The captain did not dare to agree for a moment. So many people were about to disperse, so they had to return the ticket fees.
These big shots could decide things with just a word, but to a captain like him, he could not bear this loss, nor could he give Cao Jingxi an explanation.
"I'll handle Cao Jingxi."
Hearing Fu Xiuyuan's words, the captain said, "Alright, I'll get everyone to disperse. I won't go to the island today."
The captain said to the tourists loudly, "Because of a temporary situation today, we can't go to the island. I'm sorry, everyone. In the future, when it comes to refunds or rescheduling, we'll arrange for someone to communicate with you. Please understand."
Some people did not want to go to begin with and gradually retreated from the docks.
Gradually, the number of people decreased. However, there were still dozens of people who refused to give up and insisted that the captain give an explanation now.
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