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40.47% NINJA GAMER / Chapter 17: Leaf and Rock

Chapitre 17: Leaf and Rock

Chapter 15: Leaf and Rock

By the time the treaty talks ended - a week later - I was pretty sure me and Roshi-san were on our way to being good friends, which I probably shouldn't be surprised about since we were standing guard outside of the room where the discussions were taking place the entire week.

The treaty had been finalized and it was decided that there would be contingent of Iwa shinobi, with the Tsuchikage, who would come to Konohagakure for the 'official' signing before Sarutobi-sama would go to Iwa with his own contingent, alongside Onoki-san, to do the same in Iwagakure.

Far too much fluff and pomp for my taste… ah… mom's going to be making sure I'm wearing a formal kimono for the signing in Konoha, isn't she?

I may have the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, be the head of our clan, carrying an S-ranked bounty on my head, but all that pales in comparison to the dreaded motherly 'Evil Eye'.

So, because Jiraiya-sama sent word ahead with his toad summon, we were greeted with cheers and celebration at our successful treaty signing with Iwa, while no one expected relations with them to improve overnight, this was a significant first step.

Like I had thought, as soon as I had returned, mom had me dragged to the Uchiha's preferred tailor for non-shinobi outfitting and had me sit through the arduous process of fitting me for a new kimono for this event. Neither the tailor nor my mother listening to me as they discussed designs and coloration without my input at all.

Eventually they settled on the Uchiha deep blue with black trimmings and a red version of the five petaled flower that I took up as my personal symbol emblazoned on my back with the Uchiha fan displayed prominently on both sides of my chest. The entire thing took nearly an hour to get on on the day of the ceremony, alongside the makeup my mother insisted on applying to my face, thankfully kept to a minimum, while a slightly younger mother in the clan tackled my waist length hair pulling it up into an elegant bun that was held in place with a pair of very sharp senbon.

Thankfully, the billowy sleeves of my kimono allowed for me to at least carry a tan to strapped to my inner arm without it being too obvious. Another positive was that I got to watch Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun undergo the same treatment as my mother made sure they were dressed in their own formal kimono's, since they were my charges they were expected to be seen in the background of the ceremonies. Sasuke-kun wearing the standard Uchiha Blue and Black with the Uchiha fan on his back, meanwhile, Naruto-kun was wearing a dark orange and black kimono of his own with the red Uzumaki spiral on display on his back.

The ceremony itself was a long and rather boring affair as the respective Daimyo's made grand speeches about peace and friendship which was followed by the respective Kage's own speeches about coming together to triumph and whatnot. Honestly, these ceremonies were mostly for the benefit of the Nobles of the countries to make the feel like they were actually in command of us. They were, just… peripherally.

I could see Roshi-san shifting uncomfortably across from me in the Tsuchikage's delegation, and sent him a smirk that made him roll his eyes. When the ceremony was finished the mingling began, the clan heads were expected to attend the small party held at the Hokage's estate alongside the visits nobles and the Tsuchikage's delegation.

Which, unfortunately, included me. So I was spending hours that I could be using brushing up on my falling behind fuinjutsu skills, those hours were spent laughing politely to stupid jokes made by nobles who were looking at my chest and ass more than my eyes, evading the groping hands of said nobles with ease and making sure to give them false smiles as I parted from them.

Thankfully, Roshi-san seemed to have seen my 'distress' and offered to be my escort for the rest of the evening. "You do realize that there are going to be rumours of an affair between us flying through the courts before the night is over now, right?" I asked him, my hand resting on his elbow in a dainty manner that was drilled into me by my mother when I became the clan head as my mouth was hidden by the ornate fan that doubled as a bladed weapon.

Roshi-san snorted in response. "Don't remind me, I wouldn't be here unless the fence sitter made it an order," he murmured back to me as he smiled politely to another visiting noble from Tsuchi no Kuni. "You seemed to be suffering just as much as I am, and you know what they say about misery and company."

I chuckled and favoured him with an honest smile. "Just hope my mother doesn't catch wind of those rumours," I told him teasingly. "She just may and try and make some of them a reality."

"Ah, the perilous responsibilities of a Clan Head?" He countered with an equally teasing tone, drawing a giggle from my lips.

"Indeed, overwhelming paperwork, tedious meetings, boring ceremonies, and wedding happy mothers," I sighed with a false air of drama. "It is almost enough to drive one to death."

Roshi-san had to struggle to keep himself from breaking out into loud laughter. "The ah… flinger is loving all of this," he told me, modifying his nickname for Son Goku-san for polite company. "The noble's drama, shinobi and kunoichi dancing around them with wordplay, and the fact that between the two of us, we have still not burned this place down."

I covered my lower face with my fan again so that the surrounding nobles couldn't see the improper smile on my face before I managed to get my facial muscles under control. "Well, I for one wouldn't want to ruin Goku-san's entertainment for the night," I replied with all the skill of a highborn lady. "But, as they say, the night is young."

He grinned at me in agreement before Tsume Inuzuka spotted the two of us together and approached, prompting introductions as we began to chat with fellow shinobi and kunoichi. Roshi-san handling himself admirably amongst the foreign - to him - ninja as I introduced him to the various clan heads as we made polite conversation, him doing the same for any Iwagakure ninja that wandered over to us, including the Tsuchikage's son who I only met in passing during the treaty talks in Tetsu no Kuni, and a older blond woman who had a passing resemblance to Deidara.

As we chatted with each other, fellow shinobi and visiting nobles, I found the hand resting on his elbow becoming less and less forced and more natural as time went on, and as the party came to a close, I found myself inviting the older man to my home for the night under the guise of it being closer than the hotel he was staying at.

After all, he was a reasonably handsome man and a strong shinobi to boot…

I let out a small gasp of pleasure as Roshi's calloused hands gently pushed over my erect nipples as he nipped at my earlobe, my toes curling from the intimate action as I lightly ran my fingernails along his back. A small scream erupting from my throat despite my best efforts otherwise as he pushed within me, a small niggling feeling of forgetting something running through the back of my head that vanished as I felt something rub against a very sensitive spot inside of me.

The mood was shattered when the door to my room was slammed by Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun, both wielding the tantos that I had given to them for their respective eighth birthday, ready to help defend me from whomever dared attack me, only to freeze as they spotted the tangled limbs that was me and Roshi-san as we stared back in equaled wide eyed shock.

"Ah… the silencing seals," that's what I was forgetting.

"Sorry! Nee-chan!" Naruto-kun shouted before dragging the shell shocked Sasuke-kun out of the room and slamming the door shut behind him, a brief flare of chakra told me he activated the silencing seals for me.

"Uhh…" Roshi-san looked to me uncertainly as we recovered from the shock.

"It would be a waste of a mood if we stopped here," I pointed out with a shrug before rolling my hips against him, smirking challenging at him. "Unless that is all the great Jinchuriki is capable of."

A small growl was his response before a squeal erupted from my throat as he resumed his previous actions.

I let out let out pleased groan as I climbed out of bed the next morning, still at the crack of dawn despite the… rigorous activities of the night, Roshi-san going through his own waking up process next to me.

Stretching out my pleasantly sore body, I deliberately gave redhead a free show as I moved over and pulled on some underwear before grabbing my bathrobe and slipping it on, grinning teasingly as he was forced to wear the bodysuit he was worn under his kimono last night. "Coffee?" I asked him as we entered the main room of the 'Clan Head's' apartment. Now didn't that sound strange?

"That would be great thanks," he said gratefully as I moved to the kitchen. "Would you mind if I used the shower?"

I grinned at him in response. "Go ahead, third door down the hall on the left," I explained turning back to setting up the coffee maker.

While it was called an apartment, my assigned quarters in the Uchiha Clan building would be more properly called an entire floor, because it really did take up the entire floor, several of the rooms being merged to set up a living room/kitchen combo with my office to one side along with a small taijutsu sparring area and the five standard bedrooms - two already claimed by Sasuke-kun and Naruto-kun - and bathroom with the Master bedroom just beyond that.

It was rather… large for my tastes, with me being uncertain what to do with all the extra room I had, one of the bedrooms set as a guest bedroom, while my mother made it clear the other two were to be left alone for any kids that I had.

Rolling my eyes at my mother's not so subtle wish for actual grandkids to spoil, Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun being like sons to her didn't count in my mother's books. I grabbed a pair of coffee cups and prepared one for myself, leaving one out for Roshi-san with the sugar in plain sight to find and the milk in the fridge.

I had barely gotten halfway through my first cup when paper arrived with Roshi-san getting out of the shower not long after, leaving it open for me to get myself clean.

That done, and dressed in a simple blue sundress, hey, they were easy to put on a pretty comfortable, I made my way back to the main area to cook breakfast when I heard Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun speak up to Roshi-san, drawing me up short.

"What's your intention with our Nee-chan?" Naruto-kun questioned fiercely, making me smile as I pictured his frown as Sasuke-kun tried to flower menacingly behind him.

"My… intentions?" Roshi-san sounded at a complete loss with how to address my little brothers, forcing me to cover my mouth at the thought of the experienced shinobi and Jinchuuriki being completely out of his depth. "Well… I think Yuriko-san is a lovely woman and I'd be happy with whatever she wants this to be?"

The hesitation he replied with told me that Goku-san was trying to help his host out with the situation. Deciding to rescue the man before he fell under the assault of my overprotective little brothers I stepped out of the hallway and made my presence known. "Now now you two," I chided them gently as I ruffled their hair from behind. "Roshi-san doesn't have anything nefarious planned for me and he was a complete gentleman last night, so ease off of him, okay?"

The two grumbled a bit before voicing their agreement as Roshi-san sent me a grateful look in response. "So, who wants pancakes for breakfast?" I asked the three boys at the table as I grabbed my apron.

Thankfully, the boys grew adjusted to Roshi-san's presence as I made breakfast, and the pair were quickly enraptured by the Jinchuriki's storytelling as he told them about some of the missions he had been on. As the morning grew on, a few clan members dropped in to give me some paperwork that apparently required my urgent attention, only sparing Roshi-san a curious look as he entertained my little brothers.

Thankfully, the delegation that was being sent to the Iwagakure, which I had only learned I was apart of last night, wasn't due to leave until a few days, mostly to allow the noble's limited constitution to recover from the alcohol they drank at the party. Which was a good thing as it allowed me some time to speak with Roshi-san after having sent my brother's off to the Academy for the day with some of my younger clan members who were attending.

"So… he's a jinchuriki, huh?" Roshi questioned, looking completely unsurprised about Naruto-kun's furry guest. "We figured that you guys had one, just never knew who it was, we also figured they were pretty young considering when the Kyuubi attack happened and your wish to share our Jinchuriki training methods."

I let out a small sigh as I recalled the fact that the Jinchuuriki would be able to feel each other through their Bijuu. "Yes, Naruto-kun is a jinchuriki," I admitted, no point in hiding it now, cat was out of the bag, and they would have figured it out soon enough. "What is Goku-san saying exactly?"

"Oh, he's ranting about his brother's arrogance and laughing about the fact that he's been captured despite being the strongest," Roshi-san replied with a humorous chuckle. "I take it he doesn't know yet?"

I nodded in confirmation. "We were planning on telling him when he's ten," I replied. "Then get him started on accessing the Kyuubi's chakra in small amounts as he tries to build up a rapport with him."

Roshi nodded in response as he leaned back, relaxing in the chair. "So… if you don't mind me asking… what exactly is our relationship right now?"

I paused in my cleaning of the dishes from breakfast for a moment as I considered his question before shrugging. "Who says it needs to be anything right now?" he raised an eyebrow at me as I looked over my shoulder at him. "We're shinobi, this stuff happens, if more comes from it, we deal with it as it comes."

Roshi-san hummed as he thought about before shrugging. "That works," he agreed with a nod. "Should be easier to meet up now that our village's are allied to."

I chuckled in agreement, flashing him a grin as I finished tidying up. "Sounds good… now… want to go again?" I asked him. What? He was good lover!

The grin on his face was all the answer I needed as we darted back to my room to enjoy each other's company again.

The meeting between my mother and Roshi-san had went about as expected, my mother began demanding to know his intentions and just how many children he was planning to have with me and thoroughly embarrassing the two of us relentlessly. Although she did issue him a rather serious warning about what would happen if he harmed me in any way, even if I was capable to defending myself and that we weren't actually in a relationship.

The trip to Iwagakure was an interesting one, in the end, being a part of the Hokage's entourage allowed me to be one of the handful of Konohagakure shinobi in a couple of generations to see Iwagakure with my own eyes.

And… I had to admit, it was an impressive sight, the village itself was buried deep inside of a mountain range, making it a nightmare to approach undetected and quickly. The large number of Earth users would have made their defenses rather simple, shore up the walls and gates and let your enemy dash themselves against them while causing rockslides to come down from above.

"To be honest, I am glad we never had to attack this place," I admitted plainly to Roshi-san as we walked through the gates of Iwagakure. "Just getting through the mountains intact would have been a nightmare."

Roshi-san chuckled in amusement. "Funnily enough, that's what we think about entering the forests of Hi no Kuni," he retorted easily. "I mean, seriously any one of those massive trees could have one of you hiding in them and we wouldn't be able to notice them until it's too late."

"Well, I guess we really take advantage of our home field advantage then," I said with a bit of laughter as we were greeted by the civilians and shinobi of Iwagakure. "Your home may look rugged, but I can see why your people love it."

Roshi-san hummed in response before nodding. "Indeed it is," he sighed with a content smile forming on his face.

I could see Sarutobi-sama smiling at me from where he was walking beside Onoki-san, the two Kage looking at us speculatively as we walked through side by side, we had no illusions that they weren't aware of our actions and neither of us made any attempt to hide it, although we didn't do anything physical when on the road, limiting ourselves to simply chatting with one another and bringing our respective comrades into the conversation.

The ceremony in Iwagakure had been just as boring and dull as it had been in Konohagakure. The same long speeches made, the same comments and polite laughter, the party afterwards was a bit easier, since Roshi-san offered to be my escort from the very beginning, leaving me free from the… advances some of the nobles tried to make on me.

"Ah, there he is," Roshi-san said, drawing me out of my musing as we worked our way through the crowd. "Are you having fun, Han?"

The man that Roshi-san had spoken too, turning, forcing me to crane my neck as I looked up at the downright large man, wow… he was taller than Jiraiya-sama. He was actually bald with light brown pupiless eyes and a stern looking face as he looked us over, wait, Han? Wasn't that the Gobi Jinchuuriki?

"Hello, Roshi," Han-san greeted, his voice a deep bass that felt like it made my chest shake. "Who is this?"

"Han, meet Yuriko Uchiha, the current Clan Head, Yuriko-san, meet Han, the Gobi Jinchuriki," Roshi said, introducing the two of us.

I bowed my head politely, a small smile on my face as he looked me over. "A please to meet you, Han-san," I greeted him in a manner benefiting the party. "I've heard about your strength as a Shinobi."

"As have I," Han-san replied politely raising an eyebrow as he looked at Roshi-san curiously. "Although, I must admit I'm surprised to see the two of you together."

I hid my smile behind my fan before I replied to his unasked question. "I was guarding the talks with Roshi-san, and when he was in Konohagakure, he offered to escort me when I was starting to get annoyed by some of the propositions the nobles were sending my way," I explained. "He was quite the gentlemen, so I decided to have him escort me here in Iwagakure as well."

Roshi-san chuckled a bit, probably at me leaving out the fact that he ended up crashing the few days in Konoha at my place… more specifically my bed. "I see, well, I am glad to meet a friend of Roshi's then, Yuriko-san," I replied garnering a briefly uncovered smile from me in response as we shook hands. "How are you finding Iwa?"

I hummed for a moment as I considered how to respond to his question. "It is… interesting," I settled on. "I can see how your environment affected your design choice, and I must say it comes together with the surrounding mountains very well."

Han-san smiled at me approvingly at my answer. "I'm glad you think so," he replied smoothly. "Although I must admit, I wish there were more hot springs around like Hi no Kuni."

"Han is having an illicit love affair with every hot spring in existence," Roshi-san whispered teasingly into my ear, making me flick my fan over my mouth as I giggled. "Although he says it just a side effect of the Boil Release that the Gobi granted him."

"His name is Kokuo," Han-san retorted rolling his eyes at Roshi. "Just because you don't have a good relationship with Goku-san doesn't mean that I have to have one with Kokuo."

That got my interest, after all, Han was one of the very few who hadn't gotten any screen time in the anime, meaning much about him was unknown. So getting to know more about the other jinchuriki was a bonus in my books.

"How were you able to befriend him, Han-san?" I questioned curiously, bringing the man's attention away from his brief argument with Roshi-san.

"Simple, he wasn't really interested in fighting," Han-san replied. "I helped him fashion my mindscape into a forest for him to be in while sharing my senses with him."

Huh… well, that won't be too helpful with the crotchety Kurama, that's for sure. "Well, that's fortunate for yourself," I said in response.

Han-san nodded in agreement with my statement. "It is," was all he said on the subject before we started to drift our topics away from Bijuu and more towards interesting stories and rumours, Han-san eventually separated from us, leaving the two of us free to make our rounds greeting the assorted nobles and making polite chatter with them as the two of us mentally counted the seconds until it was polite enough for us to make our exit from the party.

Thankfully, the time came as we made our excuses and stepped out of the building that the celebration was being held in, allowing for Roshi-san to guide me through his village in the cool night air of Iwagakure.

Once we were away from the celebration, I found my evening with Roshi-san to be very enjoyable as he showed me the sights of the village, introducing me to a few shinobi he was friendly with as we encountered them, eventually we ended up at his simple one floor home that he surprisingly shared with Han-san when either of them were in the village.

And before you ask, no we didn't spend the rest of the night like rabbits, we simply decided to spend it resting, enjoying each other's company.

The rest of my time in Iwagakure was actually kind of nice, spending some time with the two Jinchuriki was rather enlightening about their personalities, and just how much Kokuo-san and Goku-san chatted with each other when the two were nearby to allow for the Bijuu to use their telepathic link.

My third day in Iwa, the day before I was to leave, I was rather surprised when I encountered one Kurotsuchi, the Tsuchikage's granddaughter.

"Hey! Leafhugger, get the fuck out of my way!" the pint-sized girl shouted as me as Roshi was showing me a few of his favorite restaurants, right the middle of the road where there was plenty of room to move to either side.

My, what a rude child. "There is plenty of room for you to step around, child," I told her firmly. "There is no need to be so rude."

"Ah shut up ya damn leafhugger!" she snarled at before turning to Roshi-san. "And you shouldn't be talking to her like that! She's obviously trying to subvert you to be a leafhugger like her."

I couldn't stop the unladylike snort that erupted from me at the child's anger as she rounded on Roshi-san who was looking rather annoyed with the child. "I don't know, Roshi-san, are you feeling rather subverted yet?" I asked him teasingly, getting a chuckle from the Jinchuriki.

"I don't think so, maybe you're not trying hard enough?" he countered just as teasingly as the girl fumed next to us.

"Hey! I'm the Tsuchikage's granddaughter, you have to listen to me!" she shouted childishly.

"No, I really don't, Kurotsuchi," Roshi-san informed her sternly. "Your grandfather? Yes, your father? I listen to him because I respect him, you? Not so much."

Kurotsuchi growled as she looked like she was about to form some hand seals before the brawny Kitsuchi-san appeared behind her, planting a hand on her shoulder as she froze. "Sorry about that, Uchiha-san," the older shinobi said politely as he looked down at his daughter disapprovingly. "I was certain I had told her to be on her best behavior with yourself and Hokage-sama's delegation, but it appears she wasn't listening."

"But they're leafhuggers," Kurotsuchi whined as she stomped her foot childishly. "They're supposed to be the bad guys aren't they?"

"To be fair, Iwagakure shinobi were bad guys to us before the treaty was signed," I commented, raising one of my eyebrows at her. "Besides, we're shinobi, enemies one minute, allies the second is par for the course pretty much."

The younger girl glowered at me as her father and Roshi-san chuckled in amusement. "Too true," Kitsuchi-san nodded in agreement. "Come on now, Kurotsuchi-chan, we're allies with Konoha now, there's no need to be so aggressive to them, and if she hasn't subverted Roshi yet, I doubt she ever will… even with their after hours activities."

I was rather proud of myself when I didn't blush at the grin he sent my way. "We are both consenting adults, what we do in our own time is our business," I said in the manner of a proper lady, causing Roshi-san to produce a cough that sounded rather like 'bullshit', making me elbow him in response.

Kitsuchi-san chuckled in amusement. "Please, enjoy the rest of your day," he said to us as he guided a pouting Kurotsuchi along. "Oh! Before I forget, the Tsuchikage wanted to speak with you today at some point, Roshi!"

"Right, I'll go see him after getting something to eat," Roshi-san confirmed with a nod before tapping my arm. "Come on, I know a good place that serves some pretty good barbeque."

Smiling at him, I took his offered arm and allowed him to guide me to the restaurant.

"Are you ready, Sarutobi-sama?" I questioned as I stepped into his room at the hotel in Iwa.

"Indeed I am, Yuriko-chan," he confirmed with a brief smile. "How about yourself, not going to be too disappointed at being separated from your friend?"

I rolled my eyes at his insinuation, having been putting up with them from himself and pretty much everyone from Konoha. "Oh you know me, I always fall to pieces whenever my heart is broken," I said sarcastically in response, drawing a chuckle from my leader. "We both knew this probably wasn't going to be a permanent thing," I told him plainly. "It was just something enjoyable while it lasted."

Sarutobi-sama chuckled a bit as he looked at me knowingly. "So you say, Yuriko-chan, so you say…" he teased, garnering a groan from me.

"You and my mother, I swear," I sighed as I placed a hand over my eyes. "Neither of you let go of the littlest of things."

"We're just looking out for your best interests," Sarutobi-sama told me as we left his room to rejoin the rest of the delegation for our trip back to Konoha.

"I think I can look after my best interests just fine, Sarutobi-sama," I replied dryly, falling into step beside him easily. "I'm the head of my clan and one of your best shinobi, I think I can take care of myself."

Sarutobi-sama laughed merrily in response to my protests. "Yes, but I don't think your mother will listen to that," he teased. "Ah, come to see us off, Onoki?"

I turned my gaze to see Onoki waiting by the gate of Iwagakure with his son, Han-san and Roshi-san standing beside him. "Of course, would be rude not to do so," he replied as the two shook hands.

"That and he wanted to escape the paperwork," Han-san pointed out jokingly, getting some chuckles from us as Onoki-san made a show of being irritated. "It was a pleasure to have gotten to know you, Yuriko-san," he said, addressing me as he held out his armored hand.

"The pleasure was mine, Han-san," I returned, grasping his hand in return. "Please, if you find yourself in Konoha, don't be afraid to visit, my family and I would be happy to accommodate you."

Han-san blinked a bit in surprise before nodding in agreement. "I just may do that," he said easily, his eyes crinkling to show he was smiling under his mask.

"And I suppose I could find a place for you, Roshi-san," I added teasingly, turning to the redhead who snorted in response, grinning at me. "Take care of yourselves?"

"Of course, you do the same, alright, Yuriko?" Roshi-san replied, smiling at me warmly, a small flutter running through me at the action.

"Always," I assured, leaning over to peck him on the cheek. "Until next time!"

I stepped away from the pair as the delegation fell in around Sarutobi-sama, a pair of Iwagakure jonin stepping forward to guide our group out safely.

Thus, we departed from the home of our newest allies, Iwagakure, peacefully, much to many other countries shock at the newest alliance.


Yuriko's Stats

Name: Yuriko

Level: 70

EXP: 4,875/35,000

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Title: Uchiha Clan head (+50% to all reputation gains, command of the Uchiha Clan)

Secondary Title: Equal to the Clan Killer (+50% to all stats, +200 HP & CP per level, Reputation with Konohagakure and Uchiha Clan is set to [Exalted])

STATS - Former - Current

HP - 7,725

CP - 35,000

STR - 85 (127)

INT - 132 (198)

DEX - 152 (266)

VIT - 85 (127)

WIS -125 (210)

LUK - 41 (61)

Ryo - 25,542,153

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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