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82.53% Different Royal Pony. / Chapter 136: Hearts and Hooves' Day!

Chapitre 136: Hearts and Hooves' Day!


Sweet Celestia! I can't believe it! Captain Sparklez posted a new music video in his "Fallen Kingdom" series!? And here we all thought it was over years ago. Damn the nostalgia is strong with this one haha!

Now if only Mystery Skulls posted a new music video to finish their story, we could finally die in peace XD

Also this chapter is over two times as long as you regular chapter so I hope you appreciate my hard work haha!

But anyway hope you like the it and like always EEEENJOY!!!


"...So...I couldn't help but notice my dear Draconequus...You bought the Canterlot Avenues...Is there any chance you'd be willing to part with them for, say...1000 bits?" Asked Starfall with a sweet sounding voice, only receiving a snort of derision in return from the stonified lord of Chaos.

"Ha! You take me for a fool! I can already see your weak ploy my dear Pony, and I'm definitely not going to fall for it." Said Discord, with a a voice full of finality.

"And if I add my Purple Manehattan card? You'll get to finish your entire row." Starfall tried to persuade the other party who smirked.

"Don't think I didn't realise that you'd also get a full set for yourself Starfall." He replied with a smirk before a grin spread on his face. "But I accept your offer! You shall see how I turn it against you in only a few turns." He exclaimed spreading his mismatched arms as if stating a fact that was not to be changed.

"...Umm...would you be willing to not accept the deal if I gave you 500?..." A meek voice came from the side, making the two players turn and look at the third participant of their Monopony game.

Kevin instantly became unsure and worried as the two beings that could literally crush him in second, looked at him as if he was crazy.

"...While I truly appreciate your most tempting offer, my dear Kevin the Changeling, I believe I am going to still accept Starfall's most generous donation to my already mighty economical power."Discord replied, taking a glance at the cards of the other party and smirking at the sight of a set of browns and light blues that barely brought him any money even with it being a full set...

"Well it was worth a try..." He gave a weak smile, receiving a toothy grin from the Draconequus.

"That it was, haha!" He laughed, while exchanging the money and cards with Starfall.

"Blimey! Kevin, this isn't good, how about we-" Dr Whooves leaned to Kevin and whispered his idea to which Kevin perked up and nodded, the two exchanging cards and fake money under the table...


"This is impossible! I cannot accept it!" Exclaimed Discord as his Draconequus shaped pawn landed on yet another hotel belonging to Whooves, this being the third time in a row...

"Oh please, it's just 600 bits. You can still pay with cards if you don't have the money..." Whooves said with a wide smile while Kevin tried to stop himself from laughing at the other party's words.

Even Starfall looked at the scene with a wry smile, despite his situation not looking any more favourable than Discord's. Who would have expected Kevin and Whooves to cooperate in bringing them down...

Discord unwillingly handed over the money and looked away pouting, his arms crossed.

And they didn't even give them time to build their own houses...


Starfall walked down the corridor, an amused expression spread on his face.

In the end Discord and himself lost the game, Whooves and Kevin sucking them dry of all their money using the cheapest cards on the board, combined with a bout of bad luck that struck them when they stepped on one of their houses almost every single turn after Kevin or Whooves build them...

But what has been the most amusing was the final clash between the two that ended up in a tie, as neither had the upper hoof for over an entire hour.

Starfall proposed to count their money to find the winner, but they disagreed, instead opting for the tie to stay as it was.

It was a rather promising development in Kevin's friendship studies, and even Discord seemed to enjoy himself throughout the game despite how mundane it apparently was for the Draconequus.

His Hoofsteps soon stopped, as he found himself back inside the Bio Wing of the Lab. His eyes looked up onto the doors with a label [Gen. Mod. #7], and without any hesitation, his security card went into the terminal.

not even waiting for the doors to fully open, Starfall walked inside, passing by a large crystal tube housing a bio-waste eating parasprite, and another containing a small, unconscious Timberwolf with its body made out of smooth wooden planks as if it was an unfinished, broken, wooden toy.

His steps soon brought him towards another crystal tube, this one however, housed a normal, plain looking Equestrian bunny, that looked at him in curiosity, before munching on a carrot it had been provided, not caring about being caged for the time being.

Starfall, looked over his notes and checked whether everything was working fine, his eyes roaming over the six pedestals surrounding the crystal tube.

Each pedestal housed a slot for a gemstone, each slot having a different, familiar shape.

While usually he didn't use the Elements of Harmony for most of his researches, he liked to have an assurance that he wouldn't accidentally create some eldritch horror when playing with his research subjects...

But now he was planning do something quite specific with the help of the gems, and this bunny was going to be the main star in his little experiment...

He just needed to make sure everything worked fine...


The sun was slowly settling as Starfall left the dark underground of his beloved Laboratory.

Throughout the evening, he had more than ensured that all his runes worked fine, and without much fanfare activated the magic upon setting the Elements of Harmony in their correct slots.

Usually, he would have stayed to observe the effects of his new magic, but the process would take at least a day and he trusted the Elements to not do anything bad...

...Worst case scenario the bunny turns into some kind of Lord of Order like Accord, Discord's orderly Alter ego...

Starfall snorted at the idea. While he didn't consider himself unfailable, he doubted his magic formation was capable of achieving such an effect...

He decided to leave this topic for when the process finishes, and get on with a more pressing matter.

That being, tomorrow's Hearts and Hooves' day...


"You look like a million delicious Apples Jackie." Starfall kissed Applejack on the cheek making her giggle as they sat on the blanket in the Apple orchard, a small set of treats filling the basket beside them.

"I'm happy you like it. I asked Rarity to help me with the choice." The orange mare looked down at the apple themed dress she wore, finding it surprisingly nice despite her usual, overall dislike of dresses.

"Well, it really suits you... although..."He gently caressed Applejack's side over her dress, finally reaching her hind leg devoid of any clothes, and moving back up, now though his hoof traveling under the clothes and making Applejack shudder in anticipation. "I wouldn't mind it even if you came in just your hat." He winked and Applejack gave him a hungry smile.

"Im sure you wouldn't..." She said in a husky tone, as her muzzle got closer to Starfall.

It didn't toke even a minute before the two were entwining their tongues in a heated kiss which soon turned into a session of a passionate lovemaking, Applejack showing clearly why she was the one to win this year's Appleloosa Rodeo...


"Say 'Ahh'." Starfall said as a pair of chocolate nuts floated in front of two cute pink mares.

The duo looked at eachother, before giggling and doing as he asked, the chocolate instantly finding its place in their mouths.

"What do you think?" He asked as the girls chewed the treat with closed eyes before smiling.

"Delicious!" "Yummy!' The two said together and Starfall laughed.

"And here I thought you two would be able to say more than that the chocolate is tasty. This is a degustation my ladies, not just a simple food service." He said in a joking tone receiving a sheepish grin and a shy smile from Pinkie and Meena respectively.

"And what's the point of anything more?" Pinkie said still grinning.

"Yes. It's delicious and looks great. What else do we need? haha!" Meena replied receiving an approving nod from her sister.

"I guess you're right, haha!" Starfall admitted, though he was still going to show the two how many different types of chocolate there really is. He might not make a conesuir out of them, but it was going to be an enjoyable date, no matter how much the two would savor the treats in the end...

Though with the way the two clinged to him more and more as the time passed, he might get to savor something much sweeter before the day ends...


A plate of delicious looking salad landed in front of Starfall who smiled at the pretty Pegasus as she flew back, excitedly working on the remaining food in her kitchen.

He saw how adorable she looked in the pink and white apron, and he couldn't help himself but walk over towards her as she was preparing some tasty looking sandwiches with a song on her lips. Her wings almost lifting her up into the air in joy.

His lips quickly found her cheek, that Instantly turned crimson as Fluttershy looked back at Starfall in surprise, not having seen him approach her, before the surprise turned into a wide and beautiful smile.

"Just a minute Star. I'm almost ready with the sandwiches." She said quietly, but Starfall just kissed her lips and took the utensils out of her hooves.

"You know that it's usually the duty of a Stallion to take his mare to dinner?" He asked in amusement, but Fluttershy just smiled at him brightly.

"I know. But I wanted to do it for you." She replied softly, and Starfall couldn't help but find himself bein overwhelmed by how kind and loveable this Yellow Pegasus really was.

He finally just gave her another peck on the lips and smiled fondly.

"Thank you." He simply said and Fluttershy turned her head a bit confused.

"What for? It's just a small dinner..." She said and Starfall shook his head.

"No. Thank you for just being you. I Love you Fluttershy." He said genuinely, and Fluttershy instantly brightened up, her cheeks the most adorable shade of red.

"I-I love you too..." She said as her body unnaturally shuddered. Did she just came by any chance? Hah she wouldn't...would she?...

As he returned to his seat and back to watching Fluttershy work on the few remaining sandwiches, he couldn't help but notice a bit of wetness dropping from behind her tail... Seems like the day was only starting for the two of them...He was looking forward to what they'd do after dinner...


"Rainbow!? Are you there?!" Starfall called as he gently closed the doors behind himself.

He looked around, admiring the pegasi architecture and the building material, ergo, magical clouds, that formed over eighty percent of the entire building.

Seeing as Nopony answered his call, he decided to check out whether she wasn't still sleeping in her bedroom. He wouldn't put it past the sloth of a mare Rainbow was, whenever she wasn't training herself to rival light speed...

So it was quite the surprise for him, when upon opening the doors to her bedroom, he found said mare laying on her bed in some sexy lingerie, and clearly waiting for him, if her sultry and expectant expression was anything to go by.

His smile quickly grew as he gently closed the doors behind him, giving them a semblance of some very much needed privacy...


"Ok. you can open your eyes now." Starfall said and Celestia did so, only to open her eyes even wider, when she finally took notice of her unexpected surroundings.

It was a large, empty beach with some towels and umbrella spread around by the shore, all the surroundings bathed in the hot summer sun, almost calling out to you to just jump into the sea and enjoy yourself.

Though she quickly noticed that this sun was not actually real thanks to her connection to the real thing, but it was a quite convincing illusion nonetheless.

"This..." Celestia said turning towards Starfall, who grinned and puled her towards the shore.

"Twilight's most recent creation. She wanted to show it to you for a while now, but I asked if she could keep it as a surprise for when I get to have a date with you. I hope you like it. We can have fun for however long you-*MPHhh*" Starfall got interrupted as Tia jumped at him and kissed him senseless. Suffice to say, she liked the idea of spending an entire day cuddling with Starfall on the beach.

...and maybe not only cuddling...


"I'm so glad to be here Darling. I really love the atmosphere of this place. But I'm especially happy to be here with you." Rarity whispered looking at Starfall wearing a black smoking with a purple tie. One of her finer creations if she had to admit.

"Why of course Rare. Only the best for my beautiful lady." He smiled putting a hoof on her own in a romantic gesture.

Rarity tried to hold in a squeak of happiness, but it was clear she was struggling.

He couldn't help but find it adorable. She clearly loved the idea of having a romantic dinner in a fancy Canterlot restaurant, surrounded by noble Ponies, and with a Stallion of her dreams doing all he could to make this date the most special one ever.

And as he looked as the excited Rarity talking to the waiter, ordering some french named cuisine he had no idea what it actually was, He realised that he truly loved this mare just like all the others in his herd. His heart bit faster the more he thought about it and a small tear fell down his cheek, buried in his white coat.

He realised that Rarity was asking him something, but his thoughts had been on something completely different at the moment, and he wanted to say it, because it felt important to him.

"Every day, I only fall deeper in love with each one of you..." He said softly, stumping Rarity who instantly turned red and had trouble speaking, her wavering words mixed with deep breaths of air as she tried to put forth a coherent answer.

"That- I..*Phew* D-darling...I- Thank you...I- I Love you too..." She finally blurted out, before taking a glance at the waiter still standing beside the table with a slightly bemused expression, trying to keep it relatively stoic despite the romantic scene happening in front of him.

"Sir, your order?"He finally asked and Starfall realised in slight embarrassment that Rarity had most likely been trying to get him to make his order when he blurred his small love confession.

"Ah...Yes...I'd like what my Lady is having. Thank you..." Starfall said, having in fact no clue what Rarity actually requested...

The waiter nodded his head and left the duo to their own with Rarity still flushed after his previous words.

But all in all, she seemed to be happy, so he considered it a good start to what he hoped was an even better date. The day was still long after all...


"Do you have the snacks!?" Asked Luna excitedly as Starfall walked into the room, making him chuckle.

"Of course Luna. I also have some Cider, and I brought some Daisy Tofu for Midnight. I know you like it Moony." He winked at Midnight who send him a smile from her spot on the sofa where she laid sprawled like a large sock...

"I still can't believe you like those sweets Sister! This is awful! Aren't we supposed to be clones or something!?" Luna said looking at the Daisy tofu as if it was the worst thing in existence.

"Part of it is how much it annoys you, but I do like the sour after taste." Midnight replied with a grin making Luna scoff.

"Just...be quiet and let's play." Luna rolled her eyes and plopped on the sofa beside her sister.

Starfall lifted the bowl filled with snacks and sat between the girl, a game controller he made for the Arcade console already floating towards him.

Why the game industry was still the most advanced technological part of Equestria still omitted him...Though at the moment he didn't care as a smile slowly spread on his face.

He had two pretty mares to beat and he certainly wasn't about to go easy on either of them... Especially when they had a habit of establishing some nice rewards for a winner of every game, a hot kiss being the least, one could get in their little byplay...


"Can you feel anything?"Little Strongheart asked with a giggle as Starfall leaned his head over her belly, trying to feel the baby slowly growing inside.

The bump wasn't big but it was already noticeable, so it didn't took much for the news to spread, before long reaching the ears of his parents who soon after gave Starfall an earful about not informing them about it.

He could clearly remember the day they came to visit, and how much his mother Pharma fawned over the embarrassed girl.

His eyes met with Little Strongheart and he smiled. They were currently staying in her tent in Appleloosa, the Small Buffalo finding the idea of just quietly spending some private time with the father of her yet to be born baby a perfect idea for Hearts and Hooves' day...

"I didn't hear anything, but it is still way to early for that anyway. As far as my scans are concerned though, I'm pretty sure it would be at least two years before the baby is ready to come out. I'm sorry Lil, but you'd have to endure a little more." He said as Little Strongheart rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine Love. I told you I can handle it." She said, but Starfall was still unsure.

"But are you really sure. Isn't there anything I can do to make it feel better?" He asked, making Little Strongheart give the stallion an exasperated look before it changed into a small smirk.

"I'm telling you it's fine! But...If you want me to feel better..." Her voice turned husky and her eyes gave Starfall an indication of what the Petite Buffalo wanted even before she raised her rear in invitation...

They wouldn't be leaving the tent for many hours....


Starfall slumped onto the bed beside a clearly amused Twilight, his eyes heavy and body exhausted both physically and mentally, not even counting his almost depleted magic power...

"I'm sorry Twilight, I-" He tried to say something but Twilight put a hoof over his muzzle.

"Starfall...Do you love me?" She asked him with a kind smile, nonetheless making Starfall worried.

"Of course I do! I-" She interrupted him again.

"And do you love the other girls as well?" She asked, making Starfall puzzled but he nonetheless replied.

"Yes. You are all the most important part of my life, and u love you all dearly." He said honestly trying to understand where Twilight was going with it.

"Then you have no reason to feel sorry. I talked with them you know. You worked hard..." She said and Starfall nodded before she added another tidbit.

"And You seem to have practically split yourself to get this day to work as some of those dates were all at the same time..." She said in amusement, to which Starfall stopped and looked at her with an embarrassed expression.

"To my defence, I didn't expect it to

get so exhausting..." He said sheepishly and Twilight snorted.

"You are the only Pony to ever think that Time Travel was the best viable option to fit all your dates into a single day..." She said in exasperation while Starfall scratched his head is embarrassment.

"Well, I admit it was a bit more taxing than I originally thought it would be..." He said and Twilight sighed before casting a spell on the Stallion.

He had only a second to realise that it was the same Revitalising spell he had created for Luna, before he got tackled into the bedsheets by a clearly excited Twilight.

"Oh I'm sure it was taxing. But I'll make sure you don't have strength to walk for a week if you don't put that huge dick into my itching pussy this instant!" She said rubbing her crotch over his own, and Starfall could do nothing by oblige by her request. He oved it to her after all...


Deep in the basement of the library, a certain bunny had just finished his magical metamorphosis and was looking over itself in a slight confusing, finding that something was not quite how it was back in the past.

But when a carrot extended from a slot in the bottom of his cage, he instantly forgot about the insignificant problem and went to munch on the delicious vegetable with no care in the world...

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