"Come... Let's go meet our friends"
Haguk smiled and put one arm around Sakh'arran's shoulders and guided him towards the entrance of the cave.
A hollow and high cloud of dust was being kicked up from the south, which can only result from fast moving creatures. Sakh'arran squinted his eyes and saw the Rumbling Clan and their massive steeds galloping towards them.
The Rhakaddons were as intimidating as ever, their three horns on their massive heads screamed of danger. Their massive heads take up so much space that would ensure that anyone foolish enough to stand on the path of their charge would be thrown away even after evading their dangerous horns.
Sakh'arran examined the Rumble Clan. They were much like the Warghen Clan, who heavily relies on their beast companions to be effective and mobile in battle. Staring at the massive creatures galloping towards them, Sakh'arran remembered the chieftain's term 'Heavy Cavalry'.
Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.
- Ernest Hemingway