After getting a good night's sleep, Berengar awoke the next day, and after having his morning tea, he immediately thrust himself into his work. For starters, he had begun to refine the legal system of the Duchy of Austria. Berengar was of the mindset that crime could not be tolerated, whether from the perspective of the law or within a community.
To Berengar, the level of crime that existed within a community was whatever the people within it were willing to tolerate. He planned to expand legal reforms and included propaganda to inspire communities to report crimes to their nearest official.
As such, he was in the process of designing comprehensive legal reforms. Though crime in itself was rare in Tyrol and especially within the city of Kufstein, it had begun to become widespread throughout much of Austria, and not just minor offenses either.
Sorry for the giant chapter of exposition. I have tried writing this chapter fifteen times in the last one hundred chapters, and no matter how I write it, it always just ends up as a giant narration about what Berengar is establishing. This is the best I could come up with for the chapter, so I hope at the very least it was not too dull to read.