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70% Reincarnation is Overrated / Chapter 7: chapter 7

Chapitre 7: chapter 7

Disclaimer: The only thing I own is the oc. Animes, video games, movies and books referenced in this fic are owned by their respective creators and companies.

AN: This is an alternative Universe. For Star Wars it is a mix of Disney Cannon and Legends Cannon. There will be things that may have been sped up, slowed down, removed completely in the timeline. I'll try to keep it as close as I can.



Chapter 7

William and JW had messaged the Rogue Shadow on the Hypercom to leave hyperspace a little earlier than them so it would not appear in Nal Hutta and Nar Shadaa's sensors. It would then go stealth and meet them at the coordinates where they would exit hyperspace. The droids acknowledge the orders and continued to speed past them. William was still in awe of his ship. It was THE Rogue Shadow. With all the input and further modifications by JW it had become bigger than the original. 

The exterior looked like the Rogue Shadow MKII from the second Force Unleashed game. The interior was different. It had two rooms, The Captains room and a second room. It had a state of the art medical bay, and a droid maintenance room. He still had a small galley, and storage specifically for rations and water. It was also better armed than the original. It had more laser and ion cannons, better shields, advanced sensor arrays and proton torpedoes. Overall it was bigger and badder than the original. He had made it to be his mobile command base in case he had to leave his asteroid base. He knew he would have to find another base soon since someone was bound to find it so he had his droids research possible locations where he would be able to move to. William decided that while he was waiting he would finish designing his lightsabers.

William decided that he would practice Jar'kai. That was the dual lightsaber form that Starkiller and Ahsoka practiced. It had been difficult to learn the basics of Lightsaber combat from just flash learning but his body was getting used to it at a remarkable pace. William had also been studying the notes and reports he got from the Wayland base. Palpatine, Vindi and the droids had heavily modified his clone body. It was still a Zabrak/human hybrid. The difference had been that his current body was genetically altered to the absolute peak of what his biology could handle. If he were to compare his current body to his original clone body it would be like night and day. His original body had great potential but because the Kaminoans prioritized certain aspects and ignored some others it wasn't anywhere near his peak.

In gamer terms his new body had outrageous stats like a new game plus character. His previous max stats were his new body's base stats and he was improving at an accelerated rate. His new body did not suffer from advanced aging like his previous one and actually it seemed his aging had slowed down if not halted. He hypothesised that he would look like a 20 year old for quite some time. This was all relevant to his Force studies because he thought quicker, had better senses, was physically stronger and his reaction times were exponentially faster than before. This meant that his Force studies progressed much faster than other Force wielders did through orthodox training. 

On Earth there is a theory called the Mind-Body connection, which means that a person's thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect their biological functioning. In other words, their minds could affect how healthy their bodies were. On the other hand, what someone did with their physical body (what they eat, how much they exercised, posture) could impact their mental state (positively or negatively). This resulted in a complex interrelationship between their minds and bodies. William had often pondered how the Force worked and had wondered why no one in the Star Wars Universe had ever delved deeper into that branch of study.

He now had access to the Force and as someone who didn't have it before the changes in his body and mind were keenly felt. His theory was since his new body was arguably at the apex of physical ability and his consciousness, which had not only lived through 30 some years of mundane life be it back on Earth, and as a commando on Kamino and spent all those months under the tender mercies of Palpatine his mind and will had grown stronger. Thus he was breezing through Force training. He had decided on the dual saber style because he wouldn't have the same limitations as Ahsoka and Starkiller. He had literally been created to be a powerhouse, unfortunately, for Palpatine his success would also lead to his overall failure in the galaxy.

He had decided on a lightsaber design he had remembered from Earth. It was a design he had seen on the Saberforge website. It had been called the Cyber Assassin MK2. His sabers would have flat curved profiles. They would look sort of like machete handles. He had also decided they would have retractable blades. William had thought over his designs a great deal. He didn't want anyone to associate him with either Jedi or Sith. He knew that both Force wielder sects brandished their lightsabers all the time. Tactically speaking it was a stupid habit. Why show the enemy your main means of defense. He had designed his lightsabers so that if anyone were to see them they would think they were normal Beskar blades. He had also decided his fighting style would be based on deception. He would always use one lightsaber and use the second as a surprise. 

"ETA 10 minutes, Will. Prepare yourself." JW announced.

William finalized his designs and put his datapad away. He fastened his Helmet and watched as the familiar lines of hyperspace disappeared and they appeared in normal space. Nar Shaddaa, known as the smuggler's moon, was beautiful to see from space. According to everyone, the surface was the opposite. It was a moon of nothing but scum and villainy. They approached the moon and after paying off the "port authority" they were given coordinates to a private landing pad. JW relayed instructions to the droids aboard the Rogue Shadow to maintain stealth and to be nearby for the next part of their plan.

JW and William landed on the dock, untrapped themselves from their seats and armed themselves on the way out of the ship. William put a black duster coat over his armor. He did it for two reasons, one was to conceal most of his weapons and secondly, because he thought it would look intimidating. The two walked out of the landing ramp and closed the ramp behind them. JW had instructed the two astromech droids on his ship to do two things. One was to man the laser cannons and was instructed to guard the ship from anyone trying to steal it. The second was told to have the ship ready to leave at a moment's notice.

---With William---

The two walked out of the dock and after a quick nod they went in separate directions. William walked to the market and entertainment district to see if he could find anything useful and to go to a bar for a drink. He hadn't had a decent drink since Earth. He wasn't planning on going to the red light district although he did hesitate at that crossroads. He had been without lady company for over a decade and although he very much wanted to test his new stamina he would wait for a better place to put it to the test. He searched parts dealers and weapons shops. He bought a few things he found interesting but moved on to the cantina.

The cantina was just like dive bars back home. The differences were the clientele and entertainment. He saw all kinds of aliens, Rodians, Twi'leks, Trandoshans and humans. The dancers were all Twi'lek females and they were eye candy for sure. He was distracted by a certain Twi'lek that displayed her species' flexibility. After staring at the dancer, he walked to the bar and ordered a Corellian Ale. It was one of two drinks he remembered from the movies.

The bartender nodded at him and served him his ale. He paid and walked to an empty table where he proceeded to take his helmet off. He set it on the table and savored his first beer in over a decade. He almost broke into laughter after his first sip. It tasted just like Guiness, so he decided to savor his beer and to add it to the list of supplies for the next supply run. He had been quietly sipping his beer when he noticed three Mandalorians eyeing him from the bar. The first thing he noticed was their sigils, it was the shriek hawk of Clan Vizsla. He decided to drink his beer faster because the force was telling him he would be running into trouble soon.

---With JW---

JW had split with William and was making his way to Hutta town, the place where Grakkus the Hutt held court. He was stared at by the locals, they looked away from him when he turned his head to meet their stares. He had made it just outside of the Grakkus' palace. He activated his cloaking device. He was glad Will had decided to give him such useful upgrades. 

He snuck through the security, Will had told him that one of the biggest exploitable security risks was that most sentient creatures failed to look up. He had used his claws to climb up on the ceiling and had made it past the patrols of guards throughout the palace. He was always surprised when Will would give him tips on how to be a better droid. He always wondered where he came up with those useful insights. 

JW crawled along the ceiling until he made it to a security panel. He used his retractable computer interface arm and hacked the terminal. He didn't understand why Will used the terms he did when everyone else in the galaxy would refer to his current actions as slicing. 

JW had been able to gain control of the security systems and a map to where Grakkus kept his vault. He decided to continue his ceiling crawl and used the ceilings to gain access to the room that held the entrance to the vault. He dropped down to the floor and hacked the door. He opened the door and was met with two very confused droidekas. 

They scanned the area then rolled away when they saw no one had entered. JW was disgusted by his droid brethren. They had come from the same place but they were so stupid. He started to search the room for any of the objects he had been tasked to obtain. He grabbed all the lightsabers, holocrons, datapads and texts he could find. 

After thoroughly searching and removing any tracking devices he put the items in his storage pack. He had also set thermal detonators with remote triggers around the vault. His task done, he slipped out of the vault and followed his route back out to the night.

JW sent a message to the droids in the Rogue Shadow to meet him at the docking bay where his ship was docked. He would need to come up with a name for the ship, he would ask Will for ideas. He arrived at the dock and saw a few corpses near the entryway into the dock. He sent his code through to the astromechs inside the ship and they opened the ramp door. It seemed some thieves had tried to gain entry into his ship and the astromechs had put an end to their efforts. He walked into the ship and closed the ramp door. JW did not stop until he climbed the ladder to the docking door. He opened it and climbed up to the Rogue Shadow's hold.

He and Will knew that once the theft had been discovered that Grakkus would shut down the docks and would search the ships. They had wanted to stay off everyone's radar so they had the Rogue Shadow use it's stealth abilities to attach to the airlock and they would stash their ill gotten gains there. The Rogue Shadow would then go back to base and have Will's research team start to upload the information on the Force wielder database. JW left the items in a secure crate then disembarked the Rogue Shadow. 

---With Will---

Will had just finished his beer and put his helmet back on when he was approached by the three Death Watch members. He sighed in resignation, he hated dealing with morons.

"Well looky what we have here boys, a Mandalorian wannabe. You sure do look tough in that armor." Moron A said with a sneer.

"It sure is a fancy armor, bet it cost you a pretty penny, huh boy." Moron B replied.

"I think we are making the boy upset, you wanna hit us don't you, boy?" Moron C added.

William stared at the three while they chattered like monkeys. "Is there something you three need? I just wanted to have a nice drink and go back to my ship, I'm done drinking it so I'm leaving." 

"Well you see, we were curious, that armor looks kind of like ours and we were wondering what it's made of." Moron C replied

"Yeah, we have a bet going, my friend here thinks your armor is made from durasteel. I think it's just made from scrap." Moron B stated pointing at Moron C.

"Are you leaving cuz the big bad Mandalorians are scaring you, are you pissing in your armor right now?" Moron A added.

William could be a patient person but the three were pissing him off and he also knew that they came to his table looking for a fight and would get it one way or another. The bar patrons had quieted down to watch the action. William sighed loudly, "It's made of durasteel. You have your answer, so I will be going now."

William stood up and attempted to leave but Moron B put his hand on William's shoulder and held him from leaving.

"Why are you trying to leave right now, you just cost me the bet. I think it's only right if you give me all your money and that fancy armor of yours for my emotional distress." Moron B stated with a cruel grin. 

William stared into the face of the moron. William then quickly grabbed The moron's arm and dropped his hips doing a quick and dirty hip toss to his buddies. He then took out his pistol and pointed at the three. They had been drunk and had stupidly not put their helmets on when they approached.

"I got all three of you dead to rights so if you even blink wrong I'm putting bolts through your ugly faces. I'm gonna go now, if we meet again. You wont like the results."

The three men looked pissed but knew that they were dead if they pissed him off. Before they could do anything else William shot them with his blaster on stunner mode. The three fell back unconscious. William looked at the bartender, "I didn't mean to cause a disturbance." He reached down and searched the bodies, he pulled out a stack of peggats and walked over to the bar and placed them in front of the bartender. "This is for any damage caused and the rest can go to buy everyone their next round." The bar patrons roared in laughter and the bartender smirked and gave a nod of acceptance. William walked out of the bar. He had just left the bar when an explosion was heard coming from the direction of Grakkus' palace. William smirked underneath his helmet. He walked back to the dock at a leisurely pace.


William had made it back to the ship and had been pleased that JW had accomplished his mission. They had attempted to take off but had been told by "port authority" that all ships were grounded until Grakkus said so. They decided to just stay on the ship and pass the time until they were able to leave. They watched as a few ships attempted to leave port. They didn't make it very far before they were shot down either by Grakkus' merc patrols or the ion laser emplacements throughout the area.

William used the hold area to exercise and practice his forms with the vibrosword. He would also meditate in his room to pass the time and review his lessons on the Force. He was quickly becoming very proficient in telekinesis. He would practice moving things about with his ability in the hold or room. He and JW would have spars using metal bars as swords.

They had been grounded for a week and William was starting to lose his patience. He decided to go out to the market area and search for some more droid parts. He was going to create a small droid body that he would use to integrate Hydra. He had discovered that it was slowly evolving from a program into an actual AI and he found it fascinating. He decided he would use the same design as the one he gave to 99. It was a BD-1 design. He just had to find a small and powerful enough droid brain for the little guy.

He had gotten some good parts but he had not found what he was looking for. William was just a few streets away from the dock when he sensed an incoming attack. He ducked and spun around while pulling his blaster. He saw one of the morons from the bar. William was livid. He was livid because he had been attacked but what had truly incensed him was that Death Watch considered themselves true Mandalorians and yet they had tried to shoot him in the back. William opened fire, his aim was very good and was able to hit the moron in the neck between his chest plate and helmet. William didn't get to celebrate just then because the other two had tried to pincer him from the opposite sides of the street.

William dove into an alley and shot at his assailants from behind cover. He knew that eventually they would get him if he stayed; he returned fired and then hid behind cover. He quickly came up with a plan. He would use the moron's to get out of Nar Shaddaa. William fired at a cooling unit over one of the morons and loosened the anchors to the wall. He hid behind cover and used the force to pull it free and drop it on the moron taking shots at him. The moron hadn't even noticed the cooling unit above him had been pried loose. The unit fell on top of him which folded his body and crushed his head.

William used this opportunity to jump out of cover and shoot at the remaining assailant. William, using his frustration and anger, was jumping from cover to cover in a quick manner. The speed at which he was gaining ground scared the remaining moron and prompted him to run away from William and his frighteningly accurate blaster fire. 

William went back and checked the bodies. William was disappointed that he wouldn't get to loot the Beskar armor from the corpses but his plan hinged on them being identified as Death Watch. He made sure no one saw him as he planted a kyber Crystal he had been studying in one of the pouches of the corpse before going back to the ship. A patrol of Grakkus' men showed up soon after William left and searched the bodies, one of them found the crystal and ran back to let Grakkus' know. 


William didn't have to wait long before a group of Grakkus' men came to search the ship and ask him questions about the Mandalorians he had fought in the cantina. William explained he didn't know them but it had seemed like they had gone to the cantina to celebrate something. They picked a fight with him and he stunned them. William also let them know that they were Death Watch. The merc questioning him thanked him for his cooperation and after the ship was inspected they were cleared to leave.

William and JW had decided to go do a few random hyperspace jumps before they went back to Kessel and their base. JW prepared his ship for another trip they would have to make. William helped the droids access the holocrons that he found and left him shocked. He had obtained a holocron of Metra Surik the Jedi exile. He didn't think she and Revan existed in this universe but it seems they did. She was a powerful Jedi that was able to take out a Sith Triumvirate. He also found the Holocron of Darth Traya, the leader of said triumvirate. He was able to access the information from the holocrons and using Hydra and the research team was able to copy the information from the holocrons to his database and from there it was refined and compiled into his new flash learning module.

William had undergone his next step in flash learning. With his new found information he trained his Force abilities like a madman. He learned many new and useful techniques. He had also learned moving meditation. It was a form of meditation that could be done while doing something mundane like building a lightsaber or maintaining droids. A month quickly passed and William felt like a new person. His Force abilities were both varied and powerful. His lightsaber forms were much better and his physique had finally recovered from the torture. He looked like a very healthy 6'1" gymnast. His musculature was well defined yet remained sleek, like a panther. He had put it off long enough and he was ready to build himself some lightsabers. He had been using the one he had stolen from Grakkus to practice and experiment with. He had also built all the parts he would need for a set of lightsabers from some of the Beskar he still had. 

JW had also undergone some upgrades; he had used the remaining Beskar to replace some of his parts. Ideally he wanted to have a majority of his body replaced by the Beskar but they had used it most of it. He had decided he would hunt down more Death Watch Members and also had Hydra look for any Beskar in the black market.


William and JW once again boarded the Wicked Crow. JW had finally found a name he liked for the ship. William had said it was appropriate since JW's full name was John Wick. They boarded the ship and made their way to Tatooine. They were headed there to collect any and all crystals the Jawas might have found. The pair would also go Krayt dragon hunting the last pieces needed for Wiliams lightsabers. The ship jumped into hyperspace for the next adventure.

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I'm glad you all seem to like the story. It's been tough to balance the story. Any and all CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is appreciated. If you find any errors please comment on the paragraph and I'll fix it as soon as I can. now that being said this is a crossover fic, and while I am eventually going to have William and crew go to another universe it will still be a few chapters before we get there, so please expect major Star Wars storyline divergences. I won't say which world they end up at.

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