could get away he started tickling her making her bells of laughter carry across the parking lot, laughing with her he lifted her slightly and started carrying her as they went towards the school.

"Haha put me down I can walk on my own." she said while slapping his shoulder and letting his arm rest around her shoulder as he did put her down.


Bella POV*

I didn't know what to expect when coming to Forks but meeting Liam again was really a highlight, when I was around him for some reason everything just seemed so much easier. Pulling into school I as nervous that I would have to face this morning alone, but seeing him leaning against his car smoking I couldn't stop the smile.

I pulled in right next to him and my smile grew seeing him smile back at me, when he offered me a drag of his cigarette I took it without thinking, seeing that he smiled so I didn't want to let him down. Taking a drag it was surprisingly smooth, there was no choking feeling like that one time when I was younger and tried it to be cooler.

Though at the moment I could feel all eyes on us and I wanted to do my normal things an retreat inside myself, Liam made it easier for me to treat it all as background and focus on him. He truly was the most handsome guy I have ever see, and those beautiful wine colored red eyes locked on me made me swoon.

Even though we just reconnected I wanted to get to know him more, because somewhere even if it was small now in my heart I was falling deeply in.... like with this guy. Not love I wasn't that childish but I felt that if I stuck with him then my life wouldn't be so dull as it had been.

"Alright here we are Bells, sorry but I have art first period but I will see you in history later today..... ahh before I forget here is a lunch I made for you the food his is terrible. I will see you at lunch, yeah?" His small smile/smirk was making me melt just looking at it along with those eyes made me get lost for a moment, his hand waving in my face broke me out of it.

"Yeah just save me a seat and I will be there." I said with a wide smile, I went to go into class but he pulled me into a hug making me melt into him. I wouldn't say it out loud but I was hoping he would do that before he left, somehow in the past twenty-four hours since I have been here I got addicted to feeling him hug me or hold me in any way.

After letting me go he didn't leave until I was in my seat.


Liam POV*

Well I figured out my feelings after not sleeping last night, while I wouldn't push her into a relationship I was going to try and be in every aspect of her life. So letting the Imprint control my desires I was going to stick as close as she would let me be, in my heart though it was telling me to love her I was keeping my mind in the just liking her faze.

Walking into my art class I saw two Cullen's there, Alice and Jasper, when I walked in she looked right over at me from the other side of the room. I stuck my tongue out at her and sat in my seat while she did the same gesture back, laughing in my head I set up my station for the day.

Though Alice and I have never talked before that didn't mean I didn't mess with her some, I didn't know if she could see me in her visions but it really didn't matter to me. I did know that Edward couldn't read my mind, more then once I saw him glaring at me trying to see why he couldn't but I always ignored his stare.

Looking up I sent one more stick of my tongue to Alice before working on my project, I just wanted this day to speed up already, I missed Bella.


Third Person POV*

After fourth period Biology Liam was the first person out of his seat, he went straight to Bella's gym class and caught her as they were making their way out of it. She smile when she saw him there, he wanted to do this all day but managed to hold himself back until now, "Ready for lunch Bells?" he asked wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah lets go, though I did promise to sit with some new... friends... made so the table might have a few extra people." she said with a smile to him.

Liam could see Mike and Jessica watching them as they headed to the cafeteria, no doubt they were the friends that she was talking about, "Sure no problem. Would you look at that one day here and you already have more friends then me, all I have in my lunch buddy Steven but we don't talk really."

She looked at him with a raised brow and all he could do was shrug, finally they made it to the cafeteria, the place was slowly being packed with people. Liam directed her to his table where Steven was already sitting, Steven was what a typical nerd looked like.

He had big thick glasses, a pocket protector, a lot of allergy problems, and at the moment he was doing advanced calculus homework while a debate on a Lord of the Rings form about characters.

Seeing Liam and Bella sit down he only nodded and went back to what he was doing, soon though Mike, Jessica, Tyler, Eric, Angela, and two other girls came and sat down. Steven didn't move though and kept doing what he was doing, he only looked at Liam briefly before taking a seat next to him to let the 'popular' kids have their own side.

"Steven this is Bella, Bella this is Steven." Liam said before opening his lunch and taking out the shrimp tacos he made, he slid three to Steven who ate them silently. He actually had his whole lunch box full of them and a water bottle, since he became a wolf he knew that his appetite had increased, so he was having twenty for lunch, well seventeen.

Bella opened hers, she had the same food but less there were only four street taco style, along with a slice of cheesecake for her. She smiled brightly at him before joining in the conversation with Jessica and them, Liam ignored them and ate his food he wasn't a big believe in talking while he was eating.

"Who are they?" soon he heard the famous line as Bella took another bite of her food while watching the Cullen's walk in.

Before Jessica could speak he did, "They are the Cullen's all adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Cullen, they are a good family. The blonde there is tied as my favorite with another, don't get me wrong she is beautiful but that isn't why she is one of my favorites it is another reason, that I won't mention. Anyway her name is Rosalie.

The big dude next to her is Emmett her boyfriend, don't know much about him other then him being less handsome then me. I am sure though he has his own things that make him unique though, could probably take a bear with the size he is."

"You are a narcissist you know that?" Bella said laughing while pushing his shoulder, "So they are together then?"

"Nope just speaking the truth," He said while leaning over and kissing the top of her head getting a cute blush in return, "And yes they are together. Now the one who looks to be in pain is Jasper, he only looks that way though because he has a strong sense of smell and as you can tell the food here smells bad. Plus I know for a fact he is a really sensitive guy, so teenage hormones kind of get to him.

Now my other favorite Alice, his girlfriend, isn't she so cute she looks like a little Pixie or Fairy they both are adorable and fit her perfectly. She is a bubbly person, though we don't speak I would love her as a best friend I know she is extremely loyal and plus I bet she would be great to go shopping with. Also she is a great artist, not better then me but good." With his enhanced hearing he could hear Alice squeal a little hearing his review of her, the others were also smiling a little.

"Yeah not helping yourself with the narcissist thing there," Bella joked, everyone was watching him at the moment, even Steven was looking at him, none had heard him speak this much, "So what about the last guy, why does he keep looking over here too?" she asked with a small frown.

"Ahh that is Edward, I think he is gay." The table looked at him with wide eyes hearing that while with his hearing he could hear his siblings trying not to laugh, "Think about it, he dates not girl here or doesn't seem interested in any. Also since the day they have moved here I have seen him silently watch me every now and then it is creepy. So either he is planning to kill me or he is gay and looks over here for my looks."

At that time Emmett seemed to not be able to hold his laughter in but thankfully their table was laughing too so they didn't notice, Bella was frowning more and he notice her move closer to him. "Well that is kind of creepy." she said while looking at him with something in her eyes that he couldn't place at the moment.

"Yes it is." He agreed nodding, he also was trying to take her last taco since he was still hungry.

She caught him before he could though swatting his hand away, "Hey! You made this for me and you have already eaten seventeen of them, you are going to get sick eating any more."

Liam tried to give his best puppy dog eyes and pout, "But I am a growing boy and need more food, please?!"

She only laughed and when it seemed like she was going to give it to him, she quickly pulled back and bit into it letting out a satisfied moan, "Ahh it taste even better knowing you want it." she said with a teasing smile on her face.

Liam groaned but because her actions were to sexy and he was currently hard under the table, the rest of the table was staring wide eyed. Since Liam was known as the Silent Prince ignoring all of them, they never knew he was like this so it was a shock to see him act the way he was acting.

Eventually lunch was over and Liam could see that Bella showed no interest in Edward in any way, they still had one period before they shared a class but he still walked her to her math class. He himself after getting a hug from her went to his English class, inside he saw Rosalie and Emmett, the two watched him more intently as he took his seat which was only two away from them.

Pink_Ghosty Pink_Ghosty

Sooo I wanted a Bella one, all I see is everyone else.

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