CH864: Global Three Months of Conflict I
One month passed seemingly in a flash.
This last month wrapped up a quarter of a year which saw an increase in the conflict areas all over the world.
These three months saw an upsurge in one form of conflict or another on every continent on the planet.
There were coups, cartel wars, ethnic and political confrontations, territorial confrontations, uprisings and so on.
The cartels turned the Americas into their battlefield, either against other cartels or the government which was determined to weed out their influence.
Honduras was the representative of this confrontation in the northern end of the Americas.
The Cartels in the North American country had gone on unchecked for so long by the local authorities that law and order no longer meant anything to them.
These cartels carried out their activities in broad daylight.
P.S: In case you are wondering why I haven’t posted for a while now, I kicked off the new year with a severe case of Writer’s Block (I think). I tried everything from taking a break, reading other novels, playing video games (I found the time to complete an entire career mode season on FC24) but nothing seemed to work.
Eventually, I didn’t know what else to do so I told my partner about it.
Apparently she thought I was just taking a new years break seeing me laze around... she didn’t know it was serious. Anyways, she suggested I type whatever was on my mind, and it doesn’t need to have anything to do with the book.
I didn’t see the merit of the suggestion in the moment, but a few minutes later, while watching the news, I saw different reports of various conflicts all over the world, Russia Vs Ukraine, Israel Vs Palestine and so on. I thought to myself, there’s a lot of fighting going on around the world. So, I decided to type about that.
What should’ve been a few lines about global conflicts soon turned into an entire chapter about conflicts that would form the background for the next volume of the story before I realised it. It was like a fog was cleared in my head and I could see a picture to work towards.
Hence, I can say it looks like I escape my writer’s block.
In summary, the takeaway from this story of mine (if we can call it that) is, sharing your life problems with someone is often halfway to the solution. Don’t keep your problems to yourself, talk about it with someone. Even if the person doesn’t have the solution to your problems, just talking about it may actually be all you need to come up with a solution yourself. Also, if someone comes to talk to you about a problem they are facing, even if you can’t proffer a solution, just lending a listening ear to them is enough... more so than you might realise in that moment.
Once again, thanks for reading. See you in the next chapter.
P.S: I plan to mass release this worldview chapters -as I’ve chosen to call them- as soon as possible so stay tuned.