In such a way, without any troubles a few days have passed since Xiao Long gave the presents to his parents and grandparents and now there is only one day leave before the New Year arrived.
Since snow never fall in the Burning Phoenix Town and the towns several tens kilometers away from it, the sky in the Burning Phoenix Town and the other towns near it are still clear blue in colour with only a little amount of clouds can be seen.
Meanwhile, the trees are still standing tall and greenish in colour, showing how healthy and lively there are.
However, the wind which breezing through the Burning Phoenix Town and the towns several tens kilometers away from it have turn slightly colder than before.
Right at this moment, Xiao Long and Xue Yue can be seen eating at the top floor of the Violet Lotus Pavilion. One of the most popular pavilions in the Burning Phoenix Town that is known for their special bun and tea!
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis