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31.13% Friendship is a Game / Chapter 33: Chapter 33 - The Council

Chapitre 33: Chapter 33 - The Council


Yes Micro?

'Was I knocked out again?'

You were

'And unlike last time instead of waking up in a cute girl's lap I'm tied to a chair with vines in what appears to be a giant hollowed out tree?'

Appears so

'....So I see two possible outcomes to this.'

Which are?

'Those elders Fluttershy said something about captured us and are probably trying to decide what to do with us.'

Most likely. And the other?

'Some hot female dryads saw me, took me for themselves, and are into role play.'

Or it could be a group of homosexual male dryads into bondage

'...now I'm hoping for the elders.'

They could be into bondage

'Shut up!'

Micro struggled against the vines and tried to conjure fire to burn them, only to find nothing coming out.

Having performance issues? That might put a damper on your time with the dryads

'You know if I don't get out of here in one piece, you don't get free either.'

...hurry up and get out of here!

It was hopeless though. No magic seemed to work and while he had thought to return his bots to his inventory after taking down Winter, he had still had his kabuki mask on when he was captured. Clearly whoever was behind this saw what he could do with them.

"Is anyone there?" Micro called out. "I was planning a date later! Can we just get whatever this is over with?"

As if summoned by his words, he heard the sound of doors opening.


"Blessings child."

Stepping in front of him was a girl in her early twenties with long red hair in dreadlocks tied back with a yellow bandana. Her shirt (which was basically a tank top that exposed her stomach) was made of daisy petals and barely covered a decent sized chest. Jeans hugged shapely hips and a plump rear. She was barefoot and seemed to step lightly.


Tree Hugger

(Righteous Dryad)

Lv 36

A dryad who seems to come right out of hippie culture. She usually spends her time listening to the sounds of nature and enjoying some...ahem… natural herbs.

Breast Size: D Cup

Relationship: Doesn't know you well but finds you attractive

I swear, if your stupid suggestion actually comes true…

"That was a radical battle little man. Those little things you used were sweet. Though that mask...hides such a handsome face."

As she spoke she straddled his lap. Micro decided to try to play along, hopefully be able to use her feeling to get out of here.

He definitely wasn't beginning to enjoy his position. Nope. Not at all.

"Well," He said, putting on what he hoped was an alluring smile. "I can use them for more than just battle. And I'm sure you'll find I'm much more than a 'little' man."

Oh my word.

'You can't say anything.'

"Oh really," Tree Hugger said, reaching toward his belt. "Maybe we should…"

"You were supposed to collect the prisoner. Not pleasure him."

Micro sighed.

"You have perfect timing when it comes to ruining good moments Winter."

"Quiet you…" the blue eyed dryad started as she approached. Tree Hugger winked at him as she stood up. "Wait. How do you know my name?"

"Do you want me to be quiet or answer your question?"

Winter's hand twitched as if she desperately wanted to reach into her pouch and force feed him her deadliest seeds.

"You'll talk soon enough," she said as she waved her hand. The vines around his wrists and ankles shifted so his hands and feet were still tied together but he was no longer stuck to the chair.

Winter led the way out of the room while Tree Hugger walked behind him.

You would have the one guard who enjoys flirting with you

'Must be my perk at work,' He thought back as Tree Hugger pinched his butt.

When they got outside, Micro saw the area they were in. A large table stood in front of a pair of benches and a separate stand. At the one table, Fluttershy sat looking nervous. The other bench was empty as was the stand. At the table however…

Three older looking dryads sat, looking over the rest of those there. The first was a woman who as far as Micro could tell wore a robe made of poison ivy leaves.

Lady Ivy

(Dryad Elder)



Breast Size (you don't want to know an old lady's size do you)

Relationship: Waiting to pass her judgement on you

One of the others was a man who seemed to have bark for skin. Completely bald, he wore a dark green robe.

Ancient Oak

(Dryad Elder)



Relationship: Waiting to pass his judgement on you

The last was another man. He wore white robes and seemed to have a mushroom cap as a hat.

Lord Fungi

(Dryad Elder)



Relationship: Waiting to pass his judgement on you

Micro gulped seeing the three were too powerful for his Observe. Winter pointed to the bench Fluttershy was sitting at and Micro, not wanting to create a scene, obeyed. Satisfied at his new obedience, Winter went and sat at the other bench.

"What is going on?" Micro whispered.

"A trial," Fluttershy said worriedly. "Winter tried to take care of things without all this earlier, but since the council got involved before she could…"

Tree Hugger went off the the side and leaned against a tree. A bird flew down and she stroked its plumage, getting a feather which she held to a pad of paper. Ancient Oak, who sat in the middle of the trio of elders, spoke.

"Now that both the accused are here,we may now begin. Winter Fields, please present to the council the crimes that the defendants are being accused of."

"Of course your honor," Winter said with a grin. She stood and addressed the gathering. "Yesterday, the first of the accused, Fluttershy, brought the second accused, Micro, to one of the sacred groves here in our forest. She did this with the intent of drinking his blood. However, Micro seemed to be prepared for this and used her to lead his friends in to destroy one of our forest's most beautiful locations. Fluttershy's negligence and her vampiric habits lead to this incident, while Micro maliciously planned to start a campaign to ruin our beautiful land."

"Those are serious accusations," Lady Ivy Spike up. "Do you have any witnesses or proof?"

"My lady, I, as well as my fellow dryad Tree Hugger, saw the condition of the grove yesterday. We can confirm it was destroyed. In addition, I have the destroyed remnants of many of the flowers that only grew in that area of the forest."

Winter pulled out a bundle of ruined plants, petals singed and crushed. Lord Fungi leaned over the table and nodded.

"Those do only grow in that particular grove."

"I can also give my own account, having witnessed the incident myself-"


Those gathered were silent as they saw Micro on his feet, looking like he was trying to move his hand, which was still tied behind his back.

"Um...young man," Ancient Oak started. "May I ask what that was about?"

Micro looked sheepish.

"I'm sorry your honor. It's a bit of a force of habit. I was simply objecting to the fact that the only eye witness account is coming from the one performing the accusations. She is very clearly biased."

That seemed to get the elders thinking while Winter growled.

"Dear council, I swear on my title as defender of this forest, that I will be honest in my statements."

"Hmmm…" Lady Ivy hummed. "She hasn't given us reason to distrust her words."

"But the boy does have a point," Lord Fungi responded.

"Gracious council members," Micro said, deciding to try and use his CHA to its fullest. "I will be fine with Winter Fields testifying, so long as I have the chance to cross examine her to try and point out any flaws in her statements. Should I fail to find any, then I will concede defeat and face judgement."

"That is a bold proclamation young one," Ancient Oak stated. "Are you sure you will be ok with the consequences should you fail?"

Micro gulped. He had to make a decision.

"....Yes your honor."

"And what about you Fluttershy? Do you wish to put your faith in him as well?"

Fluttershy looked up at Micro. He gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. Apparently it was enough as she nodded.

"Y...yes your honor."

"Very well. Winter Fields, you may take the stand."

Winter grinned and walked over to the nearby stand. Fluttershy leaned over and whispered to Micro.

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?"

"Well it was either this or we just let them accept her words as fact. Don't worry though. I have plenty of experience in finding flaws in testimony."

"What? Have you been in court before?!"


She looked at him and sighed.

"Was it in a video game?"

She already knows you so well

Micro ignored them and focused on Winter.


Winter Fields:

The incident

Yesterday afternoon was when the incident occurred.

I was doing my typical rounds when I heard voices.

When I approached, I saw the vampire and her intended victim making out.


"You say we were making out," Micro said. "That doesn't exactly make it seem like I was a victim of anything."

"Are you trying to brag about getting it on with that bloodsucker?" Winter stated. "She clearly was trying to seduce you so you would be caught unawares when she bit your neck."

"Gah!" Micro gasped.

"Now, if I may continue…"

When she bit his neck, I was about to turn away


"You were about to turn away?" Micro questioned. "Is that your typical response when you see someone having their blood sucked?"

"This isn't the first time Fluttershy has taken a victim into the woods, just the first time to the grove. I knew she wouldn't kill you." She smirked smugly. "Though thank you for confirming what happened there."

Micro sweat dropped while Fluttershy got an anime tick mark.

"Yeah. Thanks Micro."

"Hehehe," Micro laughed nervously. "Continue your testimony."

After she bit him however, the boy's friends came in, having been lead to the grove they were seeking to destroy.


Micro smiled.

"Sorry Winter, but you just contradicted yourself."

"Wha...what!" Winter stammered.

"What are you referring to lad?" Ancient Oak asked.

"I would like to point out a serious issue in how the witness says things went down. She says that I was bit, and then the friends that came with me stepped in to proceed with our planned attack."

"Which is what happened!"

"Tell me Winter. If my friends were following close enough to find the grove, why would they have waited until after I was bit to attack? Wouldn't they have stepped in before that?"

"Gah!" Winter gasped. The leaves on her body seemed to go brown for a second, looking like they would fall off before she regained focus and they changed back.

"That is a good point Winter," Lady Ivy agreed. "Do you have an explanation?"

"Of...of course," Winter said, regaining her composure. She thought for a second before grinning. "I'm sorry, I forgot to mention something."

"Which is?" Lord Fungi asked.

"The brat's friends didn't jump in ahead of time as they had to break through the Illusion Barrier that Fluttershy put up."

'Damn it!' Micro screamed in his mind. 'I was hoping she wouldn't remember that.'

Relax you idiot! This opens up another angle of attack

'Wha...oh yeah!'

"Well boy," Ancient Oak turned to address him again. "Does this fix your contradiction?"

"It fixes the original one your honor...but it opens up another."

"What are you talking about you brat?" Winter spat.

"You state that my friends couldn't get in at first because of the illusion barrier. This means that Fluttershy here must've set it to not let anyone else in, am I correct?"

"What does that have to-"

"That would be the case," Lady Ivy responded. Micro nodded his thanks and turned back to Winter.

"Then I have a question for you Ms. Fields," Micro said. "How is it you hear Fluttershy's and my voice while you were doing your rounds?"

"Well I…" Her statement fell short as she realized that she didn't have a good answer.

"That is a significant realization!" Ancient Oak gasped. "Ms. Winter! How do you explain this?"

The leaves turned brown slightly again. Winter took a few breaths before her calm composure took over again.

"I apologize dear council. I was mistaken."

"How so my dear?" Fungi asked.

"As I said before, I have seen Fluttershy doing such actions with her victims in the past. I must've filled in the blanks with things I knew she typically does to those she draws in. I didn't see her bite him, I only saw Micro's friends launch their attack after they broke the barrier. Considering when they did, she was half naked on top of him, it was reasonable to assume what happened before."

Micro groaned. It was always like this in Ace Attorney. And if this trial followed the game's pattern.

"Be that as it may," Ancient Oak said. "Keep any further testimony to what you actually saw."

"Of course your honor," Winter said bowing.

"Well then…" Lord Fungi started. "Do you have any other issues with her previous statements?"

"...Actually, I do have one."

"Which is?"

"Winter, you said that since when they broke the barrier, Fluttershy was on top of me, it would be safe to assume she had bitten me correct?"

"Yes…" Winter said slowly. "But what does that have to-"

"So wouldn't it make sense that the reason my friends attacked was to defend me since they assumed the same thing?"

Winter bit her lip in frustration while the council murmured agreements.

"That would be reasonable," said Lady Ivy. Winter sputtered, annoyed that things were turned around on her. Then, she smiled.

"So, you are saying that whatever damage was done was to defend you from her vampiric attack correct?"

"We...well I wouldn't put it like-" he tried to come up with a way to spin this as Fluttershy grew more nervous at every word.

"So even if we agree you didn't have any malicious intent, she still has to face the penalties for causing the damages through her own actions."

Once again, murmurs of agreement were heard from the council.

"HOLD IT!" Micro called out. "Dear council, I would like to make a statement!"

"Very well," Ancient Oak said. "What is it?"

"Almost a week ago," Micro started, hoping this would work. "Two of the group that tried to help me yesterday approached me and my other friend. They told us of an incident that they believed was caused by a vampire. After I revealed the possibility of Fluttershy being one, we set up a plan to use the date I already agreed to go with her on to investigate."

He looked over at the pinkette and was happy to see a slight smile on her face. Clearly she understood that meant he didn't originally plan to use the date to try and weed her out or anything.

"It was entirely due to our overreaction that the fight ensued," Micro continued. "If not for that, then things would've gone more or less as they normally do for Fluttershy."

"So...you are claiming responsibility for the damages?" Lady Ivy asked.

"Yes," Micro said, without hesitation. "I was the one who instigated the investigation and without that, nothing would've happened."

Winter seemed annoyed her plan to get rid of Fluttershy was done, but she could at least have a consolation prize.

"Then I move to have Micro locked away for life due to the destruction he has caused! He is an enemy of the forest and will only cause more trouble in the future."

"I am not an enemy!" Micro responded. "If you want proof, go to the grove now. I spent the majority of the morning clearing away the dead trees and plants and planting new ones."

The council was silent for a moment before they addressed Micro again.

"Is this the truth boy?" Ancient Oak asked. "If you are lying…"

"It is the truth," Micro said. "Go there now and…"


The group watching turned to see Winter laughing.

"Ms. Fields," Lady Ivy started. "We fail to see what is so amusing."

After about a minute more, Winter calmed down.

"I'm sorry my lady," Winter apologized. "I just find the lengths of lies this boy will go through to be laughable."

"What are you talking about?" Micro questioned.

"Why, the lie that you replanted the grove of course."

"Wait," Lord Fungi stopped them. "Are you saying that this lad is in fact lying to us?"

"Of course," Winter said. "Cause he didn't replant the grove…

I did."

{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}

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