Kermit wiped the dust from his face with the back of his hand. Izumi who was squatting next to him picked up their food. A dead rabbit, which was enough for the two of them.
"This is dumb!" Kermit complained as he sat down next to Izumi.
"At least we caught something today. And there are no predators here to take our food this time." Izumi told him.
Kermit sighed. "I mean, what are we learning? Nibu said he would teach us, but ever since he put these seals on us we haven't seen him. And he took away our ninja tools!"
Izumi reached into her pouch and pulled out a jagged rock knife. It was not a knife, but with one sharp edge it did the job they needed it to do.
"My dad said that everything happens for a reason. Maybe we just don't know what it is." Izumi said as she started to skin the dead animal the best she could.
Her hands that were smooth were now covered in blisters and cuts. Spending a week in this place was difficult on her, but she did not complain much.
Kermit on the other hand assumed the wolves here would be like the toads in Naruto. Except, they were not.
"I guess so, at least I have you to keep me company. If I were here alone, I'd be bored senseless." Kermit told Izumi.
He glanced at her struggling to skin the animal. Coming a bit closer, Kermit took the jagged rock knife from her hands and gave her a helping hand.
"I think you'd be fine. I'm the one who would be lost. I was never taught any of this, so you've been a big help." Izumi said as she observed Kermits movements. "I still think you should let me do it. I'm getting better." Izumi told him.
Kermit gave her a smile. "You are, but you know it won't be long before they smell blood. We need to finish this quick, or else we'll starve again."
Izumi sighed but nodded in understanding. Neither her nor Kermit were strong enough to stand up against the animals in this place.
"Want me to get you a pebble while I gather some wood?" Izumi asked him. She knew he liked to practice training with a pebble. Which seemed a bit odd to her, but she didn't say anything about it.
"Nah. I think I'm under too much stress. I'm regressing instead of progressing." Kermit said with another sigh. He remembered before he came here he could hold up the pebble for around thirty seconds. Now, the amount of time he could do that was around five. Something was off here, and Kermit did not know what it was exactly.
"Me too. I'm having trouble keeping keeping the pebble afloat whenever I play Pyo-shi. I think it's due to us not sleeping that much." Izumi confessed.
Kermit thought back on it and had to agree with her. She was talented at her game but recently she seemed to be average. Which was still better than him.
Izumi left the area, but Kermit could still see her. She was not that far from him. They needed to keep eyes on each other in case they would be attacked.
'Maybe is has to do with this strange seal...' Kermit though to himself as he looked at black cresent moon seal on his forearm. Izumi had one as well.
Maybe this seal Nubi put on them was affecting their bodies in some way. But what?