(Royalist Camp, Outskirts of Duskendale, Duskendale, The Blackwater Rush, Blackwater Bay, The Crownlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)
(Jon Arryn POV)
King Aerys was safe, but Jon's son had chosen to stay behind and cause a distraction to let them escape. He was equal parts proud and equal parts terrified. Rogar was no Arthur Dayne, but wasn't a Hedge Squire by any means.
Within seconds of entering the Camp, Lord Tywin was given the order to storm the town and assist Rogar by King Aerys. The King was grateful it seems.
Jon himself rode in with Nestor and Yohn behind Ser Arthur and Lord-Commander Hightower who were leading the charge to the Dun Fort.
Despite his worry, Jon knew that Rogar was skilled enough to be one of Westeros's more promising warriors in training and could likely hold his own for maybe an hour at the most. An hour was more than enough to make short work of the few hundreds of defenders unaffected by the poison used by Rogar's mercenaries.
(POV Shift: King Aerys II Targaryen POV)
Ser Barristan Selmy was a God's send. He'd rescued him from his torment, yet according to Ser Selmy it was The Young Falcon who was crucial to their successes.
This Falcon would be suitably rewarded for his heroism and valour. As would Barristan. But what could Aerys offer that would be suitable repayment of the debt Aerys felt he owed?
A Knighthood? No, not enough. A Small Council Appointment? Maybe. Ah! A Royally brokered Marriage? Perhaps that would do the trick? Wait Aerys remembered Varys making mention of a courtship between the boy and A Royce Widow.
Aerys would need further deliberation on this matter. But he'd reward the boy, twofold if he took care of The Betrayer!
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn POV)
Rogar and Denys Blades sung a song of Steel as they met each other.
Rogar had a light Fleshwound from creating that trail of bodies. Two Guards sprung a surprise on him, landing a blow to his rear midsection. Hit him right between his Cuirass and Leathers. The Leathers slowed the blade but didn't stop it from hitting skin, just from scoring any serious damage. He'd get a scar, but nothing too nasty mind.
He'd eschewed his Shield for A Broadsword and Short Sword, The Shield being much to large to carry in here. Rogar would earn His Ancestors Arms and Armor someday but He'd have a Personal Set forged out of Dragonbone, Valyrian Steel, and Dragon Hide someday. Dragonbone and Valyrian Steel would form his armor as well as some of his weapons, He'd Wield a Bow of Goldenheart enhanced with Dragonbone, He'd have A Set of Dragon Hide Leathers Beneath his armor, and he'd Wield The Sword of Artys Arryn in one hand and either his Shield or A Weapon of Valyrian Steel.
But Dreams aside,he still had a fight going....
(POV Shift: Denys Darklyn)
This child was skilled, he picked away at his Defenses like he was using a splinter to clean his teeth. Denys knew he'd lost, but hoped that if he died it'd spare his family attaintment, Death, and Exile. It was a small near-non-existent hope, but if was a hope nonetheless.
All Denys wanted was to win a Charter for Duskendale that would lower his taxes and increase Trade, but Lord Tywin refused. To demonstrate his anger, Denys stopped paying his taxes. It was Serala who convinced him to capture King Aerys. In the end it was all her fault, and his for thinking less with his head and more with his cock.
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn POV)
Rogar was tiring, He'd pressed Denys a little too often, and Denys was more skilled in Counterattacks and parrying than one might think.
But while Rogar was tired, Denys was exhausted. Denys Darklyn was older and more experienced, but his Training had clearly focused on redirection and tanking an enemies Blows rather than the standard stuff. Rogar would kick off a pillar to use the momentum of falling to bring down his full weight into his blows. He'd freerun up between two Pillars sort of like an Assassin's Creed player would stepping up two before spinning a good 180 degrees to land what amounted to a Falling Avalanche type of attack.
Because of his momentum Denys seldom had the time to sidestep and redirect his strike, especially as he didn't always go for this kind of strike, sometimes stepping up once only to spin around and Lauch a riposte at his chest or somersault over him in an attempt to lay a blow against his back. He'd sequence it three times before altering randomly to keep Denys from forming a counterattack planned in advance.
As Rogar went to slip under Denys Sword Slash, Lord Darklyn spun around to back elbow him in the face. Stunned from the surprise strike, Rogar can do nought but stand helplessly and staggered as Denys slashes at his Helm. The force of the blow sends his Helmet flying and the sword cuts across his cheek.
''You lose boy.'' Says Denys as he raises his blade to strike, but before he can trust the doors crash open and men in Lannister, Arryn, Baratheon, Kingsguard, and Targaryen Tabbards flood Inside. Reaching his hand to his short sword Rogar quickly runs Denys Darklyn through the neck and out his throat.
''No, you did.'' Says Rogar as he falls to one knee, finally letting his body relax and rest a little.
''Well done kid, well done indeed.'' Says Some Knight or noble That Rogar is too tired to acknowledge.
(Time-Skip: One Hour Later)
Rogar was being stitched up by Silent Sister's, when King Aerys entered.
''Leave us.'' The King orders.
''Your Grace, forgive me for not greeting you properly, my body is too exhausted to move.'' Rogar says politely.
''A very insignificant formality, Rogar Arryn for rescuing me and for Slaying The Great Betrayer, I shall grant you two boons in recognition for your efforts and heroism.'' Says Aerys.
''I would ask for a Royal Charter for the Vale of Arryn. I wish to develop the Vale and build new ports. A fitting extra humiliation to the Betrayer no?'' Asks Rogar.
''Let it be known that the House Arryn and it's vassals are granted Royal Charter permitting them to increase their standing army, receive a Tax reduction of Fifteen Percent, and may freely tax and levy their people without Crown Oversight. What would you ask for your Second book Young Arryn?'' Asks Aerys.
''I wish to serve as a page under Lord Staunton, learning how to govern as a King such as yourself does a realm would help me rule the Vale. But I wish to do this while serving as Ser Arthur Dayne's Squire as he offered to do do to my Lordly Father.'' Says Rogar.
''Tywin, see it done.'' Aerys orders his hand.....
(Red Keep, King's Landing, Blackwater Rush, Blackwater Bay, The Crownlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)
(Year: 280 AC)
The last Three Years had been Kind to Rogar, he had honed his Warrior Skills and Instincts under Ser Arthur Dayne, while honing his knowledge of governing a Realm under the incompetent Symond Staunton. In truth he'd all but supplanted Staunton as Master of Laws due to being Taking under Tywin's Wing as funny as that sounded.
As A Small Council Page and The Squire of Ser Arthur Dayne, as well as The Future Lord of The Eyrie and Warden of The East, Rogar had a fair bit of influence at Court.
He was a favorite of many ladies of the Court especially as he had reached manhood being five and ten namedays old. It was worth noting that he was often seen in the companionship of either Lady Cersei Lannister or Lady Ashara Dayne. The court whispered frequently of a secret Relationship with one and sometimes even both of them. In truth Rogar had been sleeping with Lady Ashara Dayne, they kept it quiet due to the impropriety of a Squire fucking his Masters sister. After he was Knighted they knew he'd return to The Vale of Arryn.
What he didn't know was that Ashara was determined to create a lasting reminder of their time together....
(Ashara Dayne POV)
Ashara held her belly, She'd seduced Rogar Arryn on a whim, yet the way he took her kept her coming back for frequent repeat performances. Ashara found out a few days ago that she was carrying Rogar's Bastard Child, she was elated but also sad, because if raised in Starfall the baby would be Arnolf's Pawn.
Originally she'd been taken with that Wild Northman, but Rogar changed things with that handsome sandy hair, deep blue eyes, and dimples when he smiles, his aquiline nose, and looks every inch a young lord-in-waiting: straight as a lance, clean-limbed, and hard with muscle, and not just the usual type of muscles either.
Rogar had expressly told her when they began the affair that he would return to the Vale when her Brother Knighted him, but the baby was only a month inside her belly. Not trusting Arnolf to not take advantage of the baby, but determined to keep it with at least one of it's parents, she resolved that it would be best if no one but Rogar and Arthur knew of this child, and that Rogar acknowledged the child as his Bastard Child but no one should know that she was the Child's birth mother.
The baby would be protected and safe from Arnolf's schemes and guarded against her grasping nature. It would be difficult as much for her child as it would be for her, for the child's lack of a mother, and for Ashara knowing that she will have to pretend that she is not the babes mother.
She wishes that Rogar was here now, feeling his skin on hers would make her worries go away easily....Curse You Arthur for taking Rogar to Some Tourney in Dorne. It was to celebrate Princess Arianne's 4th nameday. It was also to meet Oberyn's Bastard Daughters, of whom Oberyn had named him their Godsfather, Ashara remembered that Rogar had made mention of eventually sleeping with One of Oberyn's daughters, was that another reason why he was so insistent on going with Arthur? To scout the girls?
Oddly enough Ashara wasn't opposed to this idea, Rogar was just as insatiable as she in between the sheets after all, and so long as Ashara got watch it, she found no fault in it.
(POV Shift: Tyene Sand POV)
Gods he was handsome, Father had spoken often of Rogar Arryn and how one day he'd come to ravage them. Was it wrong Tyene found herself liking that idea? She knew the proud Arryn wouldn't touch until she was at least fourteen which was at least a good ten years off.
Nym was already flirting with him, the slut.
Obara only challenged him.
As for Ari, she was stuck between Tyene's own feelings and Nym's.
Tyene wished she was older and bigger, but she wasn't blessed to be so. But mark her words, Tyene would have him someday....
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)
So fucking Hot, The Sun was blazing like the Twin Sun's of Tatooine, but it was the beautiful women who tempered the heat.
This Tourney was for two reasons, Celebrate Princess Arianne's Fourth Nameday and collect Princess Elia for her Wedding. But Rogar sorely missed Ashara's tender caress. If Arianne, Tyene, and Nymeria were older he'd sate his lust on them, but he was no pedophile like certain Nobles 'Cough' ''Lord Redwyne'' 'Cough' ''Meryn Trant'' 'Cough' ''Walder Frey'' 'Cough'.
Rogar himself had another purpose for being here, aside from scouting Arianne and Tyene and Nymeria, he was here to make a stop on the way back. He had a Package to pick up at Highgarden.
He'd sent letters to Olenna Tyrell and used her for mutually beneficial ends. He revealed corruption, seeds of Rebellion, and plots against House Tyrell. Now was the time to collect on what was owed.
Olenna had financed an acquisition for him, the key hung from his neck. He didn't doubt that Olenna would try and open it, but the lock couldn't be forced. If someone attempted to force it open or use a circumvention of the correct method, then the Lock would release cannister of acid which would melt the locks. It was a simple matter of releasing the Same acid on the Hinges and lock again which would open the chest.
It was Oberyns idea.
(POV Shift: Olenna Tyrell)
Someone somewhere was mocking her.
First they sent letters that were placed at her bedside while she slept. The letters contained information on plots of Rebellion, or were detailed reports on the corruption of much of their infrastructure at the ports. But The letters offered an alliance and in person meeting with a representative if she personally financed the acquisition of a specific Sealed Chest of Weirwood.
She had initally hired someone to open it, but they informed her it was equipped with a trap against any sort of attempted tampering.
Now she was intrigued, This had to be extremely valuable to hide in chest equipped with an anri-tampering mechanism. Not to mention that the mysterious friend was sending a representative in person.
She'd just have to wait and see what happened.
Luckily she was old enough to know when to risk something, but was still young enough to know she still had some time left in this shit world and not waste it....
(POV Shift: Rogar Arryn)
Rogar was looking out at Dorne from atop Sunspears Battlements. The ignorant would call it desolate and a wasteland, but how so often did such people find themselves lost in those sands and never to be found again?
Silence was your only answer, and it spoke volumes aplenty....
Rogar looked down at the setting sun, they had until tomorrow when they had to depart, Rogar used his position to change the orders of departure in order to feast at Highgarden before departing along the Roseroad.
It was one year from now that he'd earn his Knighthood if everything went according to his carefully devised plan...
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