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68.51% Ghost Rider Through the Multiverse / Chapter 36: Ch 34 Golem

Chapitre 36: Ch 34 Golem

(I have made so many screw ups till now... and there are many more to come.

Out of curiosity, has anyone noticed that I was upgrading or 'awakening' the Devil Fruits whenever Leo got them?)

After all of the training over the last 8 days, Leo expected everyone to want to get as much rest as they could before they left Skypiea, but the guys seemed to have other plans.

During the night, all of the guys snuck off the ship and went over to the Shandora ruins, where a giant serpent was laying. They climbed into its mouth and later, came back out with bags of treasure. Leo had watched all this with his Observation Haki and wryly smiled.

Leo had no worries about their safety, they are strong enough to deal with anything in Skypiea.

After giving the surroundings a quick sweep with his Haki and finding it safe, he started tinkering with a Flame Dial and an Impact Dial, then dispersed the four clones in his farms, before finally going to sleep.

He was just testing to see if he could store his Hellfire in the Flame Dial, which he couldn't. And finding the limit to how much force an Impact Dial could hold.

Over the last few days, he had collected a lot of Dials, from common to rare. He even took the Reject Dial that Wyper had.

- In the morning -

Leo and the girls were waiting on the ship deck, eating some breakfast that Leo made.

It wasn't long before the others came running towards the ship, with big sacks on their backs, laughing like kids.

Luffy - "Shishishi! Let's set sail! We stole their Gold!"

Luffy shouted with a big ass grin on his face.

Leo got up and started readying the ship. The guys got on the ship and they all set sail.

Leo also made a clone at Max strength or about 80% of his own and sent it off towards Ganfall, while the ship was headed towards Clouds End, their way back to the blue sea.

- Cloney boy -

Leo quickly arrived at the camp that some Skypians and the Shandians had set up, landing with a heavy thud.

Ganfall and a few others jumped up with their weapons ready from being startled.

Leo - "Calm down. I'm a clone. Just here to tell you, we are leaving and a clone will remain to stop any would be fake gods. Aight, bye."

C.Leo then dipped and went to the solid cloud over Giant Jack, where he made a small house to live in for a while.

The final thing left for the clone to do, was create some clones and send them out into the world. So, he made 8 and they all flew off, then he went inside.

- Back To Leo -

On their way to Clouds End, the crew were accompanied by Conis and her father, who showed them the way.

So, with little-to-no difficulties, they reached Clouds End.

Pagaya - "Okay, we're here. Open your sails and just keep going straight."

Luffy - "Alright! Let's go home! To the blue sea!"

Crew - "Yeah!"

As the crew cheered, they heard Conis shout to them.

Conis - "Be careful during the drop, everyone!"

Crew - "Drop?"

The crew suddenly gained a look of confusion and Leo smirked.

A moment later, the Going Merry went over the edge of the cloud sea and everyone started screaming, while Leo laughed. Fortunately for the crew and unfortunately for Leo, Conis blew a whistle and a balloon octopus shot out of the clouds, grabbed hold of the ship and inflated, stopping it from plunging into the sea miles below.

As they started to slowly descend, the gold bell of Shandora started ringing.

The crew was pleasantly surprised, while Leo was just plain surprised, considering how he has not-so subtly threatened them. He figured that they would be slightly hostile to them, but whatever.

With the ship making a slow descent, Leo decided to take a nap for a little while and sat against the mast.

After a few hours, Leo was awakened by the sound of screaming babies, aka the crew.

Apparently, the octopus had ran out of air and the ship had started plummeting to the sea, which was still a mile away.

Leo yawned and then made the ship float, causing everyone to crash into the deck.

Crew - "Ahg!"

Leo - "Ha!"

Crew - "Shut it."

Leo - "Hehehe. Okay. But seriously, is anyone hurt?"

Crew - "Don't think so.

They all climbed up onto their feet as they answered.

Leo - "Good. I'll just let the ship slowly descend downwards then."

And so he did.


Not too long later however, the ship was shot by a cannon, making it shake. Everyone ran to the side of the ship to see what happened and saw that they were hovering a few hundred feet above a Marine base.

Then more cannon fire was heard and they saw the cannonballs hurling towards them.

Luffy, Zoro and Sanji, immediately jumped towards the cannonballs and dealt with them in their own way, using them as platforms to jump back to the ship.

They had grown significantly stronger thanks to Leo's tortu-training... Yep, training...

None of them had reached their post timeskip power, but they were atleast 2-3 times stronger than they should be. Nami was almost 5 times stronger, all thanks to her dedication to becoming stronger. Chopper probably had the least growth strength wise, but that is because he still needs to master his Devil Fruit ability, which is something he will have to figure out on his own.

Anyways, the Marine base didn't seem like they wanted to give up and started firing more cannons, plus some harpoons. They probably wanted to pull the ship down.

Leo sighed in exasperation and decided to just move the ship away. This drew some looks of surprise and confusion from the crew, which didn't go unnoticed.

Leo - "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Usopp - "Aren't you gonna... You know... Beat them up or something?"

Sanji - "You usually would have destroyed them in some nonsensical fashion."

Leo - "Oh. Yeah, well, one of the new Devil Fruit abilities I got has calmed me down a lot. Before, I was strongly influenced by my power, but it's not so bad anymore and their sin isn't to bad, so I see no point in going on a rampage. Not to say I won't do anything to those I feel deserve it."

Sanji - "Huh, makes sense I gues-"

*Crash x2*

Sanji was cut off when the ship was hit by two more cannon balls. Everyone, once again, looked over the side of the ship and saw that the Marines were giving chase in their ships.

Leo - "*Sigh* I gave them a free pass and they were this dumb... Screw it. I'll give them something to play."

Leo stuck his hand out and shot huge amounts of earth and fire, then made it all take on a humanoid form with horns. With the body created, he took a random beast soul from his dimension and pushed it into the body.

During the days that they had been in Skypiea, the two clones he had made after the Jaya Island incident were training in his dimension, which was close to fifty years thanks to the time difference. They had been spending their time training and experimenting with souls, learning a few new things.

One such thing was, that he could create what was essentially a golem, as he had just done.


Standing at 1000ft(304.8metres) in height, powered with Hellfire and driven by a wild beast, it is a mass of fiery destruction.

Leo - "*Whistle* Hey, go play with them and try not to injure them too bad."

The golem gave a deep growl and started wading towards the Marines through the water, that was up to its knees and steaming.

Leo - "Welp, that's taken care of."

He started walking away, whistling a little tune and sitting down.

The crew was still standing there, watching with their mouths wide open, as the golem caused chaos amongst the Marines.

They mechanically turned towards Leo and then appeared infront of him in an instant, shouting out questions.

Usopp - *Scared* "What the hell was that!?"

Sanji - *Mad* "Are you crazy!?"

Zoro - *Eager* "Let me fight it!"

Chopper - *Excited* "How did you do that!?"

Robin - *calm* "Since when could you do that?"

Nami - *Exasperated* "You call that calm?"

Luffy - *Excited* "THAT'S SO COOL!!! What is it!? What's it called!? How does-"

Leo - "Woah! Woah! Calm down!"

They all settled down, but were waiting for an answer.

Leo - "*Sigh* Okay, in order; That was a giant golem. Maybe a little bit. Maybe in the future. I am over powered. Since last night. Meh, I did tell it to try not to injure them, otherwise it's their fault. And finally, I don't really have a name for it, I don't name my attack."

Luffy - "Aww... That's no fun! Come on, name it. Name it! Name it! Name it!"

Leo swiftly bonked Luffy on the head to shut him up.

Leo - "Uhg... Fine, I'll name it... How about Surtur, after a giant fire demon."

Robin - "It certainly is fitting."

Zoro - "What's gonna happen to it anyways?"

Leo - "It will only last 20-30 minutes and then it will collapse or just turn into a statue if it doesn't break."

Unfortunately, he couldn't make the golems he makes permanent. This is because he can't fully seal the souls into them yet or at all when it comes to his Hellfire.

Leo - "Anywho, we should probably see how much damage the Merry has taken."

Crew - "Ah! Right!"

They all left to go see where the ship was damaged. Leo even jumped over the side to look underneath.

When they were done, they found that two of the shots had hit the Hull and also caused some damage inside. This was relatively okay and could be patched up quickly enough.

The real damage was from the last shot. It had caused some major damage to the Keel of the ship, the frame for the whole thing. Even if they patched it up, it wouldn't last long.

Leo - '*Sigh* I will just keep it partially floating until we get to Water 7. Guess I'll have to get to work on my plan.'

Leo Kept the ship floating in the air while Usopp patched the ship up as best he could. When Usopp was done, he lowered it to the sea and reduced his grasp to cover only the frame of the ship.

From an outside perspective, the ship was floating in the sea like normal, being moved by the wind and waves.

Leo sat back down at the mast and closed his eyes. This time he didn't go to sleep though, instead he used his Haki and found the Going Merry's soul.

Leo - 'I guess I won't get much sleep for a while...'

From there, he got to work, doing what he had been planning since Jaya.

- Two days later -

Leo and some of the crew were sitting at the dining table, eating some breakfast. Though, Leo was mostly just playing with it, as he was irritated from not sleeping when he wants to.

While he was playing with his food, he suddenly had an odd thought, which he voiced out.

Leo - "Hey, Sanji."

Sanji, who was washing dishes, stopped and turned to him.

Sanji - "Huh? What is it?"

Leo - "Just a thought. You hate when food is wasted, right? I don't need to eat and my body doesn't process food like normal, it may as well just be burnt to nothing, though I still enjoy it. So, does that count as wasting food?"

Sanji - "Uhh..."

Sanji was stood there, unable to come up with an answer.

Nami - "I think you fried his brain."

Robin - "It is a good question though."

Suddenly, there was a shout from outside.

Usopp - "Hey, everyone! Come see this!"

Leo, the girls and Sanji went outside, where they saw Usopp shaking, while holding a newspaper and 3 wanted posters.

Everyone had gathered and was looking at Usopp with curiosity.

Leo - "Well? What is it you want us to see?"

Usopp - "T-t-this... Y-you..."

Seeing that Usopp couldn't form a sentence, Nami took the newspaper and started reading it outloud.

Nami - ["The Devil Reappears - Following the slaughter at Jaya Island by The Executioner of The Straw Hat's crew, the Marine Base at #### was almost destroyed by a giant made of fire and earth, reported to have been made by The Executioner himself, after the Straw Hat's ship appeared floating in sky above the base and was fired upon during their attempt to leave.

An Admiral was immediately dispatched to deal with the giant, but moments before the Admiral arrived, the giant stopped moving, the fire died out and the earth collapsed into the sea.

Although fatalities were at a minimum, such power from a creation, along with The Executioners previous actions, the threat he poses to the world is said to rival that of a Yonko. As such, new bounties have been issued."

(A/N: Can't believe I just made up a news article... Not doing that again.)

After listening to Nami read the article, Leo was kind of amused.

Leo - "Heh! 'The Devil Reappears?' 'The Executioner?' Not bad. I kind of like those titles."

Nami seemed to feel differently as she scrunched up the newspaper and tore it to pieces. Robin wasn't to happy about it either and Leo could feel her anger, though he wasn't sure whether it was for personal reasons or for his sake.

Nami - "How dare they!? Who do they think they are, calling you a Devil!? Those bastards!!"

Robin - "This is how they always are. They will call others 'Devils' in order make their lives difficult and maintain control."

Seeing how mad they both, Leo sighed and started patting their heads.

Leo - "No need to get mad. They will all get what's coming to them. I can assure you of that."

His eyes flashed with killing intent for a brief moment.

The girls seemed to calm down, Nami even leaned into his hand with happiness, which made Robin laugh lightly.

Seeing that they had both calmed down, Leo stopped patting them and took the wanted posters from Usopp.

He sifted through them quickly.

Luffy's bounty was raised to 120,000,000 Beli, which is higher than Canon. Likely due to having Leo in the crew.

Zoro got his first bounty, which was 80,000,000 Beli.

And finally, his own bounty. 500,000,000 Beli.

Leo - "Well that's just lazy. They just multiplied my previous bounty by 10."

Crew - "Yeah, you're rig-WAIT, WHAT!?"

In a moment, they snatched the posters out his hand and saw his bounty.

Luffy started joyfully laughing at his bounty getting bigger and Zoro smirked at getting his first bounty. Sanji was pissed that Zoro got a bounty before him. The others were just shocked at the amount being offered for Leo.

Leo - "Oh well, it's not all that important. I have something to work on, so..."

Leo walked over to the mast, sat down cross legged and place his right hand against it. He closed his eyes and focuses on the Merry's soul.

- 1 hour later -

Leo was disturbed by some shouting and opened his eyes, to see that everyone was manning the oars. He looked behind the ship and saw a big wave with sea monkeys in it chasing them.

Seeing the monkeys, Leo felt their amusement and playfulness. He chuckled and stood up to help the others.

There was also another ship, but it had no sail and the crew was in disorder, so it got hit by the wave.

After hitting the other ship, the wave and monkeys stopped chasing them, letting the others sigh in relief.

Nami pointed out that they may have entered the climate of their next Island, so Luffy asked Robin if she saw anything from the crow's nest. Robin casually told him that she could see an island, which made him and Usopp complain about her lack of enthusiasm.

Leo decided to go back to what he was doing before.

Meanwhile, the crew made their way to the Island and Luffy, Usopp and Chopper ran off to explore.

It wasn't long after that, that Leo opened his eyes and sighed.

Leo - "*Sigh* I ran out... Guess I'll have to get some more..."

Right as he said that.


A big ship with a fox figure head came and blocked the Merry from leaving its spot.

Leo glanced to the ship.

Leo - "Ask and you shall receive."

He raised his left hand towards them and shot dozens of chains from all over his arm. Each chain sped towards the ship or more specifically, the crew it carried.

The chains directly pierced the hearts of every living thing on the ship. The victims of course tried to fight or run away, but all attempts were pointless.

Leo made the ship and any resources go into his inventory, leaving the chains spread out in the air with a few hundred body's hanging from them and blood pouring into the sea below.

He started drawing in the souls and cleaned them of all their ego, using his Hellfire to burn it away and turn it into pure soul energy. Then he directly fed it into the Going Merry to strengthen the spirit, which turned out to be more efficient than what he had been doing.

There were a few that had eaten Devil Fruits, so he consumed their souls himself, but the souls themselves were pathetically weak and the Devil Fruit were all low tier. For example, a few Zoan types, but they were a frog, skunk, badger and a cat. Not really useful in other words. (Suggestion? Weak ones.)

The weakness of the souls irritated him a small amount, but thanks to the quantity, he should get close to completion and thanks to something he retrieved from the ship, he will be able to finish his little project to completion, a Devil Fruit.

Every time he was done with a soul, he would toss the body to the side, resulting in them forming a pile before long.

It didn't take much time for him to finish infusing all the soul energy into the Merry's spirit and he only needed to infuse the Devil Fruit, but he decided to wait for a while and let the energy stabilise by itself.

Unfortunately, the captain of the bunch he just killed, Foxy, wasn't on board the ship. So, to avoid having Luffy accepted that stupid Davy Back Fight, Leo spread his Observation Haki over the Island, found Foxy and quickly turned into lightning to go kill him.

When he had killed Foxy and his two crew members, he consumed their souls.

After getting the Slow Slow Fruit abilities from Foxy, Leo gained the ability to slow time anywhere within the same radius as his Observation Haki.(Doesn't require Observation Haki to be active.)

He could chose who or what he wants to slow down, and can activate and deactivate it at will.

Leo went straight back to the ship and casually walked over to the others as if he never left. He then decide to catch up on what he was missing out on for the last 2 day, by making a massive pillow with unbelievable softness, which he fell onto and went to sleep.

Unfortunately for Leo, his nap was disturbed barely an hour later by a boisterous Luffy.

Luffy - "Hey, guys!"

Leo sat up and yawned.

Leo - "What's up, Luffy?"

Leo looked around and saw that Nami and Robin had taken up a position beside him on his pillow. Though Robin kept a bit of distance between herself and Leo, she was still quite close to him.

Luffy - "We found this funny old dude and he needs help getting around the Island to see his friends, so I came to see if you could help him."

Leo - "Oh. Sure."

He made a clone, which immediately sprouted silver wings and flew off to multiple sections of the island, then Leo went back to sleep.

Long Ring Island is exactly that, a ring, but it is split into 10 smaller islands by the high tide. Every 3 years, the tide will lower and make it possible to travel to the other parts of the island.

The clone just had to follow the islands in a circle and he eventually found a small village, which was the old guys group. So, with the task done, the clone made a portal back and went to retrieve the old guy.

Once the job was done he dispersed, making Leo momentarily awaken and then go back to sleep.

(I hate trying to do grammar and punctuation. I always feel like I did something incorrectly.)

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Thanks for reading.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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