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Chapitre 13: Fate Lab

I was in my own room on a desk beside the window. I held a manuscript full of words in it.

Lilia: "Rudeus-sama. It's time for your tea."

It was already afternoon and I'm done with all of my training regime.

Rudeus: "Oh, so that much time had passed huh."

Lilia puts the tea on my desk. I sniffed on it a little and took a sip on it with practiced ease.

Rudeus: "Lilia, can you tell me about your thoughts on this? I think it was pretty good."

I handed her the manuscript.

Lilia looked a little flustered. She seemed really surprised by something.

Lilia: "Would that really be alright Rudeus-sama?"

Rudeus: "Its fine."

Lilia cleared her throat with a small cough.

Lilia: "If you'll excuse me."

The other day when Lilia went to the nearby City, I asked Dad if I could have some paper for writing manuscripts.

Dad: "What are you going to do with that for?"

Dad asked me that time.

Rudeus: "Fufu, I want to write a book! Father, can I have it? Pretty pleeeaaasseee?"

Mom: "Aaaawww~ Of course you can Rudy!"

And so with puppy eyes, Mom and Dad definitely can't refuse his cute and adorable son. This is how you use your childish charm.

And so here I am, I'm planning to write a novel.

Lilia: "Fate Zero?"

She reads the title.

Rudues: "Yes."

I said.

Actually there might be some differences in the world and this world. For example the guns, I made them into a Magic Tool. And the world with an advanced technology like cars, are made to be Magic Tool.

I made it so that the story happened in the future. By this world's perspective, it should already be equivalent to Sci Fi since it was much more technologically advanced.

And there is an omnipotent Magical Treasure that could grant wishes, and summon heroic spirits.

Actually this kind of novel is somewhat unorthodox and niche by this world's taste in storys by settings alone. There was never been a Sci Fi genre in storys.

What gave me this idea was that the Asura Kingdom held the ideologies like war, victory, governance, and kingship. And I thought first of Gilgamesh, Artoria, and Iskandar from the Fate Zero.

For example there was also an organization called the Church which are supposed to be Christians, and in this world's perspective it was just a parody of the Millis Church. It was so damn convenient.

There was also Ell-melloi and Waver being in a Magic University.

There were also other servants like the Knights Diarmund and Lancelot with tragic backstories.

The seven Mages will fight in a battle royale to death. Summoning Heroic Spirits and made a contract helping them win and get the reward of the Omnipotent Wish-granting Ancient Treasure Magical Item.

Actually this was a super great idea, if I say so myself. Fate Zero is the masterpiece of the series. And I'm planning on plagiarizing it in this world, tweak some things here and there that doesn't make sense in this world, and then earn money.

I'm so terrified of my own genius.

You ask how I could remember? Well I'll leave that all to your imagination.


3rd person

Lilia looked like she was engrossed and pulled into the story itself. Her face looked like someone who's curiosity had been piqued.

The first part was about a certain man named Emiya Kiritsugu. She found the name very strange, but it didn't bother her much.

She could also feel the tragic feeling of the man. And what kind of person he was, and getting a child.

But still Lilia wants to read the next.

Lilia: 'Rudeus-bochama wrote this book? How did he...?'

For Lilia, he saw Rudeus as a genius. Being a Water Saint ranked Mage at 5 years old plus Advanced rank in the other three schools.

She saw him grew up reading books. And she could definitely tell that he was bound with certain intelligence in his eyes.

Rudeus was also her savior. She owed him her life and everything. Lilia vowed that she will repay him. And even thought of raising her daughter– Aisha, into a splendid maid to serve the Young master Rudeus.

For Lilia, seeing that he's writing a book at a level of such eloquent writing, she couldn't fathom the amount of knowledge he had.

Right now, Lilia was now treating Rudeus reverently.

Lilia: "Rudeus-sama. It was really interesting."

Rudues' eyes widened and he made a childish smile.

Rudues: "Really? Yaay!! I'm going to make an awesome novel and become rich hehe~"

As young as he is, Lilia couldn't help but be amazed on how he already grasp the importance of money.

Lilia: "As expected Rudeus-sama was someone special..."

Rudeus: "Hm? Did you say something Lilia?"

Lilia: "Ah, it's nothing young master. If you'd like, another serving for tea perhaps?"

Rudues: "Oh sweet! Lilia's tea is the best! I wouldn't mind drinking tea like this my entire life."

That made Lilia smile seeing how Rudeus complimented her.


One day I took a break from writing the book and have a swordplay practice with Dad.

My progress in swordplay is quite an uphill battle. It truly shows my lack of talent compared with my Magic.

Still it isn't a reason to stop me from working hard. Even Solomon is a master of swordplay.

Dad: "By the way, Rudy."

He said, as if suddenly remembering something.

Rudeus: "Is something wrong, Dad?"

Dad shook his head as if he just got the idea and ended it there.

Dad: "No, you probably don't need that. Never mind. Let's get back to it."

I frowned a little bit.

Rudeus: "That's terrible Dad. You're just making me more curious. C'mon, tell me?"

I urged him to speak.

Dad sighed.

Dad: "There's an educational institution in Roa, the capital of Fittoa, where they teach things like reading and writing, arithmetic, history, etiquette, and that sort of thing."

Rudeus: "I've heard of it."

Dad: "Normally, you'd start going there around your age, but... you probably don't need to? You already know how to read and write and do sums, right?"

Rudeus: "Well, yeah. So it was about that?"

With two new baby girls, the financial situation at home had gotten rather tough, and with Mom constantly poring over our accounts ledger, I'd decided to help her out—to her great shock.

I have tons of experience on this kind of thing involving money, budget, and savings.

It had looked like there was going to be another uproar over what a genius I was. And I puffed my chest in pride as I boast about my intellectual capabilities.

Dad: "I'm interested in school, though... There'd be a lot of other children around my age there, right? Maybe I could make some friends."

Dad swallowed, as if he had a lump in his throat.

Dad: "I mean it's not all that great a place. Etiquette is just stuffy nonsense, knowing history doesn't help with anything, and you're definitely going to get bullied. A bunch of local noble brats will be there, sure, but they just get all bitchy whenever they're not number one. With a kid like you there, they'll probably form a clique and push you around. And my father was a marquis, so with you being of even lower standing than I was, you'll be seen as even more of an upstart."

Rudeus: "Is that really so? Must be tough out there then huh... And here I thought I could have some cute noble daughters surrounding me, I can't even use my charms to seduce them."

Dad grinned at my words. I already knew he's the kind of guy who talked like this with fellow men.

I might be a kid right now and an honor student in my past life, but actually I have a perverted side within me. But I kept it on moderation.

Dad: "Let me stop you right there. Noble daughters cake their faces thick with makeup, fuss obsessively over their hairdos, and reek of perfume. I mean, sure, some of them practice swordplay and are hot, but the bulk of them keep their bodies hidden underneath corsets, and even when you do get one into bed and get her clothes off, they never get any exercise, so their bodies are all loose and flabby to boot. Your dad's been tricked many times on that front."

Damn... I know you're quite the womanizer, but seriously you're so popular with the ladies even at a young age? Should I be proud of his masculinity?

I admired Dad, but I get confused now. Maybe I should try to be like him a little. As his son, I couldn't possibly be a disappointment.

I haven't had a girlfriend before. So in this life I had to do my best getting one... Wait... What am I talking about?

Rudues: "Maybe I won't go to school. I think I'm gonna earn money soon without it though. I'm writing a book, so I thought I'm gonna make some coins with its royalties."

Paul: "Good call... But seriously writing a book?"

Rudues: "Yeah! How about reading it sometime Dad? You're son is gonna make it big and struck it rich! And when I get rich pretty ladies will come at me."

I told him jokingly. Though no matter which world you come, wealth will always be a measurement to some degree to be a proper marriage prospect for the ladies finding husbands.

Nobody wants to marry some random poor filthy guy begging in the streets right? The fundamental aspect of marriage isn't love, it was politics.

I read it somewhere in a Philosophy book somewhere back on Earth. 'To join together in communion of interest, to produce children for the advancement of the species, and to care for them until they are self-sufficient.'

I think it was the Philosopher John Locke who said that?

Dad: "...If you ever feel bored, you can just become an adventurer and go delving in some labyrinths."

Rudeus: "An adventurer? Speaking of which You were with a party together with Mom right?"

Dad: "Yeah. Hitting up labyrinths is great. The ladies there don't wear makeup, so you can tell at a glance who's pretty and who's not. And whether they're swordswomen, warriors or mages, they're all in great shape."

Yeah definitely. I would like a more fit woman than some fragile rich girl that would break the minute you go to bed.

Wait what am I thinking now? I'm truly slowly becoming a true pervert aren't I?

Okay setting that bits of unnecessary information aside, based on what I'd read, labyrinths were a kind of monster themselves. They started as simple caverns, but were altered by accumulations of Mana, transforming them into labyrinths.

At the deepest part of the labyrinth was a magical crystal you could think of as the power source, which was protected by a boss that acted as the guardian– or should we call the Dungeon Boss.

This magical crystal was bait, exuding a powerful, attractive energy. Monsters were drawn in by that energy and made their way into the labyrinth, where they fell victim to traps, starved to death, or were killed by the boss that guarded the crystal; the labyrinth then absorbed the magical essence of those dead monsters.

However, newly formed labyrinths often had their magical crystals devoured by monsters instead, or the crystal was shattered by the cavern collapsing. Hearing that some of them met clumsy ends made them seem all the more like living creatures.

But monsters weren't the only thing drawn in by these magical crystals. Humans found them quite tempting as well. The crystals could be used as catalysts for certain spells, and they fetched a rather high price. The price went up with size, but even a small one would bring in enough to afford someone a full year of easy living. And while these magical crystals were the only their depths filled with hoards of treasure.

The oldest and deepest known labyrinth was the Pit of the Dragon God, situated at the foot of the holy Dragonraor Mountain in the Red Dragon mountain range. From what I'd read, it had been around for at least ten thousand years, and was estimated to contain some 2,500 floors

Apparently, this colossal dungeon was connected to a hole at the pinnacle of Dragonraor Mountain itself. By leaping into it, you could presumably plunge right to the very deepest floor, but no one who tried that stunt ever made it back alive.

That 'hole' wasn't a volcanic crater or anything, by the way. The labyrinth itself had supposedly created it in order to consume red dragons; when one flew by, the Pit would suck it into its maw


There wasn't much proof to support that particular myth. But it wouldn't have been too surprising, given that the Pit was a truly ancient monster. As for the most purely challenging labyrinths... you had the aptly-named Hell, located on the Divine Continent, and Devil's Cave, which sat in the middle of the Ringus Sea.

Both of these were brutally difficult even to reach, meaning it was all but impossible to resupply once you arrived. Given their great depth, and the fact that you couldn't really take your time exploring them, they'd earned a reputation as the toughest tests an adventurer could face.

Rudeus: "I've read about Labyrinths."

Dad: "Ah. The Three Swordsmen and the Labyrinth, right? Exploring a legendary dungeon like that's a sure way to get your name into the history books. Ever thought about giving it a shot yourself?"

The Three Swordsmen and the Labyrinth was the tale of three brilliant young fighters who would come to be known as the Sword God, the Water God, and the North God.

The book began with their initial meeting and followed them through a series of twists and turns that led them to challenge a huge labyrinth together. There was plenty of conflict, laughter, and male bonding along the way, as well as a few painful farewells; in the end, naturally, they achieved their goal triumphantly.

The labyrinth in that book only went down about a hundred floors, but it was bad enough.

Rudeus: "Isn't that just a story, though?"

Dad: "Nope. They say the three great styles we've passed down through the generations were born inside that labyrinth."

Knowing that Father was an Advanced rank swordsman of the three styles, I wonder how strong are the ranks above?

Saint, King, Emperor, God...

Those three managed to become a God rank swordsmen in their respective styles in the Future after conquering that dungeon.

I don't know how strong I really am right now combat-wise. I'm confident I could defend myself with any traps and attacks from any monsters coming my way.

My only concern is that my specialty magic used too much Mana. Could I last a hundred or so floors continuously using Mana? I don't know yet.

Dad: "What d'you think? Adventuring might be pretty fun, too, right?"

Rudues: "Sure, I'll give it a try. Though I still prefer if there's a pretty girl joining my party."

Dad: "Oho. I guess you really are my son!"

He said proudly.

Though I'm not really used showing my perverted side to anyone, it's still nice to have someone you talk with it that can understand.

In the end, I'm still a man you know? And I have Dad's blood flowing in my veins.

It couldn't be helped...

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