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23.83% Truth and Family: A God's Journey / Chapter 35: Blinded Dream

Chapitre 35: Blinded Dream

Flashes of bright lights and vivid imagery of the past flow like liquid inside Asahi's mind, behind a dark empty abyss. The memories with Aletha and Aiyana surge through him like a tube, recollecting the bright memories among the sea of forgetfulness and darkness.

He sees his younger self and Aletha playing with young Aiyana, showing her the world, and drawing images. He gazes at young Asahi and Aletha, teaching Aiyana how to write, tell stories to them under the moonlight, and educate her on everything.

"A...Aiyana..." Asahi tremblingly mumbled as he reaches his blurry hand out to the flashing memories.

The welcoming past shines on his distorted face and soul, witnessing every image of the past. He sees past him, Aletha, and Aiyana growing up together, and Aiyana jumping up to reach them. Asahi sees both of their past selves laugh and giggle while seeing little Aiyana try to use magic.

Tears flow down Asahi while floating among the abyss. He forms a faint smile while seeing Aiyana's face and size growing. Aletha and Asahi's appearance stays at an elder adolescent phase within the images.

He sees his past self, Aletha, and Aiyana, fighting monsters, saving villages from flames, traveling through the vastness of space, and wandering among The Sea of Light. Each revolving around traveling from world to world.

As Asahi runs to the projecting screen of memories, one heartfelt image stopped in place.

In an angle, among the vibrant pink sky, expansive shallow sea, and clear waters, Asahi sees himself and Aletha holding on each of Aiyana's hands. Asahi had Aiyana's left hand, and Aletha had her right.

Both looked like they are smiling happily, strolling along The Sea of Light with each other, while the petals of white luminescent glowing flowers fly across the bottom. Asahi faintly whispers to himself as he glares at the beautiful image.

"That was the photo we got when we encountered another wandering god in The Sea of Light. He helped us take the picture with his strange camera since he was a master in photography in his world. He didn't charge us anything and, it is hard to believe that he made a copy of the image for himself. He gave us the original printed picture, and we kept that photo ever since." Asahi lightly chuckles.

"And yet, I still have that very image imprinted heavily in my mind."

Asahi glares at the fluctuating white dress of Aiyana, then the long silver hair, and the smile on her face. Asahi's smile lowers, and his eyes water in shimmering tears. He falls to his knees on the abyss floor and slams his fist. Asahi's mind fills with a mixture of emotions, trying to think on why she smiled to them when she lost her life. Asahi shuts his eyes and softly mutters.

"Where did things go wrong? Why didn't she come with us?! I don't understand. Why, Why, Why?!"

His mutters painfully turn into cries that echo over the dark abyss. The image slowly fades into darkness, and his face engulfs with shadow and tears.

He can hear faint echoes of Aletha's cries in the distance and assume that they share Dreams too.

Both can remember their moments with their youngest sister.

As the Dream fades into light, Asahi's tears turn into ink and splatter among the luminescent clear white void of puddles. Asahi's gray eyes shimmer with tears and desperation. He tremblingly whispers.

"Little sister, n-no matter where Aletha and I are, we will always... have a special place for you deep in our hearts..."

He slowly grabs his heart and tilts his head upwards. Asahi forms a faint, accepting smile and walks over to Aletha. The white void blazes in a bright white luminance, slowly dissolving their feet.

Aletha tilts her head up with tears flowing down her round cheek. Asahi wipes her tears off with his clothing, and the blur enshrouding both of their figures decreases gradually and unravels the clarity.

"Come on, Sis. Although most of our family vanished, and we are the only ones left... we still have each other."

Aletha slowly nods her head and slightly grins. They both pull each other upwards and stares into the fading picture of all three of them. As the white luminance engulfs their bodies and the Dream finally approaches its end, Asahi and Aletha say softly as they closed their eyes.

"We still have each other..."

* * * * *

The morning sun shines on their faces, with a calm silence in the room. Asahi's eyelids slowly part away, and he steadily lifts his back. He clenches his fists and wiggles his toes, then softly whispers to himself.

"I feel... recovered."

He tilts his head to the window and sees Aletha leaning against a sturdy wooden chair, sleeping. Asahi lightly smiles, touches his forehead, and whispers.


The dawn, warm sunlight shines on Aletha's face, her eyelids slowly part from each other, and she releases a loud yawn. She slowly lifts her arms into the air and opens her glittering gray eyes. Asahi yawn as well and steadily stretches his arms—Aletha questions as she wipes her eyes.

"So, bro, are you better?"

Asahi slowly nods his head and replies.

"Y-Yes... sis. Much better than yesterday. I'll try to refrain from using that much power ever again."

Aletha lightly giggles and shakes her head.

"But Asahi, you KNOW that you harnessed more power than that in the past, right?"

Asahi sighs and nods his head with a small smile. He smells the fresh scent of the room and relaxes his feet. Asahi replies in a polite tone in his voice.

"Yes, sis, I knew that."

He stands up and brushes dry dirt off from his attire.

"It's just my frail body that's not allowing me to use a chunk of divine or powerful abilities anymore. Whoever stripped away our powers will get it once we find them."

Aletha falls silent and looks at her hands. After a faint silence, she says to Asahi.

"Later, can you teach me how to use that Soil power you did before?"

Asahi slowly nods his head and grins.

"Of course, sis. It's just going to take more time, that's all."

Aletha happily grins and shuts her eyes. The sun praises both of them once more before rudely being interrupted by Sadiki. He hurls the door wide open, with a bag of steaming croissants on his fingers, and shouts.


The wanderers swiftly jump into the air in surprise, and Aletha falls with the chair. Aletha furiously tosses an empty bottle at Sadiki and yells.


Asahi grabs his chest and breathes heavily. He is feeling, though, as if he had a heart attack. He steadily calms down and stares at both Sadiki and Belial in disappointment.

"You didn't have to wake us up like that! It's unnecessary."

Belial politely apologizes while bowing down.

"I'm sorry about that... but, you two have to get up... now! Akwan is in danger and is in the hands of The Ending. It's a severe threat for him to be in their distorted hands. It can pose a threat to the entire world. If we don't go soon, our existence will probably be wiped out by nightfall."

The wanderers' eyes broaden in shock.


Belial crunches on a fresh, crispy golden croissant and slowly nods his head while dropping crumbs on the floor. After he gulps down the steamy warm crispy butter flake treat down his throat, he points his finger towards the ceiling and responds to the wanderers.

"Yes. Gulp these."

He lends the steamy croissant bag towards the wanderers. He says to Asahi, then directs to both of the twins.

"I need to go find the nurse and see what they did to you last night. Or rather, find out what happened to your body when he released that drastically powerful ray in the sky."

Belial pulls his brown hood up and races out the door while munching on another crisp croissant. Sadiki and the wanderers lightly giggle as they watch the flakes scatter on the floor.

Sadiki approaches the wanderers and pulls up the wooden chair. He relaxes his fluffy tail and takes a seat.

"I sincerely apologize about that abrupt awakening..."

Sadiki tosses his fresh steamy croissant out to the wanderers and winks.

"If it makes you feel better, have this. Treat this as a reward for fending off The Ending yesterday."

Asahi confusingly looks at the bag and hangs it over his eyes to look at it from all angles. Aletha swiftly grabs the bag and opens it. The tightly packed steam releases into the air and enters both Asahi and Aletha's nostrils.

Both of their mouths water, and swiftly, they take two croissants out from the bag and devour them. Their teeth pierce through the soft golden buttermilk crispy croissants and slowly gulps the steamy flakes down their throats. The wanderers' tummies warm up with them both looking for crumbs.

Their gray eyes glitter and enlarge in pure awe, having tasted this for the first time. Aletha screams first while Asahi still savors on the delightful after-taste of the croissant.


Asahi smiles and pats his stomach. He shouts in awe as well, tasting the delicious treat.

"That... tasted... amazing!"

Both hastily sprint to Sadiki and ecstatically ask while their mouths water.

"Is there more? Is there more?"

Sadiki draws a sweat over his pale face. He swiftly shakes his head and responds to the wanderers in a trembling tone.

"N-NO! There's no more!"

The wanderers nod their heads and release a long sigh.


* * * * * * * *

Belial races across the hallway, trying to find the nurse. Fortunately enough, she was sitting right next to the entrance, waiting for patients to arrive. Her dark hair curls downwards, standing underneath the praising sunlight from the window. Belial pulls his hood away from his head and asks the nurse in a polite tone.

"Excuse me, nurse. Is it possible that you can explain to me what procedures you did to Asahi to recover him?"

The nurse slightly giggles and shakes her head. Her dark brown eyes stare at Belial's emerald eyes silently before she replies.

"Oh. Sir, all the white-haired boy needed was lots of rest. That's all."

"Really?" Belial said in a mild-furious tone in his voice.

"Yes. It seems that Asahi's mind was drained entirely when Asahi used magic, thus causing him to faint in exhaustion. He should be recovered now since his mind is fully restored."

Belial quietly mutters while tilting his body away from the nurse and crossing his arms.


Belial charges at the door and swiftly pulls Sadiki and the wanderers out of the room. His hood is over his head, and his dark hair is unbraided. The look on his green eyes fills with fury and the general thoughts of Asahi's recovery pack with disappointment.

He swiftly charges through the front door and slams it. Belial pulls Sadiki, Asahi, and Aletha at the very edge of the village, secluded from most villagers. As the tame grasslands thrive in the everlasting breeze, Belial furiously shouts at all three of them.

"I knew it! We could've rescued Akwan sooner, but NO, you two didn't acknowledge me that he was captured by the dangerous faction imaginable, The Ending. Shame on all of you for not revealing that to me."

Belial, Sadiki, and the wanderers stand silent before the village entrance; the same tall nurse hastily sprints to Belial.

"Hey! I can tell you where you need to go!"

Belial's eyes broadened before settling himself down and taking a relieved sigh. Sadiki and the wanderers remain fearfully silent, scared if Belial might attack them in a fit of rage. The nurse breathes heavily while lifting her arm into the air. Thick bits of dirt, mud, and grass were all over her dress. She confidently stomps and says to Belial.

"I had eavesdropped on your yelling and shouting from the other room. It is said that you want to have I heard that you mentioned The Ending, and threats… so I wanted to assist you in being potential saviors to our nation."

Belial gives a rare, relieved smile and replies.


Sadiki and the wanderers were relieved to hear that cheerful tone in Belial's voice, and all took a deep breath. The nurse grins for a moment and looks at Belial's Emerald eyes. She settles herself and fixes her round glasses.

"There has been lots of activity at the old ruins down that cliff, revolving The Ending. I suggest you travel down the cliff by following the stream that leads to a safe, natural ramp. Oh, and if you could be so kind…."

Asahi and Aletha's gray eyes broaden; Sadiki hardly pays attention by looking anywhere, but the nurse and Belial nod his head with a bright smile.

"Please find out if the stolen crops are there. I heard one adventurer say that there is a random trail of crops scattered across the forest. She tried to pick them up but was greeted with a rather unusual burn. The Ending could be involved with that. So…"

She bows her head and shouts while her dark hair flocks upwards.

"Please be careful!"

Belial, the wanderers, and Sadiki nod and wave at the nurse as they depart from the village, walking towards the extensive breezy hills.


The wanderers' long white hair fluctuates with the breeze, their shadows touching the paved dirt pathway. The trees shimmer on the rich grass plains, with stones stretching over.

However, when they stepped their feet on the last smidge of the village's cobblestone road, Belial stops and pulls his hood up. He shuts his green eyes and lifts his palm into the air. Asahi questions him.

"Why are you putting your hood up?"

Belial tilts his head towards Asahi's attire and replies.

"My magic thrives in darkness. Speaking of which,"

He grips on Asahi's hood near his fair neck and whispers to him in a soft tone.

"What's the purpose of this? Surely, there should be some reasoning behind it."

Asahi pricks his head in confusion, then Aletha touches the hood's fabric and questions him since even she couldn't remember the reasoning behind Asahi's hood.

"I... don't remember why you have this."

"Do you want me to put it on, sis?" Asahi said rudely.

Aletha shrugs her shoulders and looks at the sky. She replies to Asahi in a childish tone.

"I don't know..."

Asahi crosses his arms and sighs. He pinches his hood's fabric and slowly lifts it up over his head. As the shadow covers Asahi's head, his attire starts to glow a bright white luminance, like tiny stars scattering over a night sky. His gleaming white hair fully covers his left eye, and abruptly, his mind bursts with recollecting memories.

He forms a long floating outline, filled with luminance and stars, matching the color scheme of his attire. He snaps his fingers, generating a tiny burst of miniature stars scattering and dissipating into the air. Aletha's attire glows as well for a mere second before Asahi immediately takes off his hood, with his eyes widened in shock and terror.

"I realized why I didn't want my hood on. It restores some of my powers, but in return, I had no emotions. I didn't feel human. It's as if I felt,"

Asahi tilts his head to Aletha.

"...like a god. My hood is where my god-like features are, much like how Aletha pulls that fabric down her hip; it would change how she acts as well... but cause the same effects."

Belial slowly mutters.

"So what you're saying is that you two have human-like features, including emotions, but keep these god-like, heartless emotions hidden beneath your fabric and hood?"

Asahi nods his head and takes a deep breath.

"Yes, but there is something deeper hidden in our attires than I initially once thought."

"And what is that?" Sadiki asked.

"That our attire connects us to the powerful element that is... light."

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