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15.09% Friendship is a Game / Chapter 16: Chapter 16 - Training Session 1

Chapitre 16: Chapter 16 - Training Session 1

"Ember!" A female voice shouted happily.

The small black and red cat shot sparks of fire from his mouth and incinerated a Zombie.


Claws raked across another's throat over and over, causing the head to fall off.

"Ember again!"

More sparks landed on a small group of Zombie and they burned to a crisp.

"Yeah! Another level for my little Litten!" The currently female Micro cheered as she caught the fire cat jumping toward her.

She didn't know what it was but she felt more bubbly and upbeat in this form. Not in a "I want to never change back way" but it was rather pleasant.

"You're getting closer and closer to another move! Granted it will only be growl but still."

She petted her pretty kitty as they approached the ID version of Frida and Zecora's house. Humming cheerfully, Micro let Litten hop on her head and she drew out the billy club. Drawing it back she smashed the window and climbed through. Settling down on a couch with Litten snuggling on her ample chest she broke the ID.

Micro would've been afraid to wind up in the middle of something (well, maybe more excited rather than afraid) except Frida came up with a solution for that. On days that Micro would come over to train, she and Zecora would keep their antics to the bedroom...until she left that is.

"I'm here!" She calls out as she pets Litten. She hears a curse coming from upstairs and a voice call back.

"In a moment! I just need to...finish something!"

Micro blushed and felt a stirring build down south. She began reaching down when suddenly she realized.

'Frida doesn't know I can transform yet!'

With a brief bit of focus her chest began shrinking back to pecs rather than breasts. Her rear became its previous shape rather than the plump bubble. Hair shrank back into his scalp and most importantly his sixth limb grew back. He was back to normal.

...What? This was normal. It wasn't like he took off a bit of fat that built up from his time in the lab rather than out exercising, or added a bit of tone to his muscles. And he most certainly didn't add an inch or two to his front tail, no sir.

Litten stood up and looked down confused. He patted the now toned chest, suddenly missing his soft pillows.

"I'm sorry Litten," Micro said. "Tell you what. Tonight when we get home I will transform again and you can have your soft bed back."

The cat seemed to understand and jumped up onto the top of the couch to curl up.

It wasn't too much longer when Frida came down, adjusting the same t-shirt she wore this morning and a pair of short shorts.

"Sorry for the wait Micro, I just…" looks up and sees the cat with the black and red coat and a larger than normal head. "And who is this cute thing?"

"Oh," he said reaching up to pet the fire cat. "This is my new Pokémon Litten. My ability let me get him today."

At the cooing from Frida, Litten looked up and saw the busty ninja babe. Realizing that those pillows were even bigger (and presumably softer) than Micro's had been, he leapt across and landed on her chest. She caught him and chuckled as it snuggled against her breasts.

"Oh my! What a tom cat!" She giggles. "Well as much as I would love to continue playing with you little kitty, I did make a deal with your trainer and he needs his training now ok?"

Frida set the cat down and curled against a pillow. Micro stood up and grinned, rubbing his hands together.

"Let's begin!"

"Ok! Follow me!" Frida and Micro began walking to another room of the house, with Micro picking up Litten again and carrying him. It was a training room with a padded floor, training dummies and weights. "Well, to begin, we have to start with the basics." She turned and crossed her arms. "I want to see you try and attack me. No abilities or skills. Just you coming at me."

Setting Litten down on the sidelines and walking to the center of the room with Frida, Micro began pulling the billy club back out. Frida laughed at him and he stopped.


She managed to control herself and grinned.

"While weapons can be useful and I will teach you how to use them, you must learn how to use your hands before you play with your stick."

Frida looks at his face trying to catch a break in composure.With a slight blush, Micro just dropped the weapon into his inventory.

"Hand to hand first makes sense," he said, dropping into what he hoped was a good pose.

"Ok. Now make like any hormonal teenage boy and come at me!"

Micro moves as quickly as he could. He dropped low and tries to sweep her legs out from under her. She elegantly flipped over the kick, her breasts bouncing and the shorts riding up to show even more of her well toned thighs and legs. She lands with a grin.

"There are ways to attack without even lifting a finger. Right now my sexy body is eating away at your mind. My breasts bouncing entice you. The way my shorts grip my rear makes you stop for a few precious seconds to stare, leaving an opening. Hard to concentrate isn't it? And the worst pet? You're a school boy. Hormones are running crazy through you."

Micro grudgingly nodded. Gamer's Mind was trying to overcome the hormones but it was practically a losing battle. Before she could continue he tried to plunge his fist into her stomach. Frida easily sidesteps and spins behind him, her arms pulling him into a bone crushing bear hug. She leans down and whispers breathily in his ear.

"You are very smart little man but sometimes that can work against you in battle. The more you plan and process, the less you're focused on the battle. And less focus…" she rubs her hands on his chest causing him to turn even more crimson. Micro tries to struggle, her breasts pressing against his back. She lets him go and steps away.

"Leads to many different openings," Frida says, holding up his wallet. She looks inside and grins. "Oh a condom! We aren't having that kind of lesson tonight...that's next week."

"Wha...what!? I never-! You mean-!?" See her expression and realizes she is messing with him. She throws the wallet back to him and smirks.

"Try again...and this time...I think I'll finish you."

Micro blushes at the innuendo while an idea comes to mind. He acts as if he is dropping into a battle stance then looks behind Frida.

"Oh wow! Zecora you know I'm still here right!?" Licks his lips as if he sees something he likes.

"WHAT!?" Frida turns around excitedly. With the sudden opening Micr lashes out and delivers a kick to the back of her legs.

"Ah!" She screams as she falls to her hands and knees. She puts a hand to her chest and pretends to cry. "How could you trick me like that!"

She turns around and Micro goes wide eyed. One of her breasts was hanging out of her low v neck shirt, bare for the world to see.

"Oh my…" He turns crimson. Frida's expression goes from upset to a wicked grin. She lashes out a leg and strikes him hard in the stomach. He goes flying back a short distance and falls on his back.

"Works every time," she said heaving her breast back into her shirt. "Don't worry kid. Even highly trained fighters like me fall for seduction sometimes. I will be teaching you what I can sometime, though I'm not the best expert on the male version."

She reaches down and offers Micro a hand, which he graciously takes. After she helps him stand up, she thinks for a moment.

"Well, you definitely need improving, but not bad overall. That trick you pulled was a smart move to. But I think that will be it for now. I need to come up with a training regimen for you. For now, let me show you something else I can teach you. Oh Zecora! If you are decent come to the training room!"

"And what exactly is she coming down for?"

"Just you wait," Frida said with a grin.

Micro raised an eyebrow at that but just decided to wait and see. After a few minutes, Zecora came in wearing a hastily put together blouse and skirt. She left the blouse untucked and hair hair was a bit messed up. Frida walked up to her wife with a sultry look. She kisses Zecora and holds her close, hands on the teacher's plump rear.

"My love, I want to show Micro my favorite stealing technique. I'm sure you won't mind being our volunteer~"

Zecora blushed red and looked between Micro who was looking at them with a question in his eyes and then back at her wife who was giving her a strange mix between bedroom and puppy dog eyes. Finally she sighs.

"Not at all my dear," she says. "Anything to help our young friend here."

"Excellent!" Frida gave Zecora's rear a squeeze, causing her to squeal and jump. "Now Micro, the most common and best skill one could have is the art of sneaking. Become nearly invisible when around a target. If you progress this skill far enough you can steal anything within your grasp without them noticing."

"Well I have gotten a sneaking skill though I only use it for sneak attacks," Micro mentioned. "Though I did get a pickpocket skill earlier today."

"The pickpocket thing is good. Though sneaking is more than just attacking. Want to know what I did when I was your age (wow that makes me sound old. I'm just 21)? I was sneaking out of lectures and having some actual fun!"

Micro chuckled a bit at that. He barely knew Frida and he could already see her doing just that.

"Now, I've progressed so far in the art of sneaking that my touch can be completely imperceptible. My speed is amazing. I can take anything from anyone and they wouldn't know it. Just...like...this!"

A flick of her wrist and suddenly something made of silky white fabric appeared in her hand. Micro stared in amazement as he realized what it was while Zecora shifted uncomfortably.

"Wha-! How?" He stared at the pair of panties that Frida now held.

"Oh! You threw on the ones I got you for your birthday!"

"Yes they are my sweet," Zecora said. "Now are you training him or making him want to beat his meat."

Micro nearly lost it there. That exotic voice saying such perverted things like that. Add in the fact that she was his teacher…

"What's wrong with a little of both?" Frida cheerfully asked.

"Nothing in my eyes…" Micro muttered before he could stop himself.

"The point is," she said turning his head back toward her. "Your ability can help make you touch equally as invisible. And with me as a teacher, I will help you make it so!"

Zecora reaches for the panties but Frida moves them out of her reach, and stuffs them in her pocket a bit so they were hanging out.

"I'm keeping these for now." Micro couldn't contain himself anymore. He was practically vibrating with excitement.

"What do I need to do first?" He said excitedly. He didn't normally consider himself a pervert, but any guy who was given the chance to learn this technique would jump at it. The possibilities that came to mind…

"Well first off," Frida began. "Your speed needs to be improved. That way, should it fail, you can get out of there before they beat you up."

"So do you have a method for doing that or should I just put my skill points in DEX?"

"I have alternatives. Don't worry about those points for now."

Micro nodded. He was kind of happy. While he knew he would be spending the points eventually, he would rather wait until he hit a stat boost roadblock.

"First thing's first." She pointed to a pile of bags that appeared to be weighted with stones. "I want you to start by carrying those."

"...Is this basically the idea of training with a weight make doing it without one faster and easier?"

"Wow...suck out all my fun why don't you. If you don't let me have my fun now I'll just have it with her later." Zecora who was adjusting her skirt stiffens. "I won't even give her a safe word…"

Frida goes into a daze of perverted fantasy. While she was distracted, Zecora leaned down and whispered to him.

"Please do not make her mad. If you don't you'll get a picture that will make you glad…"

Micro had to stifle a nosebleed at that thought and quickly nodded, smiling at the thoughts of the pictures he might get.

"Ok Frida," he said with a grin. He walked over to the bags and tied them to his limbs. "What should I do now?"

"Wha...oh right. Just get used to the weight for a bit."

Micro nods and starts walking around and doing a light workout. As he does so, Frida starts talking.

"Sometimes simple is best. Many people use high tech enhancements or the like, but none of them compare to those of master assassins. My mentor combine techniques to push me and my fellow acolytes to our limits. Then those who were deemed worthy received a special herb that would allow us to push past those limits. I was one of the few able to handle it."

"...Please tell me you aren't saying you get stronger by ingesting weed."

"Oh please. I've had weed before and it's nothing like that…" she tilts her head to the side and chuckles. "Don't know why I told you that. Anyway, the herb combined with special breathing techniques results in air and blood flowing through the body at an accelerated rate while still remaining perfectly safe. Almost like adrenaline."

"Interesting…" Micro said as he continued his workout. He was at it for a while, earning some points in STR and few in DEX, before Frida spoke again.

"Ok, time to stop for now. We need to move on to something else." Micro nodded and dropped the rocks. He stretches a bit and goes back over to Frida.

"So, what's the next training?"

"This next bit will be about training your mental focus in battle. Anything can happen in the middle of a fight and if your distracted...BOOM! Dead as a doornail."

"Makes sense," Micro said, remembering a few times of distraction during his dungeon dives and getting bit. "So what are we going to do to train that?"

"I'm going to need Zecora over here again."

Zecora has gone over and was playing with Litten. Upon hearing Frida's request, she reluctantly left the fire cat and came over. No sooner did she come within reach, Frida grabbed her wife and stood behind her, groping her boobs in front of the young Gamer.

"I need a second to think," Frida said. "Need my thinking boobs."

"I'm his teacher! This is something he shouldn't see!" Micro watched as she squirmed and panted. "This should remain in the realm of his fantasies!"

"Oh but look how happy he is…" Frida says. "Which means…"

Suddenly, faster than Micro could see, she vanished from behind Zecora. Next thing Micro knew, he was flat on his back with Frida standing above him, one foot on his chest.

"Distractions are your biggest flaw," she said. "But it worked out for me perfectly. Knocked you flat and got to play with your sexy teacher's plush body." She looks over at Zecora who was trying to get herself together again. "I wonder if the school will let me be your assistant babe."

"I teach science, not sex Ed," Zecora said plainly. "No doubt the blood loss would leave all the boys dead."

Frida giggles at that and helps Micro up, pretending not to notice his tenting pants.

"You never know when a distraction could come up and make it so you can't even think straight….it could happen anytime!"

Quick as a whip she draws a knife and skillfully slices the buttons on Zecora's blouse. It flops open and reveals a lacey white bra that barely could contain her jiggly orbs. Zecora screams and goes to cover herself. Micro was almost caught off guard, but he was thinking she would try it again and so reinforced Gamers Mind, letting him focus enough to block a kick from Frida.

"Not bad." She looks over at Zecora and smiles. "Sorry about that sweetie. Here, you can use this…"

Micro went wide eyed as Frida pulled her shirt off and toss it to Zecora.

'Pink...sheer…' He thought. 'Holy...is that nipple?'

He shook his head a bit and focused. He couldn't be distracted right now.

"Hmmm," She said. "Maybe I should just completely unwind. Spars can work up sweats you know." She plays with her bra, as if to unhook it, her rack jiggling and bouncing as she struggles.

'She's going to remove it!' Micro thought. 'I get to see the biggest pair I've ever seen bare naked!? And if we are sparring...I could probably…'

"Could you help me?" Frida said sweetly, leaning forward so the front clasp of the bra was inches in front of him.

That snapped him.

"Marshmallow heaven!" He cheers as he practically dives for the hooks. Frida smirks and as he dives she delivers a spin kick to his side, sending him flying into the wall right next to Litten, who jumps back in shock.

"That was for training, and to serve as a reminder. Marshmallows? These god given beauties are so much more." She smiles proudly and bounces her chest. "Now, I think that's a good place to end tonight. My love and I need to change. We have a date!"

"Date…" Micro mutters, slightly dazed. Then he remembers something. "Oh yeah! I have to thank you Frida. Because of that prank you pulled, I have a date on Saturday."

He decided to neglect mentioning the whole "possibly a bloodthirsty vampire" thing. While he knew there was something going on, he didn't want to jump to conclusions. He would approach with caution, but hopefully…

"You knew it was me? Could've sworn I covered my tracks…" she gets her classic perverted grin. "Do you want Zecora and I to give you some additional training. I'm sure we could teach you a few things that would help."

Zecora smacked her wife's hand away as it tries to raise her skirt. Micro has to pull himself from fantasyland for a moment before he focuses again.

"I quested because just that morning you said you would be launching surprise attacks. As for your offer…" he smirks as he goes along with her teasing. "Fluttershy does have a similar body to you…"

"Fluttershy...hmmm. Oh! I have seen her while visiting Zecora. She does have a good figure. Not as good as mine but still. I wanted to get know more of the hot older girls in your school but someone doesn't want me to wander around anymore to surprise her because apparently dropping into your wife's office naked for a surprise booty call is frowned upon."

Zecora shot her a look.

"If I was bringing a student in to talk about class, the principal would be riding me ass!"

"What do you mean wanting to know more?" Micro asked.

"Oh someone will be riding you….hmmm. Oh! Well, as you can tell I have a thing for admiring the female form. It's...a hobby of mine. It all began when I began...admiring…Zecora here."

Zecora coughs.


"Oh you love me. And one day while visiting my lovely chocolate goddess...I found out there were some other glories in the faculty and upperclassmen of the school."

She dreamily looks into the sky as she thinks back to a time she watched in on Spitfire as she worked at her desk in her gym clothes, taking bit of the cleavage and shapely hips.

"Everyday could be your last, and so I live it to its fullest." She gropes Zecora's rear getting a moan from her.

"Well I can agree with that," Micro said. "I've certainly had a bit of luck with Fluttershy already…" briefly he tells the older women his accidents with Fluttershy.

"Oh you lucky dog you!" Frida pats his head. "I will give you a tip. When she looks at you, pay attention to her eyes. See Zecora?"

She walks over and points at her wife's face.

"Her eyes show a hunger." She starts groping her wife again, to a small bit of protest but it is clearly fake. "She is embarrassed because you're here, but I know her. When I do this, it turns her on, otherwise she wouldn't play along with our classroom fun. The eyes tell me. When you see hunger in Fluttershy's eyes, it means it's building up to something. Something passionate…" she starts panting to. "And when it….builds up...you know she just wants you to take her in her arms...and…"

Suddenly Zecora just drops all pretense of composure and turns to face her wife, pulling her into a make out session. Frida breaks away for a second to turn to Micro.

"Lesson over!" She picks up her wife and carries her off out of the room. Micro just stared for a moment as he watches them make out like two horny schoolgirls.

"Well," He said. "That was unexpected."

Before he could leave, he saw a screen pop up.

Modification of Huniepop Skill complete!

Skill Created!

Panty Power

(No level)


Grants the ability to gain some of a girl's powers by obtaining their panties and completing the associated dungeon!

"What…" Micro said aloud. "What the hell does that mean!?"

Suddenly he feels a paw press against his leg. Looking down, he sees Litten looking up at him with something white in his mouth. Micro leaned down and took it,. He gasped as he realized what they were. They must've slipped out during the spar. A quick Observe later...

Zecora's Panties

Panties worn by the Chocolate Goddess Zecora

Power: Locked

Dungeon Level: 46


{Written by Twistedphoenix1}

{Edited by SpedaHooves/KenKanekiTheCat/Me}

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