Within the Villages hospital, Obito had now awoken to find himself a little bit more wrapped up then usual. Usually, Kurama would help him take care of any wounds he had, in addition to his strong Uzumaki lifeforce reinforcing such powers, but no such thing was here to save him.
He is forced to deal with the pain, but also deal with the recuperation period, which from what he had overheard would take a few days.
'Why did that explosion happen though?' Obito thought to himself, confused over what had happened, but then the memories of what happened after flooded his mind again. 'And what did Granny Masumi mean...?'
The door opened, Granny Masumi coming in with her own few bandages placed in spots that she was harmed. "Obito! You are awake..." Masumi briskly walked over towards Obito, as he was also bandaged up, but he wasn't harmed to badly.
"Granny Masumi, I'm all right." Obito replied, as he looked back. Masumi was fretting over every little thing, the old woman worried for his health. She had truly come to see him as her own family, and this reminded him of Tsunade.
"Really? That's good then..." She breathed a sigh of relief, for it seemed like Obito was ok. When brought in, it seemed like he was dying, but after consultation with the doctors, they described the problems easily for her mind.
Supposedly, Obito had passed out due to chakra exhaustion, along with a combination of other factors, like his wounds bleeding a bit, leading to him losing some blood. However, all was fixable, treatable through medical techniques, and the most damaging of things was over.
Granny Masumi would stay with Obito, and Obito would listen to her talk about a few things. A few random things that wasn't of any importance.
"Why did that happen...?" Obito angled, questioning his adoptive grandmother, to see if he could potentially get any information out of her. He knows that an investigation would've been underway immediately.
He wanted to know why that explosion occurred, and was questioning whether or not someone had caught on to him being different.
Whether or not it was Madara himself that managed to somehow 'sense' his coming anew into this world. "Well, the Uchiha police are currently investigating. Don't you worry. We will be protected. I am just saddened that I didn't try and study some more when I was younger. Becoming a shinobi, I would have been able to protect myself better, so that you wouldn't get into such a dangerous situation." She teared up a bit.
"No, no, no! It is not a problem at all! I will protect you, to the best of my ability!" Obito exclaimed, immediately trying to alleviate her stress of the situation.
"My... You quite don't have to do that. But..." Masumi seeing the look in Obito's eyes, decided to humor him. "... But I think I can leave you to protect me. Right now however, you should be protected instead."
"I don't know what is taking them so long, but the Uchiha police said that they were going to send someone to oversee our protection..." She continued, trailing off.
As she was trailing off, someone knocked on the door. The person then opened the door to reveal a much more matured Mikoto Uchiha. Black hair, black eyes, and a standard uniform outfit donned by those within the Uchiha's police system.
"Granny Masumi, Obito, are you two all right?" Mikoto hurried over as she said this, before sitting next to Obito within the bed. "I am here to protect you both from any threat."
"It is you, Mikoto? That is good then. At least it is someone I know of and can trust Obito to." Masumi seemed to think that placing Obito with unknown individuals would be bad.
"I wasn't so much as assigned to this mission, but more like requested." Mikoto added as she looked at the damage done. So far, she managed to spot that Granny Masumi was relatively fine, save a few cuts here and there, while Obito was a bit more hurt.
Cuts, covered up by bandaging, bruises treated through medical techniques and most of all was the small amount of damage done by the explosion. His back having taken most of the blow, but it was healing up nicely as there was no permanent damage done.
Also, he had a bandage on the back of his head as well, where the main brunt of the explosion had managed to hurt.
"How do you feel?" Mikoto asked as she looked at him kindly.
"I feel fine." Obito replied.
"Ok. That's good then." Mikoto just had to check herself, and knowing, from Obito's words, that he says he is fine is nice. She worried about him after all, and for some strange reason she couldn't quite place, it felt as if she was meant to know of him.
Even before as well. Mikoto felt as if she was supposed to know of Obito, but she couldn't quite place it. He didn't look familiar to her, nor did she really feel as if she has meet him before.
But it felt like she should know of him, and this was something that was there when she first saw him. Other than that, her emotions... her feelings and attachment to Obito had grown over these three years as well.
She sees him as a little brother even, something she doesn't have as she is an only child within her household.
Having grown interested herself, it really made her wonder just who his parents were and possibly who he is descended from. No one had made any claims, and she had done some investigating herself.
"What are the details of said protection? How long are you to stay with us, or are we to stay with you?" Granny Masumi asked Mikoto.
"Well..." Mikoto then divulged the details. She would act as their personal guard for now, while there are those that would be investigating what has happened.
For now the protection would last for a week at most, especially since this was a time of war. With their home destroyed, another would be provided and this time it would be further in within the Uchiha district.
Mikoto would also be living with them during this period of time, and had even decided that she would live with them fully. It was not like she has much to do at her own home, where her father has been dead for a few years now. While her mother just lives a normal civilian life.
She in fact has a lot of wealth inherited as well, making her one of the most if not the richest Uchiha within said clan. For Mikoto, she didn't need to go back there, and had been trying to live on her own for a short while now.
Given the war and everything, there was no telling what may or may not happen.
"Then it is settled." Granny Masumi finished, as Mikoto also finished explaining everything about what is going to happen.
"Yeah... I'm sorry that no one is going to help with the repairs..." Mikoto added, given the Uchiha seemed to lack the funding necessary. Especially since the house was out of the way, and could even be considered within the very outskirts of said district.
"Don't worry about it. This old lady has some money saved up from her time. And it's not like I haven't been considering moving closer anyway." Masumi replied, waving off Mikoto's apology that she didn't need to give. "Come with me for a bit." Granny Masumi went outside of the room with her.
"What is it?" Mikoto asked, before Granny Masumi proceed to tell her of what she had seen.
Granny Masumi had told Mikoto that she had seen Obito awaken the Sharingan. 'I will kill them when I find them.' She would need to start tracing the reasons for why this would happen, and there is nothing that came to her mind other than the fact someone knows of Obito's parents and disliked them.
Wanted Obito dead because of his connection to them. 'Meaning I need to stay around more and protect him. Granny Masumi cannot do this herself.' Mikoto thought to herself, determined to keep Obito safe.
Coming back inside, the two of them heard Obito speak up.
"I am tired now. I would like to rest." Obito said, alerting both Masumi and Mikoto to Obito's current state, and it was true. From seeing him like this, it seemed like he wanted to rest.
"Ok. Your Granny here needs to take care of some other things. I must make a report with the Uchiha Police." Masumi said, before looking at Mikoto. "Mikoto, I would like for you to stay with Obito, if you wouldn't mind."
"Of course I will stay. Don't worry, I will protect him." Mikoto replied, a fire having been lit within her.
"Thank you." Masumi left, leaving Obito to rest, his eyes closed, but his mind is fully active right now.
"By the way, Obito. Do you remember anything else that happened?" Mikoto wanted to know whether or not Obito knew of his awakening.
Opening his eyes, Obito thought that maybe he could try and remember something. "Well... I do remember seeing some red and time slowing down before I passed out, but other than that... nothing." He shook his head, as he saw Mikoto have a contemplative expression.
"Obito... that was the Sharingan. Or at least I think it is. Try channeling some chakra into your eyes." Mikoto waited, wishing to see for herself whether or not what Masumi had said was true.
"Ok...?" Obito doubted that he unlocked the Sharingan so early. 'Well, I don't really know much if anything at all about this, so I might as well give it a try.' He thought, before channeling some chakra into his eyes.
They changed, his view and perspective was now a whole lot different from before. One tomoe in each eye, time, or his perception of time slowing down, and the world gaining a shade of red, whilst he also saw some other things... chakra to be more specific and its flow within Mikoto, and himself.
'Wow. This is pretty cool.' Obito thought to himself, before he also realized he was remembering everything he saw. 'This is even better! I will no longer be called an idiot!' Obito thought excitedly, wishing for nothing more than to make use of this ability with haste.
After all, he was not the most academic of people.
"Ok. That is enough. You can rest now." Mikoto smile was a little off, but he thought nothing more of it before deciding to get some rest.
Some time later, Mikoto had fallen asleep herself, having just gotten back from a mission and immediately coming here as soon as she got the news. Obito looked at her, and had a small feeling tap on his heart.
For but the briefest of moments, there was something there... but it would be lost a second later before he stared at the ceiling again, allowing Mikoto to hold onto his hand, hers, for now, easily being larger than his own.
Walking in, a nurse looked at this seen and seemed to think of it as cute. Clearing her throat, she awoke the sleeping Mikoto. "Huh? Oh... It is just a nurse." Mikoto nearly panicked but calmed herself down realizing where she is and she didn't need to protect Obito from any immediate threat.
"Yes. I am just a nurse. No need to be afraid. I wont hurt little Obito here." The nurse smiled before coming closer. "Hello, Obito. I am just going to check up on you, if that is ok?" She smiled as she asked this, and Obito nodded his head in reply.
The nurse had learnt the medical technique, where a few of the nurses were also considered doctors in training. This was one of them.
As the medical technique was being used on Obito, he saw this a chance and activated his brand new fancy eyes. 'Wait a minute... If I learn this early, and practice my chakra control as best I can, maybe I could make use of this medical technique! What was it called again... Mystical Palm Technique? I think...'
The world painted red, he saw through the process, and copied it down into his mind. In that instant, his eyes went red as well, but no one even knew of what happened.
"Woah!" The nurse was shocked, while Mikoto got to confirm for herself that Obito did in fact have the legendary Sharingan, and he would be going down in history as the youngest to ever awaken it.
"Obito?" Mikoto questioned the boy, but the Sharingan went away.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to know how you healed me." Obito said it as naturally as he could, and it seemed to have the intended effect. 'Damn... Well, at least I know how to use the technique now.' He wanted to keep it secret, but it worked either way.
"No, no. That is ok. But don't use that, ok? You need to be able to control your chakra, something that you could learn in the future." The nurse-in training doctor was no less kind, and smiled as she said this.
The rest of the day went by boring, and Obito lamented that this came at a cost for sure. He would have to remain hospitalized for a day and night, for observation. Granny Masumi would come back, yes, but Mikoto would not leave.
It seemed like she had decided on something. Something that would make it one hundred percent harder for Obito to do what he wants.