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68.86% Friendship is a Game / Chapter 73: Chapter 72 - Clubbing in Style

Chapitre 73: Chapter 72 - Clubbing in Style

"Let me get this straight," Shiro said. They were in an ID in Sugar Cube Corner. "Your ability basically lets you treat your whole life like a game with an inventory, skills, experience, etc?"

"Pretty much," Micro said as he took a piece of his cake. He was somewhat distracted as he looked over at Shiro's side. While his food was an illusion, his drinks weren't. Specifically the five bottles of milk.

"And the other day you fought Suguru the bastard himself Kamoshida followed by a succubus. Both of them were following orders of another person who you believe has the same ability as you because of a few different factors."

"That's the plot synopsis basically."

Shiro leaned back in his seat, hmmmimg to himself, sipping on a bottle.

"Well...your ability seems borderline broken."

Micro chuckled. Shiro certainly wasn't wrong about that. Between the relative ease he can train skills, not to mention his access to unlimited funds.

Speaking of the Meowths, after getting approximately 50 of the cats, the clones started spending some of the funds on masterballs (on discount since they were pretty much useless in their normal reality) and catching at least one of every Pokémon (base form). Micro was going to have to set up a specific ID to house them all since he didn't want to keep them in the balls all the time.

"So," Shiro said as he smiled at the Gamer. "Anything else you want to ask me?"

"Well there is one thing," Micro asked. "Your title calls you a Tigerian Chaos Mage. What exactly…"

"Is a Tigerian?" Shiro finished. Micro nodded and Shiro smirked. "Prepare to be amazed."

Closing his eyes, Shiro took a deep breath. In rapid succession, fur began sprouting from his skin. White and black, the same as his hair. A tail curled up and when he opened his eyes, they were spotted like a cat's.

"Oh…" Micro said. "That explains the milk."

"You...don't seem too shocked," Shiro said.

"I've seen Draco Kin and Kobolds so a kitty cat is not that shocking to me." A slight growl escaped Shiro's throat. He stopped himself and looked sheepish.

"Sorry about that. Any frustration in this form gets a growl. I don't necessarily like the kitty cat comments."

"Fair enough."

"So...What Draco Kin have you met?" Micro looked hesitant and Shiro got the message quickly. "If you don't want to say, that's fine. I understand if you don't want to expose them, especially with the stigma that they have."

"I just don't want to get him upset with me again. I kinda spilled the beans once before and...Well…"

"Ok. Well I hope we can meet sometime. So…" He downed the last of his milk. "Want to hop into a dungeon?"

"Wha...really?" Micro asked. Shiro shrugged.

"I believe when you fight alongside someone you get a better feel for how well you will get along."

Micro thought about it and saw the logic in it. Plus he did have a few new dungeons he wanted to get through….Wait.

"Why are you blushing?" Shiro asked. Micro looked up sheepishly.

"Well...part of my ability lets me gain skills from completing games… Have you ever heard of Huniepop?"

"The matcha three puzzle game where you solve puzzles to get laid?" Micro nodded. "You're telling me your ability gave you a skill from that? What, do you have the ability to bang anyone by matching three-"

"No!" Micro stopped that train of thought. "I had the chance to warp my ability around the skill or alter the skill to fit my ability. I chose the latter, and now if I obtain a girl's panties and beat a dungeon I can get a certain boost."

Shiro stared at him.

"You mean to tell me...you have an actual legit reason to be a pervert?"

Micro turned crimson and nodded again. Shiro look him in the eye for a moment, then a grin broke out.

"Wicked! I think I can probably help you with that to."

"What do you mean?" Now it was time for Shiro to look a bit sheepish.

"Well...you see...I'm kind of a ladies man, so…"

Micro didn't know whether to blush or be giddy. If he understood Shiro correctly…

"But wait," Micro said deflating a bit. "I have to keep the pairs in my inventory for the boost to work. I don't want to take your "spoils of war" so to speak."

Shiro waved his hand dismissively.

"There are some I don't mind parting with. Especially if it will help a friend." Micro grinned at that. "So, who's do you have so far and what ones do you want to beat?"

After revealing the fact that he already conquered Rarity and Rainbow's dungeon, Micro listed the six other pairs he had on him. When Shiro asked how he got them…

"Well I stumbled across all of them but Scootaloo skinny dipping… As for Scoots, she's my girlfriend so…" He couldn't help but grin goofily when he mentioned that and Shiro smiled.

"I know that face. Say no more. So, who should we tackle first?"

Looking through his collection, Micro tapped on Vinyl's lacey pair.

Would you like to enter Vinyl Scratch's Dungeon? (Lv18)


"Let's see what Vinyl has in store for us today," he grinned. Shiro smirked and accepted the party invite and Micro hit yes…

Only for a second screen to pop up.

You have a compatible pair of panties in your inventory. Would you like to combine the dungeon of Octavia Melody (Lv17) with your current selection?

"What the heck?" Micro muttered.

"What's up man?" Shiro asked. After Micro read the screen to him, Shiro chuckled. "Well that makes sense. Those two are a couple."

Micro was a little shocked at that but they do say opposites attract. He chose to combine the two dungeons and he and Shiro were sucked in.

Where they found themselves was...interesting to say the least. In some aspects, it was a lot like a music hall where you'd see a orchestra perform. Large stage with the room sloping down toward it. But in others, it looked almost like a night club. Fog machines spewed from different points in the room as green lasers flashed.

The people around them were a strange mix to. Some women had their hair done up fancy and had elegant jewelry like the stereotype of those going to the orchestra, but they wore outfits that typically were more associated with a night club. Meanwhile some of the guys looked more stereotypical of night clubs. Drink in hand, dyed hair, etc. but they were in more fancy suits.

"This is insane," Shiro said. "And coming from a Chaos mage…"

"Looks like we have some party crashes," a voice said. The two guys looked toward the stage and saw Vinyl and Octavia walking out from opposite sides.

Vinyl wore what looks to be the DJ Sona skin from league of legends, but instead of the visor it was just her glasses. Meanwhile Octavia wore an outfit similar to Nonon' Symphony Regalia Mk 1 outfit, minus the oversized mech. She was even holding Nonon's conductor baton.

Surprisingly to Micro, they both only had one screen above them.

Symphony and Synth (Lv 35)

HP 7500/7500

MP 5000/5000

"Two bosses...same health bar…" Micro muttered. He wasn't sure why, but he felt something was going to happen with that...

"I think we should teach these two a lesson," Symphony (Octavia) smiled as she stood in center stage. Synth (Vinyl) nodded and got behind her.

Suddenly, the stage began to shift. Synth shot up on a platform until she was above everyone else. Meanwhile, sections opened up across the stage and an entire symphony orchestra rose up facing the crowd.

"Is this normal for you?" Shiro asked Micro as a crackle of lightening appeared in his hand before solidifying into a bladed spear.

"Normal is overated," Micro answered. He was trying to decide how he wanted to do this. Looking up at Synth in her Sona like outfit, he smirked. He might as well stick with the League of Legends theme.

He was about to switch to a costume when he remembered Shiro… and exactly 'who' the costume was for.

"Shiro…" Micro said slowly.

"I'm...yeah?" Shiro was wondering what was taking Micro so long to draw a weapon or something.

"No comments please."

Before Shiro could ask what he meant, Micro shifted back to his female form. In a flash of light, the outfit she was wearing changed.

A turquoise bustier top lined with gold showed off her ample bust. Down the middle of it, it was black, and the entire thing stretched down to just below her bubble butt. Black tights covered her legs and black sandals appeared on her feet. A necklace with jade stones in it appeared as did a matching crown.

Around her body, a large, circular blade appeared which she held in both hands. At three different points on the blade were gemstones of red, green, and blue.

Micro had bought the Qiyana (from League) costume to increase her elemental attack arsenal. That, doubled with equipping her Avatar title she gained a while back…

"Hot damn!" Shiro said. "Glad to see you're back babe."

Micro turned pure crimson.

"I'm still me!"

Before the conversation could continue, the bosses on stage began. Synth moved her hands over the DJ table while Symphony began conducting. As the music washed over the crowd they turned their eyes to the duo.

Music Fan (Lv17-24)

HP 3000-6000

MP 0/0

"Here we go!" Micro called out. She tried setting background music, but…

Due to facing music based opponent, BGM is disabled.

Cursing, Micro gripped her circular blade with both hands and used wind magic to set herself spinning. She slammed into some of the Fans and began shredding them to bits.

Meanwhile, Shiro stood watching her for a second, namely staring at her barely contained chest (which was clearly bigger than the costume originally intended) as a male Fan came up.

"Hard to believe she's normally a guy huh?" Shiro said, catching the Fan off guard for a moment.

Before the enemy could react, the bladed spear had pierce him through the throat before sending a spike of ice back into the one behind him.

"Now," Shiro said as he faced the crowd, spear in hand. "Let's dance."

Micro stomped her foot and a column of water shot from the floor, knocking the oncoming crowd back. She dashed into the water and when she emerged from the other side her blade was glowing. Smirking, she unleashed Qiyana's ability.

"Edge of Ixtal!" The glow on the blade shot out in front of her, freezing all those it touched in place. Holding the blade in place with wind, Micro brought her hands together in a clamp like motion, causing two slabs of stone to rise up on either side of the frozen enemies and crush them.

Micro smirked until she heard the sound of a blade piercing flesh behind her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Shiro spinning his spear expertly, the remains of a mob dissolving.

"Lucky I was watching your backside."

"Don't you mean back."

"Not exactly." The flat of the blade tap her ass and Micro turned red again.

"Audacity!" She squeeked out, activating another ability and shooting forward, cutting down another enemy.

Just as she was about to strike again, the brass section on stage sounded and a wall of sound slammed into her. Her spinning blade was sent in one direction and she was sent in the other.

"Gah!" Shiro said as she slammed into him. They went tumbling until finally they stopped. Micro tried to pull herself up, when she felt something...off. Looking down, she saw two things that horrified her.

One, the top of the outfit had slipped down, causing her breasts to spill free.

Two...she had landed with her chest pressed against Shiro's face.

"Aaahhhhhhh!" She screamed and hurried to scramble off of him, readjusting her top. Shiro just smirked as he sat up.

"You doing these things on purpose sweetheart?"

"No you bastard!" She screamed, face red. But...what was this strange feeling.

Clamping that thought behind Gamer's Mind she stood and looked around to see her blade hanging off of Shiro's spear which had lodged itself in the wall. Between them and their weapons was the rest of the crowd of Fans.

"Grab on, Micro said, and felt Shiro wrap his hands around her waist.

"Of course," he said into her ear. She shuddered a moment before snapping.

"Not what I meant!" Using blink, she teleported then to their weapons. Pulling the spear free, Shiro handed Micro the circle blade.

"Watch this," Shiro said and the spear began crackling with electricity. With a loud roar, the Tigerian stab his weapon forward and lightening arced between the remaining mob, frying them to a crisp.

"Wow," Micro muttered.

"If you think that was impressive, you should see what I can do with my other spear."

"Must you do that?!" Micro shrieked as they began running toward the stage. Shiro kept up easily.

"What can I say? When I see a beautiful woman who clearly finds me attractive…"

Micro wanted to punch him but restrained herself as they hopped up next to the string section. The cellists lifted up their instruments to point the kickstands at them. The metal rods shot out towards the two bickering partners and they dodged.

"Shiro! Can you create pillars of ice for me around the group?"

"You got it!"

The spear in his hands was surrounded by an icy blue aura before he stabbed it into the ground. Symphony watched in horror as a number of her players were frozen solid by huge columns of ice. That horror reached its fortissimo when Micro appeared in the middle of them.

"Supreme Display of Talent!" She called as she spun, sending a wave of energy around her. The energy slammed into the columns and upon contact triggered a series of explosions.

"Gaaaaaahh!!!" Symphony shrieked as the explosions caught her as well. She was sent flying back into the wall, causing a huge indent. When she opened her eyes, she barely had time to register the wind enhanced spear that pierced her chest.

Micro saw the health bar of the bosses drop to half as Symphony began breaking apart.

"You know," Shiro said walking up next to the girl, hair a little singed. "You could've warned me you were going to do that."

"What? You didn't want me to make you spire's explode?" Micro said in the same teasing tone he used on her. He stared at her for a moment before laughing.

"Ok, that was good."

"Symphony…" a voice was heard above the two. Looking down from the above platform, Synth was in shock. "Symphony!"

With a glare down at the two who killed her partner, Synth seemed to begin glowing red. Micro barely caught it as the energy that was coming off Symphony's body flowed into Synth.

"Oh shit," Shiro said. "We have an Ornstein and Smough situation here."

Suddenly a wall of speakers appeared in a circle around the stage. The lasers all twitched for a moment before their beams changed to red. Finally, the fog machines began pumping purple mist into the air.

"Your screams shall be my backing track!" Synth roared as loud music slammed into them from the speakers. Shiro and Micro both clutched their ears and began coughing as the fog floated down to them.

Micro growled and began moving her arms in a circular motion. A small dome of clean air formed around her and Shiro before a laser shot her ankle.

"Son of a bitch!" She cried as she fell to one knee. That moment of clarity was all Shiro needed however.

Before the dome was consumed in fog again, he had pulled out two pistols and began firing magic bullets at the lasers and fog machines. Ice coated the fog machines, preventing them from spewing any more out as the lasers were fried by lightening.

"Now!" He shouted to Micro. She nodded and began bending the air, dispelling the poison gas and angering Synth.

"Just die!"

The music came out twice as loud now but Micro found herself not affected as much, looking over at Shiro, she saw him holding a hand toward her.

'His chaos magic is creating an illusion of quiet,' she thought. With a grin she turned toward Synth and held out her hand, charging a Magic Arrow. Shiro aimed his pistols at the mad dj and did the same.

"I think it's time…" Micro started.

"For your finale!" Shiro added.

"And there won't be any damn encore!" They called out together and fired their attacks. Synth was forced to watch as she had nowhere to go on her platform. The attacks slammed into her, blasting her to pieces as the dungeon began to disappear around them.

"Yes!" Micro cheered. "We did it!"

She hugged Shiro who just grinned and hugged back. It took a moment before she realized what she was doing and blushed.

In an instant, Micro pushes Shiro away as he changed back to male.

"Um...thanks," Micro said embarrassed.

"No problem. Happy to help. By the way, who did you learn sword magic from?"

"Sword magic?" Micro asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah. You enchanted your sword with elemental magic. That's sword magic."

"That was just an ability of the costume I was wearing. I didn't realize...come to think of it, that's what you were using."

"Yeah. I'm a master at it." He looked thoughtful. "And here I thought you changed into that outfit to seduce me."

Micro turned red and was about to shout when he noticed he had a message from Chara.

Apple Bloom has an idea for what she wants to do and Sweetie, Silver, and Scoots want to learn magic as well as weapon skills. Any way to fit that into your schedule?

Micro sighed. His schedule was already full of his own training. Sure, clones could instruct them, but they also didn't have as much time to do it all as him. Even if he gave them clones, they would still tired out.

The young Gamer wracked his brain, trying to come up with something, when he looked up at Shiro.

"Hey Shiro…" Micro started. "Do you mind taking on some students?"

Load failed, please RETRY

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