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72.22% Ghost Rider Through the Multiverse / Chapter 38: Ch 36 Trashing the Lobby

Chapitre 38: Ch 36 Trashing the Lobby

(Honestly, I got a bit fed up near the end, so it might be a bit shit. Sorry.)

After his conversation with Robin and coming to terms with his identity, Leo sat in place for a little longer, enjoy the cool breeze and nights sky.

While he sat there, he contemplated going to see Nami, but was afraid that she might be asleep and he didn't want to wake her. In the end, he decided to use his Observation Haki and checked to see if she was awake or not.

He saw that she was lying in bed, awake and feeling sad, so he stood up and made his way over to her room. When he got there, he knocked on the door.

Leo - *Knock* *Knock* "...Hey, Nami. Can I come in?"

Through the door, he heard some shuffling and then footsteps, then the door swung open and he saw a teary eyed Nami.

Seeing her so sad, Leo felt a sharp pain in his chest. Quickly stepping forward, he wrapped his arms around her, gently holding her head and apologising.

Leo - "I'm sorry, Nami... I never meant to make you sad. I'm so sorry!"

Nami slowly grabbed at the front of his coat, sniffling a little. She soon calmed down and looked up at him from his chest.

Nami - "You better explain!"

Leo nodded and kissed her forehead while stroking her head.

Leo - "I will, don't worry."

He lifted her up and walked inside her room, closing the door with telekinesis.

Sitting on her bed with her next to him, they faced each other while holding hands.

Rubbing the back of Nami's hand with his thumb, Leo took a breath in.

Leo - "The reason I was gone is..."

He began telling her the reason for his disappearance, about his talk with Robin and summing up his conversation with her. How it was his birthday, he was missing his old friends and about he felt as though he was burdening her with his own problems.

Nami stood up and hugged him.

Nami - "You can always tell me when something is wrong, I don't feel burdened. Honestly! I could hit you!"

Leo - "Heh I don't advise it."

She smiled and hugged him tighter, before backing away from the hug with a serious expression.

Nami - "I understand why you were like that, but if something is wrong again, you better tell me! Got that!?"

Leo nodded, not knowing how to react to the undlying threat.

Nami - "Good."

She smiled and kissed him, while he returned it. After separating, Nami yawned.

Leo - "You're tired, I'll leave you to sleep."

Standing up, he kissed her head and turned to leave, but Nami grabbed his arm. He turned to her to see what she wanted and saw her with her head down, blushing and glancing up at him.

Nami - "Do you... Will you stay with me."

Seeing how shy and cute she was, Leo couldn't deny her.

Leo - "Sure."

Nami smiled sweetly and lay down. Changing his clothes into something more comfortable, Leo got into the bed with her, wrapping her in his arms as she snuggled into him.

Nami - "*Yawn* Goodnight. I love you."

Leo - "I love you too."

Nami slowly fell asleep while Leo stroked her head.

- In The Morning -

Leo had spent the whole night stroking Nami's head.

After the sun had risen, Nami woke up and cutely yawned as she rubbed her eyes, making Leo smile.

Leo - "Good morning."

Nami - "Morning."

She lay on his chest and pecked his lips, before cuddling with him. They stayed like that for a while longer, but eventually decided to get up.

Leo stood up first, changed to his AC gear and stepped outside to wait for Nami. When she came out of her room, they made their way out on to the deck, where Luffy was freaking out.

Luffy - "I'm telling you, I was sleeping right there, but I woke up in bed!"

Sanji - "And I'm telling you, you were probably just too tired to remember going to bed."

Leo stood there and wondered if he should clear things up, but couldn't be bothered and thought that this was more entertaining anyways. He and Nami walked up to the kitchen, where Robin was sitting with a cup of tea.

Robin - "Good morning. Get everything sorted out?"

Nami - "Mhm. Thanks to you."

They went and picked up some breakfast, then sat down across from her as she shook her head lightly.

Robin - "Don't mention it, it's the least I could do."

Leo - "You say that as if you owe us something."

Robin smiled slightly.

Robin - "I know you don't see it that way, but I'm very thankful for what you've done for me."

He gave her close eyed smile.

Leo - "Being my friend is more than enough, so please stop thinking like that."

Her smile faltered for a moment, just enough for Nami to notice. And although he had his eyes closed, Leo still felt her become saddened.

Robin - 'I wouldn't mind being more...but...'

Nami - 'Does she...'

Leo was about to ask if she was okay, but she quickly changed the topic.

Robin - "Anyways, Nami, don't you think it's about time we set sail?"

Nami - "Yeah, I guess so."

Robin - "Well then, let's go discuss the matter with our captain."

She got up and started quickly walking away. Nami and Leo watched her leave, then they looked at each other.

Leo - "Do you think she maybe..."

Nami - "Possibly. You could always check with your mind reading."

Leo - "I could, but I don't like doing that without a good reason."

Nami - "Oh well, let's just see where things go."

Leo nodded. They quickly ate their breakfast and then they stood up, walking out of the dining room. Arriving outside, that Luffy's and Sanji's argument had turned into a brawl, as they rolled around on the deck.

Seeing this, Nami got angry and started stomping her way over to them. Raising her fists, she whacked them on the head, sending them to the floor.

Nami - "Knock it off!"

The two idiots were left on the floor with bumps on their heads and Nami made her way back to Leo, who was seriously wondering if she had Haki.

After a few minutes, Luffy got up while rubbing his head. With him awake they were able to talk about finally setting sail, which he agreed that it was about time to go.

So, after making sure they didn't leave anything behind, they got going. But, just as they were leaving, a big Sea King surfaced and loomed over the ship. For all of a few seconds, because Leo pointed at it with two fingers and shot out lightning, forming into a blade and cutting through the fish. Basically, it was essentially Chidori Eisō/Spear.

The others looked at him with a blank stare.

Leo - "What?"

Crew - "Nothing..."

And so, their voyage continued.

After a couple hours of leisurely sailing, the peace was disrupted. Luffy saw a giant frog swimming in the sea and wanted to follow it, so he and the others manned the oars.

Following the frog, a lighthouse appeared in the distance and they were headed right for it. When they got there, the frog stopped swimming and stood on something. The ship passed by it slowly and then stopped a short distance away.

Everybody went to the back of the ship and looked at the frog, a loud sound quickly approaching. They looked in the direction the sound was coming from and saw a train moving on the surface of the sea. To be exact, it was on track just below the surface.

The train continued moving at full speed and Luffy saw that it was going to hit the frog, so he started shouting for it to move out of the way. The frog paid him no mind and stood strong, just before the train was about to make contact, the frog let out a loud croak and body slammed the train, getting smacked away as a result.

The crew saw the frog get hit and shouted in concern.

From the lighthouse, a little girl walked out and saw their ship, so she shout for her grandma, who staggered out of the lighthouse while drunk.

Long story short; she explained the whole train and frog situation. The tracks and the places they go. Then told them that the Log Pose is taking them to Water 7, a place famous for the ships built there.

Luffy was excited to get a carpenter, so they quickly set off again, but not before the old woman gave them a letter of introduction.

Figuring that there wouldn't be anything interesting happening, Leo decided to take this time to start infusing the Devil Fruit into the Going Merry's ship spirit, the one he got from the Foxy Pirate's. He an idea of what it was, but isn't positive. All he knows is that it is a Zoan and is a peaceful creature. (I think we all know where this is going...)

Well actually, there seems to be three different nature's. Peaceful, Wild and Calculating. He has no idea what the creature could be, but it should be interesting. (A/N: OR DO WE?!)

He sat down at the mast and started the infusion. It was similar to how he usually does it, just that he didn't devour the soul/power after burning away the curse. Though, the moment he started the infusion, he saw that the process was a lot slower than when he used human souls.

With a light sigh, he focused on the task, completely shutting out everything else and carefully infusing the soul.

- 3 Hours later -

Leo was almost done with the infusion, but he felt someone shake his shoulder, so he stop and just made sure nothing went wrong, then looked at who it was.

Seeing that it was Robin, he looked at her curiously.

Leo - "Yes?"

Robin - "Just wanted to tell you that we've arrived. So, we're going to the town to shop."

He took a look around and saw that they were at a rocky cape of the island.

Leo - "No, I'll stay here a bit longer. Maybe I'll look around later."

Robin - "Okay. See you later."

She smiled and started walking away while waving, while Leo went back to work while thinking.

Leo - 'I hope nothing happens to her... Nah, I've changed a lot of stuff and she can handle herself, so she should be fine....'

- 40 Minutes later -

Leo was moments away from being done and was pretty excited as a small smile formed on his face.

Leo - 'Al...most...there... Aaaand, done!!'

His eyes shot open as he used his Observation Haki and Soul Perception to look at the Merry's spirit. The spirit was shining and now covers the entire ship, with the figurehead being the most concentrated area.

A massive grin spread across his face as he started laughing like a mad scientist.

Leo - "Hahahahahaha!!!"

His laughter caught the attention of the only other person that remained behind.

Zoro - "Hey! What're you so excited about?"

Leo looked at him while still smiling.

Leo - "I'll show you later, when everyone is on the ship."

Zoro - "Whatever."

Standing up and stretching, Leo looked at Water 7.

Leo - "Zoro, I'm gonna go to the town. Is there anything you want?"

Zoro - "Booze!"

Leo - "Sure."

With a wave, he jumped of the ship and started making his way over to the town.

When he got there, he started walking around and heard some muttering as people looked at him, moving out of the way when he got close.

This was to be expected considering his bounty, and it's not like it is hard to recognise him. Plus, if what he did in the East Blue had gotten out yet, it was likely he already had a new bounty and if not, just his exploits would be more than enough.

He went to a few food vendors and tasted the various delicacies. Though, every time he went to a stall, the vendor would be terrified and just told him that the food was free, so he would read their mind for price and leave the money on the counter, confusing them as a result.

After checking out most of the establishments, he went and bought a few barrel of alcohol, put them in his inventory and started making his way to the upper level.

On his way however, a group of Marines blocked him from both side.

Marine - "Pirate Leonardo Blaze! Surrender, you're coming with us!"

Leo proceed to laugh and then looked at them like they were idiots.

Leo - "And you think you have the ability to take me?"

The Marines nervously gulped, but stood their ground.

Seeing this, Leo smirk and then suddenly appeared infront of the Marine that had spoken. When they saw him suddenly appear infront of them, the Marines fell back in fright, except the one Leo was infront of as he was being held by the throat.

Leo - "I'm in a particularly good mood and none of you are worth killing, so I'm going to let you all off and won't kill you. But, if you insist on trying to be big tough Marines and I see you again, you're dead."

With that he threw the Marine into the canal, while simultaneously throwing the rest in with telekinesis. He then continued on his way.

When he reached the wall, rather than using the the water elevater, he bent his knees and then shot upwards, going just over the wall and then landing on top of it.

Standing on the wall, he started surveying his surroundings, looking for something interesting. That was when he spotted Nami, Luffy and Ussop, they were standing by the canal and angrily shouting at some people on boats that had stolen their money.

Seeing this, he figured that this is before they get told that the ship is irreparable.

Lowering his body and turning into black coloured lightning, he shot off the wall and towards the boats, taking two briefcases, then going behind Nami.

From behind Nami, he saw someone jump off a bridge, knock out the thieves and take the boat, which was when Usopp shouted to him.

Usopp - "Hey, thank you! That money belongs to us!"

That was when Leo suddenly spoke up from behind them, while holding up the two briefcases.

Leo - "Oh? You mean this money?"

The trio and two stranger turned around in surprise.

Trio - "Leo!?"

They then noticed the briefcases.

Usopp - "You got the money!"

Leo - "Yup. Be more careful next time."

He threw the cases over to Usopp and turned to Nami.

Leo - "So, how thing going with the ship situation?"

Nami - "Someone just left to go see the condition of the ship. When did you get here?"

Leo - "I left about 20 minutes ago, tried some food and I just jumped up the wall. Then I saw you three and came over."

Nami - "Oh, well that was good timing."

It was then that a blue haired man spoke up.

Iceberg - "Ahem! Well, this is a surprise, The Reaper himself."

Leo looked at him and some others that had gathered since his arrival. Some of them being the shipwrights and a few that were were secretly WG agents.

Leo - "Suuup. My name is Leo by the way."

Iceberg - "My name is Iceberge. And I am aware of your name. You have become quite famous, though I do wonder how you're are here right now?"

Iceberg looked at him curiously. He was likely referring to how Leo had been in the East Blue. Leo just smile mysteriously while remaining silent.

Seeing that Leo wasn't going to answer, Iceberg turned around and started walking towards a set of huge doors that started to open, showing a bunch of ship building stations.

Iceberg - "Well, you all can come in and take a look."

Leo and the others started following him while the shipwrights dispersed.

As they followed behind Iceberg, his assistant started explaining about a bunch of stuff. Leo just zoned out as he didn't care about what she said. At some point, Usopp ran off and started looking at things like they were the worlds greatest attraction.

After a little while, Usopp found a big copper cannon and started fan-girling over it, placing the briefcases on the ground and jumping around the cannon. Unbeknownst to him, some weirdly dressed individuals snuck up to the cases and switched them with empty ones.

Leo watched the cases get switch with his Haki, but he didn't do anything as he knew it would benefit them in the future.

Once he was done touching up the cannon, Usopp picked up the fake cases and made his way back to the group, who had just finished their tour. This was just in time for the guy, or Kaku, that went to check the Going Merry's condition, to return.

Luffy started excitedly asking how much it was going to be for the repairs, then requested a bunch of different upgrades and accessories.

Kaku - "Now, wait. In short, the battle damage is far too great. You probably had a grand journey."

Luffy - "Yeah! We went up a mountain, flew, got skewered. A lot happened... We want you to fix her."

Usopp - "Will the repairs take long?"

Leo saw how excited they were getting and felt a little bad for them, considering the news they were going to receive, but he had already set in motion his plans for the Merry, so he didn't let it bother him too much. He could at least soften the blow for them though.

Leo - "Both of you, calm down. Let him talk first and don't get your hopes up."

They looked at him confused, but Leo simply sighed and motioned for Kaku to continue.

Kaku - "I'm going to give it to you straight. Your ship can't be fixed! Not even with our skill."

Shocked expressions appeared on the trios faces, while Leo was unperturbed having already known this would happen.

Kaku - "Even if we were to repair it, the chance that it would reach the next Island... Is zero!"

Luffy/Usopp - "What!?"

Luffy - "No way! But she's been sailing just like always!"

Usopp - "You're lying! There's no way that's true!"

They both started complaining angrily. Leo sighed while rubbing his temples, before raising his voice at them.

Leo - "Both of you, be quiet!!"

They shut up and looked at Leo.

Leo - "He's telling the truth. The ships keel is heavily damaged and it's not something that can be repaired. Plus, the Merry was never built for the kind of treatment she has gone through. I've been keeping her together since we got shot at the other day, otherwise it would have been a miracle for her to stay afloat."

They, along with Nami, looked at him with surprise and sadness. Leo decided to telepathically tell them something.

Leo - 'Look, just stay calm. I have something to show everyone when we get to the ship, but for now, listen to them.'

Kaku - "Like your friend says, the keel is heavily damaged and can't be repaired. It's the foundation of the ship itself."

Iceberg - "Well, the ship has reached the end of its lifespan. This is a good opportunity. You have the money, so we can build you a whole new ship if you want. I have other business, so I will be on my way. Kalifa."

Kalifa - "Yes sir."

Kalifa, Iceberg's assistant, handed over a catalogue.

Kalifa - "This is a catalogue of new and secondhand ships. You can study the prices."

The two of them then started to walk away, but a shirtless man with a bit of his hair sticking out like spike, suddenly appeared and shouted out.

??? - "Mr Iceberg!"

Iceberg looked to him.

Iceberg - "Yes, Lulu?"

Lulu - "We have visitors at the gate. They seem to be World Government Officials. Shall I chase them off?"

Iceberg - "Oh my, let me see... Tell them I'm not here."

Lulu - "Okay, sir. I'll make them leave."

Before Lulu could do that however, a voice came from behind him.

??? - "Hold it Iceberg. Heh heh heh! I knew you were here."

While Leo and the others were still unseen, someone told the to move round the corner so that the WGO wouldn't see them.

Leo wasn't really bothered, but he didn't see any reason to cause trouble yet, so he hid aswell.

While they hid and Iceberg talked with the WGO, only to eventually be led away, Luffy started lifting one of the fake cases.

Luffy - " Hmm... It's light."

Nami - "What? Quit joking! There's no way it could be light with all that money inside!"

They opened the case, only to find they were empty.

Nami/Luffy/Usopp - "GYAAAAAAA! NOOOOOO!!!"

That was when the guy who hid them came round the corner and told them to be quiet.

Luffy/Usopp - "200 million Berries, GONE!"

Nami - "Wait! These aren't our suitcases!!"

While they were freaking out, the some of the people came around the corner, wondering what was wrong. When they found out the problem, the one called Lulu said something.

Lulu - "Hmm. Ah, yes. I think I saw the Franky family with some cases similar to yours."

Luffy/Usopp - "We have to get the money back!!!"

Without saying anything else or waiting for more information, the two of them ran off in a random direction.

Leo and Nami facepalmed.

Leo - "Impulsive idiots."

Nami - "Hey, where's the hideout of the Franky family?"

Rando - "Well, it's not a hideout exactly. It's where they do their dismantling work. Blah blah Northeast, blah blah Franky house."

Nami - "Uhg. And those two idiots ran off to the West..."

Leo - "Let's just go back to the ship and wait."

Nami - "Aren't you going to get the money?"

Leo - "Nah. I can get more if we need it and there is still some left at the ship, so no big problem."

Nami - "*Sigh* Okay."

Leo - "Great. See you lot later."

Leo then picked up Nami and jumped over to the ship. Flying once they were high off the ground, because Nami wouldn't enjoy free falling as much as he would.

Nami - "It's pretty up here..."

She rested her head on his chest, while looking at the town below.

Leo - "Yeah... Things always seem to look better when you're high up in the sky."

He slowed down their flight so they could enjoy the sight for longer. But, unfortunately, all good thing must come to an end and theirs came when they arrive at the rocky cape.

Landing on the deck, they found Zoro, Sanji and Chopper. This caused Leo to be a bit concerned.

Leo - "Is Robin not back yet?"

Chopper - "I left her at the book shop, she said she wanted to stay a little longer, but that she would be back before long."

This made him relax a bit, but he was still concerned that something bad would happen. Nami easily noticed that he was still worried, but decided to wait a moment to talk to him.

Nami - "Anyways, guys! Luffy and Usopp ran off looking for some guy who stole 200 million Berries!"

Trio - "200 MILLION!?!?!?"

Nami - "Yes! So get out there and help!"

Trio - "Right!"

They swiftly hopped off the boat and ran towards town, leaving Leo and Nami alone. Nami turned to Leo.

Nami - "So, what's wrong?"

Leo - "Heh. Am I that easy to read for you?"

She smirked proudly.

Nami - "Of course! So, come on, tell me."

Leo patted her head and quickly explained what happens in the Canon. Robin meeting the CP9 agent and following him because she is worried about the crews safety.

Leo - "So, I'm worried that something might have happened. I've changed a lot by being here, so I don't think that she would go, but it's a possibility... But hey, like Chopper said, she said she would return, so I might just be over thinking things."

Now know what was bothering him, Nami was also a little worried, but was sure things would work out.

Nami - "Right! It'll be fine."

Leo smiled and stroked her head.

Leo - "What should we do while we wait for everyone to come back?"

- Several hours later -

Leo and Nami spent their time talking, relaxing and enjoying each others company.

After a while, the guys all returned and were kind of pissed off. They didn't get the money because the boss, Franky, had already left with the money. They had beat up some goons before discovering this, but that's all.

It was even later and had started getting dark, but Robin still hadn't returned. Leo was sitting and anxiously tapping on the table, while Nami was sitting there, equally worried due to knowing what could have happened.

By 10 PM, Leo's expression had turned stern and somewhat angry at the possibilities, exerting a pressure as his tapping had slowed down.

Leo - "Right, that's it. I'm going to track her."

He stood up, walked over to the handrail and spread his Haki out over the whole town, but she wasn't there as he expected. Reining in his Haki, he started searching for her soul instead and found that she was rapidly moving away from the island, but something that pissed him off is that she seemed unconscious and hurt.

Leo's body ignited into Hellfire as the pressure he exerted increased and manic smile appeared on his face.

Leo - "So they want to die!!"

The others had to back away because of the heat radiating from him.

Luffy - "Did you find her!?

Leo turned around, showing that his face had Darkness spreading across it. The Angel powers had calmed him down greatly, but the Darkness was still there and it reacts to his anger. And as has already been deduced, his Darkness feeds his anger and his anger feeds his Darkness. (Picture Grey with Demon Slayer Magic.)

Leo - "Ohh, I found her alright!"

Nami - "Umm... What's wrong?"

Leo - "She's unconscious and I would say hurt, so I'm gonna kill everyone involved!"

He turned and walked over to the Merry's figurehead, placing his hand on it and then pulled away, holding on to a gold orb. The crew saw the orb and were amazed, but confused about what it was.

Creating a clone, he handed the orb over to it and sent it his dimension. He then placed both hands on the figurehead which seemed to have lost something.

Leo - "Let's take this hunk of wood for one last ride!"

Shifting into his GR form, Leo started infusing Hellfire into the ship.

As the Hellfire fused into the ship, it began changing rapidly. The wood started turning black, along with the sails as some holes started being burnt into them. The figurehead changed into a sheep's skull with sharp horns and fire blazing from the orifices. Nami's tangerine orchid was the only place left unaffected.

During the transformation, the weather started to change. Dark clouds started swirling in the sky above the ship, the night being lit up by the flames that were generated.

Suddenly, the ship began move, slowly picking up speed and gradually raising up into the air.

The crew was shocked by the changes to ship, Usopp becoming angry.

Usopp - "W-What did you do to the Going Merry!?"

Leo turned around.

GR Leo - "Nothing."

Usopp - "You call this nothing!? You've ruined the Merry!!"

GR Leo - "You know nothing, so shut up. You don't want to test me right now!"

Leo's bloodlust started to leak and the already present pressure targeted Usopp, sending him to his knees while the others became a bit panicked. Except for Nami and Zoro.

Nami - "Leo! Calm down, please..."

Leo look at her silently for a moment, before answering.

GR Leo - "Fine... But keep him away from me, I don't have the patience for him."

Turning around, he looked at the direction the boat was going.

- 30 Minutes later -

Leo had grown increasingly agitated, but he had to hold back on how fast the ship went for everyone else's sake. Fortunately, they had arrived.

Robin had been taken straight to Enies Lobby, a Marine stronghold that leads to both the Marines Headquarters and Impel Down.

Enies Lobby was situated over a void with waterfalls flowing down into it. The island was completely defying physic and it is always day, so even though it was almost midnight, it was still bright.

Leo was severely pissed, so rather than making some grand entrance, he opened a humongous portal above Enies Lobby and made it drop over the island, sending it into his dimension.

Shutting the portal, he opened another in front of the ship and then entered it.

In the dimension, the ship was floating above the island, which was suspended in a black void. Despite the absence of a light source, everything was still visible.

With a thought, Leo brought Robin from the island to the ship.

When everyone one saw Robin, they were relieved. But their relief turned into shock and worry as they saw the state she was in.

Broken arms, bleeding from her head and a ton of swelling on her face.

Nami ran over and kneeled beside her with tears in her eye, while everyone else had dark expression.

With Leo, he was so shocked that the flames on his skull had started to disappear as he stood completely still. It took a few moments, but the sight before him had finally set in.

Putting up his hood, Leo walked over to Robin and knelt down, touching head as gently as he could. His Angel Flames started to stream out of his hand, covering Robin and healing her wounds.

With Robin healed, he stood up and walked over to the handrail. Putting his foot on the rail, he was about to jump down, but someone grabbed his arm. So, he turned around.

Luffy - "We're coming too!"

Rather than jumping, he just moved himself and the guys straight down to the island.

Taking a few steps forward, Leo glared at the panicking Marines, before bursting with bloodlust and Hellfire.


As he shouted, his Haki flared up, projecting itself forward like a wave, sending multiple people to their knees and knocking out others.

Taking Leo's shout as a starting signal, the group ran in and started causing chaos, beating the shit out of people. Leo started ripping them apart like a wild beast.

To Leo, the line had been crossed and he had failed to protect someone again, so he didn't care whether they were 'good' or 'bad', he just wanted to make them pay. Make them ALL pay.

It was only after killing a few thousand soldiers and a high ranked official, did the main perpetrators show up.

CP9, or Cipher Pol, a secret division of the World Government's Military Police, primarily used for assassinations. (I suggest searching the CP9 agents)

Approaching the CP9 agents, Leo raised a hand and clenched it into a fist, destroying the hearts of two of the seven agents that appeared.

The hearts belonged to Kalifa and Blueno, the only ones that might make things difficult. Kalifa can clean away the strength of her opponents. While Blueno can create and open door's that work similar to Leo's own portals, plus it seems to lead to a small sub-dimension when used on air and shares similarities to the Op Op Fruit when used on a person.

Leo then lowered his hand, simultaneously teleporting the remain five agents to the others.(Canon options I guess.)

Having dealt with the nuisances, Leo started making his way to a big tower.

When he got to the tower, there was only two souls inside, so he teleported to them. Being in his own dimension was making things really convenient.

At the two's location, he saw the CP9 chief, Spandam, who was frantically pressing a gold transponder snail. And the other being Franky, who was heavily bound.

Quickly reading their minds, he found that Franky had been kidnapped on his way to the sea train. Also, the reason everything was so chaotic, was because of Leo himself. The CP9 agents got frightened when they discovered Leo was on the island, so they sped up some of their plans.

Leo looked at Franky, who was shocked to see him, but then turned to Spandam with his bloodlust reaching an all new height.

GR Leo - "No one is coming."

Spandam turned in fright, his eyes widening upon seeing who was there.

GR Leo - "No one will save you."

Leo started taking steps toward him with his head down.

GR Leo - "For trying to take her away from ME."

He grabbed hold of Spandam's shirt, still looking down.

GR Leo - "For what you have done..."

Finally lifting his head, Leo looked into Spandam's eyes and spoke with hatred.

GR Leo - "YOU. WILL. PAAAY!!!"

Spandam was suddenly covered in Angel Flames and Hellfire. As result of the healing and damaging flames, the meaning of 'pain' had a whole new meaning. Constant suffering and healing, it is such an awful sensation.

To relieve his anger, Leo started using various methods to torture his victim.

After a while, Leo created a clone which had the sole purpose of torturing Spandam for eternity. The clone took Spandam and went to another sectioned off dimension.

With some of his rage quelled, Leo turned to Frank and destroyed his bindings.

GR Leo - "Follow me."

Not saying another word, Leo picked up a transponder snail and made his way out of the building, sending out his Observation Haki to see how the guy's fights were doing, only to find that they were done and heading towards the building he was in.

When he got outside, they had just arrived.

GR Leo - "Given that everyone has been taken down, so I'm sending you to the ship."

Luffy - "Aren't you coming."

GR Leo - "... I'll even there in a minute, just go check on Robin."

Before anymore questions could be asked, Leo sent them and Franky to the ship.

With the others gone, Leo started setting the scene.

He killed all but one person, burnt the flesh off of all the bodies heads, leaving the skulls untouched. Then he nailed them to building by their torsos.

Bringing the only living person to the centre of the island and healed him just enough to bring him to a consciousness.

Kaku - "Wh-what?"

The person left alive was the same guy who inspected the ship.

Leo punched him in the gut.

GR Leo - "Shut up. I have a message and you're going to deliver it."

Kaku - "Wha-!"

Leo punched him again.

GR Leo - "No talking! When your superiors find you, tell them that I'm going to destroy EVERYTHING they care for and have worked towards!"

He then destroyed Kaku's arms and legs.

Leo consumed all the souls and Devil Fruit souls that had accumulated from his slaughter. The most notable being the leopard Zoan, the Door Door Fruit, a rust fruit that upgraded to Decay and Kalifa's Soap Fruit.

< Low Mortal - 97% >

Deciding to not waste anymore time, he went to the ship and took the ship out of the dimension. Once in the outside world, Leo started moving the ship back to Water 7, creating a clone that would put Enies Lobby back in place, but floating instead of whatever was keeping it there before. The clone then signalled for Marines to arrive.

Taking a quick look, Leo saw that the crew wasn't on the deck, so he sat down for a moment and put a hand on his head, the flames flowing over it.

Leo was still pretty angry about the whole situation, but mostly at himself for not going after Robin sooner. He sat there for five minutes to calm down a bit, then stood up and turned back to human, the darkness still marking him, but slowly receding as he walked to the ship cabin.

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Thanks for reading.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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