"Mind if I join you beautiful ladies for dinner?" Cassidy asked when he walked into the house and saw Andy, Susan and Maribel seated for dinner.
Although it sounded like a general question, his gaze was on Andy since he wanted to be sure she didn't mind sharing the table with him.
Despite their discussion two days ago about not staying away from his house on her account, he still tried to minimize contact with her as much as he could.
"I don't know about the others, but we could use the presence of a handsome male around here," Andy said with a friendly smile since she had told him she would do her best to get along with him until she left.
Although Cassidy was slightly taken aback by this unusual show of friendliness, he smiled as he glanced at his daughter, "And you ma'am? Am I welcome to stay?" He asked with mock politeness and Maribel giggled.
"You are welcome to stay," she said and he sat down.