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73.33% My Last Breath: Book One of the Portal Series / Chapter 33: Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Festival: Part One.

Chapitre 33: Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Festival: Part One.

Striding amongst a bustling street is not how I preferred to spend my afternoon, but experiencing my very first holiday in Elyria alone is apparently not acceptable. So this evening I have to ignore my living horror that the Hunters want to attain me as their prisoner.

My dread of being out in public is so intense that I'm watching over my shoulder when every passerby looks suspicious. I hide my trembling hands in my arms, hoping I don't catch someone following or watching me from a distance.

Strangely, I catch Koda drifting away from the group, acting similar to me. He appears even more paranoid, hiding his face and watching people's movements with his eyes. He's not so convincing, considering he just assured us we'd be safe from the Hunter's because it's too dangerous for them in Province.

He didn't want to come, but never gave us a sturdy argument to his reasoning. The family concluded everyone was going, making the point that we need to remake memories for me before we're all grown up. I did confess that I have no sign of my past memories arising.

Being forced out into the evening air, is refreshing after being inside for days but I'd rather be in the comfort and security of the indoors. Not being prepared for such a lively event, I'm horrified about the scale of guests that will occupy Province. The possible dangers we could encounter make me hide in our group.

The star will set in the May sky around 8pm but it has already gone behind the mountains before we departed. The trees hide the light that could burn my vampire friend, but this evening he is safe from direct star light.

Once we get to the end of the street I catch sight of a cliffside that overlooks a jaw dropping view. The white sanded beach distracts me, and before too long the large cluster of people splits off into groups.

The eldest zoom off as if planning to escape from their children, except Jarin who follows closely behind my grandfather. I watch them go out of sight and then look at the others to my left. They as well, are interested in something completely different than I.

The hillside to our left has industrial looking thrill rides in a park-like area between the buildings and the cliff. The strange amusement park rides are are metal and wood, and bright colored flags hang. Strings of bulb lights hang as well, flashing and drawing people's attention.

Music comes from the area, but not any type of automated system from the rides. After listening for a second I understand that it's in fact real musicians and live music, playing unrecognizable instruments I've never seen before. They sound like horns, but look like a mixmatch of pieces that aren't supposed to go together.

The rides look like they come from the industrial revolution, having intricate parts but still not too oversized. I feel like we've transported to the 1920's, with the striped overhangs on the little operators stands.

Luke petitions for everyone to go, pointing at the spinny ride as an adolescent would do, "I haven't been on one of these since I was little!" He skips forward, "It was so long ago."

The bunch settles with the idea by sprinting to catch up with the runaway, but I stay still, feeling ill in the stomach. Physically I'm unable to rush. Only a few days have passed since my shin was mangled by a werewolf. Secondly I'm overwhelmed by community and social interaction. I need more time to explore, and not go one hundred miles a minute.

Estelle yells behind her at Koda who tries to sneak off alone, "Stay with me?"

He looks around before agreeing and joining her side.

"My last memory of a fair like this, a ride made me so dizzy I threw up my fried dough. My mom had to take my brother and I home early."

Koda sighs, "You miss them."

She nods, "A lot."

Koda laughs going off alone with her, "Can I take you on one?"

"I'd love that."

"Just don't puke on me." He teases.

Finally my sister notices I haven't kept up with the group and when we lock eyes from yards away she freezes. Her long blonde hair is draped over her shoulders, it blows in the breeze causing me to become jelous of its length. Mine's sadly an inch or two past my shoulders; if only the Hunters hadn't always chopped my hair.

I come up with an excuse, "I think I want to go get some food."

She takes a long look at me, her eyebrows becoming stiff and her face falling, "Are you sure?"


She steps in my direction with worried eyes, "Maybe I should come with you."

"I won't go too far, don't worry," I reassure her. "Besides you need to keep an eye on Luke..."

My cousin spins around coming back in my direction, "Hey! I'm not doing anything."

After our talk last night with Lynn, Jane and I both know that Luke and her and getting very comfortable with each other. According to Lynn, Luke needs to keep it slow and right now We don't have Leddy to put him in his place. Her and Abe went off to report their findings about the missing wolves. Hopefully they will arrive back with information on how to get rid of the Hunters once and for all.

Jane turns to Perry with a deep seriousness in her tone, "You better not let anything happen to her."

He vows to protect me and with that we're off walking the opposite direction of the others. At the intersection of the brick street

It takes us closely alongside the rocky cliff overlooking the beach and ocean. I stop, distressed and deciding I'd like to stare for a moment to calm myself.

Encountering the ocean for the first time is an incredible experience, yet terrifying all at once. The gentle movement of the water crashing on the beach has this loud whooshing sound. I've been hearing it from a distance but now that it's way louder I'm enthralled.

The bustling sounds of celebration and people are no longer harassing my mind with conversation, I'm heavily fascinated but something else. I'd enjoy going to sit in the sand dispite my severe fear of water. Excited, I turn my head ready to ask Perry if he'd join me down by the sand.

To my surprise he's not gazing at the water like me but instead is staying on the lookout. He doesn't seem as thrilled as I am, not feeling relaxed or free from chaos like me. Rather than being interested in the water, he looks lost and weary.

He watches the busy side of the street where the vendors and customers roam. His eyes doesn't meet anyone's but he stands strong, like a guard would.

"What would you like to do tonight?" I ask as my eyes scan the area. Behind the tables and displays are the anchient seaside shops of Province.

"Go where you please, I will just follow." He sounds so shy, but also like an official guard who has no option to decide what we shall do.

For once having the option to pick my own path seems way more difficult than I imagined. I want somewhere quiet to talk and to go down to the beach, but also want to explore on my own. I didn't know I could be so indecisive. I'm always in a rush so now with this much freedom I'm almost lost.

Before we can even decide, a man stops by. He holds a weaved basket full of colorful flowered crowns and leias. He offeres us a pair of purple pedaled crowns for free and I take them both, offering one to my companion.

Perry shakes his head to me as the man dissapears into the crowded street, "I'm not allowed."

"Why?" I question, concerned.

He whispers under his breath,"Slaves do not contribute in festivals and celebrations."

I frown, feeling my stomach drop. These past few days he's gained some progress in being comfortable with me; even starting casual conversation, but still I have to remember he is a slave. Wanting to argue against it will not get us anywhere but I can't let him regress and hide away.

I take one of the flower wreaths and place it on my head, then blink down at the second, "You deserve it, you helped save my family." I try not to plead.

Perry frowns, "The Spring Festival represents the growth of nature after our cold winters. The holiday is to celebrate the upcoming season of newly grown fruits, vegetables and flowers..." When our eyes meet I'm frozen by his beauty. "...It is to celebrate life. That has nothing to do with me, I give my life to my master. Why would I want to celebrate my life? It is not mine, it's yours."

I'm at a loss for words, understanding his brutal truth. I catch his unbelievably sorrowed expression, letting my hands fall to my side in sadness. Forgetting all about the flower crown, I know it's way deeper than just a floral wreath I wanted to put on his head.

Perry doesn't want to celebrate a life of imprisonment or servitude, I wouldn't either. He shows me so much emotion in an instant that he's changed my life with an epiphany that anything can change in a split-second.

I want to enjoy our short time together because he and I will be apart eventually, possibly forever. We'll either part and go into hiding from the Hunters or we will get sacrificed together by them. Every moment is precious and time should be well spent, even if it is taking a risk. I'd like to let him see that he can start living, just like I want to do.

Thinking his life belongs to someone else is something I know all too well after being captive for years. Only knowing a life inside an empty four walled room, everything was so pointless and lonely. Eventually I took it upon myself that no one was going to save me and I had to do it myself, Perry just needs that vision too, just like I had.

I try to raise his confidence, "Doesn't that mean it can represent the desire for a new life?"

"I gave up my desires because I won't get them as a slave to anyone."

"Then how can I set you free?"

"It has to be determined legally."

I remember the flower crown in my hand and pull it up once more, "Then as your master I will give you permission to make your own choices while your with me..." I place the flowers upon his blond head of hair. He is more than stunning in the royal purple crown. "...You deserve this because your life matters, you will have a future of your own. I don't want to own your life, I want to set you free."

Suddenly his sunken eyes begin to light up.

"How can I legally make you a free man?"

"You'd have to go to my kingdom and sign the papers to set me free, it is a whole ceremony. Most people refuse to do so because of the lengthy process."

Elyria just got more intimidating, "I'd do it for you, but what if I'd let you go myself."

"Anyone can search slave archives and find my files. If I was caught acting like a free vampire when I'm not then they could sell me to a new master."

Well, it looks like I have some work to do before I send him far away.


As I walk, with a different mindset on life, I notice colorful fabrics being sold, tapestries and clothing. The traditional like fabrics have pattern and bright colors, with silvers and golds strung into the hems. They also have gems and pearls sown into them that shine beautifully. They look similar to a Sari but nothing close to the daily clothing of the people of Province.

We pass rows of plants and gorgeous flowers that look so exotic, nothing like plants on Earth. Some even have massive flowers that could be larger than my head. The colors are brighter than anything I've ever seen to the point where I need to stop and examine them. They glitter with some sort of nectar that reflects light.

Spring is officially in motion, but more promptly than it does on Earth. Even as though we are near the sea which blows moist air, I feel warm; warmer than I did on Earth. The freshness gives off this appealing idea that the outdoors needs to be explored. I want to live a full summer as a child would, no cares in the world, innocent and curious.

When a waft of unfamiliar, but savory-smelling foods goes up my nostrils I bring my attention to the food tables ahead. I almost leave my companion behind as I rush forward and weave through the people, ready to find something to easy my grumbling stomach.

Foods are being cooked ontop of little portable-like grills, with big flames and steam that goes up above our heads. People walk past us with plates of foods, almost bragging about their personal display. They smell delicious but I wonder what is tasteful. Nothing is recognizable to me, so I peer over my shoulder at Perry for help.

"Would you like something to eat?"

He shakes his head, "I can eat when we go back to your family's home."

I know this vampire is trying to hide away, he just needs a little push. This time I'm more stern, "I'm not going to allow that. If you are hungry; which I know you are because my ears can hear your growling stomach, then you will get something."

"You don't need to spend money on me, you have already spent enough."

Does he know that products here are cheap? Recently I've discovered goods and services are more than just a bargain, almost to the point to where I think we are stealing. As we did days ago like providing him with newly purchased clothing, hygiene products, and large bottles of drinking blood, was no burden on my family. Besides, my friend's only belongings consisted of the ratty clothes on his back, but now he has a good amount of property for being a slave.

"That's why my family gave me some money for tonight, to share with you," I go towards a table that smells the best. "I wouldn't want you to be hungry."

The positive reinforcement that he's significant causes him to agree with me, "Alright."

"Do you know any of these foods?"

"Yes," He starts naming these dishes, and pointing out different types of meats and fruits. As I let him pick out two different foods for us to share he's in utter shock that he's given the choice to decide. When the food is served, he takes both plates, not allowing me to carry mine to a seat.

I step away from the crowd of people and towards a flat seating area by the cliff, but after finding all tables occupied I freeze. Behind me, Perry comes to a halt too as we look at each other for some type of direction. He only stares back at me blankly.

After some time I go back the way we came where the festival is less busy and eventually snatch a table that was in the distance. When we take a seat under an umbrella of a flowered tree I catch that Perry is almost expressionless, but it appears forced at the same time. I'm assuming very quickly that he is not acting like he has done when we were alone previously. The vampire's body language seems so stiffened once more.

Knowing from experience I understand it is fairly difficult to get customed once again to life outside of imprisonment, but I'm fearful that he is not enjoying being back on Elyria. These past few days he has refused the offers to go out, but finally today he's taken that step.

I recall the morning we arrived back on his home planet and he was almost awe struck, staring at everything he could. What changed so drastically? He doesn't seem cold, but I just can't put a finger on the matter.

As he sets my food down in front of me, I build myself up, trying to find the right words to say to him, "For tonight we need to live in the moment..." I look at him, "I want you to enjoy being here, but I am worried something is effecting you from being yourself."

"It is an honor for a slave to be invited to such an event. We are never invited to anything so special, and you giving me this..." He gestures up to the flower crown still upon his head, "...I am your equal. I'm just having trouble wrapping my head around this."

"I see, you don't want to overstep?" He nods. "You won't, Perry."

I haven't touched my food yet, and even though I hear Perry's stomach rumble again he hasn't either.

Gesturing towards his food I suggest awkwardly, "Eat."

"A master should take the first bite."

I shake my head, this time knowing I need to be blunt, "I'm allowing you to first."

I watch him take a small bite, chewing and savoring the taste.

A smile goes across my face, "It is different for me too, being here alone with you."

The wind blows baby pink petals off the treetops from above, they rain down on us and land gracefully on our bodies. I glance up, admiring how the sky has turned the same shade as the petals.

"I'm not used to a scene like this." Perry admits.

We sit, eating our traditional festive meal. I'm honestly unsure what it is, but it involves edible flowers and strange sweet plants and fruits.

"Did you ever come to any of these?" I ask as I eye the flowered street beside the beach.

"So long ago, yes. But not so casually."

I nod, understanding, "Your family couldn't do things so casually."

He admits my statement to be true but says nothing more on the matter. I blink around, wondering about the childhood of the slave-prince. His nature is quiet and shy but also slightly mysterious, making me want to uncover more about who he is; possibly a side only I can see.

After finishing our food, we prepare to explore the stands, displays, flowers, and objects being sold. For possibly a half hour I don't look people in the face, and I try to focus on my destination instead of being stressed about danger. We have a great time ignoring people until suddenly I pass a man holding papers, offering them to people walking by.

Initially my consciousness forgets his existence as we pass him by, but once he's speaking to festival enthusiasts I overhear his loud voice, "...help Queen Angelina and the Vampire Kingdom search for the lost heirs. If you turn in any information there is a reward."

Those papers were flyers for a missing royal! I stop dead in my tracks, relating his words to the vampire beside me.

Not wanting to expose Perry, I discreetly tell him what I heard and point behind us. I'd like to sprint away in the opposite direction but Perry instead doesn't catch onto my thoughts and turns back the way we came, "You must talk to him!"

His impulse reminds me of our first night together, this is the real Perry Donnan.

With the urgency of his words I know that this is important to him, so I search for the man's voice. Easily I find him talking to a woman who runs a display of little trinkets and dishware and decide to march right up to him.

The strangers attention goes to me, "Good evening miss..." He catches a glance of the man behind me but says nothing about his presence.

I outstretch my hand, "Let me see one of those."

It's a simple writing about exactly what the man mentioned, but with a portrait of two men printed on it. In bold letters the reward is mentioned and below it marks a print of an official royal statement from Dibbley, the Vampire Kingdom.

So is there another bounty on Perry Donnan's head?

I don't recognize the men in the picture but they look exactly the same. They have pristine marble-like cheeks, shoulder-length blond locks, freckles, and matching smiles. Twins.

I spin around, handing Perry the flyer right as the man begins speaking, "Have you seen these men?"

I shake my head no.

"They are the Royal Twins, Nenook and Perry Donnan."

My stomach drops, feeling as though this encounter could go horribly wrong.

That's him? Perry has a twin?

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