Terix sat at his desk, reading reports from trustworthy advisers dispatched to other lords. At least he needed to keep a close eye on the most powerful people in Sundac, to be aware if things escalated. The stack of letters had grown too tall for his taste, but he had no choice in the matter. All of them provided information he needed to know.
The clanking of the city's emergency bell pounded his ears. Someone cried for help. Terix stood and shook out the numbness in his legs. He forgot his tiredness the moment he looked out the window. People were yelling, coordinating the effort to draw water from the well, bucket after bucket. Someone ordered others to help.
The chaos took hold over a quarter of Giza as the citizens tried to smother the fire. The flames rose to the sky, seemingly wanting to eat the blue.
Will be Faith able to dodge this?