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27.77% Alliah's Fight For Her Kingdom, and Her Heart / Chapter 20: Science Department

Chapitre 20: Science Department

The very next day, the castle was buzzing with the sudden disappearance of the Head Maid. I was expecting that as much, but with comes worry, also comes those who are nosy. We would have to watch we say out in public from now on. I didn't want some maid getting their ear involved in our work and spreading more false rumors. If it weren't such a tedious task to hire new ones, I would have had them all fired from the start of Nicklos's false rumors that had spread. But unfortunately, despite what had occurred, we did have some pretty reasonably good aids in the Palace. More times than not, they where good at gathering information on a whim, and that's where I normally got all my good juicy stuff.

For example, after last nights meal, apparently father had summoned Illia to his study. When she left, she was in utter tears and quite the rage. He must not have been pleased by the attack on my pride last night and went after her for it. I swear I love my sister despite how she treats me, but even I had my limits on how many insults I took. It was relieving that father had brought her in to his office and scolded her for her behavior in front of our guests. After all this time he had finally had enough, even though deep down he secretly agreed with her.

Terria, the maid that was designated to me and only me, was very reliable. Out of all the maids I had in the past, she was the one I counted on the most to get things done. Another wonderful example was the cot that was sitting in my room when I returned to my room. She had told me earlier that the other maids had been instructed to deny my maid clearance to such supplies upon the King's order. So, she had to wait until the dinner when everyone would be serving our guests and slipped around unseen. It was remarkable that she even tried so hard for me, knowing that she would be in big trouble if she where to be seen as negligent of the Kings orders.

It seemed like my father was trying to start a scandal and snag my title that way. He must be getting impatient with my lack of interest in the other men roaming around the Palace. Could you blame me though? Most have looked down me as I grew up, and not once where they really concerned of my whereabouts or my lack of appearance. I had no desire to be around people who did not want my company, nor did I have any intentions of getting involved with them anyway. There was no use in trying so hard, and my father was catching on. Now was it not only a race against time for the banquet, but also a race against time against every high official out to get my title. How did things come to this?

I bit my nail in irritation, hoping that it would cause the rising anxiety within me to stop. It was becoming too much pressure to deal with all of these situations at once, and it was starting to seem intentional. But my ambition out grew my desire to lay down the sword, and I would continue to prove to my father that I was going to keep my head up until the day I was needed upon the throne. I would announce my engagement to Nicklos after the banquet, so he would quiet down and leave me alone. I may lose my feet in the battle, but I would never lose my command over them. I was into deep now, my roots snaking around each of the men's loyalties. It would be hard to follow the command of any other soul.

All I needed was to stop the following days of turmoil and focus my attention on getting this squared away before the banquet. With the death of Mr. Siege, I needed to get into the science department. Their handle on the dangerous substance was another key factor to what they might be plotting. If can discover its purpose, we may even be able to find where it was created and back track it to the original owner. From the original owner we can back track it to its maker, and maybe even potentially reveal who was the master mind behind such attacks. I needed to hurry since I already lost a day looking through Mr. Siege's papers.

In my stead, I sent Marquise and Nathaniel to the supply room to pick up where we had left off. I hoped that they would make better progress than yesterday and hopefully get some answer by the end of today. While they where working on that, General Bregus, Prince Nicklos, and I would head to the science wing to question the scientists on their findings. After I gathered up enough information, I would then present father with my plan and start setting things into motion. With these attacks being insides jobs, I had the security slightly increased just enough to avoid suspicion. I had only been two days since our return, and not once has the mercenaries come back to attack, so they were re-cooperating without the guidance of their leader.

I had no doubt that they where either planning on Emmanuel's escape, or sudden death, so two guards where stationed down their at all times with a trusted servant to deliver food. I couldn't afford to lose such precious information before I got either Head Maid or hardened criminal to crack. Of course, their cooperation would be helpful, but I wasn't against stooping low to gather intel. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that.

"You are always biting your lip; you should really stop that." Nicklos said as he casually grabbed my chin with his hand. I let go of my lip that I had been absently nibbling on while lost in thought. He was bold to grab me out in public, especially because we hadn't even announced our courtship. If someone had come by at that moment, they would misinterpret the concerned gesture for something more intimate than what it truly was.

"Please refrain from touching me outside of the room your highness. I don't needed added heat from my father because of you." I said yanking my face away from his hands. I felt bad for the sudden reaction, especially because we didn't get to spend much time together yesterday with him absence and my desire for sleep upon the entrance to my room. I had so much I wanted to discuss with him last night, but the day had worn me thin.

"I apologize Princess, you just make me worry sometimes about you. I can't help showing a little concern for your wellbeing." He dropped his hand from my face, looking a little defeated in the process. I couldn't help the guilt that filtered through, but I smiled to him anyway. I wanted him to know I was alright.

"I appreciate the concern Prince Nicklos. Once we meet with the Science Department, I may be more at ease. It's one step closer to uncovering the truth about our enemies." Any bit of information was better than struggling around in the dark. A smile slowly worked its way on his face as he absently stole a piece of my hair and played with it between his fingers. An old habit of his from when we where kids.

"Some things never change do they, your Majesty?" I asked smirking as he absently played with my hair. Where was General Bregus? I told him to meet us here a few hours past the rise of the sun. If he wasn't here with in the next few minutes, I had every means to go in the doors and start questioning the science department. I had sent a message to them yesterday announcing my arrival, so they where expecting us already. With the longer the wait, the longer Nicklos has to act weird around me and expose our relationship as well. I swatted his hand away, glaring at him as a guard rounded the corner to the Science building. With a quick bow and greeting, they swiftly took off down the path towards the castle.

"That's what I was talking about. Stop acting like we are behind close doors unless you want to start a scandal." I snapped at him. Sheepishly he dropped his hands and bowed apologetically before taking a step back from me. I gave a long sigh and decided to distract myself from his presence by looking around the garden stationed outside the science department. Compared to the one that sat in the Palace, this one was more extravagant. A large water fountain with fresh flowing water sat in the middle of a limestone walkway. The latest experiment that had been conducted by the Science Department. I didn't understand the fundamentals on how it worked, I just knew that it wasn't by magic.

Around the water fountain where neatly trimmed and healthy green bushes. A limestone walk way had been placed around the fountain, connecting it to three other possible routes from the Science center. One lead to the Palace, the Knight training center, and the Town Center. Along each walk way was a lining of rose bushes decorated with many different colors. My favorite ones where the black roses, their petals seemed significantly softer than the others. The smell so sweet and intoxication that I always find myself bending over and sniffing them every time I pass. They said that these specific roses where modified for funeral purposes. The scent was supposed to have a happy alluring smell that triggered endorphins.

I always admired the brains of these scientists. They continuously pushed to make the Kingdom better. I have heard they worked day in and day out to keep up with his Majesties demands. Seldom getting any sleep and not ever once complaining about it. Another thing I hated, was the over abundance of work my father caused because he had such high demands. Almost like someone else I know. Illia was another woman who always made absolutely ridiculous requests. Always demanding the impossible to. Prime example, I heard she asked the Science Department to start researching love potions. Despite the numerous times they explained they couldn't use Science to make someone fall in love with her, she still came back and asked how the research was going.

From the documents I read, they had no such desire to entertain this thought, and never once did I condone them for turning the idea away. After all, they where here to make the place better, not sit there and play with a child's fantasy. Often times, they just make her special perfumes and send her on her way. That seems to pacify her until she comes back to make other outrageous requests. I swear that child is too spoiled.

"Sorry to keep you waiting your Majesty. There was a small dispute at the border this morning and I was summoned to deal with it." General Bregus rounded the water fountain, fidgeting with the cuff of his Knight armor. I rolled my eyes and stilled his hands as he got closer, adjusting the cuff with ease before dropping his hand.

"Why was I not summoned as well General? It is my responsibility just as much as it is yours, to be handling skirmishes no matter how small or irrelevant." With and exasperated sigh, he brought his hand up to his head and scratched it nervously, knowing I wasn't going to like the answer he was about to give me.

"Don't take it the wrong way your Majesty, but his excellency asked me to keep you in the Palace as much as possible until the passing of the banquet. As much as I do respect your leadership, I am unfortunately still obligated to follow his orders until the day he steps down and you take the throne." He said sheepishly. I couldn't force the General to choose between his loyalties, because at the end of the day, father had every power and right to execute him if he things he is acting irrationally or against code. All I could do was smile because what could I do?

"Don't beat yourself up over it General. I understand your obligations just as much as anyone. We can discuss in further detail what happened later. We are already late as it is, and they are very busy people." I waved for Nicklos and the General to follow behind me. We approached the big white grand building. The windows where large and vast. The metal trimming that framed the window was painted gold to match the colors of the kingdom. But it made it look so much more lavish and luxurious with its marble pillars that held up the entrance way to the Science Department. Limestone stairs led to two giant double golden doors. I certainly felt under dressed as I walked up the stairs and over the threshold of the porch. I had only been here a few times over my life time, and that one once to introduce the Crown Princess, and then to introduce myself as the head Knight. Any other time was in passing as I never had to deal with the people who conducted science behind these doors.

I brought my hand up to the golden handle door knob and turned it. As I tugged it open, the doors slowly creaked open. It was loud and obnoxious to the point I wanted to clap my hands over my ears. But I refrained and waited for the door to come to a stop before making my entrance. A cool wave washed over me as I passed through the archway, and into the main lobby of the building. It was just as grand on the inside as it was the outside. The main room was vast, the ceiling was made of glass and supported by many pillars that lead up to a tiny white desk stationed at the front of the building. Two giant granite stairs where nestled on either side of the stair case that lead to the second floor where they conducted most of their science experiments.

A red rug had been laid out from the entrance point, all the way to the white desk as to avoid slipping on the granite surface of the floor. They seemed more lavish than even the Palace. I suppose with the funding they received, they needed to treat themselves from the hard work they conducted. It wasn't bad to have nice things, especially when you had to come in and see it every day. As we walked down the red rug, I continued to admire the finer details of the building, especially the open ceiling that let in all sorts of natural light. It didn't feel stuffy like from my memories, so they must have done some changes over the years.

"Your Majesty! You have arrived!" A lady in white robes addressed us as she stood from the small desk. Her brown hair was piled in a disheveled mess atop her head as she rounded the table to greet us. She gave a small bow before motioning us to follow her. "Master Winslow and Master Garret have been expecting you. Please follow me to their offices." She said as she started to ascend the stairs. I grabbed on to the wooden banister and followed right behind her. The cool wood traveled smoothly under my hand like a freshly made bundle of silk. It was astounding how they could keep such a huge building in great shape. There really wasn't one blemish I could see.

"How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tia Ray. I am the receptionist and an understudy here at the Science Department. While I work on my studies, I help Master Garret and Master Winslow out around the office. They are often too busy these days to introduce their guests at the door, so I apologize for their nonattendance this morning." She said beaming proudly over her shoulder. I was taken aback by her presence at first, because woman aren't normally allowed to join such types of work. It was refreshing to see young woman expanding the field and really getting in to all these types of jobs.

"I understand, so please don't apologize." We reached the top of the stairs, and I almost stopped to admire the upstairs. I thought that the upstairs would be like a long hallway with many doors and rooms, but I was very wrong. The room was a giant half circle complete with two dark oak desks and chairs; numerous bookshelves sat pressed against the banister to our left. It was like they had their own separate libraries. The granite flooring had recently been polished, as you could see your reflection as you walked. To finish the grand look, the walls had been painted white with gold swirl like patterns where the windows didn't touch. It was marvelous, and I couldn't help but be envious. If I had an office like this, I would never leave.

"Please wait here while the Masters' return. They had some business to attend to this morning before your arrival. Please make yourself comfortable." With that she left us alone. I casually started to walk around their space, hands tucked behind my back as I made my way over to their large window. I wondered what their view was. If it was anything like their entry way, then I couldn't imagine it being anything less than extravagant.

"They really know how to out do themselves don't they?" General Nicklos mumbled. I chuckled under my breath, knowing he didn't appreciate such lavish things like I did.

"General, most of our weapons and other day to day uses comes from this Department. I think it is right of them to indulge themselves from time to time. We have one of the most advanced individuals across the land. I think it rather well deserved." I said skimming my hand delicately across the dark oak wood table as I approached the large window. Just as I suspected, extraordinary. How have I never seen this cliff before? The surrounding area was just that, a large half circle cliff covered with long, tall grass. A large waterfall had formed a path through the grass and fell delicately all the way to the bottom of the cliff and into the nearby river.

"What a lovely view. I could see myself being so productive in a room like this!" I said dreamily as I continued to peer through the window. All I had was a clear view of the mountains, which by its self is beautiful, but nothing as grand as really taking in the whole picture.

"I am so sorry if we have kept you waiting. Unfortunately, there was an explosion in the lab this morning." I pulled myself away from the window and turned to the new arrivals. Two very young-looking males ascended the stairs in long white robes, a single gold rope tied around their waists. The one that spoke, had long silver hair that flowed gracefully down both his shoulders. His face was round, with a small nose perched upon his face, but his cheek bones where well defined and high on his face. His eyes where a dark gray, almost clashing with his hair. The other gentle man at his side had very short brown hair, his face was long with a long nose and piercing green eyes. Both men where equally handsome. The Silver haired man smiled, showing off his pearly white teeth.

"Greetings Princess Alliah. Please have a seat and we can chat." The dark-haired man said as he gestured towards the dark oak tables. "We don't often get visits from you your Majesty. We are honored that you have graced us with your appearance." He continued to speak as we swiftly crossed the small distance between the window and the chairs, they offered to us. I gave them an apologetic smile as I took the one closest to the desk that the Silver haired man perched on.

"I do apologize for my negligence for visiting. There is no excuse I can provide." The Silver hair man, while still perched on his desk, leaned forward, and smiled.

"We ourselves understand what it means to be busy so please do not apologize. Now before we continue, I would like to introduce ourselves. My name is Master Winslow, and my colleague here is Master Garret. We are the directors of this Department and over see any experiments that are conducted under our roof. Please tell us why you wish to see us today." Winslow made no move to remove himself from my bubble as I explained the reports I found and asked if they had made any current progress on the research. Winslow and Garret looked at each other, almost like they were having a silent conversation. Worry etched upon their faces.

"There is much to discuss my Lady. I do hope you don't have a busy schedule." Garret spoke earnestly as he stood from his desk. I eyed General Bregus warily before nodding to Garret. I needed answers, and it sounded like they might have those. If it meant that I would sit here all day, then I had no problems with listening to these two talk. I only felt bad for Marquise, who would continue to be holed up all day in Mr. Siege's office.

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