Trusting Delbert came naturally for Nour. He may have been having a mental breakdown and pissed about everything else, but this Lycan was the one person he was certain he could lean on without feeling like he was just another burden to society.
Maybe he was dumb for trusting the man who was best friends with the mate who was screwing with his mind, but a part of Nour hoped that this Merdel brother was no different from the other one that he trusted with his life.
So, when they reached the door to Delbert's house, Nour didn't hesitate to walk in with him. Besides, the worst that could happen was Delbert killing him, which would make his life easier, but then the man was too caring for him to even think of hurting him.
Nour was safe, right?
"Masters, you're back," Sofia, Delbert's housemistress and 'wife' greeted with a bow as her master walked in with Nour hand in hand. She had been expecting them ever since the first time that Delbert had brought Nour home.
Sofia had been trained for this very day and now that Nour was here, she was glad that her master would have some peace of mind while he waited for his brother to make a show later.
The entire household had been looking forward to this day and it was something that meant the most to them. So, seeing them here, like this, was something that the Lycan were excited about.
"Masters?" Nour asked, his curiosity making him stare at Delbert for more answers. That title was a little too formal and Nour wasn't sure he had run away from the monarchy just to be considered a master in another universe.
He wasn't one for titles and a part of him hoped that Delbert wouldn't force that down his throat. But then again, if he hadn't realized it yet, the Lycan warrior was never going to force him to do anything he didn't want to.
"You're my erasthai, little wolf. That makes you the master of this house, whether you accept me or reject me," Delbert said casually, like a rejection was something that he was used to.
Then again, Nour knew Delbert wouldn't emotionally blackmail him, so he felt safer here with the man, it would take a while for him to get used to the fact that he was Delbert's erasthai, because that meant a lot.
Not had learned of the importance of erasthais to Lycans and Alanor had explained it in a manner that the young wolf would never forget. For Lycans, erasthais were everything to them. They were what life and death were to the Lycans.
And the fact that Lycans always stayed loyal to their erasthais, made Nour giggle in his mind. It was cute, how a powerful Lycan like Delbert decided to choose him, but then love never had prejudices, right?
"I don't know what to say… but can… Can you guys not call me master? I'm Nour… Just Nour," Nour said and Delbert let out a light laugh, as the entire Cornell family stood there smiling at him.
"Of course. Welcome to our home, Nour," Anhora, who was Nour's best friend among the wolves, said enthusiastically.
Nour stared at the best friend, wondering if he was supposed to consider him an omega still or if they were just to keep on going like there wasn't this much information between them.
Then again, they all were hiding something or from something, and if Anhora had chosen to live as an omega just like Nour, then there was no reason for them to make it awkward between them right?
"The table is set, kids. Come along, let's have dinner," Darius, who Nour had realized was somewhat the head of the family, said, thankfully bringing them out of the awkward stance they were currently in.
"I already ate with my father, I'll just get some sleep," Nour said rushedly, even though he hadn't eaten much earlier and had literally agreed to come here with Delbert because of the food.
Maybe he had gotten shy along the way but then an empty stomach wasn't a good idea, so he contemplated defending himself and the simple decision not to join them at the dinner table was clearly what he needed.
Well, he realized that if they knew he was Delbert's erasthai, then they had to know he was Alanor's best friend and they also had to know that he was the crown prince of Acrod. There was no point in hiding anything from them anymore.
"Join us, please, my beautiful," Delbert requested earnestly.
Nour considered leaving, but then there was something in Delbert's voice, something that told him that he was loved no matter what happened. Something that showed a crate and Nour couldn't deny that it pulled him in.
And he loved it too.
"Alright," Nour said as he stood there, waiting for more instructions. Unlike the last time he was here, he couldn't let himself wander around. He had learned that the seventh floor was off limits and yet she had tried to access it the last time.
He didn't want to ruin the trust Delbert had in him, especially since Delbert was proving over and again that he was a safer space for him. Perhaps they would work this out well in the end, right?
Dinner went by so fast, and soon enough everyone left for bed. Nour had felt like he had a family at dinner. Farah, Darius, Sofia, and Anhora had been at the table with him. They were familiar faces that made him feel welcome and frankly, he appreciated it.
"Are you feeling better?" Delbert asked when it was just the two of them in the living room. He hadn't forgotten how tired his Erasthai was, and even the promise he had made to Nour earlier.
He would keep it no matter what hand along the way and if he happened to kill enforcer Grant, he wouldn't complain one bit, because that man had messed up his erasthai so badly that he needed to be taught a lesson.
"Yeah, thank you for letting me tag along," Nour said softly.
"You're my erasthai… You don't have to be formal with me, my little wolf," Delbert reminded and Nour let out a soft sigh. He knew Delbert meant well, but it would take a while for him to get used to the Sudan affection.
"What about Grant? What if—" Nour began and Delbert shushed him gently.
"No, my beautiful. Tonight, we won't talk about that wolf. Come with me, let's get you to bed," Delbert said, getting up and Nour sighed in understanding. He had had enough shit with Grant for an entire day and if he had to deal with the man again he would go nuts.
"Do you think… Are we too different?" Nour asked when Delbert created a portal that led them to the door of the seventh floor.
He could have sworn Darius had warned him not to get in there because Delbert didn't want anyone even standing there, but then here they were with Delbert himself. Was this supposed to mean something?
Or was Nour once again overthinking it all?
Me thinks so lol... bro should relax and enjoy the nighttt
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