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29.5% Trading Game (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V SI) / Chapter 18: Special Class Tournament Arc: 2nd Part

Chapitre 18: Special Class Tournament Arc: 2nd Part

"Now we'll move onto the second round!" The teacher announced after a short break session, moving his arms in motions to gain the attention of the crowd, who cheered at his declaration of the second match.

The large screen on the colosseum then changed, changing from showing the picture of Mei and Serena, the previous round's winner, and now changed to show the pictures of Fubuki and Ryo, along with the twins.

"Well then, guess we'll have to go then." Fubuki said with a smile as he stood up and stretched, and without turning towards them, the boy waved back as he walked away along with Ryo.

"Alright! We'll head out too!" Grace exclaimed with a bright smile as she dashed out onto the platform in the middle, while her twin sister merely huffed as she followed her.

They all then walked onto the spotlight, the center of the colosseum, and the cheers of the crowd increased. Like the social butterfly that they were, Grace and Fubuki shone as they were showered with the attention, and in comparison the other two simply disregarded them, though Ryo did at least try to appease the crowd unlike Gloria.

They then walked and stood in the opposite sides of the, each brandishing their duel disks. "We're not going to go easy on you alright." Fubuki said with a wink, while Ryo merely gave him a glance, as if he was stating the obvious.

"Of course." Gloria replied with a savage smile, one that her sister mirrored. "It wouldn't be interesting if you didn't give it your best."


Gloria Tyler & Grace Tyler: 8000LP

Fubuki Tenjoin & Ryo Marufuji: 8000LP

"We'll start first!" Gloria declared, forgoing the draw to set up a board. "I'll activate the continuous spell, Quiet Life!" The golden haired girl said, activating the floodgate of her choice.

"Ah, she already played that card already?" She heard a voice from behind her say, and turning her head slightly, she saw that Mei was the one who had said the comment. Oh, they made it back here already? She thought that going back to the dorms to get some food and drinks would take longer.

"Yep, the floodgate's out." She said, leaning back in her chair and stretching, then extending her hands out to accept the bag of snacks that Mei gave out. Yuri too accepted the food that the two purple haired girls gave, along with a bottle of water too.

"Remind me, what did that card do again?" Serena asked, taking a seat at one of the empty seats that they had left open in their row. The seats that were meant for Edo and Mamoru were kept empty, the two of them not coming here even after an invitation by both Mei and Serena.

Ah well, knowing that Edo was also a dueling junkie, he's definitely still around here somewhere watching the tournament. He's just like that after all.

"It locks the player to only normal or special summoning." She said, starting the explanation for the twin's favourite floodgate of choosing. "It's only activateable if they control no monsters, and if someone normal summons or sets, then they can't special summon, and vice versa."

Serena raised an eyebrow after hearing the explanation for the floodgate's effects. "That doesn't seem as good as cards like Summon Limit doesn't it? If you can still play with only special summoning or you use a deck that focuses on only a special summoned monster then it isn't that great isn't it?"

She smiled brightly at the indigo haired girl to have noticed the card's greatest flaw, and gave her a thumbs up. "Correct! As you say, while there are some combo decks whose starters rely heavily on their normal summon, that doesn't mean that they only rely on that normal summon."

"Like how I can still summon ABC-Dragon Buster without using my normal summon if I could find a Fusion Deployment or Unauthorized Reactivation." Mei interjected giving herself as an example.

"Or when some of the other duelists start their turn with just Polymerization and summons their Fusion Monster without normal summoning." Yuri said with a smile, nodding his head as he gave out the example.

"You're the one who usually starts their play with a hard drawn Poly." She deadpanned with a monotone voice as she faced the purple haired boy,  who merely shrugged his shoulders in response.

Their chatter died down as the two new arrivals sat on the empty chairs around them, and they all focused back on the ongoing duel that raged on.

"I'll activate the spell, Reinforcement of the Army!" The golden haired girl said, activating RotA, a card that was basically a staple for any and all warrior focused deck like the Amazoness that they use.

"This card lets me add one Level 4 or lower Warrior monster from my deck to my hand! I'll add Amazoness Princess to my hand!" Gloria showed the monster that she would add to her opponents and added it, smiling as she got her combo piece.

"Now I'll activate the spell, Terraforming!" She said, activating the field spell searcher, making her raise an eyebrow at the play. Was she playing the Amazoness archetypal field spell? That's neat, she guessed.

"This card lets me add one field spell from my deck to my hand! I'll add Amazoness Village from my deck to my hand!" The golden haired girl then added the archetypal field spell and shuffled the cards in her hand.

"Now I'll activate the spell, Polymerization!" She revealed another card from her hand as she slammed the card onto her duel disk's sword projection. "I'll fuse Amazoness Queen and Amazoness Princess in my hand!"

The two monsters that she called then appeared on the field, the one eyed Queen of the Amazons resting her sword as it was stabbed on the ground while the shorter princess stood tall beside her with her short spear, the two then was absorbed into the spiral of blue and orange as the golden haired girl chanted.

"O queen of the wilderness! Alongside the princess who inherits the throne! Become a ruler who will conquer everything!" She finished her chant as she brought her hands down. "Fusion Summon! Appear! Amazoness Empress!"

The Fusion Monster let out a loud war cry as she appeared on the girl's side of the field, single handedly swinging her greatsword with one hand as her red cape, an accessory that fits her just like the many skulls decorating her and the many red tattoos along her body.

Amazoness Empress - Earth/Warrior/Fusion/Level 8/Effect: 2800/2400

The monster stood protectively in front of her masters, being summoned in attack position  instead of in defence position. A… choice certainly, whether or not it is a smart one is something to be seen as t=was going first against decks that specialise in OTK like Cyber Dragon.

Though if Ryo just Power Bonds a Cyber End then it wouldn't really matter much.

"I'll activate the field spell Amazoness Village!" The girl played the field spell, changing the area around the colosseum into a forest of tall trees with huts of thatch making the village. "All 'Amazoness' monsters gain 200 attack!" 

As she had declared, the single monster on her field shone with energy, increasing her attack by 200 points as she raised her greatsword and let out a roar as she did so.

Amazoness Empress - Earth/Warrior/Fusion/Level 8/Effect: 3000/2400

"With that, I'll end my turn." Gloria said, ending her turn with no cards in hand, a floodgate, a field spell, and a Fusion Monster that protected said field spell. It wasn't much really, if she hadn't used Quiet Life as their floodgate of choice then she could have gotten Ambush on board had she normal summoned Princess.

A pity, the ceiling for the board would have been much higher had she done so.

"Alright! Then it's my turn! I draw!" Fubuki started his own turn, drawing a card in his Draw Phase and starting his turn with six cards in his hand. The brown haired boy looked at the cards in his hand, and grinned.

"I'll start by activating the spell, Twin Twister!" The boy raised the card high into the sky, and slammed it onto his duel disk's sword projection, and the holographic projection of the card appeared on the field.

"This card let's me discard one card, then target up to 2 spells or traps in the field and destroy them!" With the explanation out of the way, the brown haired duelist then pointed towards the only cards on the spell and trap zone in the field.

"I'll discard The Black Stone of Legend from my hand, and destroy your Quiet Life and Amazoness Village!" A large gust of wind enveloped the field, turning to become a large pair of twisters that attacked the two specific targets that Fubuki declared.

"Guh! Amazoness Empress' effect!" Gloria declared, waving her hand as she stood her ground through the twin twisters attempting to destroy her floodgate. "Other 'Amazoness' cards that we control cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects! This includes Amazoness Village!"

"But your continuous spell is still destroyed." Ryo said cooly, and true to his words, the floodgate that was set up was then destroyed by the card Fubuki played, much to the golden haired girl's chagrin.

"Alrighty! Now I'll activate the spell card, Cards of the Red Stone!" The brown haired boy then activated the draw spell, creating a black stone-like egg on the field. "This card lets me send one Level 7 'Red-Eyes' monster from my hand to the graveyard to draw 2 cards! Then I can send one Level 7 'Red-Eyes' monster from my deck to the graveyard!" 

Fubuki then revealed the card that he would discard as cost, and she was quite surprised that the boy would even play the card in his deck. "I'll discard Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon to draw two cards! And send a copy of Red-Eyed Black Dragon from my deck to the graveyard!"

The egg on the field cracked, and two cards flew for the holographic animation of Fubuki drawing two cards, and giving him targets in the graveyard to add back The Black Stone of Legend to his hand.

And as she expected, he did just that. "I'll activate the effect of The Black Stone of Legend! This card lets me target one Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster in my graveyard and shuffle it into the deck to add this card back to my hand!"

The boy showed the target that he would shuffle back to his opponent, surprisingly, it was the Gemini retrain of Red-Eyes. "I'll shuffle back Red-Eyes Black Flare Dragon who is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the graveyard, and add back The Black Stone of Legend to my hand!"

He added the monster back to the hand, of course with his usual added flair of dramatics. The boy still had a full five cards in hand, and continued with whatever plays he had in mind. "Since that field spell can't be destroyed unless that Fusion Monster is destroyed, then I'll just have to remove it first!"

The boy picked a card out of his hand, and raised it high for all to see. "I'll be activating the spell, Red-Eyes Fusion!" He declared with a blinding smile as he slapped the card onto his duel disk, and the holographic projection of the card appeared in front of him.

She almost choked on her food as she saw the card being played, but then she remembered that she hadn't even managed to pull a Dragoon yet and that this format was still safe for Airpods Dragoon or whatever card could turbo out Verte and use the card without actually playing a dedicated Red-Eyes deck and just running two added bricks.

But no, the brown haired boy certainly wasn't going to be summoning the bane of any and all duelists existence, and instead summoned a whole different card that could out the 3000 attack Fusion Monster on his opponent's field.

"This card lets me Fusion Summon one Fusion Monster that lists a 'Red-Eyes' monster as material from my Extra Deck using monsters from my hand, deck, or field as materials! And if I do, its name becomes 'Red-Eyes Black Dragon'! Though I can't normal or special summon monsters the turn I activate this card."

The boy then took two cards directly from his deck, and revealed it towards his opponents to reveal the fusion material. "I'll fuse both Red-Eyes Black Dragon and Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact from my deck!" He declared as the two Dark Dragons appeared on his field as he raised both of his hands.

"O black dragon with eyes of red! Together with the dragon of the comet, combine your powers and be reborn anew!" He completed the chant as he swung his arms down. Fusion Summon! Descend! Meteor Black Comet Dragon!" The Fusion Dragon let out a howling roar that shook the colosseum, as it appeared on the field.

Meteor Black Comet Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Fusion/Level 8/Effect: 3500/2000

Said dragon then roared as it's body burned in fire, it's appearance as if it was a burning meteor crashing onto the earth. The Fusion Monster being turned into a Red-Eyes Black Dragon through the effect of Red-Eyes Fusion.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Fusion/Level 8/Effect: 3500/2000

"Now Meteor Black Comet Dragon's effect!" The boy declared, waving his arm outwards. "If this card is Fusion Summoned, I can send one 'Red-Eyes' monster from my hand or deck to the graveyard, and if I do, inflict damage to both of you equal to half of the original attack of that monster!"

He revealed the card that he would send from his deck to fulfill the card's cost, and the card that he revealed was another vanilla Red-Eyes. "I'll send another copy of Red-Eyes Black Dragon to the graveyard, and I'll deal 1200 damage! Comet Burn!" He declared, and the burning dragon roared as flames engulfed the field.

"Kyaa!" "Guh!" Grace and Gloria screamed and grunted as they were burnt by the holographic fire, burning their Life Points for a significant amount, though still far from lethal.

Gloria Tyler & Grace Tyler: 6800LP

"Now battle!" He declared, moving right onto the Battle Phase to remove the Fusion Monster through battle. "I'll attack your Amazoness Empress with my Meteor Black Comet Dragon! Dark Meteor Shot!"

The red eyed burning dragon roared as flames erupted from its mouth, shooting a ball of flame as fast as a falling meteor. The single Amazoness monster on the field attempted to fight back with her greatsword, but the ball of flame exploded before she could even do so, reducing her to particles of light and damaging the twins for a small amount of battle damage.

"Che!" Gloria clicked her tongue as her Boss Monster was removed from the field by battle easily. Although with the other cards that she has on the field, she could basically make the card float to any Amazoness of her choosing.

Gloria Tyler & Grace Tyler: 6300LP

"I'll activate the effect of Amazoness Village! And also the effect of Amazoness Empress in the graveyard!" The golden haired girl declared, activating the effects of both the field spell, and the floating effect of her Fusion Monster.

Oh, they even did it in a way so that Village won't miss timing since it was a when effect. That's neat.

"If Amazoness Empress is destroyed by battle, or leaves the field because of an opponent's card effect while in our control, we can special summon one 'Amazoness Queen from our hand, deck, or graveyard!'" Grace explained the Fusion Monster's floating effect.

"I'll special summon Amazoness Queen from my deck in attack position!" Gloria finished, placing the card that she took from the deck to her duel disk, and another Amazoness monster appeared in the place of the Empress, this one too, wielding a greatsword with a single hand.

Amazoness Queen - Earth/Warrior//Level 6/Effect: 2400/1800

The female warrior then raised her sword high as a brown aura enveloped her, the field spell raising her attack by 200 points. 

Amazoness Queen - Earth/Warrior//Level 6/Effect: 2600/1800

"Now Amazoness Village's effect! Once per turn, when an 'Amazoness' monster is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to the graveyard, I can special summon one 'Amazoness' monster from my deck with a Level less than or equal to that 'Amazoness' monster in the graveyard!" The golden haired girl explained the field spell's effect.

"I'll special summon Amazoness Princess in defence positon!" The short spear wielding Amazoness then appeared onto their side of the field, coming out from one of the many huts that surrounded them as she twirled her short spear. 

Amazoness Princess - Earth/Warrior//Level 3/Effect: 1200/900

And just like the monster beside her, she too was enveloped briefly by a brown aura, raising her attack points by 200 thanks to the effect of Amazoness Village.

Amazoness Princess - Earth/Warrior//Level 3/Effect: 1400/900

"Now Princess' effect!" Grace declared with a large smile on her face. "She becomes 'Amazoness Queen' while on the field and graveyard, and if she's normal or special summoned, we get to add one 'Amazoness' spell or trap from our deck to our hand!"

The silhouette of the large greatsword wielding Amazoness appeared behind the small princess, changing her name on the field to Amazoness Queen.

Amazoness Queen - Earth/Warrior//Level 3/Effect: 1400/900

"I'll add the quick-play spell, Amazoness Call from my deck to my hand." Gloria said, adding the card through the search effect of Princess, getting her another searcher for her next turn that's still two turns away.

Fubuki whistled as he saw the field slowly being filled with Amazoness' after he destroyed the Fusion Monster. "Hee~ I didn't know that it could do something like that." He said with a  glint of interest in his eyes.

"I'll set one monster face-down." Fubuki said, setting a monster as he could o longer normal summon under the effect of Red-Eyes Fusion. "And I'll set two cards face down, and I'll end my turn." Fubuki said, ending his turn with a large Fusion Monster who was in all purposes a beater, a set monster, and two set cards along with a card in hand.

"Then now it's my turn!" Grace said with a smile that mirrored Fubuki's own, placing her hand over her deck to draw. "I draw!" She drew her card for turn, starting her turn with six cards in hand and an already established field.

"Fufu, I'll start by normal summoning an Amazoness Princess of my own!" Saying so, the silver haired girl summoned her own copy of the small princess, appearing beside the first copy of the same monster, twirling her short spear as she landed on the field.

Amazoness Princess - Earth/Warrior//Level 3/Effect: 1200/900

And just like all the monsters beside her, she was enveloped briefly by a brown aura, raising her attack points by 200 as per the effect of Amazoness Village.

Amazoness Princess - Earth/Warrior//Level 3/Effect: 1400/900

"I'll be activating not only Amazoness Princess' effect, but also the effect of Amazoness Baby Tiger from my hand!" She said, revealing another card in her hand. "If an 'Amazoness' monster is normal or special summoned to my field while this card is in my hand, I can special summon this card! And it becomes 'Amazoness Tiger' while on the field or graveyard!"

Amazoness Baby Tiger - Earth/Beast//Level 2/Effect: 500/500

And as Amazoness Village was on the field, the small baby tiger received a slight attack boost, boosting it's meager stats higher. And as it now has hit the field, it's name then changed to become its original counterpart.

Amazoness Tiger - Earth/Beast//Level 2/Effect: 700/500

"Amazoness Baby Tiger gains 100 attack for each 'Amazoness' card in my graveyard, since there is a copy of Amazoness Princess, Amazoness Queen, and Amazoness Empress in the graveyard, his attack becomes 1000." Gloria said, and the small baby tiger glowed as it growled.

Amazoness Tiger - Earth/Beast//Level 2/Effect: 1000/500

"Princess' effect! Just like before, while she's on the field or graveyard she becomes 'Amazoness Queen'! And if she's normal or special summoned, I can add one 'Amazoness' spell or trap from my deck to my hand!" She said as she explained once more the on summon effect of Amazoness Princess

Just like the monster beside her, the silhouette of the large greatsword wielding Amazoness appeared behind the small princess, changing her name to be treated as Amazoness Queen while she's on the field, though the effect also applies while she's in the graveyard.

Amazoness Queen - Earth/Warrior//Level 3/Effect: 1400/900

"I'll be adding the continuous trap, Amazoness Onslaught, from my deck to my hand!" The silver haired duelist revelaved the card that she added to her opponent, and shuffled her hand as soon as she added it.

"Now then, I'll be activating the spell, Fusion Sage!" The silver haired girl then activated a card, that in all intent and purposes, had become inferior to Frightfur Patchwork, a card that now that she was reminded of, was something that she had to get her hands on.

"This card allows me to add one 'Polymerization' from my deck to my hand!" Saying so, the silver haired duelist added the vanilla fusion spell to her hand. "And I'll activate it!" She then did just that, slapping the spell on her duel disk's sword projection and activating it.

"I'll be fusing Amazoness Baby Tiger who's treated as Amazoness Tiger in my field, and Amazoness Swords Woman in my hand!" The two revealed monsters then flew into a blue and orange vortex, the small baby tiger being overwritten with the silhouette of a much older and bigger tiger as it was fused with the sword wielding Amazoness.

"O wild beast of the forest with deadly fangs! With the power of the swords woman, become a new wild beast and appear!" She spread her hands apart and grasped it together, then bringing them down to complete the chant. "Fusion Summon! Show yourself! Amazoness Pet Liger!"

The newly summoned Fusion Monster let out a roar as it appeared to shows its new form, that being a large single red-eyed liger, armed with deadly claws and fangs along with spiked bits and pieces of armor, standing protectively in front of the other Amazoness monsters on the field.

Amazoness Pet Liger - Earth/Beast/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 2500/2400

The tiger then glowed with power, receiving an attack point boost thanks to the tribal field spell that was on board.

Amazoness Pet Liger - Earth/Beast/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 2700/2400

"Now I'll be equipping Amazoness Pet Liger with the equip spell, Amazoness Heirloom!" Grace then placed a card on her duel disk's sword projection, and the Amazoness' titular equip spell, a hell of a card in a playground format like this, appeared on the field.

"This equip spell can only be equipped to an 'Amazoness' monster. And once per turm, that monster cannot be destroyed by battle!" She explained the card's effects with a smile. 

"Now I'll also activate the equip spell, Re-Fusion!" She said, revealing the card in her hand and playing it. "This card is activated by paying 800 LP, then I can target one Fusion Monster in my graveyard and special summon it and equip it with this card!"

Ah, the Fusion Summon only weaker version of Monster Reborn. She hasn't seen that card in a long while, then again it has a lot of restrictions like having a properly summoned Fusion Monster in the graveyard first and that it has the clause of 'When this card is destroyed, banish the equipped monster.' 

It's better to just run Monster Reborn, even if the card costs an arm and a leg in this world.

Electricity sparked through the silver haired girl's duels disk as she paid her Life Points to pay for the cost of the card's activation requirement, and since she only has one Fusion Monster in the graveyard, it doesn't take a genius to see which card she's going to summon.

Gloria Tyler & Grace Tyler: 5500LP

"I'll target Amazoness Empress in the graveyard, and special summon her in attack position!" The titular Empress of the Amazoness then appeared on the field, single handedly wielding her gigantic greatsword in her hand.

Amazoness Empress - Earth/Warrior/Fusion/Level 8/Effect: 2800/2400

The revived Fusion Monster then glowed as it received the boost form the field spell that was on the field, increasing its attack to reach 3000 points.

Amazoness Empress - Earth/Warrior/Fusion/Level 8/Effect: 3000/2400

But with this the board that the twins has was strong, but not unbreakable. Their attack target is locked to Amazoness Pet Liger, who was equipped with Amazoness Heirloom which will destroy any and all monster that it attack, though it doesn't activate when it's attacked. But it doesn't matter since she would probably set Onslaught for the crackback, which will be protected by Empress.

And they can only out Empress by card effects, and if she remembered correctly, the only targeting removal that Fubuki's Red-Eyes deck has was Red-Eyes Fang WIth Chain, and seeing as he hasn't activated the trap card in response to the summon of Empress, it seemed that he didn't have it set.

Ryo could possibly out the whole board if he summons Eltanin though, since it's a non destruction board wipe and all.

"When Re-Fusion is destroyed, Amazoness Empress will be banished." Grace said as she cupped her face, looking quite displeased at the card's downside, but then immediately turned back to that smiling face that she usually has. "I'll switch the first Amazoness Princess and Amazoness Queen to attack position! Battle! I'll attack your Meteor Black Comet Dragon with Amazoness Pet Liger!"

The large liger then roared, and pounced towards the burning dragon on Fubuki and Ryo's field, and he let the attack through, though he did raise an eyebrow at the move. "Pet Liger's effect! Once per battle, if this card attacks, during damage calculation, I can make this card gain 500 attack during that damage calculation only!"

The yellow armored liger then glowed red briefly, increasing its attack point to go over the average 3000 points, though it was still lower than Meteor Black Comet Dragon's 3500.

Amazoness Pet Liger - Earth/Beast/Fusion/Level 7/Effect:3200/2400

The attack hits of course, the slicing claws of the one eyed liger reaching the fiery black dragon, who simply retaliates with an attack of his own, releasing a breath of fire that burns the twins for 300 points of damage.

"Kuh!" Grace winced as the holographic flames reached her, and electricity once more sparked through her duel disk. 

Gloria Tyler & Grace Tyler: 5200LP

"Amazoness Heirloom's effect!" Gloria declared, activating the secondary effect of the equip spell that was equipped to the battling liger. "After damage calculation, if the equipped monster attacks a monster, we can destroy the attacked monster!" She said as she pointed towards the burning comet dragon.

It was then that Fubuki's grin turned into a smirk. "So it's like that huh, then I'll activate my set card!" Saying so, the boy flipped one of his face-down cards, revealing what it is for all to see. "Return of the Red-Eyes!"

The holographic projection of the continuous trap card that he has just activated shone, and he explained the card's effects. "If I control a 'Red-Eyes' monster I can target one Normal Monster in my graveyard, and special summon it!"

Fubuki then showed a copy of the vanilla Red-Eyes that he had in the graveyard to his opponents. "I'll be special summoning Red-Eyes Black Dragon in defence position!" Saying so, the titular red-eyed dragon of 'infinite potential' appeared on the field, roaring as it did so.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 2400/2000

The chain resolves, backwards as it always does, and the effect of Amazoness Heirloom triggers, destroying Meteor Black Comet Dragon that had battled with Amazoness Pet Liger which was equipped with the equip spell.

"Meteor Black Comet Dragon's effect!" Fubuki declared waving his hand outwards as he activated the Fusion Monster's floating effect. "If this card is sent from the Monster Zone to the graveyard, I can target one Normal Monster in our graveyard and special summon it!"

The card that he took from his graveyard to show to the twins was one of the cards that the brown haired boy had used for the Fusion Summon of the monster that was sent to the grave. "I'll special summon Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact in defence position!"

The black burning dragon exploded and turned into bits of dark small meteorites, one of which changed its form to turn into a smaller burning dragon, more red than black than it's fusion counterpart.

Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact - Dark/Dragon/Level 6/Effect/Gemini: 1800/2000

"Then I'll activate the other effect of Amazoness Pet Liger!" Grace said, activating another of her Fusion Monster's effects. "If my 'Amazoness' monster attacked an opponent's monster, after damage calculation, I can target one face-up monster "our opponents control, and it loses 800 attack!"

"The target is of course your newly summoned Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Gloria finished, pointing towards the only legal target, and the normal monster's attack was then reduced by 800 points, though it doesn't matter much considering that it was summoned in defence position.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 1600/2000

"Now the battle continues! I'll attack your Red-Eyes Black Dragon with Amazoness Queen!" With a war cry befitting of a warrior of her status, the queen of the Amazoness swung her large greatsword, and destroyed the black dragon with a single swing of her sword.

"Pet Liger's effect!" Gloria declared, activating the Fusion Monster's effect once again. "This time we'll the attack of Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact!" And with a roar of the liger in question, the dragon's attack had reduced.

Meteor Dragon Red-Eyes Impact - Dark/Dragon/Level 6/Effect/Gemini: 1000/2000

"Continue! Attack! Amazoness Empress!" With a huff, the armored Amazoness moved, and attacked, easily swinging her massive greatsword without a problem, cleaving the large dragon with a single attack.

"And now the last one!" Grace declared with a smile. "I'll attack your face-down monster with Amazoness Princess!" She declared, and the first copy of the small princess attacked, swinging her small spear at the face-down monster.

The monster then was flipped face-up, revealing itself to be a small dark baby dragon, being none other than Red-Eyes Baby Dragon. 

Red-Eyes Baby Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 3/Effect: 1200/700

The dragon was then promptly destroyed in battle, of course as a result of its defence being lower than the Princess' attack. Though the monster in question floats to another copy of Red-Eyes, because of course it does.

"Red-Eyes Baby Dragon's effect! "If this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the graveyard, I can special summon one Level 7 or lower 'Red-Eyes' monster from my deck!" Fubuki said as he activated the monster's floating effect.

"I'll special summon my one remaining copy of Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" He said as he raised the card high, and slammed it onto his duel disk, the titular red eyed black dragon appearing on the field with a loud roar.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 2400/2000

"And Red-Eyes Baby Dragon's effect lets it equip itself onto it, boosting its attack by 300 points!" With another roar, the black dragon's attack was boosted, though it doesn't reach a level that puts it near the Amazoness' boss monsters, only rivaling Pet Liger, though it can't be destroyed by battle currently as Empress and Queen was on the field.

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 2700/2000

"Che, Pet Liger's effect!" Gloria said with an annoyed look at seeing the monster finding its way onto the field. "Since an 'Amazoness' monster battled, we can reduce the attack of a face-up monster you control! We'll reduce that Red-Eyes' attack!"

Red-Eyes Black Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 7/Normal: 1900/2000

"I'll set one card face-down." Grace said, moving on from the battle phase seeing as she couldn't beat the last Red-Eyes with only the Amazoness Princess that hasn't attacked yet and setting the telegraphed Onslaught that she had added this turn. 

"I'll end my turn." With that she ended her turn with a full board, two copies of Princess, a Queen that protected Amazoness from battle destruction, Empress that protected all from effect destruction and doubles that battle protection effect, Pet Liger that pulls all attacks to itself, and equipped with Heirloom to boot, along with a set Onslaught to banish after battle.

There's still cards that could be used to out the board of course, it wasn't completely unbreakable after all, an Evenly would simplify the gamestate, any backrow removal to remove the Re-Fusion would out the Empress, and thus the destruction protection, leaving the board vulnerable to those effects.

"That's quite a board." Mei said aloud, a hand placed on her chin. "Their monster's can't be destroyed by battle or card effects, and their backrow too. Onslaught is the card that banishes monsters that battles 'Amazoness' monsters, right?"

"That's right." Serena answered her, nodding as she did so. "And it can't be destroyed by card effects too… quite the formidable board indeed."

"Don't forget that with Amazoness Pet Liger on the field, everytime their monster battles, the attack of Ryo's and Fubuki's monsters will get reduced." Yuri commented, pitching in to the conversation.

"That and with Amazoness Village on the board, whatever monster that gets destroyed first would float into something." He added, reminding them of the floating effect of the field spell that was currently on.

"There's an easy out for this board of course." She said. "Cyber Dragon's has ways to out this board after all." But it all depends on what cards that Ryo runs as outs for the board, considering the pool of cards that he has, she doesn't doubt that he'll be able to out it.

"My turn, I'll draw." The blue haired boy said as he started his turn and drew a card, starting with six cards in hand, giving him the turn to take a crack at breaking the board of his opponents.

It shouldn't be that hard considering the go second deck that was Cyber Dragon really, and Ryo was known to be someone who was quite adept at piloting the deck. "I will normal summon Cyber Dragon Core."

The blue haired duelist placed a card on his duel disk's sword projection, and the prototype core for the titular monster graced the field in all it's mechanical skeletal glory, letting out its mechanical roar as it appeared.

Cyber Dragon Core - Light/Machine/Level 2/Effect: 400/1500

"Cyber Dragon Core's effect." The boy stated, activating his monster's on summon effect. "While on the field, Cyber Dragon Core's name becomes 'Cyber Dragon', and if this card is normal summoned, I can add one 'Cyber' spell or trap from my deck to my hand."

The monster let out a mechanical roar, the silhouette of it's completed form overlapping its form and allowing it's summoned to add a Cyber spell or trap.

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 2/Effect: 400/1500

Ryo then took a card from his deck, and showed the card that he added for all to see. "I'll add the spell, Cyber Emergency from my deck to my hand." He said, adding the search spell to his hand.

"And I'll activate it." He said, immediately activating the card that he had searched with Cyber Dragon Core. "Cyber Emergency lets me add one Light Machine monster that cannot be normal summoned or set, or one 'Cyber Dragon' monster from my deck to my hand."

He then picked another card out from his deck, and showed it to his opponents. "I'll activate the first effect, and add Cyber Eltanin from my deck to my hand." And that's certainly an out to the whole board.

"That'll do it." She said, leaning back comfortably on the chair that she sat on. "Eltanin would send all other face-up monsters on the field to the graveyard, bypassing the destruction protection that Grace and Gloria had."

"Well, I thought that it would take quite a bit more than just… that." Mei said, letting out a sigh as she shook her head. "Not to mention that it's searchable like that, that deck sure is consistent."

"It's the name of the game after all. Consistency is key." She said with a shrug as they all continued watching the duel unfold.

"I'll banish Cyber Dragon Core from my field, to special summon Cyber Eltanin from my hand." Saying so, the blue haired duelist banished the monster that he had normal summoned, and the multi-headed giant machine appeared on the field.

Cyber Eltanin - Light/Machine/Level 10/Effect: ?/?

"Cyber Eltanin's attack and defence become the number of monsters banished for its special summon times 500, making its attack 500." Electricity sparked around the monster, raising its attack, although only making it quite miniscule in the grand scheme of things.

Cyber Eltanin - Light/Machine/Level 10/Effect: 500/500

"Cyber Eltanin's effect." He declared. "If this card is special summoned, I can send all other face-up monsters on the field to the graveyard! Constellation Siege!" The large monster opened the maw of the many floating heads surrounding it, and shot out beams of light with the purpose of annihilating all the monsters on the field.

"And because this effect does not destroy, it will wipe your board clean!" And just like that, all other monsters that were on the field were sent to the graveyard, sending the whole board of monsters that was on Grace and Gloria's field, although it also destroyed the Red-Eyes that was also on his own side of the field.

"N-no way!" The silver haired girl shouted wide-eyed, a face that was mirrored by her twin, clearly shocked at how easily their whole board was broken by the blue haired boy.

"Hehe, and since it wasn't destroyed, Amazoness Village can't trigger its effect." Fubuki said with a grin on his face, unperturbed by how his own monster had also been destroyed from the board wiping effect.

"Amazoness Empress' effect!" Gloria shouted out, waving her arm forward. "If Amazoness Empress is destroyed by battle or leaves the field by your card effect while in our control, we can special summon one 'Amazoness Queen' from our hand, deck, or graveyard!"

Grace's eyes went wide at her twin's declaration, and her eyes narrowed as determination seemed to be reflected in her golden eyes. "I'll special summon an Amazoness Queen from my deck in defence position!"

Oh right, the deviation from the original version of the card that she knew, that being the floating effect of Empress only being able to trigger if the monster in question was Fusion Summoned, though the restriction was lessened in this world it seemed.

Another copy of the greatsword wielding Queen appeared on the field, burying the tip of her greatsword in front of her as she stood in defence position. The best choice since with her on the field, 'Amazoness' monsters can't be destroyed by battle, and it seemingly prevents them from easily being OTKed.

Amazoness Queen - Earth/Warrior//Level 6/Effect: 2400/1800

The blue haired Amazoness then glowed with a brown aura, her attack being boosted by the field effect that still remained on the field.

Amazoness Queen - Earth/Warrior//Level 6/Effect: 2600/1800

"Amazoness Baby Tiger's effect!" Gloria declared again, activating the effect of the monster in the graveyard. "If an 'Amazoness' monster is normal or special summoned to our side of the field while this card is in the hand or graveyard, we can special summon this card!"

"We'll summon it in defence position!" Grace finished for her, summoning the small baby tiger in defence position. She narrowed her eye at that, it's a play that she personally wouldn't do against an old school CyDra player, leaving a monster with a low defence that is.

Amazoness Baby Tiger - Earth/Beast//Level 2/Effect: 500/500

They then re-explained the effect of Baby Tiger, what with it gaining 100 attack points for every Amazoness monster on the grave and the added bonus of the field spell boosting it, that and it being treated as Tiger while on the field.

Amazoness Tiger - Earth/Beast//Level 2/Effect: 1200/500

The crowd cheered at how easily Ryo had managed to wipe the board clean, and the blue haired duelist continued with his turn. "I'll activate the effect of Cyber Dragon Nachster in my hand." He said revealing the card in his hand.

"I can discard one other monster to special summon this card from my hand." He said, explaining the monster's special summon condition. "I'll discard Cyber Dragon from my hand, and special summon Cyber Dragon Nachster in defence position."

The futuristic Cyber Dragon appeared on the field, floating in the field with its wings as it stood defensively in front of its summoner.

Cyber Dragon Nachster - Light/Machine/Level 1/Effect: 200/200

"Cyber Dragon Nachster becomes treated as 'Cyber Dragon' while on the field or in the graveyard." He said, explaining the clause that was printed on what was basically all newly printed Cyber Dragon support.

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 1/Effect: 200/200

"Cyber Dragon Nachster's effect, if this card is normal or special summoned, I can target one Machine Monster with 2100 attack or defence in my graveyard, and special summon it." Saying so he then picked back the monster that he had discarded just now.

"I'll special summon back Cyber Dragon!" He played the card on his duel disk's sword projection, and the titular mechanical dragon appeared on Ryo's side of the field, letting out a mechanical roar as it did so.

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 2100/1600

"I'll activate the effect of Cyber Dragon Vier in my hand." He said, revealing another card that was in his hand. "If I normal or special summoned 'Cyber Dragon' except during the damage step, I can special summon this card in defence position."

He then special summoned the other futuristic looking Cyber Dragon support monster, it appearing on the field and stood beside the other monsters Cyber monsters that was on the field.

Cyber Dragon Vier - Light/Machine/Level 4/Effect: 1100/1600

He then swiped his hand forward. "Cyber Dragon Vier is treated as 'Cyber Dragon' while on the field or in the graveyard." He explained. "Each 'Cyber Dragon' that I control gains 500 attack and defence while this card is on the field."

Each monster on Ryo's field that was treated as the titular Cyber Dragon then let out a mechanical roar, each glowing as a sign of their attack and defence being boosted by 500 points. 

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 1/Effect: 700/700

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 5/Effect: 2600/2100

Cyber Dragon - Light/Machine/Level 4/Effect: 1600/2100

"Three Cyber Dragons on the field…" She mused aloud, if he has Power Bond then it's lethal if he goes for Cyber End Dragon and attacks the Baby Tiger. And since the banish effect of Onslaught only activates after the damage step it would be lethal.

"Now I'll activate the spell, Power Bond!" Ryo declared, activating the fusion spell from his hand, making the holographic copy of the card appear in front of him on the field. The card then shone, a sign of it being activated. 

"Ah, yep, that's game." She said out loud, realizing that this match was more or less over from this point. 

"Power Bond lets me Fusion Summon one Machine Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck, using monsters from my hand or field as fusion material!" The blue haired duelist then motioned towards the three monsters that were treated as Cyber Dragon on his field,

"I'll fuse all three Cyber Dragons in my field!" The blue haired boy declared, raising his hand upwards as the three mechanical dragons were all consumed by the vortex or blue and orange. 

"O mechanical dragons of light, combine your might and bring an end to an era!" He then raised his right hand, pointing upwards towards the sky, before bringing his hand down. "Fusion Summon! Appear! The ultimate machine! Cyber End Dragon!"

In a burst of blue light, the three headed mechanical dragon appeared on the field, sparking with yellow sparks of electricity as it spread its large metallic wings, raising all three of its heads high upon the heavens and letting out a roar.

Cyber End Dragon - Light/Machine/Fusion/Level 10/Effect: 4000/2800

The crowd cheered aloud at the amazing appearance of the Fusion Summoned monster, while the two twins merely stood wide eyed at the large mechanical monster that towered over their own monsters

"Power Bond's effect!" The boy declared once again, explaining the other effect of the fusion spell. "The monster Fusion Summoned with this card gains attack equal to its original attack!"

The three headed Cyber Dragon roared loudly, glowing with sparking electricity as it's attack points becomes doubled, becoming big enough to easily defeat the twins by attacking either of the monsters on their field.

Cyber End Dragon - Light/Machine/Fusion/Level 10/Effect: 8000/2800

"W-whoa! That's a really high number!" Mei said aloud with wide eyes, looking at the large mechanical dragon that stood at the center of the colosseum. "And Power Bond lets that stat boost becomes permanent? That's… quite strong."

"It has its downsides though." She said, garnering the purple haired girl's attention. "At the end of the turn, the player would receive damage equal to the attack that was gained from this effect at the end of the summon, which means that normally, if you managed to survive the attack, it could self-destruct in a way."

"But in this case where we start with 8000 Life Points, even if in the worst case they do survive and Ryo receives 4000 points of damage, he'll still have some Life Points left over." Serena pointed out, narrowing her eyes at the Fusion Monster on the field.

"And even then he'll have a monster with 8000 attack points." Yuri said with a grin that was turning larger and larger. "It's quite a trade. But a relatively safe one since we have this much Life Points."

"If Cyber End Dragon attacks a defence position monster, it will inflict piercing battle damage!" Ryo declared, making the eyes of the twins go even wider at the realization that they would lose.

"Battle!" The blue haired duelist declared, moving on to the battle field to quickly end the game, he pointed towards his attack target. "I'll attack Amazoness Baby Tiger with Cyber End Dragon! Eternal Evolution Burst!"

The three heads of the mechanical dragon opened each of the maw, shooting a beam of light towards the small baby tiger, incinerating it under the blast and dealing piercing damage towards its controller.

""Kyaa!"" The both of them screamed as they too were engulfed in the light beam that was shot by the Fusion Summoned monster, easily reducing their remaining Life Points to zero and ending the match.

Gloria Tyler & Grace Tyler: 0LP

With a loud cheering roar of the audience, the match ended, and the holographic projection of the monsters that were on the field disappeared. Fubuki turned towards the crowd and gave a thumbs up and his usual cheery grin, while Ryo merely crossed his hands over his chest and held a small smile.

The two girls that they fought eventually regained their bearings, Gloria helping Grace stand after the aftermath of the match, and they walked towards the pair of duelists that defeated them. 

"That was an incredible duel." Gloria said, nodding her head, looking quite satisfied at the outcome of the match, even though she and her sister had lost.

"Yeah! It was a fun one!" Grace said with a large smile, before pointing towards the two boys. "But now that you've beaten us, you better make it till the end alright!" 

In response, Fubuki grinned. "That was the plan from the start, but we'll do our best anyway!" He said, while Ryo merely huffed good naturedly and held his arm out for a handshake.

And with that the second match of the small tournament ended, and the next one soon took place.

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Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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