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22.58% The Undying Boy / Chapter 7: chapter 7

Chapitre 7: chapter 7

There was now only 8 months and a half to the U.A. entrance exams, Bakugo's fighting technique and muscles were developing greatly with the training, the beach was a lot cleaner, and Izuku's knife handling and dodging skills were off the charts. How? Bakugo didn't know, he only knew that he trained with Toga, but he doubted that he would develop so fast in that.

Bakugo was a bit frustrated that Izuku left the training early with Toga, something about the cafe, He said that he would be able to get the place soon, but Bakugo didn't link the fact that he left sooner because the building was ready for use.

The next day, Bakugo got a message, a message from Izuku, that said something along the lines of, 'Got the place. Here's location.', that but with a crazy long message, that was everything except simple and short. The thing exceeded the 300 words mark, it was a full report of how the place was. Bakugo didn't want to read the whole thing so he just got up from his bed, and made his way to the location he received.

Toga was excited. She didn't know how to react, first she got something to treasure in a life of misery, then a place that accepted her, and now her own place, with workplace included! She was beyond just excited, the place was so nice and fresh, the walls were painted with a nice comfortable color, the tables and chairs weren't many but enough to hold 40 people inside, and even though they were wooden chairs, they were very nice and comfortable, the tables being made with the same material too.

There was a corner with sofas and a coffee table for relaxing, a place for mostly Aizawa, they figured he would pass a lot of time there after all, and opposite from the door was the balcony, with all the essentials.

Dashing through the flight of stairs to the second floor, Toga saw where she was going to live in, there was 3 big bedrooms and one bigger than them, a living room connected to the kitchen and 2 bathrooms, every room was decorated and clean. Soon after she was done appreciating the house she felt a tap on her shoulder. "Downstairs is a kitchen for the cafe too." Izuku said, his voice holding in the same amount of excitement as Toga. Then almost shoving it into her hands, a small wooden plate with 'Toga' engraved on it he said. "And this is for you to put on the entrance of your room." Toga's eyes shown even brighter, her golden cat eyes getting more and more excited. Toga will have her own room! A place that will be hers, and only hers!

Izuku perked as he heard the chime of the front door of the cafe, getting there he saw a open mouthed Bakugo, Izuku just smiled and started to prepare his sandwich, without even be asked for. When Bakugo came to it, he was ushered to a sit and given his sandwich. There was a small chat between the two, but not much later Bakugo had to leave to go grocery shopping for his mother. It was the weekend so Toga and Izuku could enjoy the time memorizing the place.

In the middle of the afternoon, Aizawa came in, the same exhausted face on him, Izuku prepared his coffee and gave him a nice and bright smile, he could swear that he saw a smile bellow his capture weapon, that he wears everywhere. After enjoying some time on the sofa of the cafe, Aizawa turned to Izuku. "I would like to offer you a job." It caught Izuku's attention almost immediately, making him stop moving to look at the man. "As a hero, I have the authority to mobilize civilians, with their authorization of course, to help in hero activities, in case of being invited directly by a hero, the civilian will receive pay for the help." Aizawa continued.

"Does this mean, you are in need of my analysis skills?" Izuku tilted his head to make sense out of what Aizawa was saying. Receiving a nod, he asks another thing. "Location and what is this about. If we are cooperating with other heroes can I announce my cafe for publicity? Is Toga needed?"

"We will meet here in about 3 hours, and we are cooperating with another heroes. No Toga will not be needed." Izuku nods in acknowledgement. "This work will be to take down a drug circle. There are some quirks that I will only be able to talk about them when the other members arrive, and we will ask you to analyse them with the information given." Izuku nods in acknowledgement, again.

"I understand. Then I guess I will bake some deserts for the guests while we wait." Izuku said while heading to the kitchen.

The 3 hours passed quickly as Izuku was occupied with is baking, as soon as he finished he heard the chime of the bell of the front door. Izuku instantaneously identified the people that entered as heroes, there he recognized, Ryukyu, hawks, Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady, except for Mt. Lady, every hero there were pretty high on the rankings, this seemed to be more than a simple drug circle now.

The heroes directed themselves towards Aizawa, Aizawa only raised his hand as if making his presence known. "The other 3 will be here in a moment too." Aizawa said as Izuku was making his way to him with a tray of pastries for the guests. Aizawa then looked at Izuku and said. "And this will be our analyst." As he finished Izuku gave them a smile and handed the sweets to them.

"Hope you like the sweets. Anything to drink?" Izuku asked as he got only looks of confusion in response.

"Eraser, are you involving a civilian on this? A kid at that." Ryukyu said, Aizawa nodded, "The boy already showed enough skill on that area to be considered of help."

"I want a coffee if you don't mind." Hawks says. Izuku nods.

"This cake is so good! Did you make this." Mt.Lady says, receiving a a bright smile from Izuku and a nod. She squealed at that. "I want some tea. Any is okay by me."

After getting them their orders, the bell rings again, and looking there, Present Mic, Midnight and Ingenium were there, making their way to the group. Midnight didn't take a second to steal one of the cakes and start enjoying it, Present Mic started a one way chat with Aizawa and Ingenium was enjoying the presence of the group. This is until he noticed the green haired boy.

Ingenium didn't wait a second, taking off his helmet he starts smiling waving at the boy, this strange action received the attention of all the other heroes. "Little hero! You are here! Nice to see you again." Ingenium says, joy evident in his voice.

Izuku nods. "It is nice to meet you again, Ingenium. Anything to drink?" Izuku asks taking the orders of the three new guests.

While Izuku is attending to their order Aizawa raises a brow, "Little hero?" He asks Ingenium for details.

Placing his hand behind his neck in embarrassment he replies. "Yeah, the kid saved me from the Hero Killer some weeks ago." He says getting some gasps at the statement.

Izuku after getting their drinks sits down besides Aizawa. "Kid... The Hero Killer?" Aizawa asks.

Izuku nods. "Yeah, Akaguro Chizome, also known as Stain, and Hero Killer, Quirk resolves around blood, after drinking the blood of the target, the target will be paralyzed, it also depends on blood type, or so is my guess. It seems that his ideal is to destroy every 'fake' hero there is, and restore the meaning of the word hero."

"Problem child... How did you cross with him?"

"Me and Toga were getting back from buying blood, Then Ingenium passed with another hero paralyzed in his arms, before Stain could hit him I got the hit for him. It also seems like he is immune to impurities in the blood he consumes, since he didn't get poisoned from my blood, or so I think. Thinking about it, its actually interesting, he stuck quite a lot of knifes and other swords on me, remembering correctly there was about 20 small dagger stabbed on my body, he also had at least four swords and some knifes, I would guess I was lucky that he didn't decide to change targets in the middle of the fight, for what I could see everyone was stuck in place, not sure why though, was it pressure, it was something close to that, was it blood-lust? I tried to replicate it, but I didn't quite get it right, did I-" And so Izuku was cut from his mumbling by Aizawa calling his name. "Sorry, sometimes I rumble like that."

"So, you fought Stain, got his name, a close number of weapons he uses and fighting style, also how his quirk works and you didn't die somehow?" Midnight summarizes everything Izuku said.

Izuku nods. "Yeah, also he his really fast, also I'm not capable of dying." Izuku waits a few moments for the information to sink in. It was a few moments of silence, and he realizes he didn't make the question. "Also from what Ai- Eraser said, this mission is to deal with a drug circle right? Why so many?"

Aizawa nods. "It might seem like a easy thing, but the group has at least 300 members, so that's why. Now for what I need you to review is these 5 people." Pointing at one of the people from the 5 pieces of paper, the man on the photo was a short black haired man, with a face that screamed bad guy #1. "This guy is the leader of the group. His quirk allows him to excrete anything in liquid state from his fingers, this is how he produces the drugs for the group." Izuku made some mental notes about his ability. Aizawa then pointed towards the other 4, all bulky guys with a quirk names that meant the same thing, 'Strength'. "This four are the higher ups from the group, each has a team, and the numbers together are close to the 300. Their quirks are, Muscle enhancement, Energy strengthening, Strength absorb and Power arms."

Izuku nods again, and starts thinking about the information given. Without realizing that he was mumbling the whole time. "The boss his the easier to take care off, its possible that he can excrete a substance that if smelled can make the target pass out, but that would be a double edge sword, if he doesn't has a mask to filtrate the air. As for the other four, the muscle enhancement won't be much of a problem, by the image, his actual Muscle mass isn't that big, so he probably won't cause that much damage, aiming to where it hurts will make him go down, probably, for the Energy strengthening its something close to absorbing electricity and turning it into strength, his team will be most probably be formed around that tactic, as many electric quirk users as possible, to deal with him, is to knock him out before he can store energy in himself, if he has already energy stored dealing with every single minion he has will prove more beneficial, after that dealing with him will be much easier, as for Strength absorb will be knocking him out instantaneously or making sure to immobilize him, his quirk probably means that he can turn the enemies damage into his power, probably most of his team will be consisted in power based quirks, if he has already absorbed something it will be the worst possible outcome I can think of, since Ryukyu is here it would mean that she would be the one taking care of him in that case, mostly making sure he would stay on the ground and not leave it, Mt. Lady can also take that spot using her body weight when using her quirk, but Ryukyu is still the best option, Mt. Lady would destroy whatever place they would be in, making strategies worse because of random variables. Power arms is probably something closer to mutant type, speed types in this case would be beneficial, tiring him out as soon as possible. for the great numbers of people, Mic being there with midnight would be the best thing there is, Mic can disable most of the enemies with his screams as for Midnight can knock most enemies out, Kamui can restrain most of the power types with ease and hawks is the best support for this mission, making sure everyone can carry their roles accordingly, his support will be a complete necessity since numbers here will surpass skills. How will I explain all this?" Izuku stops for a bit.

After a bit of thinking he receives a tap on his arm from Aizawa. "No need to explain anything anymore." He says making Izuku confused. Izuku looking around himself saw some wide eyes and open mouths, realization hit him quickly. I was mumbling this whole time! Izuku thought.

"Then there is also another thing to add, the boss can excrete acids too, probably, be cautious about those." Izuku adds. After some strategy talks they all headed out to the attack. Izuku obviously didn't go, his job was analyzing and strategy setter after all.

Hawks was impressed. The kid was right all the way through, Muscle enhancement was out quickly, Energy strengthening had a team full of electric type quirks, and was out before he could absorb electricity, Strength absorb was already stocked on power and was held down by Ryukyu and Power arms was dealt with Ingenium easily. The numbers had gone down in a instant thanks to Kamui, Midnight and Mic and Eraser dealt with the boss of the group, a fight that was supposed to be a hard mission because of the power of numbers was easily dealt with withing 10 minutes. Hawks didn't even need to do much, just needed to be careful so that enemies wouldn't attack his teammates while being distracted by their main objectives and Mt. Lady was supporting who she could. Hawks made a mental note to visit that cafe another time.

Ryukyu was astonished. Such kid no holder than 16, guessed and predicted how the enemies reacted and team compositions, everything has gone perfectly and soon the battle would be over. Ryukyu mad a mental note to try other cakes from that cafe and strike a conversation with the small green haired boy.

Midnight realized something while she was making the enemies fall asleep, the small freckled boy was the 'Izuku' she heard about. She smiled mentally as she thought about visiting the cafe again another time.

After the mission finished, they decided to end the mission on the cafe and having a late night snack there before splitting up and heading to their respective agencies. What they didn't expect was a blond girl enjoying the taste of a blood bag in a table while the green haired boy was eating his dinner with her, giggles and laughs were heard throughout the shop.

When Izuku noticed the bell ring he turned to the door and noticed everyone was back. After taking their order and preparing them, he delivered them with a smile, and some notebooks in his hands. Curious Midnight asks. "What is the notebooks for?"

The green haired boy embarrassed scratched the back of his head. "Autographs..." He then proceeded to open the notebooks in the respective hero in each notebook and wait for his guest to autograph the things.

Everyone was wide eyed. The notes in the books were the same as the ones they acquired from Nezu, notes so detailed about them that they could work on developing their fighting style and quirks more easily. Mic was the first one to strike a smile on his face. "Where did you get this notes little listener? They are the same Nezu gave us."

Izuku gave him a small smile. As if explaining a embarrassing situation he explained. "They are just a hobby! Everyone made fun of me because of it, but Nezu bought them after Ai- Eraser showed them to him. This are the originals, Nezu got a more clean version of them."

Mic Laughed loudly. "So it was the little listener who wrote them! I should have been expecting this!"

After collecting his notebooks, he stored them and sat with Toga again, that was still drinking her blood, slowly tasting every sip.

Maybe with this Izuku got more regulars at his cafe.

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