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62.96% Ghost Rider Through the Multiverse / Chapter 33: Ch 31 Puny God

Chapitre 33: Ch 31 Puny God

(I didn't really enjoy writing this chapter. The start is half assed and rushed. And I had to read like 60 chapters of the manga just to get small piece of info I needed.)

With their arrival at the White Sea, the crew was excited and started to look at their surroundings, noting the sea they were on and wondering if it was like normal water.

Usopp then had the brilliant idea to jump right in.

Leo looked where he just jumped from with his jaw dropped.

Leo - "... How stupid can he be...?"

He then sprouted a big pair of grey wings from his back. He would have stopped to look at them and wonder why they were grey, but he had to save Usopp.

At extreme speeds, he jumped into the sea of clouds and went towards Usopp. He grabbed him and then went back to the ship, throwing Usopp onto the deck roughly, where he started to gasp for air.

Leo - "For a guy who fears death so much, that was incredibly fucking stupid! Your dream is to be a 'brave warrior of the sea', right? Well, news flash, bravery isn't the absence of fear dumbass! Fear is your instincts trying to keep you alive, don't just ignore it!"

Usopp looked down like an admonished child.

Leo - "There is a difference between dying for your dream and dying for stupid curiosity. Do you think Luffy, Zoro and Sanji don't feel fear just because they do dangerous stuff?"

Usopp - "That's easy for you to say, you don't have to fear anything. You're strong and you can't die..."

Leo - "Hah? So what if I'm strong... So fucking what if I can't die! There are thing far worse than death to fear. Precisely because I can't die, I am afraid. I will outlive everyone here! I could end up alone for eternity if I didn't play my cards right! What good is strength when you're alone!?"

Usopp - "..."

Leo - "If you're going to do something, be assured that you will survive first, otherwise everything you have done until that point will be for nothing. If you're afraid, then work through your fear and don't let it control you."

Usopp - "...Right."

Leo gave Usopp a final glance before walking over to a seat and sitting down in frustration. He then closed his eyes and tried to control his emotions, ignoring the others.

They started sailing through the White Sea looking for where they need to go.

Chopper was on lookout with a pair of binoculars and saw another ship some distance away. He was going to alert everyone, but the ship was destroyed right at that moment, shocking him and making him fall back.

Sanji went to see what the problem was and was soon attacked by a man where a tribal gorilla mask.

Luffy and Zoro tried to fight him, but they were taken down easily. Leo opened his eyes and glared at the man, raised a hand and flicked in the man's direction, sending a huge amount of pressure and sending him flying.

Leo - "Tch!"

He then closed his eyes again.

Making a quick arrival in an attempt to assist was an old man on a big bird, but was surprised when he saw the matter was easily dealt with.

The old man land on the ship and looked at them.

Ganfall - "I was coming to assist you, but it seems I was unneeded. Greetings. I am the Sky Knight Ganfall."

Leo chose to ignore the old man for now and focus on himself.

Ganfall's and the crews talk went similar to Canon, with him telling them about the second level, the white white sea and then he left on a Pegasus wannabe.

They continued their journey and started heading to an area where it seemed that the two levels connected by a waterfall of clouds.

When they got to the base of the cloud waterfall, they saw a gate.

By this time, Leo was done calming himself and was just standing by Nami's side.

They went through the gate and were met by a short old woman who took a picture of them and started telling them that they need to pay a toll of 1 million Extol, but they had no idea what Extol was and obviously had none, so they told her they had no money and she told them to go through, confusing them about the toll.

Leo knew that this was a trick and they would be classed as criminals for this, but that was no problem.

They had to go up a strange wiggly slide looking thing, they asked how they were supposed to go up and a big lobster came, then started carrying the ship to the top.

They burst through the entrance to Skypiea and were met with fantastic view that would make one believe they had entered Heaven.

They sailed over to a beach and got off the ship, they then started to relax a bit.

While relaxing, they heard music a little distance away.

They looked over and saw a blonde girl with wings on her back, along with her hair styled into antennas.

When she was finished playing her song, she made her way over to them and introduced herself as Conis.

She welcomed them all to Skypiea and Nami was going to ask about how things work around the place, but there was something coming towards them from the white white sea.

Conis told them that it was just her father, who was on a Sky waver, a mode of transport in the sky islands.

Pagaya - "LOOK OUT!"

He unfortunately didn't know how to stop the waver and was heading right for them.

Fortunately, he was heading towards Leo, who just put his hand out and caught the Waver.

Leo - "I really like being so strong."

Nami - "Yeah, it must be nice."

Leo put the the Waver down and Conis' father with it.

Pagaya - "Thank you for your assistance. My name is Pagaya."

Leo - "No problem. I'm Leo."

They all then went on to introduce themselves and Nami asked if she could try out the Waver, which Pagaya agreed to.

Nami went out and started having fun on the Waver, a beautiful smile adorning her face.

Leo decided to join her in the fun and made himself a jet ski. He started riding the waves, doing flips whenever he felt like it.

Pagaya invited them to his home for a meal, which the crew agreed to, except for Leo and Nami, who decided to stay and have fun.

Leo and Nami continued their time together, and when Nami saw how much better Leo's jet ski was, she decided to join him on it. So, the Waver got left on the beach.

Nami was sat infront of him while he showed her how it works and let her drive them, then he would make them do flips.

They stayed around the ship and after awhile, they ended up sitting on the ski in the middle of the white sea. Leo had his arms around Nami's waist while she leaned on his chest.

Leo - "It's nice up here. Peaceful."

Nami - "Mhm. Really pretty as well."

Leo - "I suppose this is where I say; "Not as pretty as you."?"

He looked down at her with a cheeky grin.

Nami - "Pffft-hahaha! That is so cheesy!"

She continued to laugh a bit more and Leo watched with a smile. He gave her a peck on the cheek, which brought her out of her laughter.

Nami turned around on the ski to looked at him, having slightly blushed cheeks and a sweet smile.

Nami - "Thanks for the compliment! I think you're pretty too."

Leo - "Aww~ You're gonna make me blush."

Nami giggled in response, then she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Leo reciprocated her kiss happily.

They would have continued, but a slightly big wave came over them, drenching them.

Now soaking wet, they looked at each other with surprise and then burst into laughter.

Leo - "Heh. Let's go back to the beach."

Nami - "Right."

Leo grabbed the handles and took them back to the Merry, where the others had also gathered and were being shouted at by a guy with a white beret. There were also a bunch of other men behind him in similar clothing.

He went over to the beach and jumped off the ski while carrying Nami.

Nami - "What's with these guys."

Zoro - "These guys are calling us criminals and trying to make us pay 80 million Berries as a fine."

Nami - "LIKE HELL!!"

Soldier - "If you will not pay the fine, then in the name of Kami Enel, you are to be banished blah blah blah."

Leo got tired of listening to them, so he stopped listening and opted to shut them up. So, he knocked out all the soldiers.

Leo - "From what I'm getting, some dick head god wannabe is being an annoyance, which I can't be bothered with, so... Im'ma go take a walk."

Leo turned to go, but was interrupted.

Pagaya - "WAIT! Please! Do not go there and just run away!!"

Leo didn't turn to him, he just made a clone and started walking.

Leo - "Get rid of any nuisances. I want to dye the sea red!"

Releasing his gray wings and a lot of bloodlust, Leo shot off at insane speeds, leaving the some slightly frightened people and worried ones. Though they were worried for a different reason.

(A/N: Quickly, I personally think Killing Intent and Bloodlust are somewhat different.)

Zoro - "Don't you think that he is strangely bloodthirsty?"

Luffy - "Yeah. He has been weird since yesterday. Hmm..."

Robin looked to the clone that Leo left.

Robin - "Hmm. Leo, or clone of Leo, could you tell us what is going on?"

C.Leo turned to them emotionlessly.

C.Leo - "We are unsure, but we think it is either because of Blackbeards strange soul or because of the Dark Dark fruits power. We are currently trying to figure out a way to counter this problem, though it is likely temporary anyways."

Robin - "What was strange about Blackbeards soul? I'm curious."

C.Leo - "Every other soul is as though it is two parts, further divided by two in order to make room for Devil Fruits. Blackbeards soul had three parts, divided by two."

Everyone - "..."

Luffy - "I don't get it."

Nami - "Will you be okay?"

She was worried for him.

C.Leo - "Our personality will not be directly changed, it is only temporary."

C.Leo turned away and went back to guarding.

Meanwhile, Leo was at the Upper Yard where he made hundreds of clones.

Leo - "No one leaves."

The clones then spread out on the land, surrounding it and making sure nothing could leave.

Leo then shot forwards, towards Giant Jack, a vine looking thing. When he got to it, he flew up the side of it, heading towards a bunch of people with some heavy sins. About 50 to 60.

Within seconds, Leo arrived at 'the Kami's Palace', where he saw 50 men wearing robes and looking like goats, a fat guy in robes, 3 people that look like balls one being a priest, the other 3 priests and Enel. There was also some advisors and servants.

Enel - "So, the mortal that wishes to challenge me has arrived."

Leo - "And you've gathered all my prey in one place for me."

In a blink of an eye, Leo sped through all of Enel's men and broke their arms, their legs, and ripped out their wings. (Idk if the wings are real.)

Enel was surprised by his speed, but he didn't show it, maintaining a look of superiority.

Enel - "I would have thought you would kill them."

Leo smirked and then, using even more speed than before, he went infront of Enel and grabbed him by the throat, eyes glowing.

Leo - "And I will. But first..."

Flames erupted from his hands and encompassed Enels neck. He removed his hand from Enels neck and reveal a metal collar on him.

Enel suddenly felt his body go weak and he fell to his knees. Leo had taken some of the Seastone he has and put it in the collar.

Leo - "I want them to see what is about to happen to their 'KaMi'."

He looked at him with mockery and a sadistic smile.

In a burst of fire, Leo turned into his Rider form and had his teeth start to chatter in laughter.

GR Leo - "Kekekekekekeke! We're gonna have a great time!"

Then, under the gaze of Enels men, he started his torture.

He started by flaying Enel from his legs to his waist and then he covered the wounds in hot wax. Once he was done with the legs, he went to the arms, but this time he used one of Gaara's moves and crushed them with sand to the point they were mush.

The warriors, priests and servants all watched in horror and disbelief. Their invincible kami was being played with and with such brutality.

Enel - "P-please stop... *wimper* Please! I'll do any-anything!"

GR Leo - "Kekeke! This grovelling suits you. But I'm not done just yet."

Leo reached his hand into Enel's chest, gripping onto his ribs and crushing them, snapping them and pulling them out.

At this point, Enel was barely able to breath and Leo decided to make him in capable of it. He covered Enel's mouth and nose in wax, making him suffocate.

Leo held Enel by the head, waiting for the last second before he passes out and then used the Penance Stare to put him out of his misery.

Leo started to laugh and slowly turn to the frightened watchers.

GR Leo - "Your turn."

He didn't torture them, but he did use Penance Stare on them.

< Low Mortal - 55% >

Leo took all the bodies and dials along with them. He looked at the servants and advisors who flinch in response. They all dropped to their knees and started begging for mercy.

GR Leo - "Be silent."

Servants - *silent*

GR Leo - "If I was going to kill you, you would already be dead."

They all sighed in relief as tears streamed down their face.

GR Leo - "Now then..."

He walked to the temple and took whatever was valuable, and then he destroyed it, much to the shock of the servants.

He then raised his voice and shouted for all of Skypiea to hear. (don't question it.)


Shock spread through everyone.


A huge Killing Intent and pressure pressed on everyone, even sending some to their knees.


When he finished talking, Leo turned human and sped off to where the Arc Maxim, a flying ship Enel had made, then he put it in his inventory.

He decided to go get the bell down from the sky, but he first cleared some of the solid clouds around the vine, then headed back up the vine.

When he got to the top of the vine though, he was greatly surprised.

Growing at the very top of the vine was a fruit. Silver in colour with white vertical stripes, but it all seemed to alternate between being dim and bright.

It was a Devil Fruit, but is seemed like it was in conflict with itself, which confused him. He went and took the fruit, then went a bit higher to get the bell.

The bell was on top of a solid cloud above the vine. He went over to it and took the side pillars from it, who would even know after all, he then picked the bell and it's supports up, carrying it as he flew down to the ruins of Shandora and placing it on the ground.

Leo dispersed all the clones he made on the Island and then made a portal to the location of the others, getting his clone to bring them through.

The crew and some Skypians came through the portal, while the clone went back to the ship.

Nami ran over to Leo to see if he was okay.

Nami - "Are you okay? Your clone told us what you think might be wrong. What took so long?"

Leo was busy looking at the Devil Fruit he just got and answered with a distracted voice.

Leo - "Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine. I was just dealing with some pests and took too long."

Nami - "What's so interesting about this fruit?"

Leo - "It's a Devil Fruit, but there is something strange about it and I'm trying figure out why..."

Leo pried his eyes away from the fruit for a moment and looked towards the other arrivals that were looking around.

Leo - "Luffy! Robin! The bell is over there and the Poneglyph is with it. Have fun."

He went back to looking at the Devil Fruit and Nami sat beside him.

While he was doing that, Robin and Luffy went over to the bell/Poneglyph to look at it, then when Robin finished reading the Poneglyph, Luffy excitedly rung the bell.

The sound of the bell rung throughout Skypiea and reached even Jaya. Leo was brought out of his contemplation by the sound.

He shook his head with some mirth.

Leo - "There's no point thinking so hard about this."

He devoured the soul in the Devil Fruit and felt a rush of power.

< Low Mortal - 69% >

Leo - 'Didn't expect that...'

As he was thinking of his boost, he heard a gentle voice. It was barely a wisper, but he undoubtedly heard it.


Leo - "Huh?"

He looked around for whoever the voice might belong to.

Nami - "What's wrong, Leo?"

Leo - "Did you hear someone just now?"

Nami - "No, not really. Why?"

Leo - "Nothing. I'm probably just hearing things."

Leo was positive that he wasn't imagining it, but he decided to leave it for now and focus on what the Devil Fruit gave him.

Focusing on the Knowledge received from it, he got the name and powers, and to say he was shocked would be an understatement.

Leo - 'Mythical Zoan type, Hito Hito no Mi: Model - Angel. Grants; flight(wings), the wings can shoot like blades feathers, increased strength, Healing abilities and Blessings/Buffs.'

The were a few other abilities, but they aren't that great. Like using a halo as a weapon. He also felt calmer than he has since reincarnating.

Leo - "Damn..."

The Healing abilities were probably the best part of the power. He could remove scars, Cure most illnesses and even return a lost limb if it was recent.

He immediately tried out the transformation.

To the surprise of those nearby, a pair of shining silver wings sprung from his back and a silver halo appeared over his head, though it had cracks with Hellfire running through them.

With the transformation, Leo felt a slight increase in strength and healing ability, like it was more natural to use.

Leo was about to turn back, but he suddenly felt something or rather someone touching his wings. He turned his head to look at the ones responsible.

Nami and Robin were both touching his wings.

Nami - "They're so soft...!"

Robin - "And beautiful too!"

Leo - "..."

He shrugged and left them to it.

After five minutes of touching up his wings, they realized what they had been doing and got embarrassed, Robin more than Nami.

Leo - 'I feel like this is a good opportunity to mess around.'

He reverted his transformation and turned to face them with a serious expression.

Leo - "So, now that you're done with that, how are you going to repay me?"

Robin - "Sorry? What do you mean?"

She blushed and avoided looking at him.

Nami had already figured out what he was going to do and decided to see what happens.

He stared at Robin intently, seeing his opportunity had come, and then started to stroke one of his wings.

Leo - "You both just started touching me without even asking. I feel so violated! So, how are you going to take responsibility?"

Robin momentarily started to panic, but she soon realized that he was messing with her.

She started to pout and then kicked him in the shin.

Robin - "Oww..."

Leo - "First you violate me and then you kick me..."

Robin - "Guh! S-shut up already... I know you're messing with me... My foot hurts..."

Leo - "Should have learned from last time."

He made some seats for the three of them, which they immediately sat in.

Leo - "*sigh* I don't know... I get violated and no one will even take responsibility. How sad..."

Nami, who was sitting on his right, giggle and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Nami - "That better?"

Leo - "For now."

He smiled and winked at her, receiving a small laugh from her.

Leo - "See, Robin? Someone knows how to take respons-mh!?"

He turned his head to her as he spoke, which was either a bad mistake or a happy accident, because it made Robin and him kiss.

Robin saw Nami kiss Leo on the cheek and thought that it would be a good way to get back at him by doing the same. But she had her eyes closed from embarrassment, so she didn't see him turn his head and ended up kissing him on the lips.

It took a moment for Robin to realize that something was wrong and open her eyes, but when she did and realized what had happened, she slowly backed away while bright red.

Leo - "Uhh... Thanks?"

Robin couldn't turn any more red.

But, Nami sure wanted to try and make her.

Nami - "My, oh my. I didn't know you were so bold, Robin~"

Robin's head sank down in embarrassment.

Leo - "Don't bully her so much. She is embarrassed enough."

Leo patted Robin on the head.

Leo - "Does your foot still hurt?:

She nodded.

Leo - "Show it to me and I'll help."

She hesitated for a moment, but moved her foot over to him.

Leo took her boot off and then made a silver flame light up on his hand, then gently massaged her foot. Was it necessary? No. But it was fun to see her even more embarrassed.

It was Nami's turn to pout now.

Nami - "Hmph! You tell me not to bully her, but you still do. And how come she gets a massage and I don't? How unfair."

Leo - "*Chuckles* I started the bullying, that's why I get to continue. And I'll give you one later if you want, but I want one in return."

Nami - "Deal!"

Robin sat there, getting her massage and listening to their conversation. She couldn't help smiling, finding it fun to be with them and started to laugh softly.

Leo and Nami saw Robin smiling and laughing, and couldn't help joining them.

(If one were to wonder where Luffy and the crew are, they went to explore)

(I'm going to write one more chapter after this and then write some for Ben 10. I am slightly bored of writing only this and have had a few requests.)

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Thanks for reading.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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